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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by debbieperez55

  1. Sorry girls I havent checked in..Ive been tryign to keep myself busy..

    Speck..yeah I'll tell ya. I researched Lapband for one year. Then this past Febuary I decided I wanted it done. BUt for my insurance to pay I had to do a six month supervised diet. Which I did.....Ended up a total of 7 months for my approval...then a tad bit longer to schedule.

    So I ahve to say I was VERY informed....and it wasnt a rash decision.

    So far my depression has got better.

    Since July my mom passed away....my dad decided he is moving in with us and this surgery.....soooooooooo I think its ALL of that AND getting the band..which makes it such a hard hit with my emotions...

    So tomorrow Im calling my Lapband doc...and my insurance and see what I can do about some counceling.

    I cant remember who advised it..but I think IM goin to give it 6mths or so and if I still feel like I want my band out..then I will do it.

    I still feel werid having this in me. Its like I can feel it. lol

    I appreciate all of you being so nice and helpful...makes me feel so not alone.

    Your Mom just passed away! It is only natural for you to be depressed. You are still in mourning. Surgery is an assault to your body on it's own. It stresses your body and mind. All kinds of things go out of wack, you have been on your post op diet and so a lot of things are screwed up. All of this is normal, but add the ENORMOUS STRESS of loosing a parent and I think it would be weird if you hadn't felt this way.

    My Shrink asked me if I had, I can't remember his exact words, but he asked if I had anything Major going on in my life. I didn't understand so he explained it in simple terms. Recent Death of a Parent was one of the first examples he gave.

    I think it is an excellent idea to reach out to your surgeon. Counseling would be a great idea just for the loss of your Mom. Call your insurance. I am sure they can help you find someone.

    Hang in there, just know that all the research in the world could not have prepared you for this. Loss of a parent is way up there on the "stress" list. My heart goes out to you. I lost my Dad almost three years ago and I understand how hard this is for you.

    I hope everything works out, one way or another. Take Care Debbie

  2. Melody, Congradulations on doing so fantastic. :) You were banded the day after me so we are pretty close in Post Op Days. I am on the same full liquid diet. I just can't eat very much and yesterday I resorted to SF Popsicles. It's weird, I can eat all my Breakfast, but hardly any of my dinner.

    Tamara, I just discovered why one of my incisions hurts, my stupid boob is rubbing on it. Worse, I swear all the weight I lost came off my boobs and they hand even more :mellow: At least you thought ahead and said something, good for you. And, what a small world, they brought me a straw too! I guess the surgical nurses are not use to this. I had to explain the process to her.

    Okay I have a weird question for anyone. How long should it take you to have this food go through you? The Nutritionist told me to drink Prune juice if this happened, but the thought almost killed me so I bought some baby prunes, at least they are not liquid. I am close to eating them, but I hope and pray it will come on it's own. I could always drink "normal" milk and have some "lactose intolerance". That would fix me up :lol:

    Take care everyone. Glad you are all doing so fantastic! Debbie

  3. I was hoping that he would use my gall bladder scars, but he didn't. I look like Dr. Frankenstien has been using my body for harvesting. :tt2:

    I agree, I will take the ugly scars. That's ok, I will just keep getting dressed in the dark. haha

    Thank you so much for saying that :cool2:. I was feeling bad :eek: because so many say they have only one or two. My Dr was up front and they told me I could have numerous, but then when you hear ONE you start to feel like you are a freak :).

    Dr. Frankenstien - yeah that is about right.

    I feel so much better now! :mellow: Thanks Huggs, big bear hug :lol: Debbie

  4. I am curious about everyone's incisions. My incisions look really jagged around the edges. Since the other times I have had abdominal surgery, my wounds were covered up, I don't know if this is normal

    I think I had a hernia repair, he said he would when he got in there. Mine are ugly and bruised. A couple are jagged looking, but I figure they shove those ports into the holes, kind of gross looking. I knew it wouldn't be pretty, I make ugly scare. He did use my Gall Bladder scar for one of my cuts, I assume when he lifted my liver. But, better than the scar down my chest if I hadn't of had it done (bypass surgery on my heart).

    I'll take ugly anytime over that. Debbie

  5. Disney99

    What a day you had! And I thought mine was weird. Where are your pics. I am just courous. My tummy is multi colored due to the heprin they gave me. I look like someone beat me up, :thumbup:

    Glad you are feeling better, any idea when this stupid gas goes away? I walk and walk, but it stays.

    Anyway, glad you did so terrific. Debbie

  6. I was finally banded today, 9/26. :thumbup: All in all, things went very well! I have walked a lot this afternoon and evening. I only have 2 incisions which I am very happy about. I am not really in any pain. I do have soreness and I can tell that if i don't walk the gas will be really bad. But to all those still considering surgery and to all those how are about to be banded. Just walk a lot and you will feel a lot better. I have only took 1 dose of my pain medicine since I came home today. Good luck everyone.:teeth_smile:Like to hear from all also banded today, Friday, 9/26/08...

    Two incisions, I am jelous. I have 6 and today I am all bruised up from the heprin. I am turing really pretty colors.

    Keep walking, and everyday gets better Debbie :frown:

  7. My surgery is Mon. I'm nervous/anxious/excited. Just want to know how its going to be. I like reading your stories. I hope mine goes as well, and I really just want to get the show on the road!!!!

    You will do fine. Take it slow, and stay hydrated. Remember to sip.

    Just remember you will have gas pain, everyone gets it. Walking helps. Take your pain meds before you are dying of pain. Once you start passing the gas, gross I know, you will feel soooooooo much better.

    Don't do too much at home the first days, give your body a chance to heal.

    You will have a few small incisions on your tummy, I was told not to compare. They use as many as they need to get the job done safely.

    Other than that, I know how nervous, scared, excited you are. But, I can honestly say, it is worth it!

    If you take any meds, be sure to ask which ones to take and starting when. I made up my own rules and whoops, got in trouble a little.

    Good Luck, let me know how you do. I'm here if you need Debbie:thumbup:

  8. I have to share. I went to my Regular Dr this am. He was blown away by how great I am doing. I told him I had stopped a couple meds because they were huge and tasted icky crushed.

    Well - I am officially off my Diabetis Meds!!!! This is huge. My sugar without meds was 104. This is huge. I went from 200 to 104!!!

    The blood pressure meds, I am missing a chunk from my tushie from being chewed out. So I still take that one. He told me it was good for my heart to take the blood pressure pill and that I HAD to continue to take that. But my blood pressure is down.

    My heart, something happened, a while ago, and there is a little damage. My Dr and the Cardiologist talked and they both felt the benefits of the surgery far outweighed any risk to my heart. Losing weight will make my heart stronger.

    I am walking 30 minutes a day and my goal is 30 minutes twice a day.

    I just had to share. Debbie:thumbup:

  9. Surgery is 3 days and a wakeup away! I am staring to think more and more about it of course. On my liquids I have lost 13.5 pounds. I have "cheated" though and the guilt is killing me. I am not hungry, stomach wise, but my mental hunger is still there. Please tell me someone understands that. I am used to eating even when I am not hungry. This battle is going to be mostly mental for me anyway. I am spending time this week making homemade Soups and pureeing them, then freezing them. I hate how much sodium store bought soups have. I am going to be making homemade popsicles today and homemade chicken broth so I should be set. I haven't had the surgery yet, obviously, but I scared to death of my first fill. My doc does mainly bypasses and sleeves but since he is an insurance provider that is where I needed to go. He does first fills at 2 weeks post op and I am worried about it. We live 3 hours one way away from the doc so I can't just come back in a few days or so if he tries and it doesn't work...especially not with gas prices :-)!

    The bad thing is walking around Walmart last night is I saw a lot of people just like me, morbidly obese. It is so sad to me that this surgery isn't easier for people to get if they need it. Seeing those folks renewed my wanting to do this. I want to be healthier and I want to look better :). My hubby was helping me take off my bra last night cause it was hurting so bad on my shoulders, he saw the bruises the straps had caused and he just said, you need this surgery, you are going to feel so much better very soon. He is a sweetie, said what I needed to hear!


    Laura hand in there. I was litterly ready to jump out of my skin the days before. It will be okay. I think we are all "liverphobic". You know I told one of the Drs that, I get talkative when I am nervous so before surgery I was chatty cathy. He didn't understand. I had to explain to him, they have told us, warned us about the size of our livers. EVERYONE freaks out. And in the end, our liver size is okay. Mostly that is why they want you to loose before. Also I think to get use to the protien drinks. I cheated in the months before, then when I found out I gained, I freaked out. I called the Nutritionist - TOLD her that I was going to do Meal Replacements with Boost Glucose Control and Glucerna and eat a healty dinner. And I cried when they weighed me before surgery. I was so overwhelmed with emotion because I had lost so much. My Surgeon was thrilled and I have been doing great.

    Just do the best you can do it. And fills, they test you out and from what I hear they prefer to give less than too much. They fine tune.

    You will be fine. Don't worry about the past, just concentrate on the future. Huggs - big bear hug - :thumbup: Debbie

  10. I'm going back to basics today. My stomach just feels so off today and yesterday. So I had my Protein drink this morning, and for lunch I had Soup broth. dinner will be another Protein Drink. Maybe giving my gut a day to rest will help?

    Maybe something I ate in the last 24 hours is bugging me? Or maybe it's that "TOM" syndrome. I don't get my period, haven't in nearly a year. I had a hysterectomy.

    The weather is rainy, so I won't be going out for my walk today. :) I actually miss it. May go to the mall tomorrow to walk, as it's supposed to rain all weekend. Most of next week too. I'm gonna talk to my bf about a early christmas gift :drool: I want an eliptical, or recombant exersize bike. With my bad back, I don't think the regular one is all that good for me. I don't want like a gym here, but something I can do daily would be extremely nice :D


    Teri, My Dr said if I had problems to go back to the liquids and protien drink. Just go slow. I bet resting your tummy with liquids for a day or so will help you feel much better. Then you can go back slow.

    So I have been hearing about elipticals, are they good? Expensive?

    Also Teri, surgery is an assault on your body. Perhaps it is just pissed of and that is why you are retaining Water. Don't stress. It will be fine. Debbie :thumbup:

  11. I cheated!!! I am supposed to be on mushy foods and I had crackers and cheese... What is wrong with me? I am a self-pay, I paid $14,000 for this surgery and I am cheating??? I just do not know what to do with myself. I am disgusted with myself. Anyone, please give me a pep talk so I can get back on track. I have not gained any weight, just stayed the same. I am 9 days post-op... Ladies, I need HELP!!!

    Okay, first of all with my surgeon it is Mushy and Crunchy. If it disolves in Water, such a crackers, it is allowed. cheese is also allowed also. My Dr stresses Low Fat or skim.

    I guess the big question is how much. I take it you have been told 3/4 cup total also.

    What guidelines did they give you? Maybe you need to call the Nutritionist. Perhaps you are getting close to a fill. Also My Dr and Nutritionist say they would rather have you eat a snack than pig out. Perhaps a few well planned Snacks will help.

    But perhaps you need guidelines. I know every Dr is different, but 1/2 ounce of cheese and 4 crackers are okay when I get to that stage. Relax and just regroup. Don't beat yourself up. Just try to plan.

    Let me know how you are doing Debbie

  12. Thanks for the response.I had my surgery yesterday.I didn't have too much pain.The gas was a little bad yesterday but tollerable.I havn't had much of a appetite.I had a Protein shake this morning and a cup of coffee.They fixed my hiatal hernia and the acid reflux is almost gone.I am 48 years old and had a triple bypass 6 years ago.I was blessed with my miracle daughter 3 years ago and my cardiologist told me this would add 20 years to my life so I will be at my daughters college graduation.I have been waiting for 2 years to have this operation but incured 2 blockages and got a clean bill of help finally.Let's keep informed.


    Brian, congradulation on begining this new journey. You are going to do fantastic. And - you will get more than 20 years, How about - you will be dancing at your daughter's wedding. Or even, being present for the birth of your fist grandchild. These are fantastic goals.

    Every day you will feel better. I went for a walk today and felt great. Walking will help that gas, move on out. I wish you luck, take care. Debbie

  13. Hey Slim,

    How are you doing? Gas moving on out? Remember walking helps move it along.

    Trust me, it only gets better. Last night - no port pain!!!!! :tongue2: I slept on my left side. My third boob is smaller too. And best of all - I got to eat thinned cream of wheat and some milk. food - no more Jello for me. Funny - 1/4 cup thinned cream of wheat, 1/4 cup of milk and I couldn't drink my juice. Never in my life has so little filled me up so fast.

    I love my band. Debbie

  14. You take that back! (said with a big pout) My "happy" drugs would never do anything to hurt me. It LOVES me.:tt1: LOL

    I am going to get a SF popsicle right now. Thanks.

    Okay, laughing hurts, :sad::lol::D:lol::D:lol::lol: Too Funny :smile2:

    Too bad they don't give little samples to take home with you. ha ha ha ha ha

    You know, someone might read this and get the wrong impression - :tt2:

    Having way too much fun - Debbie :bored:

  15. I am home, and officially part of bandland!:bored: I want to thank every person that prayed for those of us having surgery today. I got to the hospital at 9:45a.m. They took me back to the pre-op area within 5 minutes. I got undressed (they wouldn't allow me to keep on my panties:frown:). They started my IV fluids, antibiotics, anti-nause medicine, and happy juice :smile2:. They told me that I could expect to stay back there for a while since I was my surgeon's third patient of the day. I was back there for almost 3 hours before they took me to the O R. I SORT of remember getting on the table, but that is all. The next REAL memory was in stage 1 recovery. I asked the nurse if I had a band, and if they did any type of hernia repair. I didn't have a hernia (or if I did, he didn't repair it). I didn't have any pain. I dozed in and out for a little while there. I was then taken to stage 2 recovery. That is where they brought my DH back. I was required to drink 2 cups of Water and 1 cup of apple juice before I could leave. I asked to get up to start my walking. I was able to get up without any help. I made 4 trips around the room. They called my surgeon to ask if I could have some Benedryl because the pain medicine was making me itch. He told her I could have it and go home at 5pm. All of the nurses talked about how well I was doing. I got dressed on my own. I am so shocked at how good I feel. I figure it must be some darn good drugs. I still have the motion sickness patch behind my ear. I figure I will leave it there since I am on Clear Liquids until next Thursday. I came home and changed into a night gown. I was happy to find out that my short term disablity benefits were approved through October 23! That works out for me because my son has a break from school coming up. That will keep me from having to pay for a babysitter.

    I am so proud to be a Samurai!

    I'm not sure if you got the same "happy" drugs as I did, but oh they were nice. I also only remember being wheeled into the room and then getting on the table. That was it.

    Getting away from Drugs - Congradulations on being banded! :sad: It's a great thing. You will be surprised how fantastic you will feel. Walking is the best, of course maybe it is loosing a few pounds that make it easier, but walking is a breeze.

    Just take it slow, stay hydrated. Here in CA we are having a heat wave, yuck.

    Take care, and yes it is fantastic to be a Samurai - Debbie

  16. You probably (not a surgeon, and definitely not your surgeon) have stitches under your skin. I'm not a good candidate for the steri strips. I actually get skin ulcers from them.

    My port is just below my ribcage by about 3 fingers width. Looked like I had a third boob :D Thank God that's nearly gone. I'm wearing a size 16 w jeans today. Not much longer, as they are a little binding, but my bf wanted to see me in them. :sad: I've been in a 22W for so long, they feel good :D


    Teri, first of all - LAUGHING HURTS! Thank you for describing your port. I FEEL NORMAL! Yesterday I got up and saw this swollen blob, my boob hang so if I had perky young ones I might have thought of that.

    Congrat on the JEANS - Wow, that is an accomplishment. FANTASTIC :smile2:. I was happy when I got under 250. Something about the old fashion scales and those 50# marks.

    So are you bruised too? I have ink marking on my tummy, he drew a line down the middle and I look like someone beat me up. I know, it was the Heprin, but still, good grief.

    And what, the couldn't make the incissions into little heart shapes or something??? :bored: He was nice, he used an old scar for one of mine. And, I have 6, oh well............... Thanks for the laugh, I needed it. Debbie

  17. I justed wanted to add a few things. Almost everyone on the board last time lost some hair about 6-9 mts out. But it grows back again. Those of us that had bangs were laughing that we had mini bangs under our bangs, just hair growing back.

    Also I found that 1 week I would lose lbs, the next week inches, the next lbs again. It was very weird. it seems one has to happen before the other, or just catch up in some way.

    About every 10 lbs lost is almost a size.

    You will be amazed how you will literally jump down sizes. I had to get rid of every piece of clothing accept for my socks. I love to buy clothes, but I decided to go to the goodwill/salvation Army I am so glad I did.

    I bought a Columbia Coat for 5.00 and dresses for the same.

    For those of you that wear wide shoes don't be surprised if they don't fit.

    I had my surgery done in March when putting on my fall shoes I ran out the door late curling my toes to keep my shoes on.!!!

    For your wedding bands that are going to be especially loose from the cold weather and the weight loss, a jeweler for mere cents can put in an adjustable bracket inside your ring, it works wonders.


    Thanks for the tip on the Wedding Rings. I was stressing on that. Everytime I wash my hands I fear it going down the drain. Debbie

  18. Teri, that must have been awful, especially with a new baby to care for. I'm very thankful that all my incisions seem to be healing nicely. You certainly have me beat for surgeries, and I hope not to catch up. haha

    Debbie, it sounds like our ports are about in the same location. Before I go to sleep, I like to make the rounds: back, stomach, left and right side. Hopefully, you'll be able to sleep on your left side soon. I can still feel the port sometimes, but within a week, it was barely noticeable. It sounds like you're doing great with your walking. I remember the 2nd or 3rd day, I decided to have a SF Jello. I had the pre-made containers, and I couldn't believe I could get about a third of it down. I really hadn't had any trouble with liquids, so it really took me by surprise. At least you know from your doctor that you're getting enough Water even though it's not a lot.

    Funny you mentioned the pre-made (is there any other kind) SF Jello. One container lasted me all day. I just finished it and my 5th walk. And the weird thing, cold is not good for me. I am doing better on room temp water and jello, yes warm jello MMMmm slides right down. It looses a lot of its bounce.

    Thanks for telling me about your port. I keep looking at my tummy and thinking Good Grief is that hump always going to be there. Feeling a lot better, a whole lot better and I cannot wait until my port doesn't hurt. I miss sleeping on my side.

    And I am glad I took the rest of the week off. I was STUPID to think I would just bounce back and be ready to go to work. EGADS I think we need to give ourselves a little time to heal.

    Thanks so much Debbie

  19. hey guys! i have been trying to read thru and catch up to see how everyone is doing...there's alot going on with everybody...figured i would catch you up on me since so many of you were praying for me...i ended up losing the baby. that is the 2nd miscarriage for us, we were devastated. everyone at work is pregnant, so i know it isn't going to be easy, but i am just trying to get back to normal. in the process, they have rescheduled my surgery for october 16th. so i won't be a september samurai anymore:sad_smile:...i have to restart my liquid diet. i made it thru it the last time, so hopefully i can make it thru again. good luck to you all, thank you for the prayers and good thoughts, and now, my prayers are with each of you...:confused:

    I will tell you the same thing they told me, and I mean it from my heart. Once a September Samurai always a September Samurai. We will all be there for you no matter when you have your surgery.

    I am so sorry for your loss. I know the pain this can cause. My heart goes out to you.

    You will do fantastic on the liquid Diet and October 16 is right around the corner. It will be here before you know it and you too can experience the joy of gas! :):lol: Actually, it is not all that bad and it is weird being "not hungry".

    Take care sweetie GREAT BIG BEAR HUG :smile: Debbie

  20. I have glue also. I have six incisions, my port incision is very large. My port is below my left breast above my waist. Not good for me because my favorite position is to sleep on my left side. I tried last night - YIKES!!!!! I actually had to get up and sleep sitting up. Felt much better.

    I actually called the Dr today. I was worried because of what I thought was unusual puffyness and swelling near my port. I was told it was normal and to just watch for all the bad stuff, you know fever, drainage and such. I was also worried about the amount I am not able to get down. I can only do 1/2 a popsicle at a time and only a few sips of liquid. He told me as long as I can get a shot glass, 30cc, down an hour that is fine. I feel so much better. I also took 4 walks, not counting pacing in my house, each progresively longer. That is when I feel the best.

    So I made it, might be a little sore, and for the record, YOU ARE ALL RIGHT, THE PORT IS THE BIGGEST "PAIN". Huggs to all. Thanks Debbie

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