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Sask Patient

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Sask Patient

  1. I couldn't agree more! One of the neatest things about the having my band is being able to order an appetizer as my main course and be TOTALLY satisfied with it. Or, as Snowbird said, taking the majority of my meal home and then having at least one more meal. All my life I have cleaned my plate... always... to be able to take some home is the REAL treat for me.

    You will be able to continue to eat out - and likely at all of the same places you did before which is so great. Just try to remember to choose wisely, TAKE SMALL BITES THAT YOU EAT SLOWLY (that's my biggest downfall still), and chew chew chew!


    Congrats on becoming a BANDSTER!


  2. Hey there - I have definitely felt this happen as I have put myself into voluntary hell on earth by trying to "sip my way through it" too... THAT is an awesome analogy! GAWD how that hurts sometimes! Anyhow, I had to look up STOMA with a Google search because I always thought it was the opening created by the band that goes between the pouch and the stomach... I always believed that the stoma is what changes with each fill... the more fill the tighter the stoma. Anyhow, here's what I found in a Glossary on one Lapband™ website:

    Stoma: The stomach outlet created by the LAP-BAND between the two parts of the stomach. The size of the stoma regulates the flow of food from the upper pouch to the lower part of the stomach

  3. :biggrin: Hi guys - one website that I've found that helps me is Shrinkyourself.com but there is a fee to go through the course... and it really is more about emotional eating, but I have fallen in love with it. Here's a couple of things I do to try and stop mindless eating "head hunger" from getting a hold of me... take a bath, sweep the floor, brush and floss my teeth, brush the dogs... anything BUT give in-particularly at night. And now I have set myself a firm and fast rule - absolutely NO food after 8PM to help with that evening food frenzy...

    Good luck with it - here for you anytime!!


    PS - CONGRATS TO BOTH OF YOU on your AWESOME LOSSES!!! I fought the whole Bandster Hell thing for a long time - just had my first fill this past weekend and I am DEFINITELY feeling it so now I can't wait for the "real" losing to get moving...

  4. Hey there Sunwyse - you bet they did - "full liquids for 24" and I managed to stick to that until that darn bite of chicken... it was a stupid move on my part... I let myself get hungry which was dumb... so I deserved that PB episode completely! Got what I deserved. And I SMARTENED UP with that swift kick... All is well, feeling really good. Thanks so much for the tip though! Next time it will be full liquids ONLY for that first 24 hrs. No matter what...


  5. OMG!!! JACK!!!! :biggrin: THAT TOTALLY CRACKED ME UP!!! :cool2: FUNNIEST THING I'VE READ IN AGES!!! :tt2: HAHAHHAHAHAAAA!!!! So funny, AND so TRUE!!! Oh wow... :biggrin:

    And Shrinknme - awesome to catch you here on the board! Great to hear from you girl! Our bands are different for sure 'cuz my max fill is 4cc's so I'm already half way there. Feelin' good though - and just got back from a KICK A** workout at Curves - burned it up baby!


    Hey Jack - here's a fill question (sorry, changing topic a wee bit here). I've heard that a fill can actually tighten more in the weeks following. Have you ever had this happen to you?

    SNOWBABY - don't worry - it's really not like vomitting but it's still something that I would try to avoid in public washrooms if I could. But if it happens it happens I guess. Don't get too worked up about it before it even happens though - if you really do stick to the whole chew chew chew rule and are careful to experiment with new foods at home, you'll be OK.

    HUGS - Stace

  6. Hey there Snowbaby! You don't sound stupid at ALL! I didn't know what it was either... it's a "Productive Burp" and boy do they mean productive! Sorry but the whole description is kinda gross but I shall do my best. The "Sliming" I referred to is this thick mucus like spit :thumbup: that comes up when something you eat can't make it through the stoma (the hole between your pouch and stomach...the hole created by the band being around your stomach). Anyhow, when I swallowed that bite of chicken and hadn't chewed it properly, it couldn't get through. I got a feeling that I've seen described many times as a "golf ball in my chest" - that's pretty darn accurate too! And then my body wanted to belch... but instead, this "slime" stuff would come up. Kinda like very mild wretching when you are sick but not nearly that strong or violent at all. It happened quite a few times, one slimy spit right after the other and then a piece of that bite of chicken came up... :smile2: then a bit more slime and then another piece of that chicken bite. And that was pretty much the end of it. None of the bile like when you throw up either so it didn't burn - it was just kinda gross. I still found it all fascinating too (the human body and it's wonders amazes me!). After the chicken came out the golf ball was gone, no more slimy spitting, no more burpy feeling... All in all it probably lasted about 10 minutes, but I have definitely heard of it lasting a lot longer for some. And folks also say to not swallow anything else when it's happening - I thik that's very sound advice - wouldn't want to actually!

    Anyhow, sorry for the graphic note, but that was my experience and my goodness it has COMPLETELY reminded me the importance of those bandster basics again!! Little bite - chew chew chew.... chew chew chew!

    GOOD LUCK! :mellow:


  7. Hi guys - just speaking from my own personal experience. I had my surgery in Tijuana on Aug 20th... I live in Canada and flew home on the 24rd. We flew from SanDiego to Minneapolis and from there to our home in Saskatchewan. I had no problems at all. In January we are flying to Cuba & I'm not at all worried about it. I wouldn't be too concerned but see how your doctor responds and what others have to say.

    Good luck!


  8. Hey there Jack - thanks so much for the tip! I actually reheated some of that chicken for lunch today before I read your note and it definitely did require some serious chewing and teeny bites - just about got stuck. No sliming, but I stopped eating it lemme tell ya! I won't reheat anymore unless it's in the oven...

    Anne - I totally understand how you feel. I always said that if I didn't know that I had surgery, I wouldn't know I had surgery... feeling the full sensation again is tremendous and you will know exactly what I mean. GOOD LUCK!!


  9. Hey there! I was banded on Aug 20th and I'm down 25 lbs as of today. I just had my first fill yesterday so we'll see how it goes now. BUT - I say ABSOLUTELY get your pictures done! As tough as it is to do it is so worth it! I took a whole bunch right before surgery and they are even posted on this website (they are scary!!) and then I took more on the one month surgery anniversary (I was down 23 lbs). When I looked into the camera after taking each pic (I take my own with the timer function) I thought "aw geez-I don't really see much difference", but then I put them onto the computer and really looked at each shot before and after, side by side and whole SMOKES is there EVER a difference! I'm sure you will see one too! I take them in a door way and always wear the same clothes and pose the same positions. It's pretty amazing and I am so glad that I am documenting the journey. It's totally a personal choice but for me, I am glad I'm "taking notes". It helps on those days that I'm not totally on my game too. GOOD LUCK and keep us in the loop!!!


    ps - I will try and get the updated pix posted in the next day or so...

  10. SO... I had my first fill yesterday, and was given 2cc's which I thought sounded like quite a lot. :blink: We had to drive 2 & 1/2 hrs from home for the fill and there is no fluro. The gal administering it had me drink some Water and that felt OK. I tried some pudding that I had taken along right afterwards to see how it felt and I was fine with that so we went for lunch. I had some Soup and milk and felt pretty good. By now it was about 2PM. We got back home by about 7PM, but by then I was really hungry. :drool: I had a small bite of chicken. Didn't chew it properly obviously, because, you guessed it - experienced my first PB and sliming incident. :thumbup: But you know what was the weirdest thing... I didn't get freaked out by it. In fact, I was almost facinated by it! The body is an amazing thing. Sure it wasn't the nicest experience ever, but I almost found it a relief. Yah, call me crazy, but knowing that I have real restriction again is just FANTASTIC! :rolleyes2: I had my surgery on Aug 20th and had to wait this long for the first fill, and try as I may, I was definitely falling back into my old bad habits again. I was just so hungry and all consumed by food again. :glare: This was a great reminder to get back to my Bandster Basics. Since the PB incident I had cottage cheese and some potatoe salad which were both fine, but tonite had to go out for supper. I ordered angel hair Pasta with bolognese sauce (didn't want to have another bout of it in the restaurant by choosing a solid meat dish) but the order came as spaghetti so I just went with it - I ate the proper little bites and chewed really well - with no problems at all. And felt that WONDERFUL ol' satisfied feeling again in no time with just a small amount of food. :w00t: In fact, I brought most of it home. I will try a bit of chicken again tomorrow, and see how that goes if I follow the rules and just take my time.

    Anyhow -just wanted to say to anyone who hasn't had a PB or slime happen to them, at least in my own personal one time experience, don't panic, relax, put your arms above your head, let the "slime" happen and just try better next time. It's all part of learning our new life rules... and I am loving every minute of it! Now I'm gonna go and get my gym bag packed for tomorrow's workout at Curves!:smile2:

    Have a great week everyone!!! Stace :blush:

  11. Thank you all for this wonderful advice! :blushing: Everything you have all said makes so much sense. I am so relieved in knowing that in all likelihood my pouch is just fine. That was my biggest worry of all. Since losing it with thast terrible binge, :sad_smile: I have gone back onto ShrinkYourself.com as of Sunday so I can work on my emotional eating issues again (I think they will always need to be worked on!) and I will also get back onto TheDailyPlate.com and start tracking my intake again. I appreciate that you have all sent your warm support and so I will take your kind advice and stop beating myself up. What's done is done and I can only move on. Today is a good day-thanks largely in part to your responses. :rolleyes2: I am going to CURVES for a good workout right after work, and I can not wait to get sweating again!

    One day at a time... I just gotta remember that!

    Thanks again everyone! You are the best support system!!! :thumbs_up:


  12. Thanks so much guys - I appreciate your kinds words and that you can understand where I am coming from. My fill has to stay Nov 1st unfortunately because I have to travel 2 1/2 hrs away and it was the first date that I could get that works for the RN performing it, myself and my husband's schedules. I'll be booking my second one right away in hopes I can get in again early Dec. (I'm guessing that I'll need more than one fill for sure!).

    Bonnie, I hadn't posted anything on this site for over a month myself so I think just getting back on here and conversing with folks going through the same thing will help all in itself. CONGRATULATIONS ON 40 POUNDS!!! That is so tremendous! I'm at 20 now (gained 3 back). So far tonite I haven't eaten a thing since 8PM and definitely won't now, but I will have some more water...

    And I will keep my exercise regimen up. I started back at CURVES last Saturday and joined the Smart program which is a great workout. Thanks so much again for your encouragement guys! You are so right - I haven't come this far to let old habits and demons win!!

    THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!! xoxox Stace

  13. Hey there - I was banded on Aug 20th and since being back on solid foods I can't say that I have been a stellar student. Before that I was the perfect patient, but once I got back to solids I found I was easily able to eat more and more. My dh works out of town so half of the time I am on my own. The other 1/2 I've been eating what the rest of the family does (my dh is a wonderful cook and often has supper ready by the time I get home from work as he is on days off when he is home). I didn't even realize that I was eating way too much. Then I remembered the cup to cup & 1/2 rule and saw it on one of the forums and it reiterated what I had forgotten... that we are to stick to one & half cups of food... I've been going way overboard. I'm also in that "Bandster Hell" stage where I have no restriction so everything goes through the stoma very easily, which means I think of food a lot and I am hungry often. I've tried since to cut the portions down but I am still scared that through all of this I may have stretched my pouch. And, to make things worse I had a TERRIBLE Binge on Sunday night... it was bad. I would drink Water to flush the pouch out between eating more and drink to flush the pouch and eat more... it was awful! My first fill isn't for another week and a half. Has anyone else gone through anything like this?? There is no fluro where I get my fills. Does anyone know of any other way to tell if my pouch is stretched? Should I go to straight fluids for a few days again? I just feel scared and frustrated with myself. Any help at all would be so appreciated!!


  14. Hey there Dee! I am in the same boat - it is SUCH a big learning curve hey?? CONGRATS on your 22 pounds!!! I'm 4.5 weeks out and at 23 pounds lost so far (so happy!!) and I get to start solid foods again on Sunday (so excited!!). I've had the same problem as you this week - eating too much but not realizing until quite a while later. I've even had some heartbearn so that's a sure sign I ate too much. Something that I've noticed happens is as I am eating I feel like I could burp, but I can't so I think that's what some would call a "soft sign". It seems to happen fairly early on in my meal so I've kept eating... it really is a time of learning to listen to our bodies. I agree with what was said earlier-haven't done that for a very long time so it's going to take time to get used to my what my body is trying to tell me. AND if you aren't using smaller plates and cutlery, try that too, I find it makes a huge difference in "seeing" that you have a full plate/bowl in front of you. It may sound silly, but I'm totally enjoying learning all of these new tricks!

    Anyhow - good luck Dee - feel free to PM me anytime!!


  15. Great goal! :tt2: I start on mushies this weekend... feeling pretty great except for that port side tightness and a bit of pain (banded for 2 weeks yesterday) but hopefully I can handle walking my dogs on my own soon. They've got 150lbs of tugging power between them so I want to make darn sure I'm healed enough - don't want to get hurt. I sneak out the backdoor and head down the alley without them right now so they don't see me go... they are so spoiled, but I feel guilty leaving them behind! They have me wrapped around their paws alright!:thumbup:

    Can't wait to see where we all are by Christmas... 200 or less would be absolutely AMAZING! :smile2:

    Good luck everyone!! Thanks for this great incentive!


  16. Hey there Heather - don't get down on YOU... as my patient facilitator says, this is the time for healing, not the time for losing, so if you can help it - stay off of that darned scale for at least a couple of weeks. Focus on eating the right stuff and staying the course that way. And as the ol' bandster saying goes... "walk-walk-walk" "sip-sip-sip" Before you know it the fills will start and the weight loss will truly begin. I think I've possibly put a few back on too and I'm just 2 weeks banded today. So, I'm just stayin' off of the scale, trying to move as much as I can, and getting ready to start the "mushies" phase this weekend-that'll be exciting! Good luck and keep us in the loop - remember that when you get down there is a whole LOT of folks on here that'll pick you right back up again!!

    Take good care!:thumbup:


  17. Hi guys! This is a great thread! :party: I was kinda worried that I was drinking too much too fast too... but this sure puts my mind at ease! I'm pretty sure I don't have restriction either because I can drink quite a bit at once (& belch like a lush too!:w00t:) but I'm down 15 since my pre-op diet 10 days prior to the Aug 20th surgery so, I'm totally happy with that.:thumbup: Mushies start on Sunday for me - can hardly wait for egg salad!:sad:

    Thanks for the peace of mind on the sip vs the gulp!!!


  18. Wow - I think I'm pretty darn lucky... so far no problems at all... the swelling around the 2 most important incisions (port of course, and the highest one where the band was put in at the top of the stomach) are both a bit painful, and I still have a bit of gas pain in the left shoulder, but otherwise I feel pretty good! :crying: sleeping on both sides with the help of a body pillow and so far able to tolerate everything from skim milk to pudding, mini ravioli :unsure:(pureed) to oatmeal. I only had one sharp pain in the band from swallowing a med that might've tried to get through sideways :cursing:... but otherwise I'm in great shape. Back at work yesterday. Prayers going for everyone having some struggles and everyone being banded today through the end of the month. BANDSTERS RULE!! :huh2:


  19. Hey all! Sorry it's taken a few days to get back on this thread, but just wanted to let you know that all is well, Tijuana was tremendous, Dr. Kuri is the most compassionate doctor I have ever met and I have had a recovery better than I could have ever expected. The hospital and hotel were both absolutely spotless with gleaming marble floors, sparkling glass doors, and first rate care and service. The surgery itself went very well and despite the language barrier, communication with the nursing staff was definitely possible (who needs words!). We arrived back in Regina on Saturday night and today was my first back at work. It seemed like a REALLY long day. I was supposed to attend a meeting tonite but I fell asleep and TOTALLY missed it... OOPS!! ;) Oh well...

    I've done fairly well with tolerable pain from both the 5 incisions and the Co2 gas, although today seems to be one of the worst I've had :crying:(still not too bad though!).

    Going back to the last post I had put on this thread, sadly my kitty passed away the night before we left. It was just awful and unexpected, but I am VERY grateful to God for taking him before we left, otherwise I would've missed getting to say goodbye. :tt1:

    I'm on full/pureed liquids and am having NO trouble getting in all of my liquids on top of bowls of pureed soups/pastas etc. I was worried that I was eating too much actually, but my facilitator has given me all of the reassurance I need, and reminded me that this is the HEALING phase, not necessarily a LOSING phase. I have my first appointment with my local GP tomorrow and can't wait to tell her all about it and take her the xrays of the barium swallow :thumbup: (which are just super cool). She's very supportive in every way so I want to give her as much info as I can so she can help other patients. I think I am only her 3rd patient to have this done (it isn't available in my province all). Anyhow - before I ramble anymore, just wanted to letchyall know that I am OK, Tijuana was a really great experience for me and I'm here to answer any questions anyone might have about it.

    GLAD TO BE A BANDSTER!! Stace:biggrin:

  20. GOD IS SO GREAT!!! I was banded in Tijuana the day after KiKi's Mom (HEY THERE GIRLFIREND!!) and it was tremendous. Dr. Kuri's van picked us up at the airport and took us right to the hospital where I was checked in and run through the ekg, blood/urine workups. I feel so great, I almost feel guilty! Mexico was just incredible - I made some fantastic new friends! Everything from treatment to facility, to the care and compassion of the nurses even if they couldn't speak much english, they were adorable and made sure you felt no pain. The hospital really was nicer than any hotel I've stayed in, just prestinely clean, gleaming marble everywhere and you constantly saw cleaning staff. It was cleaner than most of our hotels too, let alone our hospitals. The surgery went really well and recovery was pretty easy for me - I am "one of those" who seemed to breeze through it. The hotel was gorgeous. You just had to tell them you were a Dr. Kuri patient and they would bring you apple juice, Jello and the best tasting chicken broth I have ever had. We were able to take in a bit of shopping and took TONS of pictures which I will post later. Got home about 10PM last night. I have 5 incisions, 4 about 1" and one about 2"-3" but no staples or stitches for removal at all. I have very little pain, a bit of tightness and a bit of gas pain still but absolutely NOTHING like I expected. Nothing. Today is my first day of full liquids (bye bye Jello!!:() and I'm having THEE most DELISH creamy vegetable Soup that we bought down there... what a treat! I got the 10cm Inamed Allergan band and so far I've only felt the very odd hunger pang, very few and far between, plus I sat and had chicken broth while DH had good, delicious looking meals (and some McDonalds even) and I actually didn't feel ripped off - at least not yet, but I'm sure I will sometimes down the road.

    Anyhoo - I should go and get unpacked here! I am so happy and excited... let the life change BEGIN!!! AMEN!! :banghead:

    If you have any questions about Dr. Kuri or Tijuana from my perspective, send me a private message and I'd be happy to talk about it!

    Talk soon!


  21. I really need some prayers. If you are not an animal lover don't waste your time reading this, but if you do - please help!! My DH and I leave for Tijuana in the morning and my surgery is Wed. I', not at all nervous, scared or otherwise feeling negaive at all EXCEPT I AM VERY ANGRY with myself and VERY WORRIED about one of my darling animal companions. This weekend my DH was away at work and so I wanted to reflect on what is about to happen. So I went away camping with my 2 dogs and for the forst time, took my oldest kitty Spooky, who is a severe asthmatic. It's a story, but in a nutshell I am an idiot to have taken poor Spooky cat with me - he is back in the hospital on oxygen not doing well AT ALL. Send him a prayer for me would you? I know he's "just a cat" but he is my baby and he is struggling again. (I nearly lost him in May) I thought the fresh air would do him a world of good. He HATED the drive out (about an hour away) until he went into the backseat with the dogs and then he calmed down. Until he did settle down then, I had even thought about turning around and coming home. I should have. But once we got there he seemed to really enjoy himself that afternoon and night. I tethered him to my chair while he played in the grass, chasing butterflies, and later on chillin' in the motorhome while I took the dogs for a walk. Well, yesterday morning he started coughing so I packed us all up and headed home. Got about 1/2 way and remembered that I had left one of the ceiling vents open in the motorhome (DAMN IT!!) so had to go ALL THE WAY BACK (an extra hour of driving which he DIDN'T need or like) and by last night his respiratory rate soaring up to 39 (should be 28 top end). So at 1AM, back to the vets he went. I was crying so hard on the way hme I could hardly drive. I am so STUPID! He's just been so normal lately that I forgot he is a fragile little guy. They're keeping him until we get back (if he survives it this time poor baby) I'm an absolute mess today. Can't even really talk too much 'cuz I start to cry. Was up until after 3 and top that overtiredness with everything going on for me I guess, let alone now wondering if he is going even to pull through this again. I can't imagine him dieing alone without me with him... My God... and I can't hardly even think about what going to be happening to me. I hope the IV and catheter hurts me like hell... I feel so damn bad for him. I just called to check in and they haven't been able to take him off of the oxygen for more than 5 minutes. I am so scared for him!

    Sorry for rambling, I am just so upset - he's 15 and I've had him since he was a baby.

    Thank you so much - I appreciate every prayer we can get!

    With much gratitude (& tears!)


  22. Hey there everyone! It has been so great reading all of your pre-and-post-op stories, advice, suggestions on this thread and such a thrill to be part of this exciting group!! DH and I fly out to Tijuana early tomorrow morning from Canada and I finally get my surgery on WEDNESDAY!! :wink2: The day after tomorrow!! I am so excited - no nerves, 2nd thoughts, regret, any of that - just pure peace and eager anticipation! :thumbup: I lost 7 lbs on my first 6 days of the Dr. Kuri LSD pre-op and was pleased with that. I do get to eat one meal of solid Protein a day on it and have been practicing the whole tiny bite-chew-chew-chew routine. I can see how it will take some concentration to get used to that!! The lucky dogs got lots of my little bites when I would get weary of the chewing. They LIKE this whole band thing too!!! :lol:

    Look forward to chatting with all of you on the other side!! We get back to Canada late Saturday night...

    Kiki's Mom - if you see this in time, GOOD LUCK TOMORROW, and if not until after your surgery, then I shall see you by the pool either Thursday or Friday with Jello in hand sister!!!

    Can't WAIT TO GET THERE! :thumbup:


  23. It's finally here!! :wink2: I have my bags pretty much packed, furry companions are all looked after (although one is really sick :thumbup: so please say a prayer for my sweet cat Spooky to be well), cashier's cheque ready, plane tickets in hand... DH and I are OFF to Tijuana at 6 in the morning with surgery on Wednesday. I am at total, complete peace with the whole thing and just can't wait to start working on the other side! Lost 7 pounds on the LSD in the week that I've been on it... I was pleased with that!:thumbup: Here we Go-o-o-o-o-o-o!!!!!

    Talk to you when we get back :biggrin2: (late on the 23rd-this Saturday night)


  24. I just love this website and the wonderful WONDERFUL support and love that we all share. :)

    Having you to listen to and share with is amazing. As I head into my final week of waiting, it is so great to see everyone's anticipation, excitement and experiences. My DH and I fly to SanDiego on Tuesday with the surgery on Wednesday next week - no real nerves yet, just that eager feeling of "let's getter done!!". Can't wait! :biggrin:

    GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE WHO HAS HAD, AND IS HAVING, THEIR "BIG DAY" THIS WEEK!!!! Prayers goin' up for all of you!!

    Take care...:biggrin2:


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