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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by RestlessMonkey

  1. Good. I was nervous when I had my gallbladder out in 2003 because to me at the time, hospitals "killed people"...LOL I'd lost my mom in 92 and my dad in 97 and except for my little sister who had babies in hospitals (babies don't count) people DIED in those places. AND my DH is a nurse and thought I was totally high maintenance hysterica. I HAD to have my GB out and found out I was so so interested in what they were doing and why and how the OR actually looked (not at ALL like on tv) and I sailed thru the surgery and anesthesia (when I came to in recovery I heard my nurse tell another nurse ...OMG she's awake already?) LOL

    I was 48 and weighed 340 at the time. So I can tell you it IS scary but odds are high high you'll do well.

    AND you are right. If you have a feeling of doom that day, pass. Nervous jitters...you'll do fine! :(

  2. Hey Carrie C! I'm not sure how to handle my 1st clinical for this semester. I'm sure I'll be good fairly quickly, but I'm worried about staying hydrated. They frown on us doing ANYTHING "personal" (like using the restroom LOL) while we are on clinical. How did you handle that, or did you manage to get your surgery done while school was out?

  3. Melissa if you're really that scared, talk to your nurse in your surgeon's office. You do know if you are young and relatively healthy, except for obesity, that the odds of you dying are slim? You could also die tomorrow from being struck by lightning, or a bus, or a fall in the shower.

    If you know all that and are still so scared, and the nurse can't soothe you, don't do it. period.

    I'm 53, weighed 405, and sailed through the surgery. I didn't get the band because my liver was too fat so I'm having it AGAIN 8/29. Modern anesthesia is a marvel; I know you'll do fine. BUT if you truly deeply doubt, don't do it.

  4. Negative stuff doesn't work for me. It makes me depressed and angry...

    I have a journal that I am keeping (bought a pretty blank gook) with pics of me now, my measurements (shudder) my BP and BMI and the tapes I get from the docs office with my BMR, fat mass etc.

    I'm also writing my thoughts, feelings, hopes etc down.

    I'm not doing this for looks so much as just to "fit" into things again so I'm planning a trip to my beloved Mickey Mouse when i can wear the size XL t-shirts I have (that's a over 100 pounds away) and so on.

    We're all different but if I dwelled on bad and negative stuff, I'd bog down.

    I guess some of us need the carrot, and some of us need the stick. I'm a carrot girl myself; reward motivates me.

  5. WOW New Zealand! Hello!

    I haven't had the band yet but can share with you what the nurse practitioner from my surgeon's office told me....horror stories are horrible but the fact is most people have no issues, heal fine, and can eat most things. She said red stringy meat (not all red meat) and white bread are the biggest culprits but it depends on each person. SO rather than flipping out I am just feeling true empathy for those souls who are suffering but believing 100% that I'm going to get through it fine.

    I didn't have issues post op when my gall bladder was removed like everyone said I would; I'm sure this will be similar.

    It's nice to know the risks! BUT not all of us have it as hard.

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