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Posts posted by Vixon

  1. Fantastic news Keving, I just came on the forum for first time since January in hopes of an update from you and there it was posted yesterday.

    It seems you've hit a plateau weight wise but your health must be really coming on with all the Rugby.

    Hope everything continues to go well for you.

  2. Hello again guys, afraid it time for more questions. Do anyone know what would be the best way to get from Brussels south airport to Brussels international. I booked with ryanair it was seriously cheap only to discover it was miles away. Fredrik offered to sort taxis out as part of the package for an extra 250 euros, Im not sure what to do for the best! any advice/ideas guys!

    Hi Lily - I'm flying into Brussels Int and back via Charleroi.

    I'm not thrilled at the ryanair sale at the moment - my flights have been booked for 2 months and seats on the same flight are now 140 euros cheaper :(. Glad someone is benefiting though and the more expensive flights already being booked kept me focused during a bad patch financially where it would have been easy to just write off the cost of the flights and re-arrange the op for a later date.

    Sorry I digress lol. Charleroi airport has it's own website - just google it and it gives details of a shuttlebus from the train station in brussels right to the airport. There is also a taxi firm that advertises brussels to charelroi for 75 euros so frederik offering to add it for 250 euros is over inflated even for a 2 way trip.

  3. Yeah 2 hours is too long a wait but morning will probably be the same time, i'm sure you are right.

    I don't know exactly what pre-op diet I will do, I've never been good at calorie counting and the milk diet sounds like torture. So I think I will stick with the diet Dr Chris recommended - 2 week low fat. I just hope I can avoid the temptation to have a blow out before hand.

    I had my first consultation with Dr Chris back in August, seemed like it would be forever until December then but now pre-op diet is only 3 weeks way :D but I choose to have a UK consult before commiting to travelling to Belguim for my own and my husbands peace of mind.

    sndeall - Dr Chris operates at the Jan Portals hospital in Brussels, I'm not sure how far that is from Brugges but I don't think it's too close, as Brugge is on the coast and Brussels more central.

    Oh I forgot to mention, I have a few dutch speaking friends and will be getting a basic lesson in useful phrases like where's the loo and how much is that please? before I go, will pass them on lol

  4. Hi Lily, wont be long now will it, I'm already planning pre-op diet.

    I am also booked in at the Campanile - they really ought to pay Dr Chris commision lmao.

    Look forward to seeing you.

    Will you be going to Dr Chris' surgery/house the evening before? I am going at 9pm, if you are it would make sense to share taxi's and things. Feel free to pm me we can arrange something I'm sure.

    Will you be travelling alone? I have my hubby to hold my hand thank god or I think I might brick it!

  5. That is great news Kev, hope you get your 14st 10lb target :) but remember if you are playing rugby regularly again you will gain some muscle mass so this might now make the scales a less accurate tool for how your band is helping.

    Besides got to leave a little bit for Mrs Kev to snuggle into :blink:

  6. Congratulations!!!!

    This just goes to show that you should try not to get down-heartened just because those nasty scales don't say what you want them too, because even when your weight isn't dropping much your body is still working away inside doing magic stuff that gives those amazing results in the wardrobe department.

    Enjoy your size 16's and I hope your time in them is short lived and size 14 shopping starts :thumbup:

  7. Hiya,

    I too am getting banded in December, 1 tip I'm trying to get myself to listen to is to try not to blow out too much before hand. I am also trying to cut down on my Pepsi Max addiction, it may be sugar free but those bubbles wont be good for my band so I'm working on that already.

    Good luck with your band and just think by Christmas next year we'll be crackers :blush:

  8. Yes I am going to Belgium for my surgery annie, flying out from Glasgow and back via Prestwick to get the best price on flights which are twice as expensive as you can get if you dont choose the week before Christmas haha. I choose that date myself I could have had it last week if finances had allowed but choose 19th December to fall in with money and husbands holidays to help look after me and our son post-op.

    I'm really pleased with my choice of surgeon but if I could I'd go to Ross Hall as with Dr Chris doing the op.....oh to win the lotto lol

    I did go to Edinburgh for my consultation, I know a number of people don't bother and just get the free consult in Brussel the night before the op but for my own and husbands peace of mind I chose to pay for a UK consult in advance.

  9. Hi Annie, you can contact Dr Chris via his website www.obesity-assist.co.uk

    I've not had my operation as yet but I'm scheduled for 19th December :redface: I didn't have much luck with my GP who after refusing previously to let me try pills suddenly suggested them the moment I mentioned surgery, only for the practice nurse to say no I couldn't get it. By the time I saw another Dr who said yes I could get it if I lose 5lbs to prove I was trying I was already booked for a consultation with Dr Chris. I had circumvented my GP's by going to my former diabetic nurse at Crosshouse who helped me when I was pregnant last year in the hope her and my endocrinologist (posh term for diabetes specialist) would be able to refer me. She did some research for me and it looks like there will eventually be a bariatric service in Ayrshire but it will take a few years.

    In a way I'm glad I have to go private because then I don't need to jump through the hoops of trying the tablets I know wont have any long term success. My bank balance isn't so happy though lol.


  10. LOL Steve it's good you don't know it, bad for the teeth too :lol:

    I also blame it for the existence of my son, I spent a year trying to concieve with no luck, I was then diagnosed with diabetes and I stopped drinking sugared fizzy drinks and pepsi max was the only sugar free one I can tolerate. I am sure the resulting weightloss and reduction in my blood sugar helped me become pregnant just 8 weeks later.

    I survived the change from sugared to sugar-free drinks I'm sure I'll adjust to change from fizzy to non-fizzy. No pain no gain.

  11. Hey Chel,

    My flights are rather expensive as it is returning the week before christmas and I am still doing everything including my husband being there for £3,500 all in.

    For me this was the best option as even going for one of the 5k options here in the UK would involve a long drive (prob about 4 hours each way) and overnight accomodation for my husband. All I can suggest is reseach (yes lol you are on the forum to do just that) as much as possible to find the place and package to suit you. :lol:

  12. Hi Chel :tt1:

    Sorry but there is a lot in your post I am unable to answer but are you aure going abroad is not an option? I have my band booked in Belguim for the 19th of December which involves flying out there on the 18th (depending where in the country you are eurostar may be a cheaper and more convenient choice).

    Depending on your term/holiday time this may involve minimal time away from class, certainly no more than 1 day more than in the uk.

    It will also mean christmas dinner will amount to a spoonful of mash pots and gravy and a spoonful of custard if u are really lucky lol :thumbup: as you can see I'm having an exciting christmas dinner heehee.

    Best of luck in your research, I'm sure there will be plenty of people here can help you with your queries.

    Vicki xx


    chel im 26 and hoping to be banded before xmas. the only thing holding me back is finance my bmi is 46 and has to be 50 for wls on nhs in this area and then only bypass. iv been ringing around and i could puss to the hospital groups basic package and pay for my fills as and when. iv read through some old posts and seen quiet a strong mixed reaction about the hospital group. i wasnt expecting much aftercare which was one of the let downs some have felt she did explain clearly that its just op, meds and xray and there so much on net im sure i could easily find out diet advice and support here so basically what im asking if it was the basic package with the hospital group or nothing at all would you take the basic package??

    also wondering about fills. am i right in thinking the band doesnt work until its had its first fill about a month later, how many fills do you think someone with bmi of around 45 would need??

    this is a big step for me cos involves taking a loan out and the 1 month aftercare does worry me id hate to have band it slips after 2 months and nhs just wip it out. another question lol if that was to happen would the nhs perserve my band if it was doing the job i was loosing and ultimatley acheiving something thats saved them the cost of bypass surgery???

    thanks in advance im trying to get as clear picture as i can before i sign on the dotted line, oh another one does anyone else know of any reputable companies that can band for around 5k, going abroad is not option as im a student nurse can only have xmas and easter off and i want to be banded for xmas. it is reasonable to say i could be back in classroom for few hrs within the first week??:bolt:

  13. Excellent Steve!!

    I reckon I will have that same sense of anti-climax, my life has revolved around my need to lose weight for the last 20 years, when I finally lose all of my excess I know very well I will think "Well I've done it, now what?"

    That doesn't stop me from wanting it soooo badly though!!:rolleyes2:

    LMAO - Next is Tummy Tuck and boob job hun! (Not for Steve hahahah, don't think he'd suit a pair of DD's)

  14. Brussels International is the best airport to fly into but Charloi is ok too just a bit further out. Personally as I'm flying home the sunday before christmas unless I was will to spend double the fare I had to come come home via Charloi-Prestwick with Ryanair but I'm going out with Flybe Glasgow Int - Brussels Int. I'm lucky I'm half an hour from both Glasgow airports so I have the flexibility to do that.

  15. Kev, I've said it before and I'll say and now, and I really hope I can say many more times - WELL DONE.

    It's amazing not even a fill yet and you are only 1 stone short of your original target :lovechoc:

    Keep up the good work and I hope your fill goes well next week.


  16. Hi Noosa,

    Sorry to hear you are so upset just when you are embarking on something that is most likely to change your life for the better.

    Your surgery is tomorrow so therefore you have gone through a lot of information and soul searching to decide this is the correct course of action for you.

    Please be strong and don't let your family's worrys get you down, they care for you and probably don't understand fully either how you feel and are affected by your weight or the surgery itself.

  17. I have had surgery at Rosshall before when I had private medical insurance with my employer and and I found them excellent, I would have loved to go there for my band but finances meant I had to look elsewhere, I am very happy with my choice of surgeon though and I'm looking forward to December.

    Ross Hall is more like a hotel than a hospital, relax and enjoy the care I know you will recieve.

  18. That's ace!!! Can't wait to get into next jeans! I'm a 22 in Evans lol and while Next do some size 22 items, their idea of 22 and Evan's is rather different. I am actually thinking of applying for one of the stupid Evan's cards they try to make you take every single time you buy anything there just so I can ceremonially burn it once I'm banded and making progress!

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