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Posts posted by ASing

  1. Congrats on getting your date. I got the news yesterday that I just got dumped back 14 days. So my surgery is 7 days after you. It will be the first time that I am thinner after Christmas. What are your pre op requirements ?

    Oh no! Sorry you got bumped!
    PreOp, I have to drink 2 shakes as Meal Replacement and 1 protein/leafy veg dinner for 2 weeks before surgery.

    Sent from my Pixel 3a using BariatricPal mobile app

    Blossom was a really incredible experience. They take all the stress out of the entire thing, the hotel is nice and comfortable too. Each driver you have and just about every person you come in contact with there has had the surgery so ask them about their experiences too! Everyone is really patient but they are busy so it’s best to have questions ready to ask. I enjoyed my experience there.
    I had a surprise hernia repair that was quite painful to recover from but if it wasn’t for that I don’t think the recovery would have been as tough as it was but the nurses that come to the hotel act quickly and make you comfortable so it’s not terrible just be sure you take someone with you that can help you.
    I feel great I’m 4 months post opp and 67 lbs down! Enjoy the pool, enjoy the process, talk ask questions and try to relax when you can. I promise you will be okay and Blossom is going to surprise you! Feel free to ask me any other questions you have.
    How was the flight afterwards? This is my main fear [emoji32]

    Sent from my Pixel 3a using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. I am scheduled for surgery September 25th (original date was July 3rd). What are your dates and stories or concerns? Mine is so overwhelming, I felt the need share the happiness, blessings and fears.
    [emoji120]Pre-op labs, upper GI, and stress test start September 23. My biggest fear is not passing one of the tests to be cleared for surgery. I had to reschedule once already due to newly revealed diabetes and liver disease that showed in my PC doctors labs (the rule is only one time 2 weeks prior to pre-op date to reschedule or I loose my deposit). My A1C was 0.9 to high to be cleared for surgery. I am grateful requested these test way ahead to see where I stood and also receive medical care to go safely into surgery.
    Long story short, I had none of these specific medical issues prior to getting Covid in February. So, that being said, I am fearful of what may show on the Stress Test (heart concern due to Covid and no insurance to test ahead), if my lungs are good (Covid fear again), the upper endoscopy (I have had GERD in the past unsure if there is damage) and finally as I said previously newly diagnosed liver disease which I am unsure of the status of how bad it is yet.
    The A1C is the ONLY thing I feel I am in control of to some degree. Monitoring daily and logging my numbers have shown to be on average below 145 daily since May 29th. In addition to following my Doctor's low-carb, high Protein and no sugar diet along with prescribed Metformin. The testing show 3-6 months previous. So I am hoping putting 4 months between these tests will greatly reduce my A1C. I will re-test about 4 weeks prior to surgery. I will be doing the surgeon requested liver shrinking diet (like most of you have) 1 month prior to surgery. I am positive if I am proactive in following it as prescribed that the A1C diabetes test will be one less thing to be concerned about.
    Have any of you been diagnosed with liver disease and done this liver shrinking diet and not been able to have surgery? The surgery out-patient not in the hospital so they will only preform laparoscopic surgery. Hence, my added concerns. [emoji2356]
    Have any of you had surgery recently at Blossom Bariatrics? My procedure will be done in Las Vegas at Blossom Bariatrics. Due to the fact I am a cash patient my options are fewer. I unfortunately, have no health insurance and my family is refinancing their home so that I can get this procedure done. That scares me, adds to my pressure to do everything right, and makes me feel loved/blessed all at once.
    Sorry for so many details but I felt the need to share a lot of my story. Thank you in advance for sharing. [emoji1]

    I am scheduled there Nov 17! Good luck!

    Sent from my Pixel 3a using BariatricPal mobile app

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