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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JULIEM81

  1. My surgeon requires 30 days of full liquids and I've grown bored already with the few things I'm eating. I so far am ok with healthwise hot chocolate, sf pudding, protein drinks, and soup but I've eaten the same soup for 6 days. :wink2: Any suggestions?
  2. Lol, mashed potatoes have been my savior! Luckily for me I love them anyway and despite the funny looks from my family, I'm enjoying them runny. I had just added a bit too much liquid, didn't even think about gravy - Yum! Thanks so much for the suggestion. My other strategy at the moment has been eating at Applebees since they now have a soup of the day. It's a cheap meal for me now and since they change the soup daily, it keeps some variety in my week.
  3. JULIEM81

    Southern Jersey...Anybody?

    Hello everyone! Well, I'm 11 days out, feeling pretty much back to normal, and down 14.5 pounds. Awesome. I'm so glad I made this decision. Just to see the scale creeping back down makes me wanna sing, dance, laugh, and cry all at once. I'm still stuck on liquids (Yuck) for another 2 and a half weeks but I'm not feeling hunger so it's been more bearable day by day. Today I'm starting to walk for my 30 minute lunchtime with a friend so all the better. Hope everyone else is doing well! Take care, Julie
  4. JULIEM81

    Southern Jersey...Anybody?

    Hello all, I'm from Salem County as well. I was banded 10/3/08 by Dr. Irgau at Chrias in Wilmington, DE. Nice to see so many faces from this area! :smile2:
  5. Lol, the fudgesicles have saved me too! MY DH and I always watch certain shows with ice cream so they've been my savior!
  6. Hey, I'm on full liquids 30 days post op. I've made it through the last week on cream soups, protein drinks, and very thin mashed potatoes. But I feel like I need something with substance, Lol. I know it's only 30 days but if anyone has any good cream soup recipes?
  7. JULIEM81

    Question about recovery time

    Hello, I was banded on Friday (10/03/08) and returned to work today. I also have an office job and so far have been feeling fine. I am still a bit swollen and sitting for too long is a bit uncomfortable but so far, so good. Just be sure to bring more than you think you need with you! I brought tylenol and packed a few things to "eat" and was surprised to have finished my protein shake and lunch (soup) already. Good luck to you!
  8. Hello all, I'm 4 days post op and feeling pretty good but I'm noticeing some increasing bruising around one of my incisions. Its only around the center incision and it's yellowed bruising but it seems to be spreading each day. Any ideas???
  9. JULIEM81

    Any locals?

    Hi everyone! Well, I'm banded! I came home yesterday after being banded 10/3. Despite some pain and discomfort, I'm feeling good. Not at all hungry! I was in a good deal of pain Friday and yesterday but today I'm up and about more and just uncomfortable. Gas pains are killing me but I've been burping them out quite often. Hope everyone else is doing well! Talk to you soon! Julie :tongue2:
  10. JULIEM81

    Any locals?

    Lol, Thanks everyone! So far so good. I had broth for breakfast and the diet sirerra mist is winning me over as I type. I brought enough clear stuff to feed a small army with me to work. I sent DH out for tonight and my son will make do with spaghetti o's! I'm more ready than anything now. Especially after letting DH take some before pics of me last night. Wow. Talk about motivation! It took awhile but I finally agreed to go "Big Loser" style and let him take them in shorts and a sports bra. Nice wake up call. I wanted to cry when I saw how big I am everywhere. I can't wait to have after pictures to compare. For those who take them, how often do you do so? I was thinking monthly but will I be able to notice a difference in 1 month? Tanks again to all!:cursing:
  11. JULIEM81

    Any locals?

    Lol, thanks a bunch for the suggestions!:thumbup: Today is my last day of food before surgery. :cursing: Tomorrow and Thursday are clear liquids. Sadly, I think I'm more nervous about getting through that thatn the surgery itself. I'll be working during the day (which honestly could be good or bad for me) but cooking for my family is going to be torture. Any tips from the pros? :thumbdown: Thanks a bunch guys!
  12. JULIEM81

    Any locals?

    Lol, afterthough from my mom! Should I take a robe? Thanks!:thumbup:
  13. JULIEM81

    Any locals?

    Hi Hope in April! Thanks! Your button comment brought a huge smile to my face!:thumbup: I definietly plan to take use of that button on Saturday (it was supposed to be my wedding day but things fell apart) just to keep my spirits up. Thanks for the pillow idea! Hadn't thought of that. They told me before that I could have someone stay with me there - is that true? Thanks again!:thumbup: Jul
  14. JULIEM81

    Any locals?

    So I'm down to 4 days left on my countdown. I'm scheduled for surgery 10/3/08 at 7:30 am. I'm excited and nervous but not at all unsure or afraid. I still know I want this and can do this. But I've got jitters all the same. I think I've bought EVERY thing I could need and I've already packed a few things into my overnight bag. Wednesday I start my clear liquids. I feel like I'm eating too much the last few days, kind of like I'm trying to have all my favorites one more time. Anyway, any advice from you guys or tips on what to bring to the hospital? Or what to expect? I'm going to St. Francis btw. Thanks again, Julie
  15. JULIEM81

    Crushable medications

    to everyone for your suggestions. I spoke to my PCP and he gave me prescriptions for the maxalt and wellbutrin. I thought about trying the imitrex injections but my past experiences with imitrex were pretty brutal so I'm leaving that as a last resort (plus I hate shots). All of my other meds are crushable so I'll just be eating my applesauce or sf pudding concoction daily. Lol. Thanks again!
  16. Hello, I am scheduled for surgery 10/3 and have 2 medication questions. I currently take pristiq for depression and excedrine migraine and I know that I'll need to find others. Any suggestions? I know for sure Pristiq isn't ok because it's extended release and not available in any other form. As far as migraine meds, I can't take imitrex so I depend on excedrine but since that'll be a no-no, I'm at a loss. I can't do nasal sprays. Thanks in advance!
  17. Does anyone know if it's safe to be on Accutane prior to surgery? My lapbnd surgery is scheduled for October 3rd and I'd like to be put on Accutane now to work on my adult acne. My derm's nurse's practitioner was all for it until I mentioned the surgery and then said she wasn't sure if it was ok for this type of surgery. So she gave me about 7 other products that I've been using for almost 6 weeks and they've made my skin worse!!! :embaressed_smile:
  18. JULIEM81

    Any locals?

    I was originally supposed to be a 3 monther but my insurance requires a full 6 months so Oct. was the soonest they'd allow. Bummer for me. But I'll get there and then I'll look back and think 3 months went fast!
  19. JULIEM81

    All About Me!

    Just a few of my favorites!
  20. JULIEM81


    From the album: All About Me!

  21. JULIEM81

    Me in AC Summer '05

    From the album: All About Me!

  22. JULIEM81

    Me in 2006

    From the album: All About Me!

  23. JULIEM81

    My HS Grad. Picture

    From the album: All About Me!

  24. JULIEM81

    Me in June 2004

    From the album: All About Me!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
