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Posts posted by MusicMan2008

  1. Wow! I was told that if I ate solid foods too early, I risk a slip of the band later on. It interferes with the healing process, and the stomach is just not ready for solid foods...

    We have to remember everyone is different and everyone's surgeon has their own beliefs. I don't think my doctor, who has done a ton of these things, would suggest it if it was going to hurt me. We have to trust our doctors.

  2. IMHO, it's just one of those days.

    But, how are you getting to actually eat things already two-weeks post op. I'll be two weeks post op on Friday and can start "mushies". I haven't chewed anything!

    I will be two weeks post-op tomorrow and my doctor today told me to eat solid food ONLY. He wants my stomach to get back in shape. I guess it is different for everyone.

  3. I also don't think I am swollen anymore.

    You are deffinatley still swollen. You just don't hurt anymore. The evidence is that you still can't eat much. Your doctor can't do a fill until the swelling has subsided. Most fills take place 4-6 weeks after surgery so it will probably take that long for you to fully heal. I am two weeks out of surgery and I can eat half a chicken breast. Good Luck.

  4. I never expected such an outpouring of support. You have all helped to remove the sting from this loss. His sister Lucy has become such a comfort as well. Today I was sitting in the studio and found one of his toys under my piano. It actually brought joy. He always layed under my feet when I work. My wife and I are doing fine now. We miss him but now we can only smile when thinking of him. You guys have been a tremendous blessing to us. Thank you.

  5. Mike, come on we all have a right to be treated with respect. That woman was rude. They are not volunteering their services for free! One must feel good about the doctor and staff for surgery. Our attitude going in affects our success.

    Unfortunately we have no idea if he would have been a good fit for her because she did not stay. I agree everyone should be treated with respect but this is not a fair world and never will be so you can either choose to react to someone who is treating you unfairly, or you can choose to "turn the other cheek" and discuss your concerns later with either the surgeon or the office manager. This is a very good life lesson for all of us.

    1 - We have no idea what that nurse has been through recently. Maybe it was a rough day, maybe it wasn't. I have been rude to people in the past as well for my own reasons that I was sorry for later. Has anyone else?

    2 - Why does someone else's attitude bother us? "He who angers you, controls you."

    3 - Never base our response on the actions of others. This is good leadership. Step back, think through the situation, and respond with the best possible solution for all parties involved. Consider everyone.

    Something I have tried to practice in my own life is this:

    I live a very good life, I have always been taken care of, I have a roof over my head, My family eats and has ample clothing, I am cool in the summer and warm in the winter. If someone chooses to wrong me or take advantage of me it is not place nor is it my right to cause them to suffer or repay me in any way. The good things I have in my life were GIVEN to me by someone who should hate me and destroy me. But because He first loved me long before I loved Him I will choose to love others to the absolute best of my ability, which usually falls well short of what it should be.

    If you argue with someone you may win or you may lose. If you love and forgive someone you win every time.


  6. My dog, Pedro (chihuahua) was killed by a car today. This may not be the best place to post this but it's all I've got. He was 10lbs. White with brown ears. He was extremely smart. I could tell him to "go lay down" and he would climb in his bed until I called him. He knew several tricks. He loved bones. And anytime we would take him outside to play he would always come in with a big smile. I always thought pet owners were crazy when they would cry over an animal, well, call me crazy.

    Pedro Ricks

    March 2007 - July 2008


  7. If I relied on my Doc's office staff everytime I never would have had the surgery. Sometimes it's better to put our egos aside and realize what's important. I wanted the surgery more than I wanted a great office staff. A side note, my Doctor was the only one who actually came out of surgery to speak to my family. Every other doctor in surgery just called the families by phone.


    P.S. You guys that are telling her to find another doctor, who the heck are you to mess with someone's head like that. What if there isn't a better doctor in her area and she decides not to have it? You are taking her medical life in your hands, be very careful with any advice that discourages someone from reaching their goals. Also I'm glad my doctor is SO busy, that means he gets ALOT of work. I would be worried if I were able to just drop by my doctor anytime.

  8. Maybe the prospect of possible death is making me look at things differently.

    As far as the cravings for the first few days you probably won't want anything. After that yes the cravings can come back but your band has not had a fill yet so really you are just waiting for your stomach to heal. I encourage you to follow the plan to the "t". I have lost 24 pounds in 7 days. Amazing results but right now it has less to do with the band and more to do with my stomach healing. Once it has healed and before a fill I am sure I will gain some back although I am trying to stick to the plan as much as possible. I truly hope you find a church home that inspires to not only in worship but in action. It is vitally important to find somewhere that you WANT to be involved with. Your health problems can never be as severe as spiritual problems. My christian family has been integral to my recovery. Hope this helps.

  9. Any suggestions on how to sleep on your side. I feel great and can easily deal with the port pain any where else but when I sleep I have to stay on my back and this can be extremely uncomfortable because I never sleep on my back. Most days I just get out of bed at 5 am because that is about all I can take of being on my back. The port pain is isn't bad but it makes it to where I can't stay on my side for more than five minutes. Thanks for the help.

  10. Hey guys,

    I am about four days post-op. I am having a stinging pain that I thought was probably the port as I have read it can be very sensitive for some time. However I'm not sure where my port is. I mean I assume it is under this one stitch that is swollen and I think I can feel this hard lump. However my pain is located about 4-5 inches below this spot to the right of my belly button. Should I be feeling pain in this area even though it is not near my port. Or maybe I don't know where my port is. Any help would be great. It only hurts when I twist my body or try to lay on my side so this is why I thought it was port pain.

  11. I am not morbidly obese for one thing - need to lose about 40 lbs - doctor says 50 and I don't have a big butt for another thing but even if I did I would not want some big lump sticking out on my abdomen. This is the kind of response that is not helpful. I am trying to get genuine information. Thanks.

    Sorry. Didn't mean to come off as a jerk. They make different size ports including some that are very flat. your doctor can switch it out for you when it is appropriate. I was just trying to make a point that it is a very small price to pay for all of the benefits you will reap. As a 26 year old that had to pay cash for his surgery I can tell that I am willing to suffer greatly if it means staying alive longer for my wife.

  12. I was banded on Friday 27th - my port area is sticking up like a goose egg - I was told that under no circumstances would be port show that it would be hidden - I realize I am swollen but I am not going to be a happy camper if this big round thing is going to always show. It hurts more than the other incisions but tolerable. The worse part for me is feeling out of it all the time on pain meds.

    Rangerfan...I would rather have my big port sticking out than my big butt. If you are worried about your self-image how did you become morbidly obese? I will gladly take all of the imperfections of the surgery if it means I get to live a healthy life now.:thumbs_up:

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