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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Kathi

  1. I was a self pay (I had Aetna), for the lapband in April. I have been extremely frustrated with the lack of results. I know that the lapband works for some people, but it really was a waste of $$ for me. I am only down 20 pounds, and have had a dozen fills.

    I just got a new job that has Cigna so when I saw this post it got me hoping that I could have a revision done to a RNY.....

    Does anyone know if Cigna HMO will also cover a RNY???

  2. As long as you are able to keep liquids down, I don't see it as a problem. Gurgling has been the "norm" for me since banding. You will lose a little more of the swelling in the next few days and you should be fine.

    I got too much put in on Tuesday and couldn't swallow my own spit. I had to go back yesterday and have .7cc taken out... I am still not 100% so I may have to get a total unfill if it doesn't loosen up.

  3. Well... All of my previous fill was in there. We discussed the supplements having an effect on stoma swelling due to the anti-inflammatory properties, and he said that he does think that it contributed to my loss of restriction (as well as the fact that I had lost more weight).

    He got a little too aggressive with the fill, though.... He put me at 3.2cc's on Tuesday, and I couldn't swallow spit so I had to go back yesterday for a .7cc unfill. Man it is really bad to get too tight!

    I am still suffering a little, so hopefully the swelling will ease when I can take my supplements again! At least so far I am able to keep the Clear Liquids down.

  4. I wouldn't give much creedance to a short term relationship that didn't work out. My sister does "power dating" and "falls in love" with almost every guy she dates on the first date... It is really silly and immature to me, it takes time to develope love and it also requires BOTH people to feel it.

    It could be that it is just not what he is looking for. I certainly wouldn't loose any sleep tonight.

    There are a lot of men who want to share your life with you. You just have to wait until the time / person is right.

  5. I am VERY lucky in the fill department too, apparently....

    My doctor can turn on the x-ray machine and it shows a live picture of my insides so he can see exactly what he is doing the whole time. It is really cool, I have never seen an x-ray machine do a live action picture before.

    One stick only every time.... Knock on wood.

  6. I just recently started back on my supplements.... I take Omega 3 fatty acids, pomegranite juice, L-Carnatine, and I drink Green Tea now. Of course I have been taking my Multivitamin.

    Since I started on the supplements I have pretty much lost all restriction....I know that they have have anti-inflammatory properties and I really think that the supplements caused the restriction loss, so I was wondering if anyone else has had the same experience.

    I noticed that I now am able to eat double the portions that I could when I felt the restriction. That is scary!

    I am going in tomorrow to have a fill done. I am curious if I lost any of my existing fill amount.

  7. PB's suck, but you will learn to live with them.

    No one likes them, alot of people won't even get a fill in their band to try to avoid them, but it happens.

    I think that band doctors should be more accountable about letting people know what they are in for with these problems.

  8. I know that you have read enough threads on here to realize that ALOT of people suffer from depression after surgery. It is very common, kicks in weeks after you have had the operation.

    I say just do things that bring you comfort. If you need to keep to yourself, or stay in bed for a day then just do it.

    Try to get in some exercise though, it will help with the mood.

  9. ~Gone for Good Club August Challenge

    Score Card~

    Points earned for Rule 1

    For each day that you drink a minimum of 64oz of Water, you earn 1 point.

    You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect month.

    Week 1: 8-02__1__8-03_1____8-04__1___8-05__1___8-06___1__8-07_____8-08_____8-09_____Week's Total_____

    Week 2: 8-10_____8-11_____8-12_____8-13_____8-14_____8-15_____8-16_____Week's Total_____

    Week 3: 8-17_____8-18_____8-19_____8-20_____8-21_____8-22_____8-23_____Week's Total_____

    Week 4: 8-24_____8-25_____8-26_____8-27_____8-28_____8-29_____8-30_____Week's Total____

    Bonus earned_____Grand Total_______

    Points earned for Rule 2

    For each increment of 30 minutes that you exercise this week, you earn 1 point.

    Week 1: 8-02_1__8-03_1__8-04__1_8-05__1_8-06___8-07___8-08___8-09___ Week's Total___

    Week 2: 8-10___8-11___8-12___8-13___8-14___8-15___8-16___ Week's Total:___

    Week 3: 8-17___8-18___8-19___8-20___8-21___8-22___8-23___ Week's Total:___

    Week 4: 8-24___8-25___8-26___8-27___8-28___8-29___8-30___ Week's Total:___

    Grand Total:___

    Points earned for decrease in BMI

    For each .1 increment your BMI decreases you earn 1 point

    Starting BMI: 38 (at the start of the challenge)

    BMI Week 1____

    BMI Week 2____

    BMI Week 3____

    BMI Week 4____

    Total decrease in BMI for August___

    Points earned for Weight loss

    For each pound that you lose during the challenge, you earn 1 point

    Beginning weight 8-02: 242.4

    Weigh-in weight 8-09:

    Weigh-in weight 8-16:

    Weigh-in weight 8-23:

    Weigh-in weight 8-30:

    Total lost during challenge:

    Total points earned for Rule 1:

    Total points earned for Rule 2:

    Total points earned for weight loss:

    Total Challenge points earned:_____

  10. Well, I have a different opinion with over the counter diet pills (I did the prescription ones too)....

    I took MANY for appetite control / energy and I really liked to boost they gave me. I am normally a pretty hyper active person, so it just enhanced what I was already doing and helped with the hunger issues to some extent.

    I STRONGLY suggest to you that you monitor your blood pressure religiously while taking any uppers. I did, and never had an elevated one that is why my Dr never had issues prescribing me the "good" stuff.

    BTW... I took the Stacker 2 & 3.... They helped with energy only, but the best over the counter one I found is one that I bought online called "Thermadrol".... I would take it now, but I could never get one through my band. I don't even want to try it! Maybe I should empty the capsule into a Protein Shake and give it a whirl???

  11. I vote "yes" for the 6 days of exercise... I am doing it already anyways. Even though I don't hold out much hope for a big loss in any given month, I do feel great about how good I'm doing with my daily workouts. Even if my scale creeps along I will not loose my momentum with my exercise program.

    Emilee- Way to go! You should be VERY proud!:clap2:

  12. Wheetsin I had to laugh at what an idiot you have to deal with. She should really listen to what is pouring out of her pie hole. yikes!

    You are kicking butt, and you know it. Don't worry, the "no strings attached" NSV is soon to follow.

  13. I had my surgery to lose weight. PERIOD. The lap band has not helped me lose weight.

    I have lost ONLY 12 pounds. I have worked alot harder to lose these tweleve measily pounds than I have ever worked in my whole life. I eat properly, I exercise DAILY (really exercise and get my heart rate into "fat burn mode"). I cannot go even a smidge above 1000 calories a day and expect to lose anything.

    I have found that the "lower complication" lap band is really a pain in my a$$ most of the time. Getting filled perfectly, risk of PB's, risk of a slippage and my port is all completely a complication in my book. There are MANY people on this site who are even afraid to put any fill in their bands at all for fear of PB's or slippage or erosion.

    I feel really jipped because I wasn't one of the lucky ones who pretty much lost weight without effort initially like alot of people do. I claw and scratch away every pound.

    I kick myself all the time for not getting a RNY, but I still continue to work my band everyday.

    I also have the "ticking time bomb" feeling. I will have a different surgery when I have to have ANY kind of follow-up surgery on my lapband.

  14. I am also on the "No Sugar" orders.... From what I was told is that sugar adds no nutritional value, empty calories but mostly that it causes you to crave MORE sugar each time you eat even a small amount.

    I do use Splenda as a substitute, my doctor says that it is great for a substitute, but I have heard other bandsters say to stay away from sugar substitutes because it makes you want sweeter items.

    I have not found it to be true. I am very happy with my sugar free life right now.

  15. I agree that this behaviour is definately child abuse / neglect. I have a friend that has a daughter that they have taught to eat horribly! She is eleven years old and has been obese since she was 6. They were told when she was 9 that she was pre-diabetic and that she has to have a major change in diet and it never phased them. They don't care whatsoever. The mother says that she thinks that the daughter will just outgrow the weight, and the father complains that the daughter is overweight because the mother lets her eat junk constantly, but he feeds her junk all the time too.

    I personally feel that this is child abuse. She wears adult plus sized clothes, has hair that is never brushed, teeth that are stained yellow and the soles of her feet are constantly filthy. She is tormented at school about her size and the parents do nothing to help her. What is wierd is that she is the most spoiled child that I have probably ever seen.

    I feel so sorry for her.

  16. These are my favorite snacks...... Only one per day, unless my meal calories are low.

    Keebler 100 Calorie Packs, Fudge stripped cookies

    Keebler 100 Calorie Packs, chips Deluxe

    Frigo string cheese

    Yoplait light (Blueberry or Cherry)

    Baked Cheetos (130 calories for 34 pieces)

    Slim Fast candy bars / granola bars with chocolate chips

    Werther's sugar free candies

    WalMart brand, No sugar added ice cream sandwiches

    Bomb Pops

    Del Monte fruit cups, in light syrup

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
