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Sask Patient

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sask Patient

  1. Sask Patient

    What a difference a year makes ...

    OH... MY... GOSH!!!! Just LOOK at YOU!!! You've worked hard and BOY does it show!! You are an inspiration girlie!!!
  2. Thanks Amon!!! I am definitely going to pop into one of our GNC stores and see if I can find that - thank you!! :tt2: My... only 59 the first week and under 400 the 2nd - I'd be afraid of starvation mode! How much are they taking you up to after that?? Are you feeling ok?? That worries me! SOoooo low!! Stace
  3. Sask Patient

    Lapbandfan's Before and after (so far) shots

    3 words for you... OH... MY...GAWD!!!!! :w00t: ok - make that 6 words OH... MY... GAWD... YOU...ARE...GORGEOUS!! ok - 7 CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! :biggrin2:
  4. Hi Amon... I'm headed for surgery on Aug 20th and am having trouble finding "clear" protien drinks of any kind where I live. What are you using? I understand getting the protien in is vital as is making sure you have enough calories... I'm super excited and want to make sure I have everything I need at hand for when we get back from Mexico and the surgery. Thanks so much! Stace
  5. Sask Patient

    Newbe can anyone help

    Darlin' Kat - you are an inspiration!! Thank you hardly seems enough... I can not tell you how much I appreciate your advice and assistance. And, I hope you don't mind, but I have sent you a "friend" request. I think having you in my corner would be one of the biggest support systems I could ever hope to find! Thank again - and again, congratulations on your AMAZING success! xox Stace:biggrin2:
  6. Sask Patient

    Newbe can anyone help

    Kat, as someone soon to undergo the surgery myself, reading your response to Newbie was inspiring, comforting AND educational! Congratulations on your incredible success!! You have done so very well with your band. I'm certain that as we go through our healing stage and get into the solid food experimentation, there is going to be a lot of excitement and anticipation. I think discovering the foods that work well and those that don't is going to be a very freeing experience... all of it is just SO exciting! Newbie - I had also heard that popcorn, steak and pizza were out, but the more I read and the more folks I talk to, it truly does seem that absolutely everyone is different. Just like Kat says. I think we all find our own way and make our own peace with food as we do it. Kat - I have another question for you - some have said that when it comes to the carbonation issue, if you let soda and beer go completely flat that it is OK (which kind of makes me think "what's the point then?") What's your take on that? Thanks a million for sharing your experience and advice! Stace:biggrin2:
  7. Sask Patient

    friday 7-25 please pray

    No worries - I am here for you always and you can certainly send me a private message anytime. In the meantime though, may I ask your first name and where you are?? I want to personalize those prayers! :biggrin2:
  8. Sask Patient

    friday 7-25 please pray

    Consider it done... my faith is what sees me through everything in life and I know God has brought us to this so we can have an incredible chance a living the life we have always dreamed of. I think He also knows your fears and by posting this thread you will be surrounded by His love through the care and concern of others-prefect strangers like me-who understand and are here for you. You are going to do beautifully, and remember that when you are scared or nervous, just ask to feel His comfort. He is there with you and will be with you through every single moment. Your sweet husband and beautiful baby will be waiting for you when you get into recovery... no worries darlin' - you are going to be fine! Good luck and GOD'S SPEED friend!! :biggrin2:
  9. Sask Patient

    Hooray! Happiest time of my life :)

    CONGRATULATIONS!!:biggrin2:Wonderful news! It sounds like your fiance is also your best friend and THAT is just fantastic... I married mine (best friend-love of my life) just over a year ago and I can't believe that it just keeps getting better and better... Good luck to both of you in your new life together! God Bless! Stace
  10. Sask Patient

    No more fast foods!!!!

    You bet Bloo!!! I can't wait for the experience of feeling content with less - that is truly gonna make my day! Thanks for the inspiration!! :biggrin2:
  11. Sask Patient

    Who's Getting Banded in August???

    Another SUPER site is The Daily Plate. www.thedailyplate.com I plan on using it ALOT again once I hit pre-op diet mode on Aug 11th (which seems like an eternity). I'm super glad that I am starting to WISH for the end of the food farewell tour... GAWD I feel like a HOUSE!!!:biggrin:
  12. Sask Patient

    No more fast foods!!!!

    Hey Blue - that is fantastic advice! We don't have to completely stop eating those yummy things - that was one thing I wanted to be very certain of before deciding on the lapband surgery.I definitely want to eat healthier but that doesn't mean I'm not ever going to eat anything deep fried again... or ice creamy... or chocolatey... uh oh, making myself crave!! But it just won't be as much or as often anymore... But to go without completely isn't living the life I need to so having the ability to still treat and enjoy and celebrate with food is a wonderful opportunity. :thumbup: It's going to be great!
  13. Sask Patient

    No more fast foods!!!!

    Hey there Latina - don't give up - never ever... but DO try your best to replace that junk food with healthier alternatives for sure. After a while being away from it makes it easier to avoid too,. And here's a great motivator - have you ever heard of ShrinkYourself.com? (I don't work for the company and am not endorsing it in any way other than to say how well it worked for me) I totally stumbled onto it earlier this year and it was a Godsend for me - it is really helping me to deal with the emotional eating and explaning WHY I always reach for junkfood of every kind. It's really interesting to get to the source of it and it really REALLY helps me stay on track when it would be easiest to let emotional eating and overeating completely take over. Hitting the drive through is just WAY too easy but this is helping me get better control over myself. I'm being banded on August 20th so right now I'm having the farewell tour of all of my favorites, in the larger quantities that I love, but come the 11th when I hit pre-op diet mode I plan to dedicate myself TO myself and becoming the best I can be. I know you can too - hang in there - and please feel free to just drop me a PM if you EVER just need to vent! Here for you!! Stace:biggrin2:
  14. Sask Patient


    Good luck kayacee!!! Will be thinking of you!!! 8:30 tomorrow... sending a prayer or 2 your way... CONGRATULATIONS!!
  15. Sask Patient

    Who's Getting Banded in August???

    Hey there guys - Vegas, from what I've read you are absolutely right!! I'm gonna take some just to be safe - I don't want to make my DH or the nurses deal with that!! :seeya: ps - your list was AWESOME!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!:biggrin2:
  16. Sask Patient

    Thinking hard about this.....

    ps You are MORE than welcome!! Anytime!! :seeya:
  17. Sask Patient

    Thinking hard about this.....

    My gosh girl - I completely understand... I know this isn't the magic bullet for weight loss, nothing is, but it is a TOOL to help me keep it OFF this time and that is the main thing. NO MORE YO-YO'ING!! :seeya: I am SO done with working SO hard to only gain it all back and more. And I would be willing to betchya that once the weight does start to come off, you would find that slowly working into some activity would help. But - I definitely DON'T want to influence you in any way. This is solely your decision so again, investigate and learn as much as you can, and research everything you can find - both good and bad. You'll make the decision that is best for you... good luck!!! Let us know if there is anything we can do... God Bless you in your research and decision! Stace :biggrin2:
  18. Sask Patient

    Thinking hard about this.....

    This site is a WEALTH of information of pre-surgery, post-surgery, diet, possible problems, success stories and LOTS AND LOTS of incredible support! Since making my decision late in the spring and having my surgery date set for this summer I have been on here pretty much every day and almost every day I learn something new. FM or not, if you have a BMI of 41 I'm certain you would be a candidate for the band and losing the weight would make you feel better... both mentally AND physically I'm sure! I think we all understand the feeling that we get in the pit of our stomach when someone says something "helpful" that they mean no ill will by - it hurts like hell :seeya: and just having the possibility of removing THAT kind of pain made looking into the band worthwhile for me. (Let alone the physical reasons on top of that!) So investigate, read and ask a b-jillion questions. Everyone here is just so wonderful and you will in all likelihood make a whole new set of friends from all over the world! We're here for you!!! Stace :biggrin2:
  19. Sask Patient

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    Hey there Momto5 - FIVE!?!?!! :eek: Oh my gosh!! You must be a really busy laydee!! Just a quick note on the pre-op diet that my facilitator said to do - drink lots of water when doing it(which we should anyway right?). She said the hi-protein content can be tough on our kidneys so we should keep flushing everything through/out. Makes sense. Be safe, feel well and GOOD LUCK! So exciting hey??? Stace
  20. Sask Patient

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    Hey there all! This is an awesome thread! OK - Lapband stuff - Iim in Southern SK Canada and getting my band in Tijuana on August 20th (WOO HOOO!!!!) Right now I'm eating everything in sght pretty much but will do pre-op LSD diet for 10 days out even though my facilitator says it isn't necessary because my BMI is just over 40. Not taking any chances. Plus I'm eating SO well right now that I can almost hardly wait to feel hungry! Did I just SAY that!?! hahhaaa Went on my first diet at age 11 (I'm 43) and have yo-yo'd my whole life. Can't wait for this new adventure to start!! OTHER stuff - I married the most incredible supportive man last June. He has 3 kids from his previous so I am a step-mom to a girl 16, boy 18 and girl 20. I have none of my own so talk about hitting the ground running! :eek: but thankfully they really are "good" kids. I told all of them about the surgery this past weekend and they were just wonderful about it. I have 2 great GREAT dogs who are my walking buddies (my avatar), 1 cuddly kitty, 4 fun fishes and a sweet canary bird. Yes it is a menagerie but it's a great life... can't wait to see how INCREDIBLE it'll all feel when I can actually tie my runners without almost passing out! :biggrin2: Stace
  21. Sask Patient

    Pre-Op Diet

    Oh my gosh Andrea - you are SO NOT ALONE! (I say as I sit here crunching away on Doritos/Tostitos at my desk!!) I am doing a farewell tour (luv that analogy!) of all of my favourite foods as I lead up to my pre-op diet too (I am for surgery on the 20th and LSD diet on the 11th). Because I'm in Canada and my surgeon is in Tijuana I haven't had any one on one contact with him yet, but the Facilitator (who is an RN) said I'm not required to do it at all because my BMI is just over 40, so I definitely should not go any longer that 2 weeks under any circumstances. Apparently, the higher protein content can be tough on the kidneys so she suggests lots of water intake during that time. I've decided to go with 10 days just to be safe. I completely want to do it too, just to make sure my liver doesn't get in the way... AND I know that even though I won't love it, it's bearable for that short of a time... BUT, back to your question about eating everything in sight right now - yah - pretty much. I seem to ALWAYS do this when I feel "the end is near" which really isn't bright, but it's almost like a last hurrah. This morning I felt pretty crummy from eating rich foods all weekend so now today I've just gotten into the trailmix and now the Doritos/Tostitos for some salt. Trying not to let myself beat me up too badly remembering that once the LSD begins that is it... and I will hold myself to it - I don't break promises to best friends so not gonna break this promise either. NO WORRIES GIRL... WE WILL BE GREAT!!! Stace :biggrin2:
  22. Sask Patient

    91 Banders Are Here!

    FANTASTIC to be here with all of you!!! Thanks for inviting me!! :biggrin2:
  23. Sask Patient

    Who's Getting Banded in August???

    :biggrin2:Congrats on your August dates guys!!! And Welcome to this great group of August All-Stars... the best support group I have ever met!!
  24. Sask Patient

    Soda soda soda

    Hey there Froggi - yup, you pour your "whatever" in (I can't wait to try milk and OJ for a cremesicle) and stir it periodically for about 5 minutes and apparently you get a slushie drink! I should have mine in 6-10 days so I'll be sure to let you know how it works when it gets here. Not sure about pop at all - I have a strong belief in me that if there is ANYTHING that can possibly hurt my band I will not have it - and that includes any possibility of carbonation (some say that the freezing kills the carbonation, but even if the pop is flat-I don't think I would trust it).I'm gonna ask my surgeon about that for sure... Anyhow, that's the concept of "The Original Slush Mug". :biggrin2:
  25. Sask Patient

    Soda soda soda

    Hahhahaaa!!! Froggi you are so cute!!! It's a mug with a sleeve that you freeze, then you add you favorite drink or what-have-you (chocolate pudding! Milk & OJ for a creamsicle!) and stir it as it turns in to slush. I'm a huge 7-11 slurpee fan :wub:so this is a dream gadjet for me! But I couldn't find anyplace that would ship to me,:tongue: AND THEN, yesterday I found a place that will ship to Canada :teeth_smile:- Vermont Country Store on line. OK so it's totally costing me a small fortune ($40 for 2 of em with shipping!) but it's gonna be Soooooo worth it! Yes I am a dork... :thumbup:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
