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Everything posted by Spinoza

  1. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Oh well done - that's an amazing loss over 2 weeks. I just came to see how everyone was getting along - we're all at the 6 month stage more or less - can you believe it?! I hit 6 months on Tuesday with a BMI of just under 28, weighing 13st 7lbs, and with 29lbs to go to my goal. I'm still eating around 1000 calories a day during the week and about 1200 at weekends. Walking (really fast walking) for exercise. I'm still losing about 2lbs at week at this point and so happy with that. I'm living in fear of my hunger returning in full force now. My stomach can hold noticeably more food than even a couple of months ago, although I don't push it at all. Still eating 3 small meals a day with a couple of snacks in between, and a couple of glasses of wine on Friday and/or Saturday night. I hope everyone else is doing well too.
  2. Two weeks here and I wouldn't like to have had to go back any earlier than that. Desk job too. I agree with @Arabesque that it would be sensible to have some contingency built in to your leave. I hope everything goes really smoothly for you.
  3. I still weigh myself most days. I'm almost exactly 6 months post sleeve. I expect when the weight loss slows down and I can finally trust I'm not going to suddenly put it all back on again I'll do it less often!
  4. Spinoza

    4 weeks out and feeling great

    It's brilliant that you're seeing such a difference already. I hope you get your bike back in working order soon too!
  5. Spinoza

    Outpatient surgery?

    I stayed a night after my sleeve and I was glad of that. I was groggy and nauseous. I had IV fluids up right until I left the following afternoon and I think they probably tided me over because I had a lot of trouble drinking more than sips in the first day or two at home. I don't think I would have come to actual harm if I'd been discharged on the day of surgery, but if I had to do it again I would still stay in hospital that first night for sure.
  6. Good topic. For me it's a combination of the restriction and the decreased hunger. I am still in the honeymoon period, just about 6 months after my sleeve. I have no idea how things will go for me long term but at the minute I am absolutely determined to use the tool I went to such lengths to get, and I am getting constant payback because I am losing weight. It's the speed of the loss too - I'm still consistently losing 2+ pounds a week so that's huge motivation to keep doing what I am doing. I do worry a lot about maintaining weight loss because I have never done that before. I think my chances are better this time though.
  7. Spinoza

    Compression socks

    I had the intermittent inflatable leg things the whole time I was in hospital post op (they even put them back on after I got up to walk). That was just over 24 hours. Compression stockings to thigh level PLUS injected blood thinners both for 3 weeks after my surgery. My surgeon was absolutely adamant that that was whether I was walking for miles or sitting about all day.
  8. Spinoza

    3 months post op breakfast ideas

    Oh - porridge! How could I forget? Porridge with fruit is my absolute go-to when all other ideas fail me. Whatever time of day.
  9. Spinoza

    3 months post op breakfast ideas

    I've never been a breakfast eater and (despite my dietician pushing me) I'm still not. I am a fan of greek yoghurt or kefir first when I do eat at around midday. Usually with some berries. But sometimes I just go straight to early lunch, which is e.g. a protein-y soup or chicken salad. I'm almost 6 months post op now but I've been doing this pretty much since I started proper solid food. I do love eggs too but I can see how they get samey. What about omelettes - infinite variations on a theme, you can top with almost anything!
  10. Spinoza

    The perfect size pan

    Yes! A one egg pan here too!!
  11. Some of the same reasons as SleeveDiva and ms.sss here - I didn't like the idea of re-routing my guts and I didn't like the risks of malabsorption and dumping. I've been lucky with my choice - it's worked out really well for me so far. As everyone else says, they're all tools and I believe the final result you get depends so much on you - both how you use the tool and lots of pre-determined factors you can't change. Good luck - whichever you choose you'll get lots of support and information here. I so value this community - it's been my best source of information by far.
  12. Spinoza

    So I did a thing...

    Aw that first proper food after surgery is amazing. And you're approaching it so well - enjoy!
  13. I don't think anyone here will tell you you don't need surgery and instead you need to eat more healthily! Most of us have been exactly where you are. My one regret about my sleeve is that I didn't do it many years ago and save myself years of yo-yoing and stress and obesity and self-loathing. My advice would very much be to forego the final attempt to lose weight and keep it off, given the tiny chances of success long term. I say cut to the chase and see your bariatric surgeon again and tool yourself up! Good luck whatever you decide.
  14. That sounds and looks absolutely lush
  15. Spinoza

    6 days post op and 0 lbs lost

    Lots of people have a stall straight after their surgery. I did - took me around 10 days to start seeing losses. Please don't worry - if you hit your protein and fluid targets you will be fine, and you will definitely see a loss soon. Best of luck!
  16. Every morning here too - can't stop myself, it's so nice these days when the scale is always going down. I avoided scales for months at a time before. Once I stop losing it'll probably be once a week or so just to keep tabs on it.
  17. OMG those look so good they should be outlawed. But just before they are, I'll have the one on the bottom left please.
  18. Me too - really noticed this over the last couple of weeks - I thought there was something wrong with my office chair! Also bath sheet wrapping around me completely with an overlap. And the tiniest sliver of light between my mid-thighs even when I press my legs together. Amazing what encourages people, isn't it?
  19. Spinoza


    Honestly, you are likely to lose weight so quickly it might be a good idea to exchange them for one of each of the next 3 sizes down!
  20. They really can be amazingly different. I wasn't even asked to stick to only liquids - I was allowed 800 calories in whatever form I wanted for 2 weeks and then I think a liquid/low residue diet for a couple of days beforehand (hard to remember now!) Good luck - some people find it really tough, I was fine with it because I was all 'eyes on the prize' after my surgery was cancelled 2 months previously.
  21. Spinoza

    Surgery date May 23rd

    Brilliant - I hope it goes really smoothly for you, it's absolutely life-changing. Have you started a pre-op diet yet?
  22. Spinoza

    Lab orders without doctor

    Oh dear - this would be my worst nightmare, LOL. It's not the availability or the cost of the tests that would bother me, it's their interpretation. What do you do if the result is 1% above the normal range, or 10%, or 18.5%? Or the same amount below? What if you got the result on a Friday night - is it safe to wait until Monday morning to phone your doctor to discuss or could it kill you over the weekend? And a million other variables. I just could not do this - I think you need a clinician both to know what is appropriate to order in the first place and to know what the significance is if the result isn't slap bang in the middle of the normal range. Having said that I know it's horses for courses and you may have better than average medical knowledge - good luck with your results!
  23. Spinoza

    On the losers bench

    Best of luck Possum - I hope it all goes smoothly for you. As you say, it's the start of a new life
  24. Spinoza

    Just had sleeve to RNY

    Good on you. I hope you have a smooth path this time and that you get to where you want to be really quickly. Sounds like you've got this.
  25. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss Gretchel, that's so sad for you and your husband. It sounds like you did really well after your surgery and you can definitely do that again now. When you say eating healthy do you mean that you are tracking all your macros/everything you eat? Are you eating protein first at all meals, followed by veg and then if you have room a small amount of carbs? Are you avoiding drinking for half an hour before eating and at least half an hour afterwards? If not it might be worth going back to absolute basics. If you've been in maintenance for a long time you might have got used to eating differently. Some people here have got back on track after much bigger gains than 30lbs @GradyCat and others - good on you for nipping this in the bud. You have done so well before, you can SO do that again. Best of luck.

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