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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Crisscat

  1. Did you a pre op liquid diet or how did your situation unfold for you? Are you in the US?
  2. Im not sure I would have got that far! I cant say that I would have went through with it.
  3. I wonder if I can survive on SF Lime Jello LOL. Im so over the chicken bone broth. Also I did order some Unjury chicken broth and I will try that to see if its any better flavor wise. If not Im gonna have to do something to that bone broth 😄
  4. Well, I just signed a consent form Friday morning and I went to look at what mine says but they didnt even give me a copy of it??!!! I guess Ill be making a call Monday morning!
  5. Crisscat

    May 2022 surgery?

    I cant say anymore if Im nervous or just anxious about it. I think they give you something before surgery to calm you lol Or at least I am hoping. My feeling is more like dread but not for the surgery itself just that I have to do it if that makes sense.
  6. Crisscat

    Shopping in Bariatric Pal Store

    I might just try the patches to see if my bloodwork after surgery is good or not. At least like liveaboard15 is doing for a couple weeks.
  7. Im doing better with my liquid diet. Before the diet I had lost 22 lbs so Im hoping I will drop another 10 lbs (wishful thinking on my part) I have today, tomorrow Monday and then surgery Tues sometime. Surely I can make it 3 more days lol. But honestly this chicken bone broth is for the birds literally. What did anyone add to their broth to make it more tolerable after drinking do much of it?
  8. You may find you dont really want things you had before. I am about to have surgery next week Tues and just being on the pre op diet I have found I dont really miss my 2 nemesis, Dt Coke and Warburton bread (English bread) lol. I actually thought those would just kill me to not have but I am making good strides without them and Im not even post op yet. So I am happy about that. I read/hear frequently that your tastes may change post op so you may find some of the things you liked before you may not like post op. As others mentioned above, you can try different things and find what you do like. Im not opposed to trying new things and I look forward to smaller quantities and weight loss. For me, that in itself outweighs anything. But we'll see how I do 1st week post op lol Hang in there, hopefully each week will get better for you.
  9. Crisscat

    How long are you missing work?

    I had some time built up at work from months ago. I am taking a full 2 weeks off and I have a desk job as well. Currently I still work from home for 3 weeks and 1 week in the office a month. I am having surgery and off for the the week in the office. So after the 2 weeks off, Ill have 2 weeks to work at home post op then 1 week in the office the final week of May (since there is 5 weeks). So by the next time I have to go in to work I will be post op 4 weeks. Hopefully that works well for me.
  10. Crisscat

    Shopping in Bariatric Pal Store

    I would need something without iron (I think I saw some). I have to watch that closely or I can get constipation on a horrible scale. I spoke with my surgeon the other day and asked her if I can use products, vitamins etc without iron because my body just cant deal with it and then I get big problems lol. Outside of natural absorption I stay away from products with Iron lol 😛 Im looking at trying the PatchAid myself. Ill have to look at the Chike Nutrition....thanks
  11. Crisscat

    OMG the constipation is real

    Since its the weekend, I dont know if you can call your GP or Surgeon to see what you can have. Here in the states we have stool softeners but not sure what you have there. Suppository maybe? Once you get it to pass its best to stay on top of it with whatever products you have there. Im sorry not alot of help here from US as Im not sure of what products are available for you, There are several UK people on here that I am sure can chime in and offer better help/suggestions for you hopefully. Hang in there.
  12. Crisscat

    Sleeve Leak?

    Just curious if anyone who has had the sleeve if they experienced their sleeve leaking post op?? I have not had surgery yet, its next week Tues (May 3rd). I had my appt today with my surgeon and I know its just to inform me of what could happen with risks of the surgery but when she was going in to detail of the steps needed if a leak is found or happens. It made me take a step back and I said whoa! Im sure its my mind messing with me since Im only 5 days away from surgery date. But I dont recall of anyone in here mentioning having a leak. Maybe the statistics are low but it sure does make you say hmmm?
  13. It truly helps knowing we arent alone in this
  14. Crisscat

    Pain after surgery

    Yep my Dr and I just talked about this today and I asked her if I could use chewable Gas-X. She said she will not tell me no because she has said patients have told her gas x helps while others say it did nothing. She explained it the same way as Flab-U-Less, Gas X is for intestinal gas but some ppl seem to get relief from it.
  15. I actually have been told to start a probiotic before surgery on Tues. I also have already been given a stool softener (Colace).
  16. Crisscat

    Sleeve Leak?

    Well my Dr told me I probably wouldnt know but that stomach acid could leak inside me and antibiotics would need to be administered. Symptoms to watch for she said was abdominal pain, hard to breathe, fast heart rate, visible drainage coming from the incision site. Statistically I think its a low percentage that leaking happens but Im curious if anyone has had one
  17. Crisscat

    May 2022 surgery?

    My pre op diet isnt as bad as I initially thought it would be. I think my surgeon is probably alittle lax on it somewhat. I had a Drs appt with her today and she asked how I was doing on pre op and I said not too bad actually, her reply was do the best as you can. I get hungry thats for sure lol. I have to busy myself to stop thinking about it. Tomorrow I go for my pre op visit/pre admission visit with the anesthesiologist to talk about my surgery on Tues. My nerves are settling in and Im not sure why Im so nervous, this has got to be done to get me in a healthy place. Im doing what most women do right before having a baby, Im nesting LOL. Making sure things are in order, cleaning the house, decluttering lol
  18. Crisscat

    Sleeve Leak?

    Well I know I have to have that liquid test as well post op. But I dont think Ive come across anyone who in fact had a leak. So I thought I would ask if anyone had experienced a leak?
  19. In my opinion that actually looks pretty good. Ive seen some deep bruising on ppl after surgery but yours looks pretty good. Its healing so it will more than likely have different colors going on.
  20. Crisscat


    Same with mine. We knew up front that there was a liquid diet requirement. The closer it got we had to see the dietician and we received what those requirements for the liquid diet were. I think mine was discussed 3 times as well
  21. I just tried the Milos Zero tea its pretty good. Usually I cant stand the sickening sweet tea taste of most brands. Alot of times I had to dilute it with water. This one was fine just out of the bottle
  22. Crisscat

    Over night stay at hospital. Yay or nay

    My Dr requires 24 hour observation. The morning after surgery we are required to have a liquid swallow test to make sure there are no leaks.
  23. Crisscat

    May 2022 surgery?

    If Im not mistaken I believe muscle building protein can build muscle mass and potentially add weight

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
