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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by auggies

  1. Is anyone else eating a plant-based diet?
  2. I was banded in December 2008. I had about 4 fills over the course of a year after my band. I lost about 30 pounds and then my weight loss stopped. I had a another fill and was fine for about 9 months when I started having issues where I was getting food stuck all the time. I started gaining weight and was feeling very frustrated. I went to the doctor and had them remove all of my Fluid. I plan was to actually start from the beginning. I just never felt like things progressed the way I wanted them to. It's been 15 months and I still get food stuck. I take small bites, eat slowly and chew, chew, chew....yet I still get food stuck at least twice a week. That's with no fluid in my band. My weight has come back and I'm not sure where to go from here. Has anyone else dealt with this issue. I'm not sure if I should start having the doctor put fluid back in or not. If I'm getting food stuck now...won't it just start getting food stuck again. Has anyone felt like the band just wasn't for them after having the band? Right now I'm really negative about the band and really want to find a way to make it work. I can't believe that it's been almost 4 years and I feel like a failure. I see where so many people are losing large amounts of weight but I haven't. My band is either non-restrictive but food gets stuck or it's too tight and I can't eat anything. I even had an episode after one fill and had to go to the ER on a weekend to have a quick unfill. I couldn't even drink Water. I'm on the fence on whether I should start over or keep on with the empty band.
  3. auggies

    To Fill Or Not To Fill

    I did have a x-ray done two years ago and they said everything looked fine. I was having the same issues then (but more severe), that's why I opted for the full unfill. The doctor's office advised against the full unfill. They said no one had ever done that without there being bigger issues. I really feel like they didn't believe that I was taking small bites and eating slowly. I even mentioned to the doctor's assistant that I felt that way. I'm just not sure that my doctor's office fully understands me. Maybe I'm not explaining it good enough and honestly, I haven't gone back to them since the unfill. It's $50 a pop when I see the doctor and $150 when I get a fill/unfill (insurance considers it surgery and $150 if my surgery co-pay). If I'm going to go back to the doctors, I want to make sure I know which path I'm going to go down. Either recommit to fixing this band or throwing in the towel and living with it empty.
  4. auggies

    Eat To Live/plant Based Diets

    There is actually more Protein in 100 calories of romaine lettuce then there is in a steak. You'll get more than enough protein eating green vegetables. Protein levels in 100 calories of: Broccoli has 11.2 gm Romaine Lettuce has 7.5 gm Kale has 11 gm Sirloin Steak has 5.4 gm
  5. It's December 1st and it's the start of our one year bandiversaries. How is everyone doing? Check in and let us know your: on-scale victories non-scale victories successful tips you've learned this past year struggles you're still having
  6. auggies

    Getting Food Stuck and Pbing

    or Productive Burping - that's what my doc calls it. Thanks everyone for the advice and tips. Next time I will definitely make myself throw up. It was an intense pain that seemed to last forever. I have had food get stuck over the past year but nothing that lasted more than a couple of minutes. Like someone else posted - I haven't noticed any particular foods that make me get stuck but more how fast I eat and/or how much I chew my food.
  7. Well, I had my first major episode today with food getting stuck and sliming (or at least what I think sliming is). I met a male high school friend for lunch today at Moe's Southwest Grill. I ordered from the kids menu and got the Moo Moo Mr. Cow - it's a 4" x 2" burrito - filled with chicken, rice, black beans, salsa and cheese. It also comes with tortilla chips, but I didn't eat them. I cut the burrito with a knife and ate it with a fork - taking very small bites and chewing, chewing, chewing. After my last bite I started getting the "stuck" feeling and knew that I had to start spitting my saliva or it was going to hurt more. I went into the bathroom for a couple of minutes and then came out. I told my friend that we needed to go sit in my car and talk for the rest of our lunch date because I needed to be near a cup to spit in. I was so embarrassed but luckily he knew I had the lap band and is very supportive. Normally things clear up within a few minutes when I have this feeling. This time around it hurt like hell for 55 minutes. We just sat in my car for the whole time because I was too weak and light headed from the pain to drive. I filled a medium size fast food cup half way with my saliva during that hour. He kept asking me what he could do to help and I said that I didn't know - that I thought time was the only thing that would help. So we sat it out. He was ready to bring me to the ER or to the doctors. I couldn't believe how long it went on. I did some pbing and they hurt so much. I also was getting the hiccups and they hurt also. It seemed like just when things were getting better, I would burp or hiccup and the shooting pain would start all over again. So - my question is - is there anything but time that will make things better? Does walking around help? He suggested it but I knew that I needed to be near a cup to spit and I didn't want to do that in public. I've been trying to figure out what caused it. I did get a fill two weeks ago and have noticed a considerable difference in this fill. I am finally feeling like I have the restrictions that I have been wanting. My portion sizes have shrunk a lot. I didn't feel full or that I was eating too much at the time. Do you think that the chicken, black beans or rice caused this? I'm thinking that I should start "testing" those food items individually to see if they might be the issue. I know that there are some lap banders that have a problem with rice and pasta. If you have pbing and have had it go on for an hour - can you tell me what tips you might have used to lesson the amount of pain, if there is any. I really couldn't believe how long it lasted. I hope to never deal with something like that again.
  8. auggies


    Tony, I would definitely call your doctor. I had an overfill and it wasn't a fun time. I kick myself for not calling him sooner.
  9. auggies


    Yesterday morning I tried eating some yogurt for breakfast. I had very good restrictions. This was the first time after a fill that I actually felt like I had restriction. The feelings reminded me of my first few days post-op. It took me about an hour to eat 4oz of yogurt. Later in the day I started having some pain when I was sipping water. I held off eating anything else until dinner time. At that point I tried to eat some soup. The liquid was very hard to get down and immediately I felt pain. The night before I had no problems eating and was surprised that I was having difficulties. I couldn't even handle eating a sugar free popsicle. This morning I woke up to the same problem. Everytime I attempt to sip any water, I get pain immediately. I spend the next 15 minutes spitting my own saliva in a cup because swallowing that is painful. I broke down and called the doctor tonight. I'll be meeting him in the ER tomorrow morning to get some taken out. I'll make sure I update you all on how I'm doing after the fill. I'm really looking forward to drinking water again! Plus I'm so happy that I have a doctor that is willing to go out of his way for me on a Sunday morning.
  10. I have been having port pain also. I am going to the doctor's next Thursday for my monthly appointment and I'll talk to him about it then. I hadn't thought of scar tissue. I hope that's all it is. Last night I had a really sharp pain that took my breath away. The other times it's just an on and off sharp pain that reminds me that I have a port on my waist line.
  11. I received another fill today. I think I'm now at 5cc. Dr. F put in 1/2 cc in today. I was so happy he was able to give me my fill in the office. This was his first attempt in the office, for me. Today was a lucky day he said - he got it right away. Yippee for me! I'm really hoping this helps give me the restriction I so need. I'm 7 months post-op and feel like it's been a very long journey and still no restriction. I haven't lost any weight since January - actually since my two week post op. Since my weight has been at a stand still, I decided to go back to Weight Watchers. I have always had success following their plan. My challenge has been keeping the weight off after I lose it. I'm hoping that with the aide of the band, that won't happen. So why Weight Watchers? Well, I need that weekly accountability and support that the weekly meetings give me. Since I don't have a job currently and can't really afford to "waste" money - I am giving myself two months to be successful with WW. I am feeling very confident and motivated today to get moving towards my goals. I'm about 25 pounds behind the goal I had set for myself last fall. Time to kick it up a notch and get moving!
  12. auggies

    I'm too tight

    I had my fourth fill on Thursday. The doctor put in 1/2 cc and I was disappointed that it wasn't a full cc as my other fills had been. It's a good thing because I am too full. On Thursday I was able to drink Water and broth. Yesterday morning I was alot of work for me to eat a small portion of yogurt. By last night I couldn't even eat a sugar free popsicle. This morning I can't get any fluids down with intense pain and then after sipping something I end up sliming as swallowing my saliva hurts. I'll be calling my doctor's office on Monday for an unfill - do you think waiting two days is too much time to go without drinking anything?
  13. auggies


    My doctor met me at the ER yesterday morning and took some fluid out. Thank goodness. It was so nice to be able to drink some water yesterday!
  14. I was at 4cc and now i'm at 4.5. The nurse (I think that was who it was) told me that most people get 6cc before they hit their sweet spot. Although everyone is different and this is just the average. I was disappointed when the doctor said he'd be putting in .5 - I was hoping for a full cc. Now I'm very happy that he only put in .5.
  15. I had a .5cc fill yesterday and I struggling with just getting liquid down. So far today I've only been able to eat 1/2 yogurt and drink one 8oz glass of cranberry juice. I don't want to call to get anything removed so I'm really hoping things settle down in a day or two. I've never had this much restriction after a fill. Although it stinks - it's nice to know that I am finally feeling my band.
  16. auggies

    shopping list?

    I loved the Campbell's V8 Soups. I also lived on Sugar Free Popsicles.
  17. This is my biggest problem also. I get something stuck and I can't eat anymore although I'm not feeling full at all. I have learned that I have to really pay attention to my bites - especially when I'm really hungry - and chew, chew, chew!
  18. auggies

    Where are the vermonters?

    Jay, I had my first meeting with the doctor in July and I had my surgery in December. So it does take almost the whole 6 months. Use that time to work on yourself - listen to the doctor, Ellen and Deb to do everything possible to make the transition from non-lap band to a lap bander easier. Make sure you come to the support group meetings - 1st Tuesday of each month.
  19. auggies

    My port is hard to get into for a fill

    During my last fill in Feb (which was my 2nd fill), the doctor mentioned I had scar tissue. He originally thought that was my port but was wrong. He moved that damn needle around fishing for the port. I wish he would have taken it out and resticked me. He eventually found it. He said that he thought my port was tilted - and this was all under fluro. Yesterday I was in the office for a follow up appointment and mentioned that I'd like another fill. They decided to try filling me in the office. I was more than happy to have them try it there. I told her what the doctor told me last time so she had that info when she tried to fill me. She tried four times and then decided to stop and send me back to fluro. She felt really bad but it didn't bother me much at all. She could feel my scar tissue though. Hopefully my fill next week at the hospital is easier or they can finally figure out what's up and make better notes for future fills.
  20. Hey fellow Dec Bandsters. I posted this in the lap band lounge but I would LOVE to have my fellow December Diamonds win some money!!! How would you like to win a $500 or $100 Visa Gift Card? I am one of the finalist in the American Idol/Ford Motor House Party. What I need is your help in making me the ultimate winner. The more votes I get, the more entries I have to win a 2010 Ford fusion and trip to the American Idol Finale. What's in it for you, besides helping me? You'll be entered to win either a $500 or $100 Visa Gift Card. There will be 30 winners from those who vote! Just visit my house party page at https://fordvehicles.secure.emipowered.net/idolrocksfordrolls/register/index.php?SITE=vote&ID=136498 and fill out the form. You only need to provide the info with the * - the other info is optional. If you have any questions on the contest, please let me know. Thanks so much for voting for me!
  21. You can change your daily goal and keep your weight at the actual weight. Mine had me at 1500 calories and I changed it to 1200.
  22. I just downloaded Lose it! and played around with it. It looks very easy to use. I'm excited to start using it. Thanks for mentioning this app - I love that it's free!
  23. auggies

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    I started this about a little over a month ago but then decided to hold off. I walk 2 miles each day and next week I will be starting this again. My goal is to run in a 5K this coming fall.
  24. I'm definitely interested to see what your doctor says. Both of the people I talk to in my doctor's office said they thought holding off on a fill was a good idea. They said I shouldn't just look at the scale as my victory points. I'll give it another month and if the weight doesn't start coming off, then I'll be asking for another fill. Although I really do need to start journaling again so they can see what I have been eating. Maybe I think I'm eating okay but I'm not????
  25. I decided to hold off on another fill. Right now I have good restriction and I do have issues swallowing some items. I thought it might be best to make sure I am really ready for another fill. I don't want to get one and then have to have them take some of the fluid out. I'll decide at the end of this month if I want another one. I'm trying the new workout routine to see if that helps.

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