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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by TwinkleLiL_star

  1. :hippie: Melissa sounds good to me ok where will we meet??

    I would love to say goodbye to Filene's plus:o size side and say hello to regular size;)

    I would love to wear my daughter's jeans joke between her and I as I am a child from the 60's I say dungarees.hahaha

    Would love to be able to sit in a plane without having to struggle with the belt:paranoid

    I would love to buy a real cute black dress for my friend's wedding on June 16,2007.

    Would love to walk up the stairs without have to slow down because I am breathing heavily..

    Have fun at the wedding and think in a couple of months you will be able to shop in the regular side of that store.;)

  2. There are alot of people going to Mexico and it sounds all positive there are on other states ect...

    About your fills better find that out first from the Dr's around this area..;)

    Wishing you luck and a safe trip..

    keep us inform..would love to know your progress..

  3. Amy have you lost weight ???;) sorry about your gallbladder:confused:

    I seem to be losing a few here and there:cool: since I stop eating so much junk food like "jolly ranchers"had an addiction to them for like 4 months really bad on sugar since starting to see Polly dietician have stopped a few habits...she was very helpful to me:clap2:

    Wish all the people that need to appeal don't give up it's a battle but at the long run you will be a hero;)

  4. I am so sorry for your denial..have your had your primary Dr or your psych Dr write a letter??

    Try to have them send it again have your been going to WeightWatchers or other places to lose weight??..get letters from all of them..:heh:

    Keep trying until they approve it :)

    The price I am not sure try calling Dr.Haag's office and maybe Missy could help you...:gluck: :angel: :pray:

    Good luck..

  5. :D I am being lapband on May 12 in Springfield,Massaschusetts

    Heresdeb where is Bruges??..when the have the needle in their hand just look away and count 1,2,3 and it's done:faint: just kidding:eek: :)

    everything will go well go with a positive atitude and things usually turn out correct...hope you get all my postive energy going your way.:clap2: so what time are they doing it?.... my surg will be at 7:30am ..:gluck: To all that will have surgery done in May:welldoneclap: :) :) :):D:)

  6. :dance: Thank you..

    You must feel so good losing all that weight:clap2:

    So u have lost likle 10 pounds a month? sounds good to me..

    I was at the dr's office the weight was 261 with shoes got home and I was 257 without shoes like this better:p it's a new digital scale my daughter bought for me for my journey..:nervous

    I am so excited I cannot believe it..I am glad I live in Massaschusetts it sounds like we have more support then other cities like NY some strange stories I have read on another site..

    We really get alot of support from each other on the sites then we kind of do in person at times...last support group I want to there was a man that was really being a jerk and too bad she didn't throw him out..

    But besides all this experience is positive for me I wish to be around for while:girl_hug:

    I will keep in touch with this group on my awaited journey..:)

  7. My surgery date is May 12,2006 at 6am 51 more days..I am so happy that my prayers were answered...

    Thank you all..

    Wanted to share this with this group that has made me feel so good about getting this surgery..:faint: this is how excited I am...:) :clap2: :dance: :angel: :eek: :eek: :D

  8. Goodmorning Hazel...

    Don't give up call Carolyn she is the one booking the surgery.

    She called me yesterday booked my surgery for April 28th:( my supervisor is off on vacation so must have it done for May..

    But it doesn't mean I will stop calling her:faint:

    I am just a little scared I will gain some weight and have Dr.Haag be mad at me..I am really thinking positive :clap2:

    have you left her messages??

  9. :) :) Hello Ladies thank you for you congrats..I am really getting excited and thinking how cute I am going to look with less :kiss2: weight..hahahaha.. Hazel sorry you still are waiting I pray soon u will be called.

    Lynn you are doing so good keep up the good work:clap2:

    Tess how much have you lost??

    Maybe we could start a group like every wednesday:Banane03: tell each other if we lost some weight or not just to be supporting each other and get this Massaschusetts group going :)

    I live in Holyoke so u know it's the parade here today..

    Wish u all a wonderful week of more wonderful things to come..:)

    This is to the ladies we had the surgery how long did it take for a surgery date???

    'Almost forgot Happy First Day of SPRING'

  10. :)I am so excited got the approval for my surgery with :) :attention: :whoo: Dr.Haag..called and Missy she said I was APPROVED:nervous

    So all I must wait is for the surgery date..

    I guess everyone experience is different my experience has been positive with Dr.Haag and his staff.

    As soon as I get my surgery date will let the group know...:)

    Thank you Rosa

  11. :)Happy Saint Patrick's day to all:cool: :update:

    I am so excited want to share my happiness with the group:nervous

    I heard from the Dr's office I got the approval for my surgery:clap2: ..just waiting now for the surgery day..it was so fast they put it in on Feb 27 got an answer March 16th..

    So I will keep you posted on my surgery date.

    I feel this group will bring me alot of support. :)

  12. Hello Dolphin_dreams..

    My name is Rosa from Springfield,Mass..I have bc/bs too how long did it take them to approve you?

    they sent all the info on feb 27th.:) I am getting very excited and this site has been like an addiction to me cannot stop readig all these post from all these amazing people including yourself that have done so well.

    This site I know will be my support..

    again tx.:)

  13. Hello Susan and rest of the group

    I did change my name from latinRosa49 to twinklelil_star because of the journey I am about to take.

    I am very excted to be here I keep on reading all your notes and I feel I will get the help and strength I will need.

    I did call the Dr's office on friday they said to call next friday nothing yet:cry .(bc/bs)

    I did lose 3 pounds on my visit:clap2: .2-27-06

    I am lost with words to be reading all your notes how wonderful this group has done I could feel the spirit of people helping each other and I am honored to be part of your group.

    thank you.:)

  14. :)Hello my name is Rosa..I am from Massaschusetts.."

    My Dr is Dr.Burritt Haag at 2 Medical Office Drive.

    I am 57 yrs old mother of 2 wonderful children who are very supportive of what I am about to have done...

    I am just waiting for Missy to call me with a date,I do have bc/bs as an insurance.

    I have done alot of research on the lapband and find it to be my best choose other members of my family had Dr.Haag and she has lost 60lbs since Nov 2005..very happy with him..made me feel very postive and he has done quite alot of this procdure this is his speciality.

    I will be going to BayStateMedicalCenter of course and because of my bmi must stay over which I really do not mind because the care at BMC is excellent...

    wt 264 height 5'0

    bmi 52

    wish to lose at less 60 or 70 lbs if God permits..:nervous

    So would love to hear from others who have had Dr Haag to tell me their experience.

    Thank you for having me on your site..:)

  15. Hello

    My name is Rosa I am from Springfield,Massaschusetts,my surgeon will be Dr.Haag from Baystate Medical Center..I pray my surgery will around the end of March or early April.

    I have had problems with weight since I stop smoking almost 9 yrs ago..

    I have seen myself from being active to have slow down alot thru the years my knees hurt me alot,I have gain almost 100 pounds..I know it will be hard but I am very positive:clap2: and feel with support will get over this..

    Hope this forum will help me thru this and my sucess on losing the weight:help:

    I wish to know what was the hardest in the beginning of the trip to losing weight?? if anyone could tell me please feel free to communicate with me:)

    I am here as an infant learning to walk and need some help;)

    Thank you all for your time .

    Warmly Rosa

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