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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    JessieShips83 reacted to blackpowder72 in Surgeon Disappointed 😞   
    Oh screw him lol. You have lost 21 lbs that's good. Everyone is different. To me it's a marathon not a sprint . You doing great. Just stick to your meal plan it will work. I'm 6 weeks and have lost 36 lbs. Everyone looses different. I lost 5 lbs one week and 3 lbs another and so on. I just keep telling myself that I'm eating 700 calories a day compared to 2500 or 3000 calories a day before the surgery.
  2. Like
    JessieShips83 reacted to Maisey in Dumping syndrome   
    I agree with what’s been written. In addition, my dietitian told me that when it’s dumping, the urge will be for things to come out the bottom end. When you’ve eaten too much or too fast, the urge will be for it to come up and out.

    The first time is very scary. I, too, wondered if I needed to go to the hospital. I thought I was chewing enough and eating slowly enough. I wasn’t. I also needed to pause longer between bites and wait until the recommended 30 minutes after a meal before drinking (sometimes longer). It took me more times than I care to admit to really slow down as much as I needed to and to stop sooner. I learned to recognize that as soon as there was the slightest gurgle from my stomach, it was time to stop. A runny nose or hiccup is a sure sign of having gone too far. Also, since this can feel like something is stuck, my first reaction was to take a drink to wash it down. Don’t do it, it only makes it worse.
  3. Like
    JessieShips83 reacted to Jen2020MGB in Dumping syndrome   
    You will want to avoid heaving two weeks out. I was still on full liquid at 2 weeks, no bits. Don't be afraid to go back a stage on your food plan, not everyone can tolerate solid that soon. Take your time, it will get easier. Hope you are feeling better now.
  4. Like
    JessieShips83 reacted to The Greater Fool in Dumping syndrome   
    It's common.
    Eat slower, smaller bites, chew thoroughly. You'll get the hang of it.
    Good luck,
  5. Like
    JessieShips83 reacted to The Greater Fool in Dumping syndrome   
    What you describe is not dumping. It sounds like you ate too fast, you probably didn't chew well enough, and your pouch was mildly blocked. The dry-heaving is you trying to get rid of the blockage.
    Dumping occurs after you've eaten. It is your bodies response to eating too much sugar or fat in some cases. Your stomach / intestines put out a "We need Water here" which your body responds dramatically. All this Fluid in your intestines are what cause the Dumping symptoms. The symptoms include sweating, heart palpitations, nausea, gastric distress, cramps, and the forever popular diarrhea.
    Good luck.
  6. Like
    JessieShips83 reacted to Recidivist in LGBTQIA?   
    I'm a gay man who agrees with AZHiker. The advice and support I've received here have been invaluable. I don't consider my sexual orientation at all relevant to those discussions.
    Two points of disagreement with AZHiker: I do think that age and gender can be relevant to our weight loss journeys. Men tend to lose weight differently (and more quickly) than women, and older people also face different challenges than younger ones. (I had surgery at age 59.)

  7. Like
    JessieShips83 reacted to AZhiker in LGBTQIA?   
    WHY? Weight loss surgery is weight loss surgery, with the same challenges and victories for everyone. We don't need to know someone's race, age, gender, or sexual preference to offer encouragement, advice, and support.
  8. Like
    JessieShips83 got a reaction from Aliyah Whole180 in June Surgeries   
    Aliyah many blessings to you and speedy recovery as well. Cheers to our new journey! 🙏🥰😃💃🎉
  9. Hugs
    JessieShips83 got a reaction from Aliyah Whole180 in June Surgeries   
    Tomorrow morning at 7am is the big day 😃😱
  10. Hugs
    JessieShips83 got a reaction from Aliyah Whole180 in June Surgeries   
    Tomorrow morning at 7am is the big day 😃😱
  11. Congrats!
    JessieShips83 reacted to Erica B in June Surgeries   
    Ok so today marks officially 15 days since my surgery, I started soft food today, I had cottage cheese and a mashed banana for Breakfast and some apple cinnamon oatmeal for dinner with a Protein Shake for lunch. Everything is going good so far and I'm down 16lbs since surgery and 50lbs in a month. No regrets and everything is going as it should. I'm super excited to see what happens with me and everyone else after their surgeries! we got this!
  12. Like
    JessieShips83 reacted to Aliyah Whole180 in June Surgeries   
    Same for me! May all go well & smoothly & may you have a full & speedy recovery, too!
  13. Hugs
    JessieShips83 got a reaction from Aliyah Whole180 in June Surgeries   
    Tomorrow morning at 7am is the big day 😃😱
  14. Like
    JessieShips83 got a reaction from Morachia in June Surgeries   
    Preop testing tomorrow (go fig I have a sore throat) then next wed is surgery! Happy to hear about everyone who had or will be having surgery. Been praying for y’all!
  15. Like
    JessieShips83 got a reaction from Morachia in June Surgeries   
    Preop testing tomorrow (go fig I have a sore throat) then next wed is surgery! Happy to hear about everyone who had or will be having surgery. Been praying for y’all!
  16. Like
    JessieShips83 reacted to ms.sss in Alcohol during maintenance??   
    There are a few controversial topics that get some strong (and not-so-strong) opinions/responses on this forum. Alcohol consumption is one of them.
    With that said, I am a maintainer and a regular drinker.
    Aside: I have mixed feelings about saying this even as I type this, as I don't want to inadvertently influence someone to drink if they are of the type who may spiral. I often drop hints about my drinking habits in more light-hearted threads (i.e., the food thread or the clothes thread), but in threads specifically asking about alcohol by those in the early stages, I have pause. But, we are all adults here and can make our own choices, so here goes:
    Prior to WLS, I didn't drink regularly, but if/when I did, I drank ALOT. Think sloppy drunk. It was always at parties or nights out, and never at home (if we hosted parties, I'd drink, but not get drunk cuz I mean, I had hosting responsibilities after all, LOL).
    During weight loss phase, I must have drank maybe 5-6 times the entire time. And it was very little, less than 1/4 of a single serving, if that. The first time I drank after surgery was 3 weeks post op. I had 2 sips of red wine at a party, and it was weird...I remember feeling the liquid in my stomach and the warmth of it travel through my intestines and I got surprisingly tipsy for so little that I drank. The second time I had a drink was 3-4 sips of a soju-sake concoction around 1-2 months post op and I had the most horrible dumping experience soon after. Like laying on the bathroom floor horrible. It was the sugar in it. The handful of times I drank after that (during weight loss phase) I stuck to gin/vodka sodas & dry red wine. I was definitely affected with just a few sips, and the effects wore off pretty quickly.
    Now, lets talk maintenance. Freed from having to stay under a self-imposed calorie limit, I drank more. I drank more often than I did pre-op, but less overall, even including my occasional pre-op benders. I no longer only got to sloppy level when I drank, but to just a good buzz. And again, only when I was out and about. I'd say I had maybe 1-3 drinks a week. I still got buzzed relatively quickly (less than one full drink), and the effects did not last long (less than an hour). There were maybe 4-5 times I got pretty trashed during this time (i'm guessing on like 5-6 drinks), all while on some vacation or other, and once at a wedding.
    Then came lockdown in March last year. I was about 1.5 years out when Covid reared its ugly head, and just under a year into maintenance. My drinking increased exponentially over a couple months. These days, I drink at least one drink a day (usually two, occasionally much more, on those nights we have an extended dinner seating time, or when it was patio season last summer).
    Now according to the literature I have read, based on volume alone, I am an alcoholic. Go figure. Am I concerned? Honestly nowadays, not really. I did contemplate it in the beginning, especially cuz Mr would keep bringing up how my drinking has increased (in a joking way mostly...but he should talk, he drinks every day too. Almost always has...his drinking also increased with Covid. Granted, he has more mass than I do and has the metabolism of a hummingbird).
    It's been almost a year of this daily drinking now, and while I believe I could benefit from cutting down, I don't see it as an issue at the moment in terms of any decrease in quality of life or my own safety or the safety of those around me (but I suppose this is what anyone who drinks would say). We'll see.
    Back in the summer we agreed that each person in the house can call a "dry day" at any point and everyone must abide to no drinking that day. Though to date, no one has called it. That probably speaks to the mentality we got going on here, lol. I did a couple "dry weeks" on my own accord months ago, just to prove to Mr. & myself I didn't have a problem...these weeks went by uneventfully, but I'm not sure if it really proved anything.
    Very long story short, while I'm not advocating nor discouraging drinking either way to anyone, as with anything else in life, the hope is that you can be self-aware enough to know what YOUR acceptable limits are and try to stay within them.
    Sorry this was so long.
    Good Luck ❤️
    P.S. In case you were wondering, I have pretty much maintained my weight (115 lbs +/- 5lbs) this entire time. Last year I reached my acceptable upper limit (120 lbs for more than 3-4 days in a row) twice and then switched gears to get back to 115. First time took me 3-4 weeks, second time took me 3-4 months (granted, I didn't try very hard). Today I am actually 6 lbs under my "normal", BUT I'm in transition at the moment as I've had zero exercise for about a month due to injury and i'm trying to offset that with a reduction in calories...and yeah, I haven't found the right level yet...so this is temporary, as far as I'm concerned. BUT I'm still drinking, lol, am just having less dessert 😜
    P.P.S. I also smoke. But that's a whole other topic...
  17. Like
    JessieShips83 got a reaction from Morachia in June Surgeries   
    Preop testing tomorrow (go fig I have a sore throat) then next wed is surgery! Happy to hear about everyone who had or will be having surgery. Been praying for y’all!
  18. Haha
    JessieShips83 reacted to indecision in SEX!   
    <-------------Looking for a dark corner to hide and cry in.....
  19. Haha
    JessieShips83 reacted to bigcountryab in SEX!   
    Lady? Lol I thought you were a cross dresser from that pic you posted that's why I said hmmmmmmmm
  20. Haha
    JessieShips83 reacted to indecision in SEX!   
    And I suspect the next line will be something to do with a big ole "fishing" rod......Sheesh
  21. Haha
    JessieShips83 reacted to pokeychic in SEX!   
    Now, now girls..
    Just because I caught myself a fine specimen of a man, no need to be accusing me of cat fishing!
    Oh yummy, I like my catfish just like I like my big abs all buttered up and glistening..
    Mmmmm.. I can just eat it all up!
  22. Haha
    JessieShips83 reacted to 2btrim in SEX!   
    I have a question. What is sex? BLAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  23. Haha
    JessieShips83 reacted to bigcountryab in SEX!   
    I have tons of pics on here... Is that you? Lol
  24. Haha
    JessieShips83 reacted to pokeychic in SEX!   
    Whatcha look like big abs???

  25. Like
    JessieShips83 reacted to Aaronmadeit in Before and After Pics   
    Seeing old pictures really makes me realize I'm so close to my goal !!
    My heaviest 391

    Last night at 240

    So close to fitting into a XL from a name brand store

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
