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1day at a time

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 1day at a time

  1. 1day at a time

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I would love to meet everybody. I feel so close to you all even though we never really met in person
  2. 1day at a time

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hey ALL still hanging in there no Dr appt yet just trying to take it easy. Thank you all for all of the advice. Oh and things are getting busier at work I guess some of you were right they just had to make sure I was right for the job. They are giving me alot more to do now.
  3. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    Hey ALL still hanging in there no Dr appt yet just trying to take it easy. Thank you all for all of the advice. Oh and things are getting busier at work I guess some of you were right they just had to make sure I was right for the job. They are giving me alot more to do now.
  4. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    Thank you for the advice
  5. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    So I have not said anything but I have been pbing like crazy the last three days. I have tried broth, yogurt etc. But everything is coming up. I am living on hot beverages like tea , coffee and plain water. My problem is a new job and my dr is 1 1/2 hrs away and does not open until 9:30 and last appt is at 4 I work 8-5 Also his nickname is Dr Delay cause he is always behind I practically have to take the whole day off to go see him. I don't know what to do I just called but my dr is not on call someone else is. But I have not called them yet. I could go to that hospitals er but that will be 200 I do not have Uggg what to do. Everything has been fine but then poof problems
  6. 1day at a time

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Thanks so much for understanding cause my family is giving me a hard time
  7. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    OMG you have so hit the nail on the head. That you for understanding and spelling my situation out for me. I never worked for a small company it has been hard things moving slow. I mean I go from a crazy fast pace company where I can breathe to one that alows all of this slow time. What you said makes so much sense thank you so much for your input.
  8. 1day at a time

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    If that is not the truth. Oh I will not quit I will also have a job lined up first I need a job just like everyone else. With time it should get better.
  9. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    I know all of you are right. They just don't want me reading a book at the desk and when I am bored I eat. The good thing there is no vending machines, the bad thing I am starving when I get home which then causes me to eat to fast and then you know PB. I need to get more Snacks and different types of foods to eat at lunch. When I am emotional my band is tight. I drink so much hot beverages it is crazy just so things move through. Usually a cup of coffee in the morning than tea or hot Water throughout the day. I guess I worry cause I do not want to get laid off again. However the boss and I talked Friday and if he can get the time than we will takle his office. He says he has plans for me it is just all of a sudden orders have come in and jobs need to be done so I have been left to be alone by myself at the office or with his wife who really does not like dealing with people. (go figure that one). My thing is hopefully I will be busier soon cause when I am bored I eat even if it is just mints and gum. He is a great boss just I like to be busy and he has given me stuff and I am just faster than the girl they had a year ago. I don't like to beat around the bush at work just with my health if you know what I mean. Oh I will not quit I will also have a job lined up first I need a job just like everyone else. With time it should get better. My pain issue has went away on its own who knows what that was all about.
  10. 1day at a time

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Okay so it will be a week tomorrow at my new job and I am bored to death. The only person that gives me things to do is the owner. I have cleaned that place as best as I can for a warehouse. It smells better and dust free as least for a little while. The place is right next to rail road tracks on a gravel road. They are hoarders I mean they have magazines and blank forms from companies they do not even deal with anymore as far back as 2000. OMG 10 years I mean some stuff you keep for 3-7 years depending on what it is but not stacks of magazines and junk. I would love to straigten out the boss and his wife's offices but I can't. I know some of you smoke which does not bother me but the wife insists on smoking in our bathroom and I always leave wanting to take a shower cause I smell like smoke and I and grimmy from the dust everywhere. I mean I have to take Zyrtec everyday. I also love dogs but there dog is blind and is always under your feet when you are walking I am afraid I am going to fall on her. I feel terrible for complaining but what do I do? I can't really be on the computer playing games or read a book I have to be busy which I have played with the same excel sheets over and over again and read the same manuals over and over. Oh and they like to recycle stuff and not throw things out but when you are using a file folder (like the ones that have slots for each letter of the alphabet) and it has been taped glued and stapled to stay closed I mean give me a break I will by a new one throw it out already. Also they have an outdated computer system no antivirus really to speak of and they are using old versions of excel, word and powerpoint. My friends tell me to stick it out because it is easier to find a job when you already have one. I thought this company was something more than it was it sounded good I would be doing so much they really sold me crap. Sorry to vent like this but I can't post this anywhere else where someone on FB might see oh and I have not told my DH cause he really stresses but my mother - in - law knows maybe I need to through in the towel and go back into retail.
  11. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    Okay so it will be a week tomorrow at my new job and I am bored to death. The only person that gives me things to do is the owner. I have cleaned that place as best as I can for a warehouse. It smells better and dust free as least for a little while. The place is right next to rail road tracks on a gravel road. They are hoarders I mean they have magazines and blank forms from companies they do not even deal with anymore as far back as 2000. OMG 10 years I mean some stuff you keep for 3-7 years depending on what it is but not stacks of magazines and junk. I would love to straigten out the boss and his wife's offices but I can't. I know some of you smoke which does not bother me but the wife insists on smoking in our bathroom and I always leave wanting to take a shower cause I smell like smoke and I and grimmy from the dust everywhere. I mean I have to take Zyrtec everyday. I also love dogs but there dog is blind and is always under your feet when you are walking I am afraid I am going to fall on her. I feel terrible for complaining but what do I do? I can't really be on the computer playing games or read a book I have to be busy which I have played with the same excel sheets over and over again and read the same manuals over and over. Oh and they like to recycle stuff and not throw things out but when you are using a file folder (like the ones that have slots for each letter of the alphabet) and it has been taped glued and stapled to stay closed I mean give me a break I will by a new one throw it out already. Also they have an outdated computer system no antivirus really to speak of and they are using old versions of excel, word and powerpoint. My friends tell me to stick it out because it is easier to find a job when you already have one. I thought this company was something more than it was it sounded good I would be doing so much they really sold me crap. Sorry to vent like this but I can't post this anywhere else where someone on FB might see oh and I have not told my DH cause he really stresses but my mother - in - law knows maybe I need to through in the towel and go back into retail.
  12. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    Fly By I am at my new job things are good to far.I pray this lasts
  13. 1day at a time

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Hey all fly by post Started my new job today. Everything went well except the place is very dusty and unorganized. With my help they will not be for long. Also they so need to upgrade their 1 computer and there phone system. Nothing is perfect. So all in all a good day did shakes today and tried a small chili could not even eat 3 bites and dinner did not stay in. Stress I guess but on what who knows. All in all a good day.
  14. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    Hey all fly by post Started my new job today. Everything went well except the place is very dusty and unorganized. With my help they will not be for long. Also they so need to upgrade their 1 computer and there phone system. Nothing is perfect. So all in all a good day did shakes today and tried a small chili could not even eat 3 bites and dinner did not stay in. Stress I guess but on what who knows. All in all a good day.
  15. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    Thanks everyone in the support and Janet you are right I CAN get up early and walk. :thumbup:
  16. 1day at a time

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Congrats 2GoodDogs!!! WTG I did not know you lived in Ga. I live in Hall county. Okay I got the job I am excited and a little scared. Small company and I will be the go to woman. Which is fine. Everyone tells me to keep looking because I have a gut feeling this might not last. This is a family run business and not sure I want to be in the drama but I need the money and insurance so we will see. But the good thing is I can only eat what I bring no snack machines. So I can focus on me and keep working at it. I started walking again. Maybe If I get up early I can get a walk in before I get ready for work. i have to tell myself to take it slow 1day at a time.
  17. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    Hey everyone - Prayers out to those in need and congrats for those who are doing well. One day I will get to meet you guys when the time is right it will happen. Okay I got the job I am excited and a little scared. Small company and I will be the go to woman. Which is fine. Everyone tells me to keep looking because I have a gut feeling this might not last. This is a family run business and not sure I want to be in the drama but I need the money and insurance so we will see. But the good thing is I can only eat what I bring no snack machines. So I can focus on me and keep working at it. I started walking again. Maybe If I get up early I can get a walk in before I get ready for work. i have to tell myself to tak eit slow 1day at a time.
  18. 1day at a time

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    So to let everyone know I have a job prospect and have two job interviews so far I called this morning about the job and it is down to 2 people I am assuming it is me and someone else. They said they were having a hard time making a decision. But cross my fingers it is me and today I found out. Oh I forgot to let you know my son went on a school trip to St Simons Island with is group Skills USA he will be gone till Sat. :wub: Feel sad but my young man is growing up. Right now he is in the following groups and he wanted to be in them no push from us. Skills USA Future Business Leaders of America Anime Club And he is now going out for wrestling (I was concerned about this one because back when I was in school I remember guys doing what ever it took to drop weight.) Which was very unhealthy but the coach and the Asst principal insured me that it is against school policy to do that anymore that what ever they way is the class they will wrestle in. I really pray this is true.
  19. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    sndycnrd - Oh please post following a healthy lifestyle anyway is fine with me just cause the site says lapband does not mean you have to have it to talk with us. We have enjoyed talking with you and even though everyone is in different parts of there process we all help each other out. Well everyone called this morning about the job and it is down to 2 people I am assuming it is me and someone else. They said they were having a hard time making a decision. But cross my fingers it is today I found out. Oh I forgot to let you know my son went on a school trip to St Simons Island with is group Skills USA he will be gone till Sat. :wub: Feel sad but my young man is growing up. Right now he is in the following groups and he wanted to be in them no push from us. Skills USA Future Business Leaders of America Anime Club And he is now going out for wrestling (I was concerned about this one because back when I was in school I remember guys doing what ever it took to drop weight.) Which was very unhealthy but the coach and the Asst principal insured me that it is against school policy to do that anymore that what ever they way is the class they will wrestle in. I really pray this is true.
  20. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    The job is a Front Desk Customer relations the buisness that owns two different companies and has been in business 1979 2 companies family run . I have not found out anything yet. Went to the Drs everything in blood work perfect was told could have pulled something; oh and it is not a hernia either oh well I guess I will take it easy. Oh on the job front I was going to go back into the retail world but then I decided not to because then I will have to work nights and weekends
  21. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    Hey Everyone, I pray I get landed this job. I am supposed to find out today. My pain is still there but much less maybe it is a hernia who knows I am supposed to go back to have labs today and a recheck at 3:15 but I really do not want to go. I am tired of Drs I am tired of being the sick one.
  22. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    So how do they know it is Adhesions. And would the adhesions have to be in the same area as the pain? How did you both get diagnosed with Adhesions? Xray?
  23. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    Still have the pain to answer some of you they did an internal ultrasound yesterday to check for cysts and placement of the things in my tubes from the tubal but everything was good I am supposed to have blood work tomorrow and go see the surgeon again if the White BC is still norma who knows but he said if it was appendix it would get alot worse but I am not. I am not backed up I made sure with out being gross maybe its phatom pain
  24. 1day at a time

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Yeah I hate feeling that way either.
  25. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    Okay back from the day with the OB DR and a surgeon. Symtoms seem like Appendix but my White Blood Count and other labs were fine. Ob did and internal ultrasound and no cysts to be found not pregnant (I told him I was not) BP normal so he sent me to my surgeon that did my liver surgery in 07 he did a fun rectal exam (did not know this but apparently that is the old school way of knowing if it is the appendix or not) When he did that test nothing different as far as pain so so he did labs that came back normal. So he wants to re run labs on Wed and see me again in case today is actually the first day of pain and I got confused due to the cramping of my monthly. He does not want to do a CAT Scan because I had so many in the past and they are just now realizing that CAT scan put out more radiation than they thought so he only likes to do them if the blood work shows something. "Melissa, is that a Banana Spider? We have those in the pecan and oak trees down here. They are everywhere. Skeeters are really bad right now. I have six bites on my leg. I really sprayed down before walking this morning. " I asked my Hubby and he said they are different but when I googled it they look the same so only GOD knows

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