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Posts posted by Angelina1210

  1. 8 hours ago, Sleeve_Me_Alone said:

    I had surgery in Mx. on 9/21 and it was the best decision I've ever made for myself. It was an incredibly difficult decision to make, but ultimately it was the very best thing I could do for myself. Most people mean well and their concern comes from a genuine, if not misinformed, place. Medical Tourism is a multi-billion dollar business; thousands of people travel to Mx. every year for surgeries and care of various kinds. If you have done your research and thoroughly vetted your surgeon, then you are just as safe and will be as well cared for as you would be in the US.

    She is your pastor's wife, who loves and cares about you, to be sure. But she is not a physician, certainly not YOUR physician, and you would be wise to not take medical advice from her. What you need from her is her love and support. She should be offering to care for you, pray for you, serve you, and see you through, not discourage you from something that will likely be a life-changing, and possibly life-saving medical procedure.

    You need to trust yourself. You have been given discernment and intuition for a reason. You desserve to take care of yourself!

    You’re right. I do need to trust myself. I’ve done the research, asked questions and even made sure to get a physical before the surgery AND I am traveling with a family member. I got so discouraged after speaking with her and I can’t help but think and feel that this was her intention because of how she feels about the surgery. She asked if I was doing this for cosmetic reasons. Really? 🤦🏾‍♀️
    I’m tired of gaining and loosing and then gaining again. I just want a new lease on life. I want to feel good and look good. I’m going through with it regardless. I do have a lot of support but I have some people who are worried and have all these bad ideas that something is going to happen to me.

  2. 52 minutes ago, rjan said:

    I had my surgery in Mexico. It was literally the best health care experience I've ever had. I researched the hell out of it and chose an excellent doctor and hospital. The doctor was trained and certified in the US, and had excellent success rates. If it's a quality hospital and up-to-date surgeon, they use the same medical practices as they do in the US. But because labor is so much cheaper there, the nurses hover over you and take such good care of you. I did have one issue when I had an allergic reaction to a medication and we had trouble explaining what was going on to the nurse, but then they went and got one of the doctors that spoke better english.

    I'm absolutely sure that your friend has your best interests at heart. But she may not be well informed about this subject. Lots of people think bariatric surgery is a bad idea no matter who you are and where you do it. My mom was definitely worried when I told her I wanted to do it. But she talked to my sister-in-law, who is an endocrinologist, and told her "oh yeah, bariatric surgery works, it will add 10 years to her life."

    And surgery in Mexico sure sounds shady. But there's crappy surgeons in the US too. No matter where you are getting surgery, you should research the hell out of it and choose someone who you trust. My mom was nervous about it, but she also went with me and helped me communicate. I was very happy to have her along since you often feel pretty bad right afterwards.

    There's nothing wrong with re-evaluating your plan and making sure you're comfortable with your choices. But there's basically a 100% chance that someone who loves and cares about you will think its the wrong decision. That doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. In the end, it's your choice, not theirs. You're the one who is living in your body, you're the one who knows best what you need, and you're the one who looked into this and got the information and made the decision. That's how it should be.

    Thank you. ☺️

  3. Hello All,

    I’m scheduled for surgery on December 10th. My surgery will be in Mexico because my insurance will not cover weight loss surgery. Today, I got a call from my pastors wife and she expressed her concerns about me going to Mexico. I’ve done my research and my weight is emotionally and physically taking a toll on me and I’ve been so excited but since talking to her, I no longer feel confident and I feel like negative thoughts have been projected on me. I was happy but now I’m feeling like this was too good to be true and maybe I shouldn’t go. This is why I should’ve kept tho to myself. I tried to be open about it and I’m getting negative feedback and it’s got my anxiety way up which is something I do not need right now. Any thoughts? I could use some encouragement. Thanks 😏

  4. 6 hours ago, goodmanje said:

    I had gastric sleeve surgery on July 21st. Over the first six weeks I lost 30lbs. I haven't lost a single pound since then..... My doctor keeps saying I need to keep my daily calorie intake to 800 or less to lose weight. I haven't been logging everything but I think I'm staying around that number... I'm not a very disciplined person so keeping track of that every day usually doesn't happen. I'm super frustrated and getting depressed over this. If I was able to lose weight by sticking to a very strict diet and exercise program I would have done that a long time ago and never had the surgery. I had a big part of my stomach removed for nothing.... Anybody else out there who can't lose weight even after weight loss surgery? I don't know what to do....


    I’m so sorry you’re having a difficult time. I have surgery in December and I worry about this same thing happening to me. I’ve heard so many different theories as to why the weight comes off so slow. If you don’t mind me asking how many pounds were you overweight? Do you find that you are able to consume what you used to? If so, I would definitely talk with your surgeon. I heard a woman on here say she did the bypass after the sleeve was not effective enough.
    Have you talked to your surgeon?
    I wish you all the best and know that it will get better. 🧡

  5. 21 minutes ago, LadyVan said:

    I was told there's a 20% chance of getting GERD after surgery, worse than that if you already have it. But, I, for example, also have a hiatal hernia which can cause GERD. The plan is to fix the hernia, then that, plus weight loss, can possibly alleviate GERD. It's 6 one way, half a dozen the other.

    But I'm with you--it doesn't sound very likely there's a great outcome.

    Thank you for explaining that. I just hope I’m not that 20%. As far as I know, I do not have a hernia but if I have one I want it to be repaired because I certainly DO NOT want acid reflux🤦🏾‍♀️

  6. Hello everyone,

    I’m scheduled for the sleeve on December 10th. Two of my family members had the sleeve done and they both complain of developing acid reflux after getting the sleeve and they both said they never had problems with the sleeve before. I was told that if I never had issues with acid reflux I would be okay but now I’m concerned that I will have this issue as well. Any thoughts? Has anyone had the sleeve done and developed reflux issues? Has anyone been told they wouldn’t develop reflux after getting the sleeve if they haven’t had it before?

  7. 4 minutes ago, MandM1188 said:

    Hi everyone,

    I submitted all the documents 2 weeks ago to my Surgeon’s Office. I’m awaiting:

    1. 2 more appointments with my Surgeon Signing the consent form, picking a Surgery date and taking a quiz while at the 2nd appointment

    3. Approval letter from the insurance company

    The Holiday season is up on, it’s obvious that my Surgery won’t be next month like I wanted . It will be in January

    Can we make a Facebook group so we can chat daily and cheer each other along?

    I’m in! My surgery is December 10th. I’m having the gastric sleeve done in Mexico. My insurance won’t cover it.

  8. On 11/12/2021 at 4:09 PM, LurkieKitty said:

    I commend you first of all for realizing you need comforting and reaching out. A lot of people put themselves in danger by not doing so. You have gone through a lot and I know how hard it is to keep going, I can tell you now that your mom, even though she may not walk amongst us anymore, is proud of you. Hang in there, think about the reason you're going through this journey and your resolve to see it through to its conclusion. When you feel like the world is crashing around you, take a moment to breath, think about the happy memories she gave you. You could make it a goal to give others good memories like she has given you as a way to thank her as well as grieve in a positive way.

    Thank you so much

  9. 1 hour ago, fourmonthspreop said:

    Hey y'all.

    I'm a little less than a month away from my endoscopy. My doc said basically if I'm clear anywhere from 2 weeks after that I can get my gastric bypass.

    In the meantime while I wait, I struggle with depression. I know that everything is coming so soon but I can't help but feel scared and stuck. I don't know who else to talk to about this. I feel like I should be happy and excited but I'm overwhelmed and scared of failure before it even begins. I don't know if I need support or tough love but I'm really struggling to stay grounded.

    I'm just venting but if you have any advice or positive/success stories you want to share, I'd love to hear it. Thanks and hope you all are doing well.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

    Also, my surgery is December 10th and I’m having the gastric sleeve. That’s what the surgeon suggested.

  10. 1 hour ago, fourmonthspreop said:

    Hey y'all.

    I'm a little less than a month away from my endoscopy. My doc said basically if I'm clear anywhere from 2 weeks after that I can get my gastric bypass.

    In the meantime while I wait, I struggle with depression. I know that everything is coming so soon but I can't help but feel scared and stuck. I don't know who else to talk to about this. I feel like I should be happy and excited but I'm overwhelmed and scared of failure before it even begins. I don't know if I need support or tough love but I'm really struggling to stay grounded.

    I'm just venting but if you have any advice or positive/success stories you want to share, I'd love to hear it. Thanks and hope you all are doing well.

    Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app

    I too suffer from depression and anxiety. This year has been horrific for me. I talk to my friends and family about this and they help me a great deal. I do feel scared but I find talking about it helps with the anxiety and worries that I’m feeling.

    I wish you the best and please know that you got this! 👊🏾

  11. 14 hours ago, hsalt said:

    Mine is on 1st December. We are all so close. I’m very excited but also getting a lot of nerves about the longterm impacts which I believe everyone will have?

    Do any of you have any worries and what is everyone most looking forward to?

    I’m worried that people will pressure me at social events to eat and drink as I’ve not told people about my surgery.

    I am most looking forward to being able to walk without getting out of breath, not worry about sitting on a chair and breaking it, feeling great, shopping in normal shops….there are so many to list! I can’t wait!


    I’m scheduled for December 10th. I will be having the sleeve done in Mexico. I have insurance but it does not cover this type of surgery. I too am worried about my future after this procedure but from what I have researched, the sleeve helps control portion sizes and desire to eat as much. I’ve been eating healthier and drinking Water and Protein Shakes in hopes of losing weight before the procedure and getting used to eating better. I’m so tired of yo-yo dieting. I just want to look and feel better. I can’t wait to buy the clothes I want to wear and feel more confident in my own skin. Good luck. I can’t wait to hear how you are doing after December 1st. ☺️

  12. On 11/4/2021 at 9:09 PM, apwalkers said:

    I am having the sleeve done on 12/1/2021 and I am very excited! Would love to text with people who will be going through the journey at the same time.

    I’m scheduled for the sleeve December 10th. I’m nervous but excited. ☺️

  13. On 9/28/2021 at 12:31 PM, Shouldhaveknown said:

    I’m having the sleeve and hernia repair done this Friday 10/1! I wasn’t nervous until probably a few days ago. The 3 week liquid diet has kept me pre-occupied with misery. Lol. I know it’s for the right reason, I’m just over the same flavors for so many days. Well, and I’d like to chew again. I’m in Wisconsin.

    Me too!! How’d your surgery go?

  14. On 10/25/2021 at 10:07 AM, Sunnyway said:

    My RNY revision will probably be in December, too. I doin't have a date yet, but my surgeon told me that it was likely to happen before the end of the year. I still have to complete a stress test and echocardiogram which are not scheduled for another 2 weeks. Only then will the documentation be sent to Medicare. After they approve, I'll get a surgery date.

    If you don’t mind me asking, why do you have to get revision?

  15. Hi. I’ve struggled with my weight for most of my adult life. My weight has fluctuated so much and I’m tired of looking and feeling the way I feel. I lost my mom four months ago and it hurts like hell. I wish you all the best and I pray for your comfort-emotionally, psychologically and physically. I’m scheduled for surgery on December 10th. I’m nervous and worried but I’m also excited to look and feel better. My back and feet hurt constantly and my anxiety and depression is all over the place and I dread taking pictures and going out because I’m so ashamed of my weight gain. Since my mom has passed food has definitely been my comfort.

  16. Hello, I’m scheduled for the gastric sleeve on December 10th in Mexico. My insurance does not cover this procedure and the only way that I am able to afford it is by going to Mexico. Has anyone had the surgery in Mexico? Did everything go well? Is anyone scheduled to have the sleeve done in Mexico?

  17. On 10/18/2021 at 10:09 AM, itsme_yourYaya said:

    My surgery is November 4 with Dr. Fok Russell through Medicalmex in Tijuana. I live in Missouri and wish I could've had it here but my insurance didn't cover.


    On 10/18/2021 at 10:09 AM, itsme_yourYaya said:

    My surgery is November 4 with Dr. Fok Russell through Medicalmex in Tijuana. I live in Missouri and wish I could've had it here but my insurance didn't cover. Edit- I’m sorry. It hasn’t been 2 weeks yet. 🤦🏾‍♀️🤣


    On 10/18/2021 at 10:09 AM, itsme_yourYaya said:

    My surgery is November 4 with Dr. Fok Russell through Medicalmex in Tijuana. I live in Missouri and wish I could've had it here but my insurance didn't cover.

    My surgery is scheduled to be done in Mexico too. Mines will be done on December 10th. I’m guessing you’ve had the surgery by now. How did it go? Congratulations ☺️


  18. On 10/28/2021 at 6:41 PM, Lem32 said:

    December 8th!!!! So excited, but kinda nervous now that I have an actual surgery date. Kinda worried if I can actual do this. Anyone else?

    Hi! I’m scheduled for December 10th. I am nervous but I’m also excited and I’m looking forward to feeling and looking better. I’m sick of the yo-yo dieting and feeling the way I do. You can do it! WE can do it!! ☺️

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