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1day at a time

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 1day at a time

  1. 1day at a time

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Fickle is the word to use I am the same way. Yesterday I PB on stuff I have ate before I guess I ate to fast. It is so cold here right now. We have sleet yesterday and snow in extreme north Ga So I found out yesterday my health insurance is not a group plan say like Atena it is a reinbursment plan. Meaning I pay for everything up front then I can some money back. Well that won't work. So right now we pay $1300 a month in Cobra. Now I have to find another job even though it was getting better. Uggh my fault I should have asked more questions
  2. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    Charlene - I didn't mean to jinx you. I was just saying the first two day are the hardest for me. I understand what you are saying however my dh and I have some problems right now and if I did that I would be divorced but I do try to do it with everyone else. That you for the advice though Tx - congrats on the Weight loss keep up the good work. I hope your shoulder is doing well as well
  3. 1day at a time

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    So is they forget LOL Like who put them in charged Thanks Shrink Me for the advice and yes pwople can be mean. My BFF who has never had the surgery has really been the only one to support me. Should thought about Bypass but it is not for her she supports me and has never had anything bad to say. It is nice because she of course has the same problems as me as far as eating for the wrong reasons and she will talk to me until I can work through my problem. She is the one I worked out with in the past with a trainer and is the one that I am going to start going to the pool next week with.
  4. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    Apples - I am hanging in there. I think I am going to journal at work when I have a very bad day then maybe I won't eat. We all know my feelings on exercise it used to be fun for me when I got to work with a trainer and got to box and he used to beat me up, or basically work my but off I hated it when I was doing it and bitched the whole way he would laugh but keep pushing me. But I can't pay for that right now. I have to do it on my own. My BFF and I will start going to the pool this week and work out together. (We were supposed to start last week but it did not work out) Why is it when you work so hard then you get smacked in the face with all the goodies you should not eat. All your friends, family keep wanting you to do great but keep feeding or bringing stuff in the house you should not have. WTF is that and then they complain about your health and lifestyle when they catch you eating junk.
  5. 1day at a time

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    You go girl keep it up. I always have trouble getting past the first two days I crash by dinner The almonds thing sounds like a good idea. Even though I do the SF thing I agree with what you stated it does make me crave more so what else do you do beside the Almond thing? I need some more ideas to get over these sugar cravings. We all know my feelings on exercise it used to be fun for me when I got to work with a trainer and got to box and he used to beat me up, or basically work my but off I hated it when I was doing it and bitched the whole way he would laugh but keep pushing me. But I can't pay for that right now. I have to do it on my own. My BFF and I will start going to the pool this week and work out together. Why is it when you work so hard then you get smacked in the face with all the goodies you should not eat. All your friends, family keep wanting you to do great but keep feeding or bringing stuff in the house you should not have. WTF is that and then they complain about your health and lifestyle when they catch you eating junk.
  6. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    I love the pics pf the wedding it looked so beautiful and you did as well. Too cute a quarter never would thought of that costumn. Well everyone I am hanging in there. I think I am going to journal at work when I have a very bad day then maybe I won't eat. Sat I took my soon to see some up and coming wrestlers and so wrestlers when I was younger like Lex Luger. He did not look good but he signed my sons collectable card. I also say Reid Flair Rick Flair son he is too cute. I think he is in in 20's. All in all hanging in and getting things done.
  7. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    You guys are Too Cute
  8. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    Jewel - Congrats you are just so busy. I am proud of you and your dream of nursing. Making that come true. You can do it. Debbie - Thank you for the update and it is so nice to meet you.
  9. 1day at a time

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I am trying to stay positive so we will all be able to do this just take it one day at a time. That is all we can do right? 10 pounds in a month is doable. Heck 5 will be great as well. Hang in their girl lord knows I have had alot of downs but I am trying.
  10. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    Julie - I am so glad the wedding went well for everyone!!!!
  11. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    Chris Good Luck tomorrow you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for the advice
  12. 1day at a time

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I am in as well
  13. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    Okay so why is it when you go swimming you feel like you are starving after you are done. Is it better to have a snack before or after you swim. I guess before if I am having dinner when I get home. any advice on what type of snack?
  14. 1day at a time

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    When I go to the Dr I have to take the whole day off just because he is an hour and half away and he never runs on time. By time I go back to work it is like what is the point. But I have not gone with this new job I am trying to feel them out I have only go to one visit whith my diabetes Dr but was able to do that during lunch since I work around the corner. Well everyone I am hanging in there work is doing; at least it is a job. My BFF and I are going to start swimming at the pool doing laps to start. It is $50 for 90 days for the pool this is the place I normally take my son during the summer. They have two indoor pools so we should be good. We are taking it slow since we have not really done an exercise excepting walking but not really walking like for a set time just when we go places. So I am taking advice from everyone and taking it slow and 1 Day at a time. Love you all thanks for the support.
  15. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    I am so happy and proud of you. I pray you can get in the hospital after you test like you stated. 1st 5k awesome and I am glad your son is doing well. Chris - I am so happy for you a whole new start with a fixed shoulder than the lapband that is awesome they are going to do that in the same surgery. Well everyone I am hanging in there work is doing; at least it is a job. My BFF and I are going to start swimming at the pool doing laps to start. It is $50 for 90 days for the pool this is the place I normally take my son during the summer. They have two indoor pools so we should be good. We are taking it slow since we have not really done an exercise excepting walking but not really walking like for a set time just when we go places. So I am taking advice from everyone and taking it slow and 1 Day at a time. Love you all thanks for the support.
  16. 1day at a time

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I understand completly
  17. 1day at a time

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Yes tools in our tool box is great LOL let us know what you think
  18. 1day at a time

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Seems like we are simaler to what we can it.
  19. 1day at a time

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    It is frustrating. I usually have to get thin a crispy pizza or is we go to a pizza placethat does not offer that than I just eat the toppings. Almonds as far as nuts go are a good fat however most of the time cause trouble for me oh well we are all different right
  20. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    Julie, Enjoy this slow time before the big rush. If I don't hear from you I hope everything goes well this weekend.
  21. 1day at a time

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Vegetarian huh. I tried in the past before the band. It was not to bad but now I have trouble eating fruit and stuff with my band. That is why I think some Fluid needs to come out only because some of you guys can eat stuff I can't. And I am only speaking of the healthy stuff.
  22. 1day at a time

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    I agree with you she does not know what fat is. I am battling the same addiction. I know it is a life long process but I am such an emtional eater that with everything going on right now job, now car and home issues with my husband I am eatting and eatting and can't find and outlet I want to do. I know baby steps but I am so tired with myself. Part of me just gives up and part of me is trying to fix the issue. I am just in my head battling everything it sucks. Sorry venting
  23. 1day at a time

    I'm here to help...

    Apples - that sounds like a great idea with the eggs
  24. 1day at a time

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    That is awesome about your grandson. And vent away that is what we are here for :smile:
  25. 1day at a time

    July Butterflies Master Thread

    Please no one take this personally. But I never have used the system to sit on my butt. Butt the system seems to make it easy to do so. I always tried to find a job right away mostly because of the insurance issue. I also think I would drive my husband crazy if I sat at home while he worked. My son loved it but my bills did not. You know everytime i took a job it was for the long all 7 years has been my longest time at a job. If I would not have been laid off from that job 4 years ago I would have not had been at thet Worker's comp job and then where I am now. I guess I have stuff to learn that is why my jobs get moved around.

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