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Posts posted by tigerlili08

  1. Hi Tigerlily

    What are you studying in school?

    I have two more weeks before I get a break. (MBA)

    Hi Traci. The snow stinks, I agree!

    Hey Juli,

    I am working on my RN to BSN right now...I keep debating if I will continue after I am finished with this degree...lol

    How long of a break will you get if you dont finish for 2 more weeks?? I am enjoying my 4 weeks off now!


  2. hi there!!!

    Things for me has been crazy as well...I am taking 2 classes, went to florida for work for school for 4 weeks and came back to cold dreezing stupid Indiana weather..LOL

    Biking has come to a huge Stop for me except indoors..which stinks....but is doable.

    I am ready for spring

    We were sick over thanksgiving, but are all well now.

    Glad to see you made it through school and the holidays...

    take care and Merry Christmas to you and your family


    Hey Traci,

    Sorry to hear you were sick over turkey day...I think I am starting to get a sinus infection now..its going around work. I have been so insanely busy I haven't had much time to ride..I miss it, especially since the weather down here is beautiful, things should start to slow down here next Monday, so hopefully we can get back in the groove.

    How did your classes go this semester? I am glad mine are over...

    Merry Christmas!

  3. Hi everyone! I know I have kind of disappeared for a few months..sorry... I missed you all! School this semester kicked my butt! I have been insanely busy, but the good news is, school is out for 4 weeks and I am looking forward to a normal not so busy life for a month!

    So, there are a ton of pages to catch up on, just give me the skinny....lol how is everyone doing?? How was everyone's Thanksgiving? This is the first thanksgiving in my history of life that I actually lost weight instead of gained!!

    Talk to you all soon!


  4. Looking for some cycling buddies in Tampa Bay, FL for riding on the Suncoast Trail and Starkey park, and anywhere else we can find! Send me a message if you're interested.


    Hey Chef,

    I live in Odessa, right across the street from Starkey and a few minutes from the suncoast! If you are interested in riding look me up!


  5. Wow its been a long two weeks....

    Glad to hear everyone is safe from the storm! I had family in Houston, they are all ok..lucky with minimal damage.

    School and work has kept me soo busy that I have barely had time to exercise at all. I am watching what I eat very carefully since I haven't been riding or exercising much.

    2B~ My hips, feet, and brain do not ever synch. I am the whitest white girl you have ever seen and if you ever watch me do Zumba you will get more of a work out laughing at my uncoordinated self than you would anything else. I attempted to show one of my friends some of the moves and she nearly pee'd her pants!

    I did get a pilates yoga work out in the other day and I was sore for a good 4 days...and when my HH who is in shape says that a work out kicks his butt its a good one!

    Soooo anyways..hopefully things will start to slow down and I can get a few rides in before I head out to Jamaica! I am totally in need for this Vacation!!!!

    Take care everyone!

  6. Hey gang!

    I'm just stopping by to say Hi too! I'm done losing weight for a while it seems. I got my big victory with the 50 pounds and now there's nothing. I'm going to the gym more, I'm sore and I'm stressed. I'm not eating good the last few days and I don't know why! I'm sure it will come back, but for now I'm bummed that my celebration was so short lived!

    Hope everyone is doing okay.


    Hey carol...I posted this on another site so I will copy and paste it here so you can see you are not alone. I am working out with biking, yoga, walking and weights and i am just frustrated too..

    So I went to the dr. today and he told me to take my scale away until I see him next month. He wasn't happy that I had only lost 2 pounds this month and I told him I wasn't either. I told him I am keeping a food journal and making sure I stay between my 800-1200 calories a day, I am exercising and told him how frustrated I was with the lack of weight loss. He told me just to keep it up and hopefully I will see progress next month, I think I am a little hormonal bc that was not the answer I was looking for. I left pretty upset...I dont know...gotta love a womans TOM.

    So I will keep at it and hopefully I will see results soon... Oh and he didnt want to add anything to my band today so I have the same ol same ol

  7. So I went to the dr. today and he told me to take my scale away until I see him next month. He wasn't happy that I had only lost 2 pounds this month and I told him I wasn't either. I told him I am keeping a food journal and making sure I stay between my 800-1200 calories a day, I am exercising and told him how frustrated I was with the lack of weight loss. He told me just to keep it up and hopefully I will see progress next month, I think I am a little hormonal bc that was not the answer I was looking for. I left pretty upset...I dont know...gotta love a womans TOM.

    So I will keep at it and hopefully I will see results soon... Oh and he didnt want to add anything to my band today so I have the same ol same ol

  8. well, i may not being losing weight but I am inches. Last month we decided to measure me, so on the 10th of this month we remeasured....and I have lost 4 inches on my body! I will take that!

    Sorry I haven't been here much but my Bachelor's program is an accelerated program that they state makes it easier on the working nurse..hahhaahahhhahaha sorry did I laugh too loud?? Basically we take 3 classes a semester but only 1 at a time, so, each class is is only 5 weeks long, but and it is a big BUT, in that 5 weeks you complete 17 weeks worth of work...

    So I will check in with you all tomorrow with my weigh in and my Dr appointment!

    HOpe you are all keeping your heads above Water with your school!

  9. Okay...well my weight didn't change this week....I dunno. I am measuring myself the 10th of every month, so I will see if I am losing inches or what. I go back to the doctor on Monday so we will see what he says, I have also written down every single morsel of food that passes my lips for the last 2 weeks so he can look at my logs and see if I need to change anything!

    School is kickin my butt!!!!

    HOpe all is well with everyone!!

    Good job HP, hope you feel better soon! how is your back?

  10. Those are good Goals and values to follow HP!!

    To be honest, I dont think I am going to be loosing the 18 pounds by October 6th either. As I said earlier I dont understand why I am not loosing weight, I have changed everything in my life, I make healthy quality food choices and I am exercising and drinking tonsssss of Water.< /p>

    I will just keep at it and hope it will start showing on the scale. I do feel a difference in my clothes, I bought a new outfit last monday for my weekend get away and by the time I wore it on my weekend, it was already tooo big even though the scale said I gained a pound.

    So..Today I had approx 1200 calories 36 gm of fat and 110 g Protein.< /p>

    Protein Shake w/ 1 cup skim milk

    Egg beater omelet w/ light cheese

    2 slices of turkey bacon

    salad with fat free dressing

    1/2 c cottage cheese

    Low fat/carb veggie shepards pie ( have a wonderful recipe if you guys want it)


    2 tbs Peanut Butter

    96 oz of water

    I ran 1 mile

    I walked 1 mile

    I lifted free weights

    I did 100 crunches

    and I punched the bag for 4 minutes

    soooooo what the heck am i doing wrong!

  11. 2B

    Thanks for the cheer up! I will keep on keepin and try some of the things you mentioned but I will take a poop too and see if that helps!

    I took tomorrow off so I could have a 4 day weekend, therefore it would be taboo for me to wake up early.....so I have a dusk ride planned!

    How in the world could you forget to weigh...geeeeez

    have a good ride tomorrow!

  12. Okay...my report for the week is not good...I dont understand how I can gain weight when I am watching what I am eating, eating small amounts and working out....I dont get it.

    So...I am up a pound.....262 blah

    Seriously HP...what was your secret for the 8 lb loss so quick...lol because apparently I am still not doing things right even though I have changed everything about my life....

  13. my back is still hurting..so I did not ride last nite, I thought I should let it rest.I took a muscle relaxer and hit the sack early...

    Woke up this morning, and it is still hurting..but NOT as bad as yesterday.

    We are not camping this weekend, but we are planning on getting some rides in and my husband and son are canoing. We may rent another canoe so we can all go, but not sure

    Have a wonderful weekend

    HP~ I hope your back feels better soon...That has to be one of the most uncomfortable aches and pains we can get. Keep resting it, dont overdo it until you feel like it is healed otherwise you will keep aggravating it and it will take longer to recover. Soak in a nice warm tub and use your heating pad!

    This is what happens when you go on vacation with your hubby and no kids!!! :thumbup::rolleyes::)

    Take it easy girl!

    P.S. why do you have a frowny face behind your weight stats?? You need to make that a smiley face...you are doing awesome!

  14. How's your back doing HP? :thumbup:

    TL - you crack me up! Have you always been such a joyful person, or is this part of the "new you"? :tt2:

    D - Have fun. Handsome Husband and I are going camping next weekend - can't wait! Taking the bikes along, to the mountains of eastern TN....Whoooeee!

    Going to "think October Challenge" all weekend...repeat after me...the frig is NOT my friend! :) KY

    2B~ I have always been a jokster...it got me through may rough times....however, I met my match this weekend...my friends uncle and I cracked on each other all weekend...I think I got 20 hours of ab crunches from laughing so hard!

    Have fun camping! Send pics of TN, I think that state is sooooo beautiful!:rolleyes::w00t:

  15. OKay my friends!! So I bolted town after work on friday and went to see my friends in Georgia! They were shocked to see how I looked which of course made me feel gooooood! We were so busy working our jabber jaws that we didnt get a lot of exercise in....a few people turned into about 14 people....so breaking away to run or bike was pretty hard! But I did run up and down their stairs (all 4 different sets of them) about 50 times! And I did awesome with watching what I ate! You can imagine all of the sweets and bad stuff that was there and I am so proud of my self and was complimented on my self control!

    Anywaysssssssss. I hope all of you are having a fun and awesome weekend!

    Be safe!!!!!

  16. HP~ I am glad you were able to get back on your bike, even though you were in pain :w00t: I know you probably felt soo good to ride again! How in the world did you drop 8 lbs in 2 days.....you need to bottle that magic and sell it! I will buy it! Good job on tackling those hills...we don't have those here..but boy can I tell when we hit a little elevation in the road..haha

    I may be running but it is not much at all...only .4 of a mile...my hubby goes with me and stays at my pace to encourage me. We saw a report on Nightly News tonight showing that people who run typically hold off all of the aches and pains that are associated with old age an additional 16 years. So, that was enough to motivate me to try it again tonight.

  17. BG~ Good job on the gym, I am the same way as for getting started. I throw a temper tantrum, kick, scream, you name it I do it....but once my hubby gets me out the door and started I am fine and enjoying it!

    It is one of my big hurdles to overcome with working out, we are lucky to have men who make us!

  18. Thanks for the encouragement D! I recovered better than what I thought I would with my breathing...took me less than a minute to be at normal rate. Today, my legs dont feel too bad, we will se how they are tonight!

    2B~ Awesome job on the weight loss!!

    I kind of sorta miss my scale, but not horribly, I just try to preoccupy my brain with other things, and now that school is back, that will be easier to do!

  19. D- Good job on biking to school!! I wish I was close enough to somewhere that I had to go to be able to bike to it.. My job is a good 40 minute drive...so I can't imagine biking that..I already wake up at 430 am to get there I would have to wake up at 2 am if I biked there!

    Keep up the good work!

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