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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Sleeve_Me_Alone

  1. Every program is different, but often times they only offer a blanket recommendation with no personalization for the patient. I would definitely suggest speaking with your nutritionist/registered dietitian. If they aren't able to help give you specific, personalized guidance, it may be worth investing in a private dietitian. There are plenty that are specially trained to work with bariatric patients. I follow a handful on IG and they have been extremely helpful!

  2. I had VSG in Mx. last September, after 3 consultations with US surgeons that I always bailed on. Truly, my ONLY regret is that I didn't do it sooner. Congrats to you and your mother for making the choice to get healthy together! We will be here to cheer you on! BariatricPal is a great resource. I also recently joined BariNation (which is a paid program) that I LOVE!

  3. First of all, good for you for recognizing that this is a problem and for getting help. The meds and the counseling will help but yes, they both take time. I think its really wise to try and get some traction on this before surgery. The reality is, surgery is just a TOOL and it absolutely will not fix the mental and emotional aspects of your life.

    You said you have the coping strategies, you know what to do, but you aren't doing it. I would say maybe stop and think about WHY you aren't using those strategies and why you are choosing to repeat the behavior? If you can pause, even for just a few minutes, before you hit that drive through and really sit with the feelings, I think you might be able to talk yourself off that ledge. Just keep taking small steps. We are rooting for you!

  4. Mine did! I have the surgery footage, my swallow test x-rays, all of it. But, I had surgery in Mx. and they give you a crap ton of documentation to take home so you have it handy. I'm not aware of any US hospital given access to that info to patients.

  5. I had surgery in Mx. with Dr. Illan at HopsitalBC and was VERY happy with the experience. I met with my PCP prior to surgery and she was 100% supportive. She did pre-op labs to make sure there were no concerns, and has done all of my post-op labs. She also prescribed a course of Ursodiol, as I have a history of biliary colic and wanted to try and avoid any issues post-op. My surgeon does also have ongoing support with their nutritionist (via phone, email, FB group, etc.).

  6. Eating more is absolutely normal. Over time, you will continue to increase your intake, but it will vary greatly from person to person and there is no right or wrong. I would say 1) follow your plan, and 2) reach out to your team or a bariatric dietitian if you have ANY concerns.

  7. Pre-op diets vary WIDELY from surgeon to surgeon and there is pretty limited research on efficacy from one plan to another. The primary goal is to shrink your liver to allow for as mush operating space as possible. Liver shrinkage is achieved by a reduced calorie, low carb diet (this reduces glycogen). The main thing is to just be compliant with whatever your surgeon recommends to give yourself the best outcome possible!

  8. Lots of great advice above. My plan allowed for introducing fresh fruits & veggies around the 8 week mark. I started with butter lettuce, tomatoes, avocados, etc. Softer veggies that seemed "safe" to me. Thankfully, I tolerated them well, and was able to move pretty quickly to salads and such. I am 6 months post-op now and have not had any issues with any of the fruits or veggies I've had, raw or cooked, with the exception of mashed potatoes which do NOT stay down, even when thinned and in very small amounts so I just skip them. It is very much trial & error, as every person is different. But always follow your plan, its there for a reason!

  9. Starchy vegetables are generally those with higher carb content with lower Fiber - potatoes, peas, corn, etc. Whereas something like broccoli has more fiber and fewer carbs per serving than a more starchy veggie. Generally, food labels and dietary information will always list TOTAL CARBS. Fiber is a carbohydrate, so it will always be counted there. NET CARBS is calculated as: total carbs - fiber - sugar alcohol = net carbs (thus in your example 15g of carbs, 25g of fiber would be impossible).

    As others have said, if you have specific questions about how to incorporate them into your daily life, what impact they may have to your personal health, etc., its best to reach out to your program or with with a bariatric RD.

  10. VSG typically does not cause malabsorption because the pyloric valve is left intact and not bypassed (such as with RNY/MGB/DS). So it generally does not interfere with meds. That being said, you should absolutely check with your prescribing doctor and your surgeon to be sure. Additionally, as you lose weight, you may need to have your dose adjusted. Hope that helps!

  11. I'm so sorry your wife has and continues to experience such difficulty. Its clear by the way you talk about her that you love her deeply and are hurting for her. I'm sure you both have concerns about YOUR health and experience as you move towards having surgery yourself. Just a few thoughts: 1) she should absolutely find another doctor and get a second opinion. Constant dumping, vomiting, or other sickness is NOT normal and resorting to living off Protein Shakes is NOT a solution. She deserves to be happy & healthy and any dr that isn't willing to dig in and figure this out, isn't worth her time and money. And 2) bariatric surgery has been refined quite a bit over the last few decades. Although complications are not completely impossible, they are overwhelmingly rare. So if you've decided that WLS is the right option for you, you can both rest assured that its unlikely your experience will be the same as hers. Wishing you both health & happiness!

  12. 19 hours ago, Pollito said:

    How is Barination more tailored than this?

    BariNation is a paid community. Its equal parts forum/social media and education. They have several support groups each week tailed for different needs (pre-op, post-op, regain, men's & women's, etc.), monthly presentations from experts (dieticians, therapists, and so on), and they do live and virtual meet ups. Its much more comprehensive than just a forum and, because its paid, there are ZERO keyboard warriors/internet trolls and everyone in the community is invested.

  13. In general, open forums like this one are declining in popularity, in favor of more tailored, smaller communities such as BariNation and YourOnderland. I post and reply as regularly as I can, but am much more active in BariNation and have found a wonderful community there. But if this is more your speed, just be patient and give it time. Engaging regularly will create opportunities for others to engage with you and relationships will grow out of that organically, but it takes time. You can also look for in-person support groups through your surgery center or in your community. Best of luck to you, we are glad you're here!

  14. First of all, cravings are completely normal. We all want certain foods at certain times because of their taste, nostalgia, or other emotional drivers. That being said, if you feel compelled to "cheat" to satisfy a craving, you might want to sit down and really think about WHY you are craving that food? What emotions, situations, or other factors are driving those feelings and how can you cope with them other than giving in or finding a substitute? The reality is, your surgeon has specific post-op phases/stages for a reason - I promise its not arbitrary. And deviating from it could cause any number of complications, discomfort, etc. This is the really hard part of weight loss surgery - learning to heal our relationship with food so that we are free from diets and cheat meals and trying to rationalize our food choices. If necessary, get a bariatric/eating disorder counselor to help you work through some of this stuff and gain new coping mechanisms. But, long answer short, no you should not given in. Not only because it could make you sick, but because it will perpetuate the cycle you had surgery to break. We are rooting for you.

  15. I'm so sorry for your loss. Everything you are feeling is valid, and there is no shame in struggling. You are recognizing it and taking action to get back to health, that first step is the hardest part! As for the gym, I would say just do what you can and be consistent with it. If that's the treadmill or weights or swimming - whatever it is, do it regularly. Once you've made going a habit, you can add in another machine or heavier weights or whatever. But the first step is just making it a habit. We are rooting for you.

  16. First and foremost, let me say that weight is NOT an indication of character or worth. You are a worthy, loved, valuable human just because you exist. Your weight is a piece of you, but it is not the whole of you. So take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are NOT your weight, you are YOU. As for the rest of it, I would HIGHLY suggest some counseling prior to surgery. Unraveling some of the emotional stuff tied to eating and weight has been extremely helpful for me. Learning new coping mechanisms and learning to love myself well have been invaluable on this journey. You deserve to be happy and healthy both physically and emotionally. Best of luck to you!

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