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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lyndzileigh

  1. Hey how is everyone doing almost two weeks post op? Is anyone starving to death???? I AM...... I can't take much more of this full liquid diet, but I have 3 more days to go. How is everyone doing with getting their Protein? Not doing good there either, I can do one choc Protein shake in the morning which gives me about 22g. I ordered a bunch of the protein bullets and they are gross! Any suggestions? Anyone on mushy foods? What are you eating, since that is the next phase... Hope everyone is doing and feeling well!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm fabulous. The only reason I am tho is because my doctor advances diets very fast. I'm on a full diet as of this Wednesday. I get my protein through Oikos yogurt, Stonyfield Farms makes it. There is 17g of protein in one 7 ounce cup. I eat two of those a day, and then a can of tuna and I'm good. The only thing is tho, you have to add a packet of Splenda or something...it's kinda nasty otherwise.

  2. Riley, Hey we are almost neighbors :lol: Well, you are North and I am South :lol:

    No, I found out after that there was no restriction at surgery. I did ask for a fill immediately so believe it or not my first fill was on my one month anniversary. I was just so determined to make this work and you know, you have swelling in the beginning. I had thought that 5.5 cc would last a long time, but now three months later I realize I needed a fill about 6 weeks later.

    I think the later fills are just minor tweeks and adjustments. I am hopping for that in January. I am HMO :angry: so I need authorization. But I can't be too down on the HMO, they did authorize my Band. :blink:

    I was on liquids, clear for 5 days and then three weeks of full liquids. Then it was mushies for a few weeks. Next came more softer foods and at 5 months I get a full diet. I definately want my fill before I go there. I have found that dry is bad for me. I have had steak, cut it in tiny pieces and chewed a lot. I got stuck on Soy Sausage, on the day I went to the Dr. He told me this will happen. Had to go back on clear, then full liquids then mushies then back to regular. You have to let your tummy rest after being stuck, it gets pissed off.

    The weight loss, actually, I got nervous, very very nervous about getting the band and got bad IBS. So I actually lost weight before I saw the Surgeon. Trust me I didn't try to loose weight, I just did. When you have diarreah every day several times a day you tend to loose weight. Once I saw the Dr I didn't do anything to loose weight until I got closer to my surgery date, then I freaked out. About a month before surgery I went to my regular Dr and had gained two pounds :eek:. I went on a personally induced diet. Two protien drinks and a meal a day. I asked my Dietician and she said it was okay. Of course she didn't tell me that they make you do this two weeks before your surgery anyway. Then of course I was on the liquid diet for about a few days before surgery. I was freaked about my liver and that helped me stick to the liquid part. I never ate anything that was not authorized by the Surgeon. :tongue2:

    By the time I got further into the process I was actually looking forward to the restrictive part of the band. I was so tired of overeating. I felt like I could eat half a cow and still be hungry and eat more. Not anymore!

    The band was the best thing I have ever done. No regrets, no looking back. I now love to walk and find it very relaxing and stress relieving. I have gone from a complete couch potato to a "mover and shaker" Okay, I walk funny. But I am down from a 26/28 to a 18. Not bad for an old lady. :eek: Debbie

    Holy Cats!! 5 months for food? ?? My doctor fed me cream of wheat in the hospital. It amazes at the difference each doctor has. So individual I suppose. I have been reading this forum for six months now and can't see where any one doctor's approach is better than the other. It's interesting tho. Best Wishes!!:thumbup:

  3. The grande (medium) is 270+ calories. If it was me I'd avoid that like the plague. Drinking your calories is bad.

    With low fat milk it's only 250 with 21 grams of protein!! For those of us on the liquid only after surgery it was a nice treat. Carnation instant breakfeast, any whey Protein and Slim Fast all have 200+ calories per serving and not near as much Protein. My Slim Fast Optima has 200 calories and 17 protein grams...for the 50 extra calories I got a bunch of extra needed protein. I probably won't be drinking my calories after I am released from liquids.

  4. Lyndz....What is the black bean paste recipe? I'd like to start a tread in post-op for food ideas and recipes I glas to see everyone is doing well.

    1 Can of Black Beans w/the juice

    1 tsp cumin

    1 tsp cilantro

    3 tablespoons Franks Red Hot Sauce

    3 Tablespoons of oil (I use expeller pressed Vitamin E cooking oil, it's much healthier(

    I used more Franks and more cumin because that's how I like it. Blend in the blender or processer until smoothe. If it is too thick, add a little more oil or a little more Franks'. :tongue2: SOOOO good, really hit the spot!

  5. Hey how is everyone doing?? I will be one week post op monday. The first couple of days were very painful, but has gotten better with each day. I'm able to lay on each side and almost completely on my stomach. I'm down to taking Lortab just twice a day, when I wake up I'm really sore and need something and before I go to bed to make it easier to move around without a lot of pain. How is everyone doing with getting in all the Protein??? I'm not doing to well, I do a Protein shake (22g) in the morning then do broth, pudding and Jello the rest of the day. I bought some unflavored protein to put in broth but it was gross. I ordered some of the protein bullets from GNC so I hope get those soon so I can fufill my protein requirements. One more week of full liquids anyone have suggestions??? Yesterday I really started feeling hungry, I hope I can make it another week on liquids, hehehe.... I hope everyone is doing well!!!!!!!!!

    I'm telling you guys..liquid Mylicon drops for infants should be patented toward this surgery. I had HORRIBLE gas..that was the worse of all the pain I had!! Liquid tylenol for adults worked better than the Percocet the doctor prescribed. I'm not doing too good w/protein. I can't bear a look at any kind of Protein Shake. I'm actually starving. I've been doing scrambled eggs and then mushed them up and I did a black bean paste recipe and that was pretty good w/the protein aspect anyway. Tastes good too. I'm one week post-op tomorrow as well....but I'm trying to rush it I think. I have trouble sleeping on my left side even though my port is on my right side. That's one thing I can say...I've never had trouble sleeping. I go to soft foods as of this Wednesday.

  6. Hi Lyd. I am glad you feel wonderful! Thats great to hear. You can have egg salad? I thought everyone is on a two week liquid before the "mushy" stage. I guess it depends on the dr.?

    Just one week of full liquid diet..I put the egg salad in the blender and just added a few peices of the egg white into before I ate it. I had thick strained Soup and cream of wheat before I even left the hospital. How are you feeling?

  7. I was a good girl, I was an angel. I was banded 12/29 and had a week of full liquids and a day of clear...over the holidays no less. I didn't cheat once.

    After my surgery my doctor said my band is very loose. He said he could tell my stomach and liver had shrunk.

    I am on my week of Clear Liquids after the surgery and I'm starving. I have had Special K Protein Water (1 a day, doc said I could have it), Water, broth, yada yada. I really want a Protein shake or some fat free/sugar free pudding.

    My doctor said I could start full liquids on Monday the 5th. My question is...do you think I could cheat and start incorporating one Protein Shake a day up until Monday? I'm having trouble sleeping because I'm so hungry!

    I had cream of wheat and strained Soup the day I was in the hospital. I was to do Protein shakes 3x daily until next Wednesday but I want to GAG. I did a bean recipe today and have been eating scrambled eggs since Thursday w/no problems. I was to be on full liquids until Wednesday, but they fed me those things in the hospital. I'm about to have a little egg salad. The point of no solid food is to keep the band in place...If you have a Starbucks nearby..their Protein Vivanno drinks are a wonderful change of pace!!

  8. Hello all,

    I was banded this past Tuesday December 30th at 8AM. Got to the hospital at 6am, got prepped and answered all the basic questions... shot in the tummy to prevent blood clots.. booties that squeezed my legs. Then I saw my surgeon and asked him to place my port on my right, since I sleep on my left and he marked it right on my belly! Next thing I know, I am waking up in my room- I have no idea how some of you beg to go home! The staff was very kind to me and I was well cared for. I stayed until 6PM the next day.

    I am on clear liquids- the gas is not fun, but I am getting by. Hot showers and sleep feel the best. When I drink broth, I feel queasy, so I have been sticking to Water and apple juice- diluted. AND Gas-x strips.

    OH- my doctor also found and removed a benign tumor from my liver that he discovered when he was in there, so I've got that going for me! :thumbup:

    Good luck to all and Happy New Year!


    Hey Stephanka971

    Glad to hear your day went well. I was banded the day before you. Much the same story as yours!! I agree, I was happy to stay in the hospital. All of the nursing staff was wonderful. The worst part was the pre-op stuff..IV, questions, etc. I got a shot and had surgery at 10:30, was out by 11:20. I had NO PAIN until about 7pm that night, then they pumped me full of morphine and I was fine!! Then on Tuesday night when I came home the gas hit me..oh my. I've been using Mylicon infant drops..I think I od'd on that stuff..but it really helped. Today is Saturday and I'm fabulous..I'm about to eat some egg salad! Good luck!

  9. I was just banded Saturday so I'm on clears for 5 days. My instructions were to aim for 64 oz of Fluid a day (seems to be hard for me) broth, tea (no caffeine), Water, jell-o, optional-diluted juice (apple, grape, or cranberry). Clear Protein Drinks are OK and it specifically says Isopure and unjury, and Protein Water. My husband went to Rite aid and found some "designer whey" Protein waters, 20g of protein in the 20 oz bottle. More then the Special K with 5g per serving. It also says if you have headaches, feel light-headed or shaky to drink some Propel. Days 6-10 I can add Natural Vegetable juices and protein drinks mixed with water. Of course like everyone says listen to the rules of your surgeon but I thought I'd share.

    Glad to hear you're doing well. I WISH I was burping more, it just feels like I have a lot of gas waiting to get out!!!:laugh:

    INFANTS MYLICON drops!!! You will feel so much better!! It helps with the gas like you wouldn't believe. I thought it worked even better than Gas-X strips. I did 4 droppers of the Mylicon like every 4 hours...still working and starting to feel that pressure ease up on the inside.

  10. I am very sore, having trouble sleeping on my side. My surgeon's nurse said to put a pillow under my tummy and that is helping. I have loritab for my pain but I was told to take it easy since it causes severe Constipation. I'm on Clear liquids for a week...what about you guys?

    I was banded Monday too. I'm really sore as well. My one incision is really big...it's the one that is the sorest. It's not the port site though..not sure what that is all about. I have regular Percocet pills for pain, but to be honest the adult rapid blast liquid Tylenol seems to help more than anything. More so that that, infants Mylicon drops have kept my gas situation down. Not sure if you're having any gas pain. I'm supposed to be on anything you can get through a straw for the next week. I was told a lot of Protein shakes, but oh my, they are like gross to me now. I did cream of wheat this AM, added brown sugar and extra milk, it was sooo good!!!!! It went down just fine! I have some awesome receipes for smoothie shakes if you're interested. It puts a spin on them so it doesn't taste like you're drinking chalk!

  11. Thank you all for your good wishes. My surgery is late tomorrow, its scheduled for 2:30pm. I wish it was earlier. It gives me more time to be nervous. I am so scared. I will write when i get home in a day or two.

    Good luck to all of us Monday 12/29 banders!!!!! :tongue_smilie:

    Mine is at 10:30. I have to be there at 8:30 which is pretty standard I think. I was hoping for a really early one so I wouldn't have time to worry. I will keep you in my prayers tomorrow!

  12. Have you had surgery before? They will give you something to relax and you won't care about a thing! You will be waking up before you know it :tongue_smilie: I will be banded the day after you. I will keep you in my prayers!


    Thank you so much! I will too!! I think one part I'm scared about is I didn't do so well on my pre-op diet and I'm afraid they'll get in there and not be able to do it. I binged a little over the holiday but I'm young so hopefully what I did do will be okay.

  13. Hello, I'm in the same boat as you... I am having surgery monday as well... The ladies at the office got me in before the 1st due to insurance change as well, although I didn't get a denial, BCBS gave me the run around a couple weeks into November and I was worried that I would not get an approval before the first.... Do you have a pre-op diet? Mine is liquids for 48 hours.... I'm getting nervous with a whole bag of mixed emotions... Good Luck

    I'm being banded tomorrow as well. I'm glad I found a few people on here going through the same emotions as myself. I seem so scared and don't know why..I see you live in West Virginia..not too far from myself. Good luck, hope to "talk" to you after surgery.

  14. Hi Sheesh-

    I am being banded on Dec. 30th, too! I am a little nervous, but more excited to be done with the surgery and on to my new, healthier life! I looked at the photos of me this Christmas, and I know I will not be so unhealthy next year. Good for you to do well on the pre-op... I have had a terrible time of it. Are you on Clear Liquids the next 2 days to prep for surgery? I am and I am super hungry!!!

    It will all be worth it- I am here to chat anytime!


    I'm up for surgery tomorrow...scared to death. I think I'm more scared about something happening during surgery than I am scared about the band itself...I hope this too shall pass..Good luck!!!

  15. Kelli-

    Did you stay off the Diet Coke??? I am a DC JuNkIe and I have no idea how I will live without my chemical cocktail! Did you get massive headaches from caffeine withdrawals?


    I (thank goodness) do not have to give up caffine. What I can tell you is I am having a horrible time this past week with the diet. I cheated so many times it was unreal. I was good each day until around 7 pm..then I was starved. I told myself I have to do this diet this week..or my band might be put on hold for the 29th...:tounge_smile:

  16. Lyndz, I was trying for that date too, but now am being banded 2 days before Christmas. We can do it.....and it will totally be worth it!! At least you can get through the holidays. I only have to do a 2 day liquid diet, so it won't be too bad. Some others have to do a few weeks of liquid.

    Just keep in mind how great we are going to look and feel next year....and healthy we will be!!!

    I'm stress eating at the moment...afraid my insurance is not going to approve me. Where are you being banded?

  17. My drs office is telling me that all B/C B/S PPO is required to do the 6 months and my insurance mailed me all the info and it does not say anywhere in there that I have to do the 6 months so I called them and they yes I did need to do the 6 months and then they started looking at my policy, put me on hold and came back and said it doesn't say it anywhere.

    Has anyone had them and not had to do the 6 months? My drs office said they can go ahead and submit it and we could try, all they can do is decline it I would guess then I would just finish out the 6 months. They said I could fight it since it doesn't say it, has anyone ever done that and won?

    Thanks. If I have to do the 6 months, ok, I will, however if I don't have to, even better.

    Hi, I have BC/BS PPO of western PA and I am going throgh the six months as we speak. No way around it...at least for me anyway.

  18. My PCP has told me that I need to make a history of my dieting attempts in a journal style before he can get me a referral to a bariatric surgeon. Has anyone else done this? Do you have an example of one that was accepted? I would like to do this right the 1st time so that I only have to do it once.

    Any input is appreciated.


    That's kind of strange. When I go to my doctor for my monthly weigh-ins, she just documents what kind of a diet I am presently on. Have you tried Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Bariatrics, etc.? If you have tried all of those, try telling your doctor that and give her the dates and what the results were. Here in PA with my insurance I did not need to actually have a referral and I had the option of doing my six months of weight checks at the hospital where the surgery will be done. I chose my family doctor as the surgeon is 2 hours away. I haven't been approved yet, but my surgery isn't until January. Good luck!!

  19. Hi, yes it is a small world!! Things are going well - I am down about 19 pounds - my surgery was Aug. 18th. It is SLOW, but that is ok. We went to Disney for a week in Sept. and that was hard. I DID eat (NOT an extreme amount) but probably more than I should have. Thank God we walked 3 to 5 miles a day!!LOL I have learned that it IS mental. There are times when I want to taste something, and then I realize hey I am not even hungry. I had my first fill on Monday. Did not fill a thing. I could still eat, but today for the first time my food got stuck. That feeling lasted for about 10 minutes. Really uncomfortable. You have a friend you mentioned that had this done, so that is great - someone to compare stories with!! Everyone I know that has had surgery did the gastric with wonderful results. I was just too scared to try it. Plus, I only really want to lose about 65 to 70 pounds. So felt this was my best choice. Do you still live in Berlin??

    Yep, I'm still in Berlin. I need to lose more around 100 pounds. My friend could actually eat just about anything before she had her first fill. Her doctor told her that her body was actually in shock and she lost her first 20 pounds right after surgery, which most people do. She actually then gained about 3 pounds, but after her first fill which will be three weeks ago this Tuesday, she has lost 10 pounds since that first fill!! Even now, she can eat pizza with a thin crust, she can eat Pasta (just a little). When you say your food got stuck, I don't think it actually got stuck. After my friend's fill especially in the mornings her food feels like you described-tight. It does subside after about 10 minutes. However, she actually got something stuck, I mean really stuck. She immediately starting throwing up and luckily it unlodged. However, if you are getting food stuck and it is subsiding after 10 minutes, that would be a huge plus! Just beware in case something really gets lodged.

    I will tell you this, my friend said she'd go back and have bypass in a minute. She said this banding thing is way harder than she ever imagined. It is definately a scary thought going in, but I need to do something at this point. So you're living in Pittsburgh or Monroeville? I'm so glad to have found someone close!

  20. Hi!! I'm from Pittsburgh and am attending my informational session next week. I'm hoping my insuraance covers and all of that good stuff. What's been your experience thus far. Where will you be having your surgery and doctor visits?

    Hi how are you?

    I have not been to the information seminar. I started with a doctor in Windber but have decided to switch to Magee Women's Hospital. I have four months of my pre-op diet in though. My informational seminar is on November 5. I have Blue Cross and they are fairly easy to deal with from what I've heard. I've heard nothing but good things about Magee. My girlfriend got banded in July there and is down 31 pounds already. They give you so much information, what to expect your post op diet everything you will find in the hospital during your stay, etc. It should be well worth it. :thumbup:

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