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    TTK reacted to The Greater Fool in Ruined my tool   
    Can you describe your binging episode in detail? What food? How much? How long did you take? Did you drink during the episode? How much?
    We can binge if we work at it and know how to do it. Some of us just happen on it by accident. It won't look like pre-op but it's possible.
    There are ways to prevent thoughtlessly over eating, the same ones even non-ops use. Only put measured portions on your plate and put the rest away before you begin eating. Focus on eating when you are eating.
    The surgery can do a lot of the work but in some situations it's still up to us.
    ETA: Responding to your thread title, no, you have not ruined your tool. It takes a lot more than three or four binging episodes to affect your pouch. The thing to be careful of is, again, building a bad habit that eventually may.
    Good luck,
  2. Like
    TTK reacted to Pricilla in Comically small sandwich   
    I just really needed someone to witness this tiny sandwich (which I’m stoked to be eating). 😹😹😹

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    TTK reacted to SleeverSk in What foods have you broken up with?   
    I eat bread and Pasta, all in moderation i have on occasion toast for /with Breakfast. A couple of frozen kids meals that were pasta no problems. I think as long as youbare not having big serves and not everyday you will be fine
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    TTK reacted to ms.sss in What foods have you broken up with?   
    3 years out.
    I *thought* I had broken up with bread, but we got back together. 😆
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    TTK reacted to eholmes89 in What foods have you broken up with?   
    chicken. Yuk.
    my favourite meat now makes me want to vomit! Even watching other people eat it… im 16 weeks out and this has been a thing the last 3 weeks. Prior to that I was fine.
    steak, beef, lamb, pork and bacon are all fine. However i’m now not as interested in meat as I was before and simply eat it for Protein.

    From the get-go I can not handle sweet stuff… no way. Even sweet drinks or Protein Shakes are a no no

    I’m also going off anything with flavour lol 😂 spices, garlic, herbs. I don’t like cream or heavy sauces.

    I am turning into one of those ‘fussy eater’ types I used to despise because I would eat everything!

    i just crave plain Pasta with cheese.
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    TTK reacted to ShoppGirl in What foods have you broken up with?   
    My taste for sweet changed immediately post op but now I like all the same foods I did before. I choose not to have many of them but have sampled and I have no issues. I Sorta wish I did Develop an aversion for unhealthy things but of course I wasn’t one of those who did. I have to admit that I haven’t had ALOT of anything so if I did I still may dump but so far I haven’t.
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    TTK reacted to Aymen in Sandwiches and chips   
    Hi guys, I’m 9 days post op and doing great. I keep down most things. I’m struggling with eggs and getting fluids in.
    I’m wondering if I will ever be able to eat fries again? I’m a sandwich lover too so what about bread? Is there Bariatric friendly bread?

    also, I’ve gone from 117kg to 101kg in a month but how do I actually lose weight after the bypass? I’m still struggling to walk long distances without feeling dizzy and exhausted
  8. Like
    TTK reacted to Shrinkingvee in Any October 2021 Surgeries?   
    I’m ok now as not hormonal but I got irritated when I couldn’t do what I would normally do before a period.
    I don’t regret it now.
    my surgeon said that our hormones are out of whack when we have surgery because as we burn fat the hormones react differently?
    I’ve been very emotional some days.
    anyone that thinks this is an easy walk in the park are very mistaken.
    you have to work for it.
    I’ve lost 15lbs in 2 weeks and 3 days and before op I lost 16 pounds on the milk liver shrinking pre op diet so I can’t complain although everyone loses differently.
    I think we all think sometimes it should be faster but losing this fast has never happened before and for that I’m grateful.I’ve been doing walks again finally I feel so much better other than pain on one side the incision where they take the stomach out.
    I know every day will get better, change isn’t easy but it will be worth it.
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    TTK reacted to Shrinkingvee in Any October 2021 Surgeries?   
    Hiya, I was the same the first few days to a week was very hard to get sips down and wasn’t drinking enough, I’m still not and I’m 2 and a half weeks post op.
    my Bariactric nurse suggested Soups in between meals to up my Fluid intake.
    we are supposed to have at least 1.8 pints a day, 1 litre, I’ve only managed it once but I’m trying.
    mist a learning curve.
    you will get there, it gets easier, my nurse actually told me to add no added sugar squash to make it easier to drink and it has seemed to work.
    We are told to start soft foods like flaked fish etc after 3 weeks and now until then puréed food.
    I get down about 1- 1 and a half table spoons worth of food but because I was due a period I struggled the last few days of actually feeling hungry although probably head hunger as when I’m hormonal I normally feel more hungry and eat more so that was a struggle.
    I’ve not feeling sick but have suffered a lot with the runs and had to take Imodium.
    im trying to eliminate what food it might be.
    I was told to stop taking the Zoton as it can cause diarrhoea so got to wait until it’s out of my system.

    I have recovered quite well as incisions are nearly healed and I’m able to sleep on 1 side now rather than on my back.
    my stomach inside where they pulled my stomach out is the most painful but believe me day by day it does get better.

    I was given 9 days to prepare for the gastric sleeve and I’ve found most support online, I really was walking in the dark with it.
    I have PCOS and metabolic syndrome so needed to have this done.
    I wish you a healing recovery and any help or questions you need to ask feel free to ask me.
    we can help each other through this change.
    vicky x

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    TTK reacted to lizonaplane in Sugar cravings and hungry after sleeve   
    I don't have sugar cravings unless I see some tasty looking treat, but I'm hungry all the time, and have been since a week after surgery. I've tried more Fiber, more fat, more Protein, more liquid... basically the only thing that helps me personally is to drink hot tea with milk or sugar free hot chocolate between meals (usually hot tea).
    If you find something that helps, please post it here so maybe I'll find something else to try!!!
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    TTK reacted to Myran in Thoughts about slowish loss   
    I’m a slowish loser (around 21 lbs in 7 weeks since surgery) and even though it is frustrating at times I’m trying to stay positive. I wanted to share my recent thoughts around the subject. No matter whether I lose only a pound in a week it is still one pound gone hopefully forever from my body. I also kind of like the idea of losing slowly as it gives my mind and body time to adjust to the loss, and for some reason, I believe the pounds are more likely to stay off when I shed them slowly. Naturally, it took me decades to pile on the weight so there is no way it will be gone in a few months. And finally despite how quickly or slowly I’m losing I would never regret the surgery because without it I would probably have gained at least as much weight as I have now lost. The weekend is approaching so have a great one!
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    TTK reacted to Sleeve_Me_Alone in Sugar cravings and hungry after sleeve   
    I'm sorry you're struggling with these things, but I think this is all completely normal. Some folks who have VSG do not feel hunger for a period of time, but many people do. Neither is right or wrong, its just due to each person's anatomy/surgery/surgeon, etc. Similarly, cravings are completely normal and people feel them to varying degrees at different points in their journey. At one month out, I know your options are limited, but maybe you could find some substitutes? Look for a good Protein powered in a flavor you like, sugar free Jello or popsicles might be a good option, or try a sugar free drink mix (crystal light, mio, etc.).
    As for hunger and weight loss, are you hitting your protein and fluid goals? If so, how much of your protein is coming from shakes/powders and how much is coming from food? Following your programs plan, you might want to start aiming to get as much protein as you can from your food intake and slowly decrease the supplements, as they won't fill you up and keep you full nearly as long as more dense protein sources. Additionally, increasing your protein and hitting your Fluid goals can also help with weight loss.
    Ultimately, follow your plan and contact your surgeon/dietician if you need additional support. That's what they are they are there for! But you're on the right track and its still super early in your journey. Be patient with yourself and trust the process!

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