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Posts posted by RestlessMonkey

  1. I have a tanita HD 351 scale I love. I (and many on the WW boards!) have had trouble with the WW scales and the conair, but they can't all be lemons. Tanita is the brand WW centers use and the brand my surgeon uses, so it's good enough for me. Amazon carries a wide range of tanita scales (with different weight limits)

  2. I think distinguising real hunger from "head" hunger (as they call it) is a big challenge for a bunch of us. I'm not sure how I'll do it but I plan to stop, ask myself WHY I'm hungry, drink a glass of Water, wait and see if that takes care of it. This is down the road of course, right now I'm still on the preop diet and I'm starving and it isn't in my head LOL

    it's a knack a bunch of us will have to try to learn.

  3. From what I've read (no fills yet) I'd put it off! Not because of the flying, at all, but because 2 days isn't really enough to adapt. What if this one gives you too much restriction? What if you have issues and need an unfill? Even if your 1st 2 have been easy breezy this one may take some education before you can eat well with it. I'd postpone until I got back, or postpone the trip. Bottom line, though, I'd ask my doc.

  4. I think I'm just one of those women whom, if my husband thought I was just with him because I was fat and couldn't do better, I'd pitch an unholy conniption fit. I know lots of women think the behavior is cute or "just like a man" but good grief I've been married 25 years and would've walked out in a heartbeat at any point (including tonight) if I didn't love him and believe 100% he's the man for me. We were married when I was much thinner, too. So if he tells me "I think you're going to go look for a man..." well, that makes me sound like a female dog in heat or something and I find that totally insulting.

    That's just me of course. But I obviously can't help you. LOL This is one of soap boxes. Jealousy isn't cute. Its controlling.

  5. I think EVERYONE is hungry a few days post op. At least, that's what I've read. Someone would have to force feed me to get me to eat though; I'm too scared of hurting my pouch or it not healing right. After my liver fiasco I've learned to do what my doc says. I can take hunger for a while. It won't be the first time.

  6. I'm a senior, I have this semester and next. I tried to have my band done earlier, but it didn't work out! We don't even have our clinical assignments yet but my first clinical day will be Sept 8 9 or 10. I'll just hope for the 10th. I've thought about telling the dean and my instructor but have to make sure my surgeon will give me a release or I'll be in deeep deeeep hooey if you get my drift. I honestly think if I CAN tell my dean/instructor they'll be supportive and glad I'm taking steps to control my obesity. And I'm thinking it will only get easier as the semester goes on. This semester i have peds and then mid Nov management...that is going to be grueling with 3 clinicals a week. So I have to be ready to go pretty soon here!

    Do you have school this fall?

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