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Posts posted by Joser09

  1. 10 minutes ago, weberr24 said:

    Had my surgery {Gastric Bypass} April 14th surgery weight 237 down to 160 I am proud of my weight loss but if i had to do it again I would not had the surgery to many problems

    I had the sleeve done and weight was 345 at day of and now I'm down to 233 but I agree with you if had to do it again I wouldn't. Even now it's still a roller coaster. Some on and off days.

  2. Hello everyone, April 7th was my surgery sleeve date. And it has been an amazing roller coaster. Down 98 pounds. First half of day is liquid Protein Shakes Breakfast And lunch. Then for dinner I move to solid food chicken mainly. The clothes and closet experience has been to shocking to me. In a good way of course. But overall just a amazing experience. Hope everyone else is doing well.

  3. I’m 6 weeks post op and was going through the same. Was a roller coaster someday ms were good for energy and some weren’t and some were half and half, such as the morning I felt energetic in the morning then after lunch the 2nd half of day I was just crash. So I was told from my dr/surgeon it was I needed more Protein. So now he has me doing Protein Shake for Breakfast , lunch and for dinner I can have something else. And of course Water nothing else. And sure enough it’s doing the job for me. But overall I understand you. Maybe try more protein.

  4. 7 hours ago, Blueslily said:

    Hello all,

    Great reading your posts and thanks for responding to my questions.

    So far, I only really have space for a snack maybe once in a while, like maybe 2 days a week. Those times are usually like once in the afternoon while I'm at work. I eat a cheese stick. I dont usually desire any Snacks in the evening at home. Most evenings, I'm too busy trying to finish up my Water goals for the day. Hahaha.

    I get so distracted at work some days that I don't meet my Water goal while at work. Its annoying because then at night I'm trying to make up which is hard and I stay up late sipping on water. It's a day by day process of trying to make sure I take care of me while at work and meet my intake goals while there. Need help with that.

    I'm excited to share that I walk at work every single day! Usually around 30 minutes. I even walked twice Wednesday. Once during work and then at the end of the day for a few minutes. After work, I drove to an empty parking lot at work and did some speed walking laps around the lot for just 15 minutes. I don't speed walk during the work day because I don't want to get sweaty or anything like that and have to go back to work. I'm really digging walking now. Feel more energy to do it and the weather has been great. I think it's about me liking being outside and liking that I can walk without feeling tired most days now. That's progress for sure.

    Tuesday I will be 6 weeks post-op and can move to normal food that's of course low cal, low sugar, low fat, low sodium, low carb, etc. So far, I have not cheated at all. No cravings so far. I do feel some hunger at times, but that's usually my fault because I'm past the due time for a Protein Shake or a 2.5 - 3 ounce meal which is still my capacity limit. I think Thursday I had some thoughts about wanting to eat out, but I squashed that. First, I can hardly eat any volume so eating out is wasteful, even if I take leftovers home. Second, I don't want to open a slippery slope of eating out once and then wanting to do it again and again and getting off track with my plan. I'm not willing to risk that so early in this process. I also don't want to introduce something that will trigger a craving. So, I got past that.

    I still food prep. Man, since surgery, I have saved so much money on food. I used to spend a lot more on dining out and groceries. Now with only eating like a max of 3 ounces per meal and just drinking water the rest of the day, I save a ton of money. Protein Shakes and Vitamins are bigger expenses than food I guess.

    I see my WLS Team in two more weeks for my 2 month follow up. I am meeting a friend for a weekend mountains getaway to Celebrate my two month surgerversary. He is the only person who knows that I had this surgery other than my medical team. We talk all the time about how it's going which helps. Since no one else knows, I don't get to talk with anyone else about my experience during this process.

    I have one possible challenge coming up. My family is getting together for Memorial Day wknd. That's the weekend before my 2 month mark. That will be the first time that they will see me since my surgery. I live states away from my family so they don't see me all the time. Plus, with COVID the past year, we have gotten together less than usual for family gatherings which usually include siblings, parents, aunt, uncles, nieces and nephews, and cousins. So, a nice size group of people. My parents saw me Easter weekend which was the week before surgery. I had lost some weight pre-surgery, but I don't think they noticed. Now its noticable. So, I've created a couple options for responses to questions about my weight loss since I don't plan to disclose that I had WLS. And I have a plan for what to eat since the family is cooking out. I should be in the clear for a few months after that in regards to any other family gatherings.

    I'm content with how I feel now and my progress. I do weigh on the scale, but I'm not overly focused on numbers. I noticed that a few of my summer dresses fit better. You can see weight loss in my face. So, I value the non-scale victories.

    Sorry for the long post. I'm really glad to be a part of this community. It has been very helpful during this process.

    Have a great Saturday everyone 🙂

    I’m going back to work after 6 weeks of post op, so what do you do / how do you meal prep. I need some help and ideas. Sound like you have everything down packed.

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