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Posts posted by doobie31

  1. Had my surgery on June 21 and just had my six-month surgeversary. Everything has gone so smoothly. I didn't even realize it was 6 months until someone reminded me. Anyway - 6 months in and I'm down about 110 pounds (including the pre-surgery liquid diet). Here's a Before taken in April and an After taken a week ago (with the help of some shape wear, because extra skin is a real thing)...

    20220412_195133.thumb.jpg.66dfc7d3d0e36475b4680ccc24fb7aa5.jpg PXL_20221218_063040033.thumb.jpg.98f58944f230416612e545efc454843f.jpg

  2. Had Surgery on June 21. Lost a total of 88 lbs since pre-op (61 since surgery). It's been so much easier than I feared. No complications whatsoever. Everything is going great. But I've hit a plateau. I am at the same weight now that I was 3 weeks ago. Really the first plateau I've had. I've read enough to know they happen and it's not a reason to panic. I did have a 10 day vacation in there when I didn't track at all though I'm confident I ate well. But other than that and another short vacation, I've tracked every single day since surgery. So I'm not panicking. I know I'm eating right and the weight loss will return. And I'll be very happy when it does. Until then, I'm not panicking ... really, I'm not. Really. 😂

  3. Only one month into this thing, but so many happy changes already. Decided to get out of the office during lunch today. Instead of feeling the back pain and just finding someplace to sit, I ended up wondering over to the mall across the street, getting in a few hundred steps and buying my wife a nice birthday present. All with zero back pain. I feel so free.

  4. On 7/8/2022 at 3:08 PM, sparkly_keeks said:

    The first 2 or 3 weeks post-op I was so obsessed with food I would watch tiktok videos of people cooking for literally hours every day 😂 Eventually, I stopped caring so much about food and now 7 weeks post-op I hardly think about it at all.

    I was obsessed with watching restaurant food challenges during my pre-op liquid phase. Since surgery, I've grown addicted to watching cookie shows. The mind is a weird thing.

  5. I'm only 2 weeks post-op. I'm not supposed to be stalled already! I'm a daily weigher and have been 395 or 396 since last Saturday. It's actually not bothering me that much. I'm tracking, so I know I'm doing things right and this just happens. I've expected it, just not this soon. But I am ready for some more rapid weight loss. Waiting patiently.

  6. 2 hours ago, JS said:

    Ohh so exciting! I cannot wait to start purées on Tuesday. Let us know how soft foods go!

    I was literally scared to eat my first meal. Just a cup of egg beaters with a little spaghetti sauce and parm (I'm a vegetarian). Ate very slowly, took me an hour to finish. But no issues at all and so happy to have real food and do some chewing!

  7. Just had my two week post-op appointment. Doctor is very happy with everything. I've now been cleared for soft foods - yaaaaaaayyy! I thought I'd be on soft foods for 1-2 months, but doctor said do it for 2 weeks then I can move on to the final rest-of-my-life stage. Very happy with how things are going.

  8. On 7/4/2022 at 8:02 PM, ctsaunde2 said:

    Also forgot to add that I am trying to stop snacking. I have a cheese stick here, Protein chips, yogurt, fruit, cottage cheese. My guilt has been Teddy Grahams and Ritz baked and thin chips. I know this is bad and is probably the cause of my long long stall. I do see inches coming off however.

    I'm only 2 weeks post-op, so what do I know ... but if the inches are coming off, sounds like you're still progressing. Do you ever measure your body fat %? If it's going down but the weight is staying the same, I'd think that means you're gaining muscle which is wonderful. While weight is the easiest thing to measure, ultimately less fat is a more important goal than fewer pounds, isn't it? All that said ... you mentioned the snacking. So you probably know what else is really going on.

  9. 6 minutes ago, acopas said:

    I'm two weeks out from surgery today and 100% not interested in any food/liquids. My sense of smell seems to be increased and most smells are making me feel nauseated. I have another 8/9 days left on liquids before I can move on to soft foods. I had been looking forward to that, but even know I'd be okay not eating ever again.

    Currently, I'm struggling to get in one Fairlife shake a day and about 4oz of Soup.

    I think I envy you, but I'm not sure. What a different life! Is your energy level still pretty decent with so little in you?

  10. 1 hour ago, Jessica1024 said:

    I am 13 days post op. 10 lbs since day of surgery. Been stalled last 4 days. I did lose 7 lbs the week before surgery. Tomorrow I start soft foods. I did go ahead and try some refried been mash tonight and I can only eat maybe 1 oz without vomiting back up into my mouth. Iv been struggling with getting in liquids and liquid Proteins due to restriction. Can’t imagine eating enough to get Protein in. This is way more difficult to manage nutritionally then I ever expected

    I feel very lucky to have gotten off to a good start. I know many people have not. But pretty much everyone eventually finds their footing and get things running smoothly. So hopefully you're not getting too down over things, they always get better.

  11. 27 minutes ago, Jessica1024 said:

    What’s everyone’s weight loss been ?? Is it what you expected. Yes or No ?

    Two weeks post op-today. Lost 39lbs since I started pre-op liquid. 14 pounds since surgery. TBH, my post-surgery weight loss is a little slower than expected, but that's probably because of the 25 I lost on the pre-op. I also gained 5 overnight in surgery (liquids) so had to lose that. So while I'm a tad disappointment, I'm not unhappy. I think it was unreasonable hopes given the circumstance. Overall, 39 lbs in a month. I am very, very happy.

  12. 23 minutes ago, JS said:

    True. Good point and def no complaints lol. My office told me consistent dieting prior to the surgery making small changes impacts the liver just as much as a liquid diet. They only require you to avoid fatty foods and eat as lean and green as possible 2 weeks prior. Just liquid one day before. My liver was perfect doing that! I was super nervous that it wouldn’t be seeing everyone else on liquid or extreme calorie restriction lol

    I have another friend told the same thing. But she was much smaller than me, so I was wondering if that's why. Regardless - I would've killed for that. The pre-op was the hardest.

    On the upside - my dietician said instant mashed potatoes were fine for pre-op, so I'm enjoying the heck out of a really bad four cheese mashed potatoes with Protein Powder right now.

  13. 2 hours ago, Mariann812 said:

    Congratulations! I’m walking and running without knee pain, and it feels like a miracle. I am experiencing something similar regarding energy. I’ve had to be very kind to me regarding getting out every day and doing 3-4 miles. That’s just not happening right now. The heat is an issue, bp meds are an issue, energy is an issue. 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s a process. It will sort itself out. I’m not even 1 month post op, and I’m trying to be patient. Good luck to you!

    Exactly! I'll start feeling on top of the world, making moves I haven't made in years, then come crashing down. But no surprise on 500 calories a day. We'll both get there and be better than ever. I can't wait.

  14. 13 days post-op. Had my second work out - dance aerobics. Felt great, can feel the different in my weight and lack of back pain. But after about 4 songs, I crash. The energy/stamina is not there yet. I don't know if it's lack of food, being out of shape or a combination, but can't wait be able to dance for hours again. But right now, I'm extremely happy to be dancing without pain.

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