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Posts posted by StarMarie

  1. I feel like for most, being post op and thinner makes libido soar, but for me I feel like it's waning. [emoji20] I used to be ready to go all the time! Now I feel like I don't have the same drive as before. I am not as self conscience so I don't think it's that. I have lost 40 lbs since dec 2 and am happy about that. Has anyone else experienced this? Does sex drive come back? I thought for sure I'd have even higher libido than before.
    I will say that being tired due to long work hours and such minimal calories doesn't help things. Help!

    I'm the total opposite I find myself wanting it more but my fiance of 12 yrs is having issues medically and can't seem to get in the mood and it's been this way now for a few yrs and I'm going crazy!!!!!!!!!

    Sent from my SM-G781U using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. I take zoloft for antiexy. I've researched a bit on the internet and found that once you do a Gastric Bypass your psych meds will actually work differently. I wanted to know if anyone who has gone thru surgery had any experience with this. Thank you all in advance.

    I take zoloft as well and trazadone and Topamax and I have had nothing but issues with any of my meds working right. I barely sleep at all and it's been worse since covid hit.

    Sent from my SM-G781U using BariatricPal mobile app

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