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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Crisscat

  1. Crisscat

    Pili Nuts

    Has anyone had Pili Nuts post op? If so, how long post op were you when you tried them and were they tolerated?
  2. Crisscat

    Pili Nuts

    I guess most will love em or hate em lol. Luckily I loved them. Its an acquired taste I guess 😛
  3. Thank you! Im ready to get it over with already lol Good luck to you as well! You arent too far behind me with your surgery
  4. Crisscat

    May 2022 surgery?

    Tomorrow morning is my day!! May 3rd Im first up....need to be at the hospital by 545am. For those of you who pray......Pray for me plz that all goes well 🙏
  5. Im first up tomorrow morning. I have to check in at 545am!!
  6. Crisscat

    How long are you missing work?

    Did you tell them why you needed the time off? That your having WLS? Because in my opinion its none of their business lol
  7. Crisscat

    How long are you missing work?

    I dont know that it can be denied but thats what you need to do is google it and look to make sure you know how it works so you are prepared when you ask for the FMLA paperwork.
  8. Crisscat

    How long are you missing work?

    FMLA is federal and it seems you met the criteria for working 12 months or 120 hours. Once approved you have up to 12 weeks you can use if memory serves. Please do Google it first tho and then go to work and ask them for FMLA paperwork to fill out so you have it to cover you in case you have any problems after your surgery. Its a good protection net for employees from employers that get pissy lol
  9. Crisscat

    Pre-Op Broth?

    Well I received my Unjury sample yesterday in the mail and I tried the chicken soup tonight for my "dinner". It does have a much better flavor hands down but I found it tasted pretty salty too but that could just be me. Thanks for the recommendation! Curious, when did anyone use the meal replacement powders? I have samples from both Unjury and Bariatric Advantage. I just cant remember if its pre op or post op usuage? 🤔
  10. Crisscat

    Best broth?

    For me by day 4 or 5 I didnt even have hunger anymore. Stomach pretty much stopped grumbling. Only today and Monday left for me. Surgery Tues May 3rd. Its coming around fast lol
  11. Crisscat

    Bariatric pal store

    Ive just ordered from the store so I cant say as of yet how they are but I have seen reviews that say they are slow to ship. Ill have to update when I get my order.
  12. Crisscat

    Bariatric pal store

    My dietician says we can take Centrum Silver (even if you are not an older adult) as those vitamins meets the requirements as well. Only difference is its a pill and has to be taken twice a day.
  13. Crisscat

    Pili Nuts

    Actually, any nut really. Im curious if anyone has started incorporating nuts back in their diet and at what phase? I love pecans, walnuts, pili nuts and almonds. The latter one helps me with constipation lol. I buy these (Pili Nuts) from Amazon and they are not cheap thats for sure but I consider them a treat for myself once a month and I dont have to worry about anyone else eating them LOL
  14. Crisscat

    Pili Nuts

    I love them, but everyone in my family dislike them. They are more of a soft crunch nut vs. like a almond which is firm and a definite crunch. When I first tried them I thought yuck but as I continued eating them I was like oooohh I do like these lol. No one around me shares that opinion lol
  15. Crisscat


    I have found My Fitness Pal very easy to follow and navigate through. Yes, being able to adjust your macros is great! It helps to keep you on track. If I dont do it every day I find (pre op) that Id stray too much!
  16. Crisscat


    I feel the same way. I have gotten more in to eating fish and raw baby spinach. I actually like it more than poultry now lol. But Im with you, Ill choose a lower fat cheese to eat but I wont cut it out altogether lol
  17. I must have will power of steel lol. I just went through McDonalds drive thru and picked up cheeseburgers/fries/drink for my son and a 20 piece McNugget and strawberry/cream pie for my hubby. Although the mere smell of it made me think of devouring it before I got home. I did exceptional and gave them their food while I grabbed my Fairlife Carmel protein shake lol. Honestly, when I got home with it I was okay and not bothered by it. I think just in close proximity the smell made me feel like eating it but once further away it had no effect on me....yay! lol
  18. So I have been browsing around the bariatric pal store. Has anyone bought from here? If so, do you have recommendations of vitamins, protein powders or anything you can think of? There does seem to be alot of things out of stock. I am curious if the PatchAid patches work? Has anyone tried these and whats your thoughts on them? Also, if there is something you buy frequently and its out of stock, given the supply chain problems; does it take long before they restock? I have read reviews where the shipping is slow? But I didnt know if thats a warehouse problem or USPS problem?
  19. Crisscat

    Shopping in Bariatric Pal Store

    Ok.....so I tried the sample I received Black Grape multi vitamin from Bariatric Advantage. I am NOT a fan of it and I usually like anything grape tasting. It smelled like pee lol....sorry about that but I dont know if my sense of smell has heightened since being on Pre Op liquid diet or what but to me that was awful lol. I have next to no hunger pains anymore and I dont feel hungry which is surprising since this is pre op for me. Please tell me the vitamins dont smell and taste like that 😂
  20. Crisscat

    Pain after surgery

    Im actually worried about how I will get in the protein post op myself. Still on liquid diet pre op currently (surgery sometime Tues). I am to the point I cannot stomach the chicken broth anymore. I have purchased some protein mix to mix with water but it hasnt come in the mail yet.
  21. Crisscat

    Did I screw up lol

    Wow! I guess it really does boil down to what we are capable of tolerating early on, My dieticians are very strict with only fluids post op for 2 weeks. They dont even want us to try anything until post op 3 weeks.
  22. Crisscat

    Shopping in Bariatric Pal Store

    I have decided against them as well now. I did some research and same as what you said, works for some and not others. I also agree, Id probably be one of the ones it didnt work for lol. I forget tho, when did everyone start their bariatric vitamins? Before surgery or after surgery 1st or 2nd week?
  23. Crisscat

    Taste issues

    I am truly hoping I lose the desire altogether for Dt Coke!! I drank way to many of those things each day. That saying, I have not had but 1 Dt Coke in a week. So I think Om doing good with that at the minute and so far it doesnt bother me too bad. I do miss the fizz of it tho.
  24. Crisscat

    Pain after surgery

    What are you drinking and eating?
  25. At any rate, how are you doing? Any issues yet or are you just trucking right along?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
