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Queen ApisM

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    Queen ApisM got a reaction from Tomo in Eating carbs (pasta, rice, or bread )   
    My program has never restricted carbs post surgery, in fact they encourage a balanced diet and higher calories compared to some of the programs out there. I eat carbs on a regular basis, but that is coupled with watching overall calories and prioritizing Protein. While I eat carbs, it is also nowhere near what I used to eat. I don't eat a lot of bread. The exception is a light English muffin as part of my Breakfast sandwich - for some reason those English muffins don't bloat me the same way as other bread. Rice might be a few spoonfuls, the same with Pasta. My tummy really cannot handle carbs in large amounts so pasta is no longer the go to food it used to be.
  2. Like
    Queen ApisM got a reaction from lizonaplane in Airplane anxiety, just venting   
    Ask for the extender. Like @lizonaplane said it is no big deal. I've flown a lot while 350+ lbs, including extensive international trips, and pretty much all the flight attendants around the world have been extremely discrete and kind about it. And I have never had a passenger say anything.
    It is also helpful to be on the aisle, as it makes it even easier to be discrete.

  3. Like
    Queen ApisM got a reaction from lizonaplane in Airplane anxiety, just venting   
    Ask for the extender. Like @lizonaplane said it is no big deal. I've flown a lot while 350+ lbs, including extensive international trips, and pretty much all the flight attendants around the world have been extremely discrete and kind about it. And I have never had a passenger say anything.
    It is also helpful to be on the aisle, as it makes it even easier to be discrete.

  4. Like
    Queen ApisM got a reaction from Meganator in 6 Months Post Op - Good Stuff All Around!   
    This is awesome! Congratulations on all the great milestones you have hit.
    It can be really hard to see changes day to day but when you get a chance to see the big picture of all the changes, like in your post, it really hits home.
    Keep up the awesome work.
  5. Like
    Queen ApisM got a reaction from lizonaplane in “Non scale victories...”   
    Great comment above. Doctors sometimes reduce certain health conditions to weight when it is more complex than that - for example, my very fit, thin cousin has uncontrollable high blood pressure, while mine is well controlled with meds. Just looking at our weights, you would assume the opposite is true.
    Regarding NSVs, big ones for me have been cutting my HBP meds (again, I have well controlled HBP, so I have had to reduce meds), more energy, a better sex drive (a bit embarrassing to share on a forum but it is true so...), less anxiety about fitting in places, fitting into old clothes in my closet, feeling eager to move more (when in the past activity was harder and I wanted to avoid it.)
  6. Like
    Queen ApisM got a reaction from lizonaplane in “Non scale victories...”   
    Great comment above. Doctors sometimes reduce certain health conditions to weight when it is more complex than that - for example, my very fit, thin cousin has uncontrollable high blood pressure, while mine is well controlled with meds. Just looking at our weights, you would assume the opposite is true.
    Regarding NSVs, big ones for me have been cutting my HBP meds (again, I have well controlled HBP, so I have had to reduce meds), more energy, a better sex drive (a bit embarrassing to share on a forum but it is true so...), less anxiety about fitting in places, fitting into old clothes in my closet, feeling eager to move more (when in the past activity was harder and I wanted to avoid it.)
  7. Like
    Queen ApisM reacted to lizonaplane in “Non scale victories...”   
    There is a whole thread on here for NSVs. But just a warning - don't count on all of your medical issues to disappear even if you lose a good amount of weight. Not all health problems that doctors say are caused by your weight are really caused by your weight. Some are genetic, like high blood pressure and cholesterol. Actually, cholesterol can increase right after surgery as your body releases certain hormones.
    Congratulations on having surgery, but remember that "health" is more than just your blood pressure or other medical conditions. Health has a lot to do with how you feel. I have lost 112 lbs and I feel great being able to fit more comfortably in places and wear "regular" clothes. I also move more comfortably and walk faster. But I was promised so many things - like having more energy - that I have not experienced.
    Good luck!
  8. Like
    Queen ApisM got a reaction from Crisscat in Sleeping Upright Post Op   
    I slept laying down from the very beginning after getting my sleeve done and had no acid reflux issues immediately after surgery. My practice proactively prescribes medication to reduce acid for the first month.
    Since surgery I have 2 acid reflux situations, but that didn't happen until I was on solid food again and getting more adventurous in my eating choices. In both cases it was because I ate right before going to bed, and with specific food choices/amounts. The second time I totally knew better but ignored my logical brain and went with a poor choice (eating a questionable snack when I knew I would be sleeping soon). Yeah, not making that mistake again.
    I wouldn't worry too much. Everyone is different and many people with sleeve don't have any reflux issues.
  9. Hugs
    Queen ApisM got a reaction from TheWeightisOvr in Slow Losers Club…..officially *sigh*   
    I'm not sure if I count as a slow loser - possibly, since I see others with similar surgery dates who have lost quite a bit more than me. I had surgery in August and have lost 85 since surgery, 96 if you count preop liver diet, which I do. But, I am trying hard not to think about myself as a slow loser, just as a loser (in a good way!) My program has been really happy with my progress. I feel amazing. My BP meds have been reduced. My endurance is much improved and my energy through the roof. I don't feel like my body is sabotaging me anymore.
    When I stop and look at the big picture and not the day to day numbers I remember that I am on a consistent downward trajectory.
    I worry about getting to my ultimate goals because I worry what will happen after the 12 month and 18th month marks, because I know this will get harder at some point, but then I have to tell myself to focus on what is going on now, how I am using this new tool, and how I already see so many positive body and emotional changes even if I am far from my ultimate goals. And, in this "honeymoon period" I am trying to build some good habits around food choices, exercise and added movement, and even just the way I think about myself and my body.
    Good luck!
  10. Like
    Queen ApisM got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in Normal or not? 6 days post VSG and I can eat all of this?   
    liquids are handled very differently than solid food. Believe me, when you start adding solids in, the restriction will become very apparent. Honestly, after the first week or so, I didn't notice any problem taking in liquid amounts (initially I had some funny stomach pain along the place my stomach was cut out or so I think).
    I wouldn't worry.
  11. Like
    Queen ApisM got a reaction from Fingersx in I’m just going to ask!   
    I think we waited at least 4 weeks for the full deed, but we were still intimate in other ways.
    My sex drive skyrocketed, so I doubt we waited more than 6 weeks. And I'll just leave it at that! 😈
  12. Like
    Queen ApisM got a reaction from Fingersx in I’m just going to ask!   
    I think we waited at least 4 weeks for the full deed, but we were still intimate in other ways.
    My sex drive skyrocketed, so I doubt we waited more than 6 weeks. And I'll just leave it at that! 😈
  13. Like
    Queen ApisM got a reaction from lizonaplane in Post Op Stomach Injections   
    Interesting note on the blood thinners: my program used to only prescribe them post-op for higher risk patients (esp those of us starting at higher BMIs). But, during COVID information was coming through about post-surgery patients coming in with strange/unusual clots (not sure if it was all patients, or just WLS patients). They theorized that it may have been COVID infections, especially asymptomatic infections prior to or just after surgery, causing it since COVID has a blood clotting component to the infection, so they changed their post-surgery protocols to add in the Lovenox for everyone regardless of BMI.
  14. Hugs
    Queen ApisM got a reaction from Merill in Regrets...anyone?   
    We have all been in that moment where you are seeing surgery on the horizon and the creeping terror of the unknown is making you question everything. I was also very worried about all this, terrified even. I was convinced I would die on the operating room table and made sure I had a will in place before surgery just in case that happened. But, this is where the personal equation of risk is important: are the potential benefits of the surgery better than the alternative, which is the status quo or gaining even more weight, with little likelihood that I would be successful losing it and keeping it off. This answer is going to be different for each of us.
    I'm 8 months out, and still in the honeymoon period, but I can honestly - in this moment - say this is the best thing I have done for myself, and I wish I had done it sooner. Even if I don't lose another pound, I already feel 1000x better than I did, mentally and physically. I was self pay, too, so this was a huge monetary investment in myself and my future. Have there been challenges? Yes, but in my mind it is no different than the calculated risks people with other health issues have to take to chase potentially better outcomes. We all have to weigh the factors and decide what is more important: the possibility of success or the risk of complication.
  15. Like
    Queen ApisM got a reaction from catwoman7 in Eating   
    In the early stages post surgery, many of us have to eat & drink on a schedule, regardless of whether we want to eat. I had no hunger at all for a while, but forced myself to eat and drink at intervals. Previous posted gave a good suggestion of setting alarms as reminders. I would also track carefully, with little goals like, "drink this 16 oz of Fluid before XX time", knowing that if I didn't, I wouldn't make my fluid goals for the day.
    It is easy to fall into the thinking that not eating is okay and will result in more weight loss faster (I know my brain went there in the beginning sometimes, when eating was a chore), so when we don't feel hungry we can be tempted to just go with it and not try and stick to a plan. But, it's not true, especially if you are missing Protein goals. Too low of calories is not good for us long term, and can have the opposite effect on weight loss. And lack of protein means your body may cannibalize your muscle instead of the fat we want it to use up.
  16. Like
    Queen ApisM got a reaction from Possum220 in Pre & Post Workout Meals   
    Building back from scratch relative to what? Even at my heaviest, I worked out pretty regularly and did a lot of strength training. I took 2 months off with surgery and I definitely felt a decline but not back to my pre-training days. My abs (especially lower abs) were probably the worst, because my trainer was also going very gentle on them for a long while until we were sure everything is fully healed.
    I like Protein Snacks before and after workouts. So, Greek yogurt with some oatmeal and berries or a couple of light string cheese sticks. None of that is going to help with soreness - only time fixes that in my experience - but the protein is good for energy and muscles rebuilding.
  17. Like
    Queen ApisM got a reaction from lizonaplane in Post Op Stomach Injections   
    Interesting note on the blood thinners: my program used to only prescribe them post-op for higher risk patients (esp those of us starting at higher BMIs). But, during COVID information was coming through about post-surgery patients coming in with strange/unusual clots (not sure if it was all patients, or just WLS patients). They theorized that it may have been COVID infections, especially asymptomatic infections prior to or just after surgery, causing it since COVID has a blood clotting component to the infection, so they changed their post-surgery protocols to add in the Lovenox for everyone regardless of BMI.
  18. Like
    Queen ApisM got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in Normal or not? 6 days post VSG and I can eat all of this?   
    liquids are handled very differently than solid food. Believe me, when you start adding solids in, the restriction will become very apparent. Honestly, after the first week or so, I didn't notice any problem taking in liquid amounts (initially I had some funny stomach pain along the place my stomach was cut out or so I think).
    I wouldn't worry.
  19. Like
    Queen ApisM got a reaction from lizonaplane in Portion control   
    Weigh and measure. I agree with another posted, you will need a food scale, but a good set of measuring cups (both regular ones and liquid measuring cups) are also invaluable. Look at the nutrition labels - the serving size for each food is there, and you can use that as a guide. Weighing food (unless it is liquid) is the best way to keep track of how much you are having and avoid the "but this cookie is small, I can have another cookie above the serving size for the same amount of calories" game.
    Of course you can eat more or less of a serving, so this leads to my next comment - start writing it all down and tracking how much you are eating vs. what you think you are eating. You should also measure any drinks with calories to know exactly how many calories you are drinking. For example, my idea of a "cup" of milk is very different from the reality. Even now, 8 months out, I measure the soy milk I use in my Protein Shakes because I don't trust my eyes. I track it all in the Baritastic app, but MyFitnessPal is great, and there are many others.
  20. Congrats!
    Queen ApisM got a reaction from Carenas9333 in Why Do People Think It's Okay To Tell You You're Fat?   
    Oh my god. I wish I could count on two hands how many times people have felt they could comment on my weight or size. Coworkers, innumerable family members, strangers. Honestly, it's dozens if not hundreds of times. Because you know, I didn't notice all the fat on my body without them telling me.
  21. Hugs
    Queen ApisM got a reaction from TheWeightisOvr in Slow Losers Club…..officially *sigh*   
    I'm not sure if I count as a slow loser - possibly, since I see others with similar surgery dates who have lost quite a bit more than me. I had surgery in August and have lost 85 since surgery, 96 if you count preop liver diet, which I do. But, I am trying hard not to think about myself as a slow loser, just as a loser (in a good way!) My program has been really happy with my progress. I feel amazing. My BP meds have been reduced. My endurance is much improved and my energy through the roof. I don't feel like my body is sabotaging me anymore.
    When I stop and look at the big picture and not the day to day numbers I remember that I am on a consistent downward trajectory.
    I worry about getting to my ultimate goals because I worry what will happen after the 12 month and 18th month marks, because I know this will get harder at some point, but then I have to tell myself to focus on what is going on now, how I am using this new tool, and how I already see so many positive body and emotional changes even if I am far from my ultimate goals. And, in this "honeymoon period" I am trying to build some good habits around food choices, exercise and added movement, and even just the way I think about myself and my body.
    Good luck!
  22. Haha
    Queen ApisM got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in Over night stay at hospital. Yay or nay   
    I had sleeve, and typically it is one night for sleeve patients. I had to stay two nights though, simply because they couldn't get blood out of me! Seriously, I was fine - I passed the drinking test (certain amount of fluids in a certain amount of time), was walking, had gone to the bathroom plenty - but they wanted a post surgery blood panel before releasing me, and NO ONE (including the Difficult Vein Access team) could get anything out of my veins, even using fancy vein finding gadgets. Finally the morning nurse after my second night got totally lucky and we got enough blood for them to confirm I was fine and let me go at around noon. If she had failed I was going to offer to cut my hand and bleed into a cup because I was not staying a third night. I was self pay, it was not happening.
  23. Like
    Queen ApisM got a reaction from msleo88 in Nonstop Cycle   
    Estrogen gets stored in fat cells, so losing weight releases it, and losing a lot of weight dumps a lot of it into your system at once. Fun ensues. Having said that, mine started almost immediately, including me getting a cycle one month after surgery when I had been incredibly irregular prior. It's continued since - I'm more regular than I have been literally a decade.
    I'm curious what the BCP is. Some of them can cause extended cycles or spotting, so you may want to investigate that. Between the pill side effects and the hormone dumps in your body, it might be taking some time to sort itself.
  24. Like
    Queen ApisM got a reaction from lizonaplane in Portion control   
    Weigh and measure. I agree with another posted, you will need a food scale, but a good set of measuring cups (both regular ones and liquid measuring cups) are also invaluable. Look at the nutrition labels - the serving size for each food is there, and you can use that as a guide. Weighing food (unless it is liquid) is the best way to keep track of how much you are having and avoid the "but this cookie is small, I can have another cookie above the serving size for the same amount of calories" game.
    Of course you can eat more or less of a serving, so this leads to my next comment - start writing it all down and tracking how much you are eating vs. what you think you are eating. You should also measure any drinks with calories to know exactly how many calories you are drinking. For example, my idea of a "cup" of milk is very different from the reality. Even now, 8 months out, I measure the soy milk I use in my Protein Shakes because I don't trust my eyes. I track it all in the Baritastic app, but MyFitnessPal is great, and there are many others.
  25. Like
    Queen ApisM got a reaction from Bricam20 in Price of diet?   
    I think the item that most needs to be budgeted is the Vitamins. I still use Protein Powder (even now 8 months out) but lots of people don't continue with them, after the first few months. I just like them so I still have them. I don't care for the prepared ones, though I keep some on hand when I am on the go. I try to buy the prepared ones at costco to save some money vs. other retail options. I like the Unjury Protein powder with soy milk - the chocolate Splendor is delicious.
    You are eating so much less food, though, the costs might get balanced out by reduced grocery bills and restaurant eating. I know it is true in my case, but of course that depends on your current lifestyle and other factors.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
