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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Kimchibar

  1. 18 minutes ago, catwoman7 said:

    I agree with some of the others - you're starting at a very low weight for a WLS patient, so you can't expect to lose as fast as someone who starts out at over 300 lbs. As long as you're following your clinic's plan and your weight is trending down, you're good.

    btw - even for those of us who start out at over 300 lbs, by the time we get down to where you started (under 200), WE start losing about a lb a week as well. That's totally normal. I dipped under 200 for the first time when I was a little over a year out - and yep, my weight loss slowed down to a crawl. BUT....it kept coming off...

    P.S. You mentioned people who "eat junk" are doing much better than you. Check back with them in a couple of years and see where they're at...

    Thanks for the reply.
    I understand what you mean by bigger people lose weight faster. I know that. Which is why I don’t compare my progress with others who weigh more than me. I follow a few of low BMI groups on fb and many of us start below 200 pounds. Some people just melt off their weight within the first 3-5 months and Losing at a rapid pace while claiming they are scarfing down on pizza bites and nacho cheese.
    it just bothers me seeing that and compare my lack of progress.
    I know I shouldn’t complain and compare myself with others but it’s just such a mental battle.

  2. 4 hours ago, Stalled said:

    You're completely right about both your points. I should clarify, what I mean by "exercise" is more accurately "activity". This early on you shouldn't be afraid to walk a lot or do similar low-stress activities like swimming (if you're cleared for it). Whatever your body feels like it can do, but not anything intense :) until further on in your recovery. And the part about not starving your body is VERY important too. Unfortunately, everyone's body and metabolism are different so it is difficult to determine what is right (calories amount vs exercise burning) for each person without some experimentation. I think you're at the right caloric level, you might even want to try to eat more to get more calories because your body might be in "starvation" mode right now and that could be one reason why you aren't losing as much as you would like or expect.

    thank you for your insightful response. I walk nearly 3-4 miles a day at a steady pace. Nothing too intense. I guess I will just be a slow loser. I will eventually accept for what it is.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Kimchibar said:

    2 minutes ago, Kimchibar said:

    1 hour ago, Stalled said:

    Exercise is key. If you aren't exercising, you need to start. You need to be burning the same or more than the number of calories you are consuming. Are you counting your calories or have an idea of how many calories you consume in a day?

    My surgeon told me not to exercise at least for 3 months since the first “3 months” is the biggest loss. My surgeon also recommended me not to burn more active calories than what I eat since I could potentially starve my body. I only eat 600-650 calories a day. I don’t think it’s wise for me to exercise this early on.

  4. 4 hours ago, NovaLuna said:

    I know you said that you don't want to hear it, but it has everything to do with the fact that you started at a lower weight than most. People have high expectations, unrealistic expectations, when they have their surgery. I'm one of those people who was guilty of those unrealistic expectations. Stalls happen. And yes, they can happen early. The fact is, that you ARE still losing. Is it frustrating that it's not as fast as you want? Yes. Does it make you want to scream or throw your scale? Again, yes. All you can do is tell yourself that you are doing everything you are supposed to and maybe just avoid the scale for two or three weeks. I've had more stalls along my journey than anyone I've ever seen on this site. My longest one lasted 40-something days (I literally forgot the exact number, but it was in the 40-something range and was May-June 2021) and I thought 'This is it. This is as far as I'm going to go' and I was beyond frustrated because at that point I was stuck at 186, which was only 6 pounds from my goal weight. Then, my weight loss suddenly kicked back in and in the following two months I lost 8 pounds (which is amazing considering I was lucky to lose even 2 pounds in a month at this point as 1 had been the norm for a few months). I'm currently dealing with a 20 day stall, but I don't care as much because 1. I've already met my personal goal so all the extra weight loss is just a bonus, and 2. I'm in physical therapy for my arthritis so inflammation is a THING! People telling you not to be frustrated, honestly isn't going to help. It isn't going to make it go away. But, it's normal. Also, everyone loses weight at a different pace. Sometimes slow and steady is the better way to do it (honestly, I think your skin may bounce back better that way as well. So maybe just try to look for some positives, even if it may seem impossible to find them with how frustrated you undoubtedly are).

    Thank you for your reply. I completely understand what you’re saying.
    I am fully aware that the first 3 months is the hardest in terms of emotions and it’s a mental game.
    I’ve just been so frustrated since my body has always been against me my whole life. I’m just hopeless at this point.

  5. Hello all

    I am currently 6 weeks post-op (Surgery date 07/24/2021) and I have been losing SLOWLY after my three-week plateau. I am losing 1 pound A WEEK. Mind you, I have PCOS. So yeah, I get I will be a "slow loser" and such. But aren't I too early in the game for me to lose at such a damn SLOW PACE? I am eating up to 90 g of Protein, I stay under 20 net carbs, I eat healthy (hell, I haven't tried anything other than what's on my doctor's list), and yet... my damn scale is frozen in numbers.

    I am feeling regretful at this point. It has nothing to do with the fact that I am a "lower weight than most." (I am stuck at 167.2) Many are this weight currently and are losing steadily throughout the week. This has got to be the dumbest decision I have ever made in my life at this point.

    Money down the drain. My mental health is at rock bottom, and my emotional health is on a roller coaster.

    I envy those who lose every week and out there living their best life while they continue to eat junk.. while I am stuck here, following EVERYTHING TO THE "T" and stuck.

    Sorry for the vent. But I am over this. :(

    I don't know what to think at this point.

  6. On 8/27/2021 at 4:30 PM, eholmes89 said:

    Hi Kim

    Thanks for the above! I have the last few days really concentrated on Protein and Water intake! Although I’ve never really thought about collagen and peptide?
    I have protein yoghurts (great for mixing my baricol vitamins) and if I’m lacking protein from my food that day I top up with a UFit Protein Shake. But will be sure to check out the ingredients.

    your correct I am not looking to reduce calories if anything I wish I could increase! But it’s such a struggle as I’m still only really eating 2-3 tablespoons of food each meal. I have weighed myself today and a 1lb has gone! So I wonder if this is the start up again!

    im away on holiday next week so I’m planning lots of walking, and packed the car with water and protein shakes! So i wonder if moving / exercising more as well should this help.

    I have my follow up call with my surgeon today and will see what his thoughts are.

    Thanks guys! It’s all just a journey and this is why I like discussing on here as everyone understands! 😊👍🏻

    collagen peptide unflavored powder helps with nails, skin, and hair (hair loss is a huge issue with WLS patients) so many people take it to reduce Hair loss. It also has 10g of protein! you can mix it into your Protein Shakes as it's flavorless! I recommend it!


    I use this one with my coffee, shakes, etc.

  7. I grew as a chubby kid but once I entered school, I was kept in sports my whole life so being skinny was my normal life. It wasn't until I was diagnosed with PCOS at the age of 22. I was at 150 pounds. A tad bit overweight but hey, I was a university kid who would party, drink and eat junk all the time. What was I expecting? it's what us, uni kids do... right? PCOS never tempered with my life so why care. It wasn't until I was 24 when the weight became my biggest nightmare. It was as if it came with vengeance, full force. This is when everything 'clicked' for me. I would always do crash diets, starve, Intermediate fasting, juicing... you name it, I've tried it. NOTHING WORKED. I would diet with no weight loss. AND TRUST ME... I CALORIE COUNTED EVERY GRAIN OF RICE OR OUNCE. I would go to the gym religiously for 2 hours at a time...I would weigh myself every morning in hopes I finally lost a pound. This developed an unhealthy addiction and I ended up with an eating disorder. I would give up on dieting and binge eat thousands of calories at a time. I would feel guilty, mentally, emotionally, and psychically. I would vomit and start over. I missed the "skinny" me desperately to the point I jeopardized my body, my mind and killed my metabolism due to my eating disorder.

    I was sitting at my heaviest at 210. For some, this weight isn't much but keep in mind- I didn't feel like myself anymore. I wasn't happy. I would drink myself to sleep. I would cry because I felt that I could have done better with taking care of my body, But Instead, I tortured my body thinking I was doing the "right thing."

    Scared and lost, I turned to my last resort and to fix my alcohol addiction and health around with the VSG.

    I am now 1 month post op and down to 169. I hope to get down to 110 like I used to be. But honestly, I just want to be happy again. This time. HEALTHY, regardless of the weight.

    People think that only thin people have eating disorders but, oh boy are they wrong.

    I am still learning how to deal with my new tummy. But What I keep in mind is, that this surgery is a tool. Not a 'miracle' surgery. I still need to eat healthy to get the results. And I aim to do so.

  8. 2 hours ago, ShoppGirl said:

    I haven’t done much research on this because I like whey Protein anyways but the Bariatric Advantage rep was on Facebook live with the nurse practitioner from my office during the online support group meeting and she said that whey is the most easily absorbed and mentioned collagen as one that is less absorbable. When they checked my Vitamins they also checked protein so I assume they will for you as well but if your protein is lower than expected the type of protein may be an issue. Just a heads up.

    I take the collagen and fiber apart. I take these separate with collagen being 20g and fiber being 10g. My recommended dose of protein is 60-70g but I eat more then recommended since I do not eat much and I need the extra energy.

  9. 13 hours ago, eholmes89 said:

    So I’m at 6 weeks mark. And I’ve stalled! The dreaded stall. 😩

    I’ve lost 31lbs in 6 weeks (including 10 pre op) My overall goal is 77lbs to be at target weight; so I’m not far off half way!

    Is a 6 week stall common!?

    I’m re-evaluating my diet, calorie intake, Protein intake and Water intake…

    constipation has now cleared! Thank god!! 🙏🏻

    on the upside I have a 8 inch waist loss! Taking the wins!

    any idea on what calorie; Protein intake you guys are in about 6 weeks post op!?


    Emma x

    Firstly, Congrats!!! 31 pounds is a great victory! It is very normal to experience a stall at that stage. Anywhere from week 2-week 6, most people experience their first stall. By re-evaluating, I wouldn't decrease your calories since I am sure you are eating less than 500-600 calories a day. Move around, up your protein and Water. Stalls can last anywhere from a week to a month (from what I read.) but keep in mind, majority of us experience them and they are a pain in the ass to break. Don't feel discouraged as your body is still healing and trying to catch up to your rapid weight loss. Give this time to stay off the scale and focus on your intakes in terms of water and protein.

    I focus on 80g of protein (with collagen peptide powder and Fiber powder) 64 ounces of water (I despise water with a passion ugh) and my calories are anywhere from 500-600 a day as recommended by my NUT.

    Good luck.

  10. 38 minutes ago, cheryl o said:

    whoa, all that from a VSG? Im scheduled for a RYN on 9/20 if covid restrictions are lifted at the hospital. thats going to murder me

    Sent from my SM-G973U using BariatricPal mobile app

    I am now 1 month post op and I feel GREAT! It really varies person to person. The stomach pain did go away within the 1-2 week period just as my doctor said it would. I found out that with liquids, the stomach is still swollen (it can last up to a month!) and it will be very hard for others to swallow. For me, my stomach was no longer swollen after a week. So I was able to drink my Water and shakes like a champ with 0 problem. I thought I was the only one but it turns out It just depends on how fast your stomach stabilizes in terms of inflammation

    Don't worry about anything! You got this! even though I am losing slowly, I am happy I got the surgery. No regrets so far. :)

  11. 45 minutes ago, TSH1920 said:

    I had my sleeve on 7/15/21
    HW: 351
    SW: 340
    CW: 314
    I’ve been at a stall for a few days now. Any suggestions?

    Drink your 64oz (or more) of Water. Move your body, stay on top of your Protein and stick to the program. You already lost 26 pounds. That's a huge victory to me! :) Also, you cannot count your 'stall' as a stall. It's only been a few days. Your body is healing and it will take time to adjust. Give your body time to heal and get back on track. I just got off my 2 week stall and though I am losing slowly, at least I broke the chain.

    Keep on moving. The scale will move when you least expect it :)

  12. Surgery date: 07/24/2021

    HW: 210

    SW: 188

    CW 169

    Finally got off my two week stall but losing weight is SLOOOW. Lost only one pound since my stall :( Feeling dreadful. I know I don't weigh much but the weight loss is killing me. Even people who weigh the same as me are losing twice as fast. PCOS is a b*tch.

  13. 3 hours ago, dwaite said:

    Y'all I am stalled! I had surgery July 26th.

    24 days PO and I have been stalled since about Sunday the 8th of Aug.

    What can I do to get past this? It is driving me insane!!! I almost at 2 weeks of no change.

    Firstly, congrats on your 20 pound loss! that is a lot of weight in two weeks. I am going through the exact thing! We are even similar to pre-op weight and surgery date! and I am also at a two week stall. It is driving me insane! You are even ahead of me in the game!

    I am losing my mind with this as well so know you are not alone in this.

    Keep me posted on how your progress is going :)

    I wish you the best of luck in your weight loss journey. Stay focused and you will succeed.

  14. @catwoman7 Thank you so much for your insightful reply! I really do appreciate it. You see, I am currently living in an Asian country, and due to the language barrier, It is hard to express my concerns to my surgeon. However, I trust my surgeon as he is actually the best in the capital for this sort of surgery. I was just confused since I was told I would feel full off of two-three sips, and here I am being fine with drinking 100 ml. Of course, I take 30 min to finish this amount.

    Anyways, our reassurance has made me feel more at ease. Thank you :)

  15. Newbie here!

    I got my VSG on July 24th of 2021. (Just 6 days ago) and I am currently on the liquid stage. Though my surgeon is great, he wasn't very helpful about my concerns.

    Firstly, I still get random, sharp stomach cramps. Nothing too painful - just uncomfortable. Is this normal?

    Secondly, I don't feel "full" when I drink my 2 ounces of Water, or my shakes (100 ml per meal).

    It is only when I am not drinking when I feel pressure or stomach cramps.

    Is this normal? I apologize if this has been answered before but I feel so lost about all this. My surgeon says the stomach cramps are normal for the first two weeks. And I should continue my drinking as I am now. But I want to read about other's personal experiences.

    Thanks :)

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