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Posts posted by debbieperez55

  1. Thank you all so much - We had a fantastic time. My food was very controlled and I believe I have lost weight.

    I even went out to dinner at the Outback Steakhouse with Hubby. We shared a dinner. I got a very small portion of the steak and steamed veggies. I savored EVERY BITE. I have to say, it was the BEST steak I have ever had in my life. I hate to admit this, but I couldn't eat all my steak, aprox 1 1/2 ounce, so I licked it. I just wanted a little more flavor, not food. I cut the steak in tiny bits and ate slowly. My hubby is a SLOW eater and I finished way after him. I was so proud.

    Also - We went to Vegas in July. I almost had a stroke or heart attack with all the walking. At on Hotel, they gave me two waters. I was winded and walking was very difficult. I walked miles this time. I even led, would have walked faster but the crowds were horrific. I loved it, and we walked everywhere, even to dinner. I cannot believe the difference.

    I am so happy and thankful for all of you for your help.


  2. The actual day I didn't do bad, I thought, but somehow the scale moved up a pound, but I've burned it off now. I'm back down steady at the 224 range. Anyway, the night of thanksgiving (going into black friday) Matthew had a HUGE seizure, so I stressed and apparently my band doesn't like stress. I felt like I did immediately post op. It wasn't until he was downgraded from critical to stable, and they were talking about sending him home, that I was able to eat more than ice cream (which I kept to a minimum), and Water.



    I hope all is well with Matthew now. I am so sorry to hear he was critical, but relieved to hear he became stable. I truely hope that he is much much better now and that he is home and that you are able to relax. What a Thanksgiving. Not only the stress of the "day" but with a critically sick child too. Teri, my heart goes out to you.

    Funny about that band. I thought stress would cause us to go back to our pre band eating pattern, but I have noticed that my stress causes me the most restriction. Sounds like you too. I reverted to liquids and this past weekend we were in Vegas. I was so scared. I did fantastic! My husband and I even went out to dinner and I had my first STEAK. We shared a dinner. I told the waitress that I had just had surgery and that I couldnt eat very much. She was very understanding and she has had other customers with the same issues. Hubby had Steak and Fried and I had a tiny portion of the steak with steamed veggies. I aLmost ate too much, the steamed veggies were devine. Teri, I licked the steak and swished my broccoli in the juice. It was heaven. I ate very slowly and savored EVERY bite.

    I hope you are doing better. Hang in there. To make it through the stress you encountered the last few days is a feat in itself. Teri, you are doing fantastic. Keep your chin up! Oh and SMILE - Debbie great big bear hug :thumbup:

  3. I'm kindda looking forward to my next fill, as I'm having less and less restriction. I still get in "Trouble" if I try to eat to fast. Or don't chew well enough. But it's hard to limit what I eat, and how often I eat. Thanksgiving is gonna be hard. And I'm going to have 25 sets of eyes on how much I eat. :grouphug:


    I was almost floored when my Dr matter of factly told me that it's going to happen. It's a learning experience. When you get the icky feeling - getting stuck - just go to liquids for a few days. Seems they expect us to BLOW IT.

    You know, the 25 sets of eyes, that unnerves me. My Mom will say things, meaning to help, but last night I wanted to KILL :grouphug:. But then she sweetly said, aren't you glad you have me here to help. OY. Her heart is in the right place, but sometimes.

    Teri - good luck with Thanksgiving. I feel like puking myself. I am so nervous. I think I will take a protien drink, just in case. Take Care Debbie

  4. I didn't realize that Miralax was fiber. That would explain why it always takes so long to do anything. Today, I went to my known IBS trigger. I put a splash of half and half in my coffee this morning. Thankfully, it worked.:grouphug: I really hate that bloated awful feeling.:thumbs_up: I can't take Milk of Magnesia. That makes me gag before it ever makes it anywhere near where it needs to go. If your doctor makes a good recommendation, let me know. Something has to give.:thumbup:

    I know what you mean, when I went to the pharmacy it was with the intention of getting the Milk Of Mag - :grouphug: too bad there isn't a face of someone puking - I am at my end too. Enema's, give me a break. And to top it off I have my Mom nagging me, if it was only as simple. I refuse to break my Drs program REFUSE. I wish coffee was the trigger for me. It use to be dairy products. NOT ANYMORE. THIS SUCKS:cry_smile:

    My colon is going to seize :grouphug: But as soon a I find SOMETHING I will let you know. Hang in there Debbie

  5. It's slightly twisted, but totally workable. They won't do revision surgery unless it gets worse, or starts causing discomfort. I was able to get my second adjustment, or fill. And am back on liquids, but hey... it's worth it anyway.


    Teri, So the twisted port, it is okay now? Will it go back to normal? If they revise it, that means they go back in?

    I still look like I have a third boob. I swear I thought it would be hidden. Even so where the swelling is turns out the port is lower. If I try I can even feel it.

    But I do worry, which is why no sit ups. Teri, really, my stomach hangs so low anyway, will it really do any good.

    I have a Turkey Neck - gobble gobble gobble

    Hanging Turkey Arms

    Hanging tummy

    But my but and thighs are getting firm from walking. Hey I am over 50, I don't need a tight butt, I would like a less saggy neck though.

    Everyone tries to be helpful and they say, Oh you can take care of that. WHAT ANOTHER SURGERY. No way, I guess I will come to love the extra skin. Don't they have that squishy undies that sucks you in???

    Besides, as down as I might get, when I see as I was told by my Band Buddy - two wet tube socks hanging from your chest, I remember my real reason for the band. To get healthy. I just have to keep my eye on the ball - a healthy heart. Sorry for being down, bad day, terrible day, shitty day, you pick the word. Debbie:blush:

  6. Isn't it funny that Constipation has you wishing for your IBS? I have to say that I feel the same way. I haven't been "regular" in about 2 or 3 weeks. This is an awful feeling. I have been eating the apricots like they were going out of style. They worked the first few days, but not so much now. I think I am going to have to go back to my Miralax. It does work well Debbie. It is just expensive. At this rate, it is worth every penny.

    Last night I bought some suppositories. YUCK. But I am so afraid. I started haveing pain in my right side, no appendix, and I just don't want it to become as big a problem as last time. I am afraid of Miralax. The pharmacist said it is Fiber and Benefiber was Fiber but it created more problems that it solved. I don't want a bowel obstruction or impaction so I am trying to really be careful, but once a week is not cutting it. I even eat baby prunes. The pharmacist even suggested that nasty liquid in that little bottle they give you to clean you out, but to only take 1/4 a bottle.

    I will have to speak to my Dr, obviously it is not the Water - I drink 64 ounces a day!

  7. Kiz,

    Funny you mention fish. I have gone out and gotten fish a few times. I have shared and one place gave me alacart and a small portion. It was great. Two meals. I love fish and it seems to love me.

    I have High Fiber oatmeal, I didn't think about the coffee maker for the hot Water. I always use milk for the extra Calcium, but that is a fantastic idea. I am also taking cottage cheese and my applesause for a quick meal.

    I have all my stuff to take and some protien drink with 30 grams of protien I got at costco for emergencies. I am always prepared no matter where I go. I figure I have to, no one is watching out for me except me.

    Thank you all so much for your input. Debbie

  8. I have started to notice the more restriction days now that I have had my 2nd fill. There are times when I can feel my Water going down my throat like normal, then others I can feel it back up a little. I know that swallow must have been too big. Thankfully, it didn't hurt. I am learning to REALLY get to know my food. One thing that sticks out to me, the food that isn't the best for us, tastes REALLY disgusting when chewed very well. I shudder at the thought now of some things. I would like a little more restriction though. I eat way less, but I still get hungry before 4 or 5 hours are up. I know it isn't head hunger, but true hunger. That makes it hard to stick to 3 meals a day with no Snacks if you stomach is grumbling. It also makes it harder because if you feel that you are starving at the next meal, you will eat faster. I learned that one the hard way. That is one thing I will say for the band, once you experience something unpleasant, it makes you think a little harder the next time.

    I know that every Doctor is different, boy did we find that out on our phases. My Doctor allows Snacks. If you don't need it, you don't eat it. And I cannot believe I am saying this, but usually I don't need it. BUT - he said that he would rather we eat a snack than blow it at the next meal. Yes, when you are REALLY hungry you eat faster and make poor choices. No the snacks cannot be empty calorie, sugar free Jello for instance, needs to be protien or Calcium product.

    Just what my Dr does. Good luck, glad you got your sencond fill.

    And you are right, swallow wrong and PAIN :) I learned that the hard way too.


  9. I may have to try apricots. Canned or Fresh.

    I had to quit the Benefiber, it made CONCRETE and I was so close to an obstruction. Now I freak out, all the time. I cannot describe to you how bad it was, but trust me, one more day and I would have been in the hospital.

    Miralax, I have heard is good, who knows. I am going to have to try something. I take 3 colace a day. AND YES I drink Water. Two liters a day aprox. Isn't that enough.

    Oh how I long for the IBS days. I have never had Constipation in my life.

    Good Grief.................

  10. Thank you all so much. Teri, we must be soul sisters. A lot of what you write could have come from me. Hang in there, Thanksgiving will be fine. At first I was SO FREAKED OUT, then I relaxed, made a plan and will eat some of my Daughter's turkey, very slow. She is even going to make me my own baked sweet potato. And frankly, I don't care who I offend. For once in my life, once I think I am full, I am taking a walk and leaving the food (and dishes) to the others. I have done clean up duty all my life and I am well aware of my "picking" tendancy in regards to that damn Turkey carcass.

    Jack, so nice to hear from an "experienced" bandster. I try so hard to take small bites and eat slow. Nothing has touched my lips that is not on my Drs instruction sheet. But with liquids, sometimes I blow it and I notice my sip might be too big. I am so glad you were able to explain about the weird spasm thing. But, no sugar and no carbination, just diluted crystal light.

    Also, thanks for the explanition for my "restricted days". I love those days, today I am having one. As I have said before, weekends are the hardest for me, weekdays I have a schedule and work to do. Weekends have no structure.

    I finally broke my plateau today and it feels good to see a downward trend again :laugh: Debbie

  11. I am just going to be blunt. And YES I was addicted to Diet Pepsi and Diet Coke since I was 16, way back in the Cyclamate days. (I know I didn't spell that correctly-must be my age)

    In the end, Carbonation will stretch your pouch. That can cause slipage or errosion. Do you really want to take that chance after all you have been through?

    If you need something sweet, get a bottle of Water, a single crystal light, and drink away.

    If you need the bubbles, Well, we are all Adults and we have made bad choices before. I guess that is why we ending up needing the bands in the first place.

  12. It is so weird. I am finally figuring out my body. Yesterday I was so restricted I could barely eat. I felt the connstiction from the morning until late afternoon. It started right after I drank some Water, yes it was not a sip, I gulped in error. It was like a spasm and then just stayed. Today, no problems. I am eating fine and even having my allowed Snacks.

    But I have noticed that some days are different than others and I really think it is because some days are just more restrictive.

    Do any of you have this?

    Actually I think I would like more of those days and perhaps I will speak to my Dr about another fill.

    Let me know, thanks Debbie

  13. Depends on what you count, but the Dr counts what I weighed in his office at the first visit. So for me -

    46 pounds

    Since the begining of the year, my highest (once I decided to get the band I got constant diarreah and lost almost twenty pounds) so that is 65 pounds.

    65 pounds of fat from my Liver - liver panel is back to normal - no more FATTY LIVER

    65 pounds from my coronary arteries - my cholestrol is normal

    65 pounds worth of my life back.

    I may have saggy skin, my turkey arms are ready to flap, and my turkey neck if ready to gobble, but my legs and tushies are getting firmer and I feel fantastic and I love to walk. Must be those endorphins! :)

  14. Hello September Samurai's!!

    Well, I received my first fill (remember my "1st fill fiasco friday for me"?) It's almost time for my second fill and I am quite nervous. I also would like to know how much y'all have lost between your first and 2nd fill. I have only lost between 4-7 pounds it fluctuates daily with me. I know that it is better than losing but its driving me crazy.

    I am so glad I read your post. I am doing FANTASTIC but I too fluctuate. I have started skipping the scale every day. Right now I am at a standstill. It happened 10 pounds ago, I was stuck and then dropped 10 pounds in two weeks. Now I have been at my current weight, and yes I can say it now, 222 for a week. But I dropped more inches, in my boobs mostly :) But I have lost 9 inches in my butt in total. Now that is worth celebrating :)

    Good luck on your second fill. You will do great! Debbie

  15. ANKPTA Have you called the insurance company? What is the reason they are denying it? My surgeon doesn't put the band in until they have approvals, in writing. Because of similar issues, they have never been paid for.

    I had my second fill, and my port is tilted slightly... was supposedly all the way over. Thank God it's not. I am confused. The fill dr said I had 3 ccs, and he put in a 4th. The surgeon said I had 1.2 ccs, and put another 1 cc in... so i either have 5 ccs or 2.2 ccs. Not sure. I have some restriction. I can still eat to much, and rarely get stuck (unless it's bread).

    I'm down now to 226. I haven't been at this weight in 13 yrs. Yes 13 yrs. I got pregnant with my oldest son Jan of 1996, and was at 226 on my first ob visit, after a month of puking.


    Teri, Congrats on the milestone. I am there with you. I hit 222. I got down that low on Weight Watchers 10 or so years ago and never saw under 230 again. I even weigh less than when I married my hubby. You are doing so great! You should be VERY proud of your accomplishment. :) Debbie

  16. I'm scheduled to be banded on November 24th (God and Cigna willing). I see this is as the greatest hurdle for me, GIVING UP DIET COKE! I am truly addicted, as many of us are. I drink over 200 oz. a day. When I have really been craving a Diet Coke and finally get my hands on one, I will lift it to the heavens and cry, "Diet Coke. Sweet elixir of life!!!!" :thumbup:


    I totally understand, I was a 12 pack a day user myself. I weined myself off, but finally just had to suck it up.

    Just to let you know, I met another Bandster at my Surgeon's office today. She has slippage and I was shocked when she said she drank soda.

    Of course it is a choice, but I choose to err on the side of caution.

    So - Soda free since August, no more GERD, and I believe my Gastroenderologist will be very happy. There is life after Diet Coke, and more money too :rolleyes2:

  17. Well I'm home from my fill. God I didn't even know he'd stuck it until he told me to look down, and see that he'd drawn out the Fluid I already had. (I Did not know I had any). I currently have 4 ccs in a 10 cc band. WHoo hooo. I could feel a difference, but don't know if it will last or not.

    I go back for a second fill November 25. I'm on liquids today, mushies tomorrow, and on thursday back to regular food.

    I also have my 3rd fill set with my actual surgeon on the 3rd of December... if I need it (he added).


    Teri, I am so glad you fill went well. You deserve a break - or how about - you deserve some restriction...... Take care Debbie

  18. I am definitely sure that stress makes my stomach hurt or my band is getting tighter. I have had my Mom here for over a week and have felt my stress with my teenager starting to subside. It is the normal teen things. " I don't think I should have a crufew, or tell you where I am and that kind of thing". Tonight I let my daughter go to a Halloween party, making sure she knew her curfew and that I really wanted her to be come tonight. She called frantic around 9 pm stating that her best friend had left the party early to spend time with her boyfriend in his new car. He was testing out how fast his new car would go, lost control and collided head on with another car. He is now dead and my daughter's best friend is in the hospital. I can only imagine what those parents are going through. I am just soo happy my daughter is in bed and home right now. I just hope I get the strength and wisdom to help her through this difficult time. Thanks for listening. Tamara

    Oh Tamara, this is a parent's worse nightmare. How lucky that your daughter didn't go with her friend to check out the new car. Your daughter must be so upset also. This must be quite a reality check for her. Hopefully she will understand that you love her and want her safe. I am so sorry for the parents of the young man and your daughter's friend.

    When my daughter was a teen I would always imagine she was "dead on the side of the road" if she was late or didn't call. Now that she is a wife and mother, she understands.

    Hang in there, everything will get better. Debbie

  19. I'm sick! I have had diarrhea for about 14 hours now. I'm drinking tons, so I'm not dehydrated yet... but am fighting it. I'm starting to get nauseated. I don't like feeling like this. Any ideas on how to feel better? And Deb, we were fighting constipation... for the moment that's far from my problem.


    MMMmmmm Diarrhea or Constipation - which to have :w00t: Okay, not nice, bad joke. (poor attempt at humor):w00t: maybe a touch of diarrhea......

    Teri you poor thing. I cannot believe now this. You have been through so much.

    Okay, now the Mom in me is taking over. You need to call your Surgeon. You paid him enough or your insurance did and - well - honestly, he owes you! I would go back on the Clear liquid, but this could be serious. You have to stay hydrated. We are still newbees and our systems are barely coping with normal, let alone being this ill.

    Seriously, call the Dr. I know it is late and you won't get anyone anyway, but you need to make sure they know you are this sick. Nausea is bad, but vomitting is BAD.

    Be careful, really careful. But call a Doctor in the am if nothing else.

    We need you - Take care sweetie Big Hug :laugh: Debbie

  20. So I went to the doctor today for the hopes of having my second fill. And let me say...it was close to traumatic. I walked out of his office feeling like a pin cushion :laugh:. I think he stuck me a dozen times and not once did he hit my port. Saline stings when injected into your belly fat. Then to top it off I have to go back to try again tomorrow with a different doctor. THEN...if that doesn't work he will try it under fluro. :w00t:

    I think I need to tattoo an "X" to mark the spot :w00t:

    Poor baby, that must have been awful. I did mine under Fluro and boy am I glad I did. He found the spot, but could not get the needle in. I was his first Realize Band, I guess they are slightly different. I was sore for days, but at least they numbed my skin.

    Next time, ask - okay DEMAND, nicely, something to numb your skin. Tell them that others in your support got a cream that numbed the area. It doesn't help the "man handling" but I didn't feel the poke and needle movement.

    I am surprised you didn't cry, you did a fantastic job!

    Take care Debbie

  21. Hello, Welcome to the September Samurai. Everyone from September is always kind and supportative. We have a great group.

    Regarding your question, you are loosing, and that is fantastic. I tend to step up my exercise when I get hungry, but I just had my first fill last week so I am not completely back on regular food, decided to take it slow this time.

    I would discuss this with your Dr. No one knows you better than He/She and they would know when and if you need another fill.

    Take Care Debbie

  22. The weight loss is kinda freaking me out! I don't think I believe the scales. I could always fluctuate by 5 lbs easily pre op, so now I keep thinking "oh, tomorrow I will gain it all back".

    Funny how others feel and think the same thought I do. The scale scares me. I haven't had a scale in almost 15 years. I gave up on them. They just increased my unhappiness, watching it go up and up and up.

    Like right now, I am so close to another marker, you know, 20, 30 , 40 , 50. On the old scales you have the big 50 pound clunks. I was so excited when I was finally under the 50s.

    Right now I am righ at getting into the twenties. I know for a lot of you that is a lot, but for me, I haven't weighed in the 20's for what, 10 - 15 years. The 20 were my stalling point on Weight Watchers too. Today I was down to 31, still not in the 20s but close. That is a really long time ago and a lot of Junk in my trunk. I just need to get these ghosts out of my closet and move on. Funny, the way I have been going I should be into the teens in a few months.

    So as I get close to this marker I get more and more scared. Somehow getting under the 20s seems like a big deal. Maybe if I walk more. :wink:

    I hate my scale, I may have to take it to the garage. So much pressure.:cool2: And I am at such a weird place. None of my clothes fit, my pants started to fall off, you can't have your pants fall off at work and no I don't have a belt. My Mom tried taking them in, her sewing machine couldn't handle it. And we took up so much they hung weird and still fell off. So I am giving them away. Friday we set and took up my bra's, we cut off too much on the staps, but the girls are up where God intented them, for now. And my undies don't fit. I know quit crying :tongue:, but they hang and bag and bunch. And here is the funny part. I AM A TIGHTWAD ----- I refuse to purchase clothes until I absolutely need to. :sad:

    So here is the real problem. I am getting there, I am going to get a few to tide me over, but you know how your old thinner clothes, you wore them until they would not stretch anymore, until they were so tight you coldn't breathe. Well, I know the size I am wearing in those old clothes is not the size I wear and I am afraid I will be totally disappointed when that size doesn't fit. Sizes are so messed up anyway. I know I really wore a much larger size when I started, I was just lucky that my pants stretched a lot. But now I don't know what to buy and they put you in that tiny hot miserable room and you try on clothes that don't fit and you are miserable and disgusted. :tt2: So yes I hate to shop for clothes, it is always a bad experience and now I have to do it again. It stresses me out. I hate it.

    Now that you all know that I am totally a wack job :lol: I had better shut up. I was going to erase everything I had just written, but I guess I am just going to leave it. Please understand I am not crazy, I didn't have many clothes to begin with and now after weeding out my closet I have even less. It has been a hard day.

    In a feel sorry for myself mood................... Debbie Maybe I need some protien.:mellow:

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