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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Ivernous

  1. :) I don't know what to think. I am not happy about the weight I have lost so far. I thought it would have been a lot more.

    I feel like I really need to sit down with a doctor and go through all my medications and all my ailments, that I have or have had, but it is sooooo hard to find anyone that will do that. Just take the time and go thru things one by one. I want me as a whole to be treated. Not just each individual issue. I have heard that Homopathy (sp) is a way that will do this. Is anyone out there familar with this type of service or use this service regularly instead of regular doctors?

  2. So here I am out here livin' the Lap Band life a lot like my old life just a lot less food. There are foods I can't eat like bread or chicken in certain forms. So I'm going about my daily life and wake up one morning and bam! Breakfast gets stuck -I toss it up and drink Water the next few hours then try to have lunch- Bam again- stuck! I hadn't had anything get stuck in a long time and it comes up on you like surprise!!! I'm still here band.... Does anyone have times during the day that the band seem tighter? Or have you gone thru this where you get really excited to eat something and it gets stuck? :thumbup:

  3. :):scared2::thumbup: OK so I am stressed out at work to the max. I just need to get this out. I am still eating for emotional reasons. I tried very hard this morning not to do that but something just put me over the top. I sit at my desk all day and can't think of anything right now to distract myself from the yummies people brought for our potluck today. It just gets me mad!:blink: OK think I'm done ranting.

  4. I totally get what you are going thru....I don't know if you are feeling it the same way I am but for me its about not having to think about everything I eat every time I eat it.....I crave that mindless eating, big portions (maybe) but not having to worry about if what I swallow is going to get stuck would be nice. I have only had one of those PB's and it really isn't that fun. I hope that this hits a spot with you or others because I just don't know if others are also craving the "Mindlessness of eating" as I do.

  5. I've been having pain around my port area since my surgery- almost 3 months ago. It feels internal and its not directly above my port. Its sore all the time and I sleep on my sides, I just don't know why I still have this pain and my incision is very sensitive when brushed with fabric or my hand. Anyone else have this going on? :)

  6. Well Friday night I was eating chicken with my husband and after like 2 bites -BAM stuck! I knew it was stuck, felt like severe heart burn and a big lump in my throat. While I waited I could feel the piece moving its way up my throat. I went to the bathroom and stood over the sink for about a 1/2 hour when it finally came up. I threw up the chicken. It felt much better afterword even though I was still doing some heaving. But I thought I would share. :rolleyes:

  7. Hi there Two Feathers,

    I too am an emotional eater. What has helped me somewhat is deep breathing. I get angry while at work so breathing helps. I close my eyes for a minute and breath all the while thinking of my happy place....picturing a beautiful beach and warm sunny weather.....usually after that I have an easier time not eating because of my emotions....but it takes practice. Hope that helps.

  8. Hi Melissa,

    Its Melissa I really hope you keep pushing forward. I had the same thoughts that you are having right now and know you need to let that thought set in a little. What would you do or how would you feel about yourself if you didn't continue? I don't know if that is an issue but maybe just giving you some food for thought. I go in tomorrow morning for my surgery its at 7:45 am. I will keep in touch and yes talk to your doctor...be totally honest with them on what you are thinking and doing....hope that helps.

  9. Well right now at the hotel, tomorrow morning gotta be at the hospital at 5:30. I was originally 2nd in line for tomorrow but the person in front of me canceled out. If I canceled I would be pretty upset with myself. I've come a long way and know that I am know ready for this change in my life. liquid diet = torture. For me anyway. The others on this thread....cheating isn't the greatest but you shouldn't hate yourself for doing it either...its really hard!! After tomorrow I will still have more liquids to go on for ...I don't know how long but I know I will feel full finally! Wish me luck!! As I wish all of you luck and strength to continue on!! :lol:

  10. Hi Everyone,

    Well I got the go ahead for Tuesday the 10th and found out some interesting things about myself I didn't know before. Like that I am borderline diabetic and have fatty liver disease. It truly came as a shock to me to find that out since no one has said anything of the sort before yesterday. I asked the nurse a ton of questions, told her my plans for where I am staying the night before and after the surgery because it is a distance for me to travel to the hospital where I am having it at and thought it would be a good idea to stay in town to make sure everything was ok. I am now pumped to be only 4 days away from surgery and looking forward to my new body in the future. Thanks for letting me share.

  11. Thank you L.J.,Babe, plain, and Melissa Anne for your support. I just want to let everyone know I have not cheated since the cheeseburger incident. And yes I am afraid of going under the knife. I have a dr's appt with the RN tomorrow....I am sure she will tell me if I am ready or not to go forward. Whether it be mentally or physically ready or if I haven't lost enough weight. Maybe they can tell if my liver has shrunk just by looking at me ( I don't know, but I doubt it). Anyway JuneAct2 has stated that she was the tough love /support type of person, I don't care for that type just because I know was doing wrong and temptation got the best of me. I know that I can do this. I have thought and studied this for more than 3 years. If anyone needs suggestions for good book about this I can recommend a few I thought were helpful. One that is helping me currently is the Emotional First-Aid kit for people about to have bariatric surgery. Sorry don't recall the author right now. Well enough of my talkin' hope all is well with you guys and I really appreciate the support I have gotten so far and hope that in the future I can do the same for others.

  12. Well...this is the last place I expected to get bitched at but I can't do anything about that.....I just wanted to know if other people cheated.....No thanks to JuneAct2. I have taken extreme thought into whether or not to go forward. I have researched more than anyone I know about what it involves, what steps I have to take and that its not a free ticket to being slim. I know I have a problem and that is why I see a therapist. I am going to OA (overeaters anonymous). And because I have major depression its even harder for me!! Look I already hate myself so you don't need to be doin' it for me. I don't want to hear from you anymore on this thread JuneAct2, thank you

  13. Well I have 8 days until the BIG day. I am scared that I may not have shrunk my liver enough. I have an appt with the RN on Thursday to find out how I am doing and weigh-in. I think she will tell me at that visit whether or not I can go forward with the surgery. I hope she says yes.

    I did talk to the dr and nurse last week and they allowed me a small salad carrot stick or celery and 1/2 a tuna fish sandwich. Still with having that I am so tempted by food. I cheated on Friday I wanted a cheeseburger so bad!! Well I got it ate it and afterword felt horrible and they weren't even that good ...definitely not worth it! But I have moved on since Friday and am holding on for another 8 days. 8 days til my life changes.....hmmm. Gives a person alot to think about. I sure hope no one is as naughty as I am! Good luck and may we all find what we need thru banding.

  14. :( Help everyone!! I keep cheating on my pre-op diet!! I can make it thru the day time fine but I get home at night and just HAVE TO EAT SOMETHING!!!! I'm afraid I won't be able to do this. I eat healthy stuff like I boiled eggs and only ate the egg white part. Or I have a slice of cheese. The diet is suppose to be all liquids. Does anyone know if this cheating will not shink my liver enough or what solid food does to the liver that might make it not shrink? Any advise is needed!!!! :scared2:

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