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1day at a time

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by 1day at a time

  1. big2little...You've done a great job in loosing weight so far. One of the things you need to keep in mind with the chat rooms is sometimes you don't get answers as quick as you would like. We had to move off of this site because of some personal issues, so you may not get a quick response from "I'm here to help".

    If I were you, I would look and read as many of the "threads" as you can and post on them. See which ones respond and which ones you are comfortable with. You can post here and we will pop in or you can send private messages and we will respond. Indiogirl, myself, and a few others work so we aren't on line all the time. Others don't check here, but if you private message them, you should get a response back.

    Why don't you tell us about yourself...age, occupation, interests. Like I said before, you are doing great with the weight loss so far, but I really understand needing to talk about issues that come up especially after the "honeymoon" phase is over.

    The only way the chat room thing will become easier is if you just do it and figure it out. That's what I did. Welcome to the chat world. I have found it very helpful, by the way.

    I agree with Ocotillo - You are doing a great job.

    Lab Band Talk helped me so much in the begining and still does. You should read alot of the post from the begining of this thread or read several topics and post and many are good at posting back. Oh my name is Melissa and I am in year 3. I have had ups and downs and some slips but it is always a learning process and I can say that this year has been alot better for me ecspecially these last couple of months when I really started refocusing on why I got the band to begin with. I started doing so sort of excersing each day and eating more Protein and more importantly following my Drs orders. (I was very lazy this past year with eating , and excersing and paid the price with weight gain) But I am losing now that my head is in place. If you are having problems with a choking feeling I would call your Drs office. You might be to tight if you have had fills. Or you might be eating to fast. Sometimes if I am to hungry and eat something to fast it always comes back to bite me. You could try drinking Protein shakes for a couple days then try eating again taking small bites and still see if you have that same issue. However if you have that same feeling while drinking shakes I would call you Dr right away.

  2. I'm doing good, Today is my Bandaversary Woo Hoo! 3 years. I'm happy with the way things have gone some ups some downs but just all part of the Journey. I understand where your comming from Charlene, I also have a very slow metbolism, I stick around 1000 calories a day just not to gain. That part of it is still hard. If I go up a little bit in calories I gain. But it is what it is. Hope all are well

    Happy Bandaversary Kimaly!!!!

    I am doing well I am refocused since my last fill to tackle my problem head on. I try to exercise at least 30 mins each day. I am trying to get more weight off to get off my diabetes meds.

  3. We all do Rock

    Congrats to all our Anniversaries this month

    Cynthia you have been through alot but you can get through this too stay strong girly. You can do this.

    Charlene - I pray everything works out and the Sleeve gives you the tool you need to get through this battle. Cause this sure is a battle for us all.

    I go to the doctor Monday for a much needed fill. I gained 30 pounds when he took almost all the Fluid out and kinda went a little crazy with the food. I too am thinking this of a restart and going to do it right.

  4. So I am posting this now so I don't forget since I will be busy this weekend watching my 7month nephew.

    Tomorrow 7/2 is my 3 year anniversary with my band. This last year had been rough however; I'm going to fix this and make this year the best year ever. Love to all my LB friends who have been with me since day 1

  5. Melissa, hope you find some relief with the back thing...that is what I have...herniated disc between L4 & L5 pinches the sciatic nerve which causes my foot to go numb or in my case tingle sharply which doesn't all me to sleep at night. The inversion table seems to be helping. When the foot starts to tingle, I spend a little time hanging upside down...have to do that slowly and gently, but it seems to help.


    First of all let me Say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOO YOU!!! :cake: :party:

    Thanks for letting me know about your back issues; I don't wish this pain on anyone but I am glad someone else knows what I am talking about. I thought I was going crazy. Love you girl!!!

  6. Thanks Everyone,

    I will let you know as soon as I get an interview for the postitions. I was alternating Ice and Heat when I was laying down alot. I have been using a heating pad cause it was easier. I will switch to Ice and possible alternate. I wish I could figure out why this time it is the worse than it has ever been before; meaning now it is including all the way down my right leg to my foot. The right side of my foot is numb.

  7. Jewel - I wanted to let you know I enjoy your videos on you tube. You inspire me to do great things. Keep it up girl you are doing great. To come back from a cruise and not gain is awesome. Sorry your DH is working so much. Don't sweat it if you can not make dinner with all that is going on. I believe you are making wonderful choices even if you have to get fast food. Remember everyones journey is different and I believe you are moving at the right pace for you. Look at all you have done within the 65 weeks. Way To Go !!!

  8. Hey Everyone ,

    I am around I have not been on the computer in a while. i devolped a sharp pain from my right hip down to my right foot. It causes the right side of my foot to be numb. It is my sciatic nerve steming from a problem with discs in my lower back. Anyways since I have no insurance it cost over 100.00 to see my Dr. If I sit or lay on a heating pad it helps alot so I try to do that. I am trying not to go to the Dr.

    On the job front two full time postions have open up at Sams one is a meat cutter and the other is an advantage member associate. I applied for both. If I can get one then I can get insurance Starting in May since they are Full time positions. I pray they let me interview and I get picked for one of them. I really like what I do now but nothing full time is available; so I have to do what I have to do.

    As for me and my weight issues just hanging in there have not done alot. Not 100% yet. I am trying to do the high Protein thing; still struggling with my cravings but I am working on it.

    Car issues as well to talk about. The condensation from my air conditioner (the Water that runs out of your car when you run your air) is leaking into my car instead of outside. There is something wrong with the hose or the box itself, I was given a quote of 500.00 to fix it and they will need my car for two days. In the mean time I am just soaking up the Water with a shammy.

    It is what it is but I am praying for a break soon.

    Love to you all and the pics posted are very pretty.

  9. I am hanging in there. I am just done. Done with my DH being an ass about my food and my health. Done with being Diabetic. Done with my back and knees hurting. I gained most of my weight back except 20 pounds. Done with not having insurance anymore. Done with not being able to see my therapist because with no insurance is 170.00 a session. IAM DONE!!!! I need to get out of my head. I am killing myself I really do understand that. Sometimes I just want it to be over. I am done feelling like crap.

    I AM DONE!!!!!

    Now what???? What baby step do I go to first?

  10. Hey Gang, I am back from my cruise. I had a blast. It was so relaxing and exciting at the same time. I ate well and didn't gain any weight. Probably cause I did alot of dancing. I rode a jetski in key west. That was the most fun of the whole trip. Jake rode with me so Hubby could really ride without throwing him off. He was scared when I first got up to speed but by the end I heard little giggles coming from behind me. Those are the best. We had lots of quailty time. Here are some pictures. these are from our formal night.




    I was surprised to get on the scale this morning and see I hadn't gained.

    I had a ton of school work to do and worked on it an hour at a time throughout the cruise. I finally got part 1 finished today. It was so much work. Took me so long. Now my professor is gonna send it back with notes on where I need to spend more time studying. I hope my grade comes up after all this time and effort I put in.

    Hubby also fixed my new motorcycle so I my feet could touch the ground. It was way to tall for me. It fits perfect now and I have been crusin all over town on it. I love it. It is so easy to manuver. I am gonna ride it to school in the morning. I can't wait.

    I love the pictures they are so beautiful

  11. Thank to all of you for your thoughts and prayers for me and comforting words. You are all such wonderful friends.

    Cheri - love the Middle Age Text Codes. My 15 year old said those are dumb. I said you are a kid you are not supposed to get it.

    Julie I am glad you are feeling better

  12. Melissa, I know your DH is being a butt. Men always feel less than whole when they can't give their families all their needs. Try real hard to reassure him that you understand. I am praying for you a full time position. What is a carb monster Soup? Where are the recipes?

    Someone was talking about the website living after weight loss and the 5 day pouch test. Well they sell Soup called carb monster. I just bought the two they sell you just add Water they ared pretty tasty.

  13. Melissa....I am so sorry for your insurance loss. Keep searching and you will find help. Meanwhile, take care of yourself! Resist that sweet tooth!

    I am trying however my new vice is Peanut Butter. I bought some carb monster Soups from that living after weight loss website and just made some this morning it has 8 - 1 cup servings in it. It smells good but have not tried it yet

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
