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Posts posted by debbieperez55

  1. After a full year without soda, I don't miss it most the time, but occasionally, I want some.

    The Crystal Light lemonade is awfully tart for me, I started using Wyler brand fruit punch, raspberry flavor, etc... It's a little of a softer flavor. I Water it down a little.

    The Special K Protein mixers are a decent way to get Protein in too.

    You mentioned the Wyler Brand. I too prefer it. I use to get it at my Walgrens. They no longer carry it. Where do you find yours. AND I Water mine down too. I am now up to 1 single packet to 32 ounces of water, double the water. Kind of feel it might be a little more healthy, and more water!

    And yes, I miss the diet soda too. The other day I watched someone open one and I missed the first sip. JUST LIKE A DRUG ADDICT. But my band means more to me than anything and I will NEVER have SODA again. My personal choice, one well worth it.

    Besides I don't miss the chronic accute gastritis and constant belching. :)

  2. Happy New Year to all September Samurai. Just waiting for the 5th so the Dr Office can finish the paper work requesting my second fill. Doing okay, but am stalled. But my even my "skinny" pants are falling off and I can really see and feel the difference. I am changing in other ways too.

    For the first time I handled a "stressfull" situation very differently. In fact, I am going to walk when I am finished posting this. Last night my Sister-In-Law told us that she just found out that she has metastatic lung cancer, yeah on New Years Eve. :Yawn: I read the report, there is cancer every where. For some weird reason my band gets very "tight" when I am stressed and while I was there I felt it. I was strong for her, assured her we would fight, gave her as much a pep talk as you can and then went home and had a protien drink. For the first time in my life I didn't comfort myself with food. No binge, no thoughtless eating. Just later a SF Dark chocolate pudding.

    I guess I am really relearning after all. Well, off to relieve some stress. Debbie

  3. I was just banded a month ago, so I don't know if this will change. Maybe you guys can tell me if you had the same thing happen. I can't stand the taste of most artificial sweeteners now. That means I can't drink Crystal Light or any of the other diet drinks. I love Water, but sometimes I just crave something with taste! I've been drinking hot tea with Splenda to help with that. I'm not very good at making iced tea for some reason.:crying:

    As of this Wednesday I'll be able to eat fruit, so maybe that will be my saving grace. I would like to get off of the artificial sweeteners, because I agree with others that it makes you crave sweets. Besides, it's crap for you health.

    You might want to try some Agave Syrup. It has a high glycemic index and is sweeter than sugar so you need less. Our chef at work uses it all the time as a sugar subsitute. Check our www.melissas.com And yes, I work there, but my Dietician approves of this sweetner.

    Also, trust me. Try this. Make a pitcher of Crystal Lite Lemonaide. Cut two lemons in half and slice some off. Put the slices in the pitcher. juice the lemons. Add the juice to the pitcher. I use the bottled stuff and it worked. Add the lemon juice to taste. The tartness of the lemons masks the sweetner. This is how I got off of Diet Pepsi (40 year habbit) and started drinking Crystal Lite. Also, I add more water for weaker lemonaide. But try the Lemons. They will work for other related flavors too. And there is a little pulp in the drink so it looks real, it has fooled a lot of people around here.

    Please try this, it does work. I promise. :frown: Debbie

  4. Hang in there Debbie - you're doing great even without a lot of restriction. I've only had one fill so far, turned down the chance of a second at my last visit because I didn't want to not be able to eat at Christmas (some of my family don't know I had the band) and then I couldn't eat anyway because I was sick. I get my next fill on Tuesday. It takes a lot of "will power" some days to stay the course, but you've made it this far, and I'm willing to bet you can keep up the good work. :crying: Simone

    Funny, just when you think you don't need this site, you have a bad weekend and you realize you need the support of people who understand. Thanks so much Simone. It is really hard right now. I am not eating things I shouldn't, but I am eating ALL my allowed Snacks. Well I wanted slow, I have it now. :frown: Debbie

  5. Debbie! Look at you GO!! Congratulations!!

    Did you have saline in your band at the time of surgery? How long were you on liquids after surgery? How did you lose the weight before surgery??


    :wink: Riley

    Riley, Hey we are almost neighbors :tt1: Well, you are North and I am South :sad:

    No, I found out after that there was no restriction at surgery. I did ask for a fill immediately so believe it or not my first fill was on my one month anniversary. I was just so determined to make this work and you know, you have swelling in the beginning. I had thought that 5.5 cc would last a long time, but now three months later I realize I needed a fill about 6 weeks later.

    I think the later fills are just minor tweeks and adjustments. I am hopping for that in January. I am HMO :lol: so I need authorization. But I can't be too down on the HMO, they did authorize my Band. :crying:

    I was on liquids, clear for 5 days and then three weeks of full liquids. Then it was mushies for a few weeks. Next came more softer foods and at 5 months I get a full diet. I definately want my fill before I go there. I have found that dry is bad for me. I have had steak, cut it in tiny pieces and chewed a lot. I got stuck on Soy Sausage, on the day I went to the Dr. He told me this will happen. Had to go back on clear, then full liquids then mushies then back to regular. You have to let your tummy rest after being stuck, it gets pissed off.

    The weight loss, actually, I got nervous, very very nervous about getting the band and got bad IBS. So I actually lost weight before I saw the Surgeon. Trust me I didn't try to loose weight, I just did. When you have diarreah every day several times a day you tend to loose weight. Once I saw the Dr I didn't do anything to loose weight until I got closer to my surgery date, then I freaked out. About a month before surgery I went to my regular Dr and had gained two pounds :sad:. I went on a personally induced diet. Two protien drinks and a meal a day. I asked my Dietician and she said it was okay. Of course she didn't tell me that they make you do this two weeks before your surgery anyway. Then of course I was on the liquid diet for about a few days before surgery. I was freaked about my liver and that helped me stick to the liquid part. I never ate anything that was not authorized by the Surgeon. :frown:

    By the time I got further into the process I was actually looking forward to the restrictive part of the band. I was so tired of overeating. I felt like I could eat half a cow and still be hungry and eat more. Not anymore!

    The band was the best thing I have ever done. No regrets, no looking back. I now love to walk and find it very relaxing and stress relieving. I have gone from a complete couch potato to a "mover and shaker" Okay, I walk funny. But I am down from a 26/28 to a 18. Not bad for an old lady. :thumbup: Debbie

  6. Wow - such differences in docs and recommendations! Again I say, wow . . . . .

    The following are the food lists that Kaiser Richmond's bariatric program uses. Note that Kaiser does not believe in Protein Shakes so you won't find them on the lists. Look at how l-o-n-g the phases are!! I won't get a salad for 3 months!!!

    Sorry this is so long; with Kaiser you get a whole binder of info:ohmy:


    Riley, excellent food plan. My Dr is even more restrictive. It is 5 months before you get regular food. At least you get a salad in 3 months. Jan 23 for me. But it is worth it. I have lost almost 60 pounds, almost 80 all total. I love my band, just waiting for my next fill.

    Listen to your Dr, they know what they are doing and they know what works. It takes a long time to relearn old habits. I caught myself eating fast Friday night. I hate when that happens. Take your time and you will do fine. And don't be like me, when you think you need a fill, you probably do. Go in immediately. Once you hit your sweet spot you may still need adjustments from time to time. Take care Debbie

  7. I cannot believe all of you have had so many fills.

    I have an HMO and need approval. I knew something was wrong around Thanksgiving but didn't say anything. I didn't want the hassel, thought it must be me. Finally I knew, I felt no restriction except when I was upset. Go Figure, maybe I should stay pissed off all the time.:lol:

    Anyway I decided to email my dr and ask for a fill, to tell the truth I was afraid. HE SAID YES. So I called his assistant immediately. Seems he emailed her too. She said she had to request approval from the HMO, call back in a couple days. So I did, she told me there was nothing. CAlled back in a few more, nothing. Finally, right before Christmas she tells me, Oh they need more information and I am out until the 5th of January so if I don't get approval before then you are out of luck. Guess what, no approval.

    So I call the HMO. Talked to a real sweet person. Asked them why they approved me for the band if they are not going to let me get it adjusted/fills. She told me they received the initial request a week after I was told it was submitted and yes they did ask for more info, but never received it. AND YES, THEY DO WANT ME TO SUCCEED. They will approve the fills, they just need the paperwork.

    So now I find out it is the STUPID ASSISTANT! :Banane20:

    Guess who is going to get a call on January 5 beginning at 8am.

    So my fill is on hold. I will be fine, it is just so hard :sad:. It feels like I have no restriction at all, even though I know that is not true.

    Thanks for all your support. :) I couldn't do it without you. Debbie

  8. I hit a GOAL - I am officially under 210!:hurray:

    209 this morning. I cannot believe it, three weeks at 215 and I dropped it in a few days.


    Next stop under 200. I cannot believe it. I am lower than I have been since 1987. I am down to a size 18 and I am taking some of my nice larger clothes to our gathering tonight. If larger relatives want them, they may have them.

    I cannot believe it. I love my band. It is hard work, but it is worth it. And my blood sugar is hovering around 101-105. I stop taking my meds at 99. That is a big goal for me too.

    I see my regular Dr in two weeks. I know he will be shocked. I can only hope that he allows me to cut back on my blood pressure meds. My Dr said he would be happy if I could just get under 200. That has been one of my goals for quite a while. I do want to say that I am not embarrassed to tell people what I weigh now. Telling people you almost weight 300 pounds is different than saying you weight 200.

    I feel better, I can breath when I go upstairs. I can walk and not die. I don't get chest pains all the time. I am just so blown away. I am speachless Debbie :laugh:

  9. In my albums of photos, you'll see two photos from when I saw my first dr going towards the lapband placement. That was at 256 pounds. I'm currently bouncing between 222 and 224 and I just did my december photos. Check it out... seriously that is the same door, and my butt is always touching the door. So there is no space between me and the door. The before photo I'm pretty much touching both sides of the door, the current one has quite a space I'm not covering :tongue2:

    That made me proud. :blush:


    Teri, WAY TO GO!!! There is serious space between you and the door. I didn't think of taking my photos like that. That was a FANTASTIC IDEA.

    Look, this is a SLOW process. I swear my scale is basically standing still now too. Funny thing is I wear a smaller size, a lot smaller. So even though the scale is barely moving, I am shifting. I too posted some pictures. I hate pics of myself, but it is what I HAVE to do. I found a pic of my face at my top and I wanted to VOMIT.

    You are making good choices, you ARE LOOSING, I can see that door, and a lot of it. You can see that changes. Keep your chin up, you are doing a fantastic job. And the ney sayers, we all know why they are so negitative.

    Take care, I am so sorry to hear your boys are ill again. Hang in there. Huggs Debbie

  10. Funny, if one more person had tried to "feel bad for me for not eating all the goodies" I was going to scream. Why can't they just understand that I am happy not eating holiday junk. I finally told them I choose not to eat this or that.

    Was I tempted - YES - but the memories of Holidays past and the amount of food I put away, HUGE AMOUNTS, and the loss of control were still strong memories. It's not one cookie, or one tamale, or one piece of fudge. I did however allow myself extra SF Dark chocolate pudding this holiday.:tongue2:

    Better choices all around.

  11. Hi Debbie.

    Good luck to you, and hope your doctor gets you to that sweet spot before too long!!! :)

    Thanks Kiz, I know I was long winded. I liked the feeling so muh after my first fill and it lasted well over a month. See and I was right, TRUST YOUR BODY. You knew how you felt.

    I will be patient and just keep exercising. I think I just need a little more.

    I appreciate your help so much. Debbie

    And the scale finally moved this morning. :tounge_smile:

  12. 35 lbs gone! YAY!

    Kiz, you have a Realize Band also. When I asked the size I was told they don't have sizes. I had 5.5 cc the first fill and felt great for a while. Then I noticed I was hungry. I didn't trust my body and it got worse and I am at a plateau. I have been stuck for two weeks. I finally emailed my Dr and he authorized a fill, thank goodness. I am waiting for the insurance to give me authorization then I will make my appointment. My Dr makes me do the Floura type of fill and only two Radiologists at USC University Hospital do fills. I am hanging in there but I don't think I will ever make it under 210.

    Did they have trouble getting the needle for your fills?

    Anyway, I was just shocked that you knew your size and have had so many fills. I could kick myself for not listening to what I knew was wrong. I didn't assert myself and the Dr Office people who answer the phones are asses and told me I have to see the Dr before I could ask for a fill.

    Because I am HMO I assumed have to get my Dr, need a visit, to get an authorization for the Surgeon. Then visit the Surgeon, then ask for a fill, then they have to authorize the fill. Now I find out I can email my request. At least I was able to skip a couple steps. But of course the insurance company is dragging their feet and now with Christmas I won't get in to for my fill until after the first of the year. I am so bummed. OH did I mention, The Hospital won't make the appointment with the Radiologist without authorization first. YUCK :tongue_smilie:

  13. Burping does no harm and some people experience a lot of burping after surgery...some like me hiccup alot. It is normal and harmless.

    PB'ing is when you burp and undigested food comes up. That is the kind of burping you need to worry about. That happens when you eat too fast, eat too much or do not chew well so continuing such bad habits could cause problems with the band.

    Thank you so much. I know the PBing is bad, but I occasionally still burp and I hiccup a lot. Some are very strong hiccups, but nothing life threatening. I just try to relax and wait for the spasm to pass. I thought I was alone. Thank you for makeing me feel normal. Debbie

  14. I weighed in today at home and in 10 weeks I'm down 30 pounds. :thumbup:Who would have believed it? I'm just a smidge from Onederland. I haven't weighed this little in 20 years. Hardly recognize myself in the mirror. Simone

    Can someone tell me how to edit my tracker? Thanks

    Double click your ticker. It will take you to the web site. Put in your pin, secret code and hit the update weight data button. (You know I am having to do this while I write so I give the proper instructions)

    Scroll down to current weight. Enter your weight and the date - I have no idea why we put in the date but I do.

    Click on next. You are done, you can exit. Next time you go into Lapbandtalk.com your new data will appear.

    Hope this helps. Debbie

  15. I'm 2 weeks post-op today. I'm on mushies, but tomorrow i will be on soft foods. For some reason, an hour after I eat, I'm hungry again. When I say hungry....I mean my stomach growls and hurts! Am I the only one experiencing this? I think that once I get my first fill, that I'll be fine. But for now...I just want to eat because I'm so freakin hungry!

    Trust me, once you get a fill, you will notice a difference. Right about now, the swelling of your stomach has gone down and your band is loosing it's zing. Once that fill happens you will get the restriction you need.

    I know that all Drs are different, but mine allowed Snacks. Also, soft food seems to last longer. Remember, don't drink for 30-60 minutes after meals.

    Hang in there, welcome to the roller coaster ride. Personally, I love it. I have never been happier. Good Luck and take care. Debbie

  16. Don't you hate those low rise pants? OMG anyone that's been obese or had kids, they just don't fit right. I'll bite the bullet and go to the local consignment shop Saturday looking for something decent to wear for the holidays. I always dress up for Christmas, but I've NOTHING nice to wear.


    Ok, not just the low rise pants, I am from the 60-70's so we wore hip huggers, but how about those stupid THONGS. I have spent most of my adult life picking my undies out of my butt, I don't want to have some damn string up my bum on purpose. And, since we are on clothes, when did it become okay to show your undies. It's the fashion to show the triangle and sides of your thong?????

    Consignment will have something nice for Christmas. A lot of people get dressed up and some never want to wear the same thing twice.

    I have something I have to wear before it doesn't fit. I wore it once to a Christmas Party. It was years ago, and I am I think twenty pounds lighter than I was when I wore it, but I is nice.

    I had spent $150.00 on a Christmas Party outfit I wore once, that I just gave away, a Velvet Jacket and Skirt. But it was from my highest weight and that was over 70 pounds ago. That day I was lucky to find anything that fit I was so large. I would have paid anything so I was not embarrased at the party.

    I wish we had consignment. My Walmart pants were not such a terrific idea after all. Live and learn. But I am not spending a lot of money right now.

    Let me know what you find. Soon we will have to post before and after pics. Yeah like I take pictures of myself! :cursing:

    Take Care Debbie

  17. Stupidly, I gave away most of my "skinny" clothes about 6 months before I made the decision to have wls.


    You know normally that is me. This is the fist time I didn't trash them, but I know I thought seriously about doing it. I did toss some, I am missing some stuff, I think, but it was SO LONG AGO - who can remember.

    Yeah, those waists are a pain in the tushie. I love Cords.....

    Oh and those damn Walmart pants - they shrunk, in the length, in the rise (now hip huggers), but not in the waist and legs. So they are big except they are low and short......

    Good Grief!

    And now, all the small tops that were snug I swear just a month ago are huge. AND - Has anyone seen my boobs! I use to have boobs. Someone must have stollen them in my sleep, or perhaps they are hiding in my turkey arms! I should be so lucky to get some biceps! Stupid boobs! :smile2:

    Why can't the but disappear so quickly!!!!!

  18. Was for me too yesterday. Today will be better. I did some emotional eating yesterday, and the scale shows it. OUCH! Up 4 pounds (can't be from what I ate, as I'd have to have eaten all day, junk food), so I'm thinking PMS has hit my plate. Ah well that's just a few days of higher scale weights. And that's ok. It's not that bad. I remember being at my largest and gaining 10 to 15 pounds each month during pms time. I'll take 4 pounds. Just is hard to cope with.


    Teri, just remember, stress can cause physical changes. Stress eating can cause Water retention, salty foods.... PMS, I remember that, PMS can add LOTS. So if that 4 pounds is there next week, that is a gain, if not it is just part of everything you have on your place right now.

    How is your son? Were you able to take him home yet?


  19. Thankfully, my doctor allows me 1-2 cups of coffee day. That has saved my colon when nothing else was making me go. I hope that you get relief soon, too.

    You know the worse thing is that I stick to the damn diet. If I would just eat a bunch a crap............ Yeah right.

    I just wish that my Dr would listen when I say how bad it is. And don't tell me to drink more Water. Next time I am going to hand him a copy of the Diet the Surgeon gave me.

    For now, Colace and suppositories will get me by. I am just so afraid to try the Fiber therapy. Oh and by the way, I drink 64 ounces of just Water a day. Since I can't drink and eat I have given up my Snacks so I can drink the DAMN water. I am just so frustrated :biggrin:

    But I am loosing so that is the only plus. :)

  20. Thank you all so much for being understanding.

    Yes I know I have to get over my phobia, but it is kind of deep. The dreaded "closet" of a changing room and then the shame that the biggest size didn't fit. When that happened at Lane Giant, I started going to the Avenue. But it is VERY embarrassing.

    I do agree about the bras. My Mom and I cut my straps and made them tighter, that has lasted a month but now the girls are hanging low. I was told that they would look like two wet tube socks hanging from your shoulders. I laughed, yeah right. So I am going to this place near here, Wizzard of Bras, they fit you. I think I would like a nice PADDED one.

    Hey, it's not fair. God give you nice boobs to compensate for your weight, right. So what does he take away first!!!!!! :)

    I will try used to find a used clothes store, but I did go to Walmart, but you are all right. I need to take in 4 sizes, and take one of the smallest I think possible and try them all on. Also, I think I will take someone with me.

    Thank you so much. Thank goodness I didn't throw away my "skinny" clothes. Almost 8 years old and now they too are getting big. Oh Well. :biggrin: Debbie

  21. Your mom and my mom must get together and talk. My mom keeps asking me when am I going to START losing weight. Then she asks when are they going to pump up my band to make me lose weight. I know that she is trying to be supportive, but pointing out that she isn't seeing that I have lost almost 30 pounds is NOT helping me. Between her and my aunt, they ask me every time they talk to me (several times a week) how much weight I have lost. I don't have to the heart to tell them to stop asking already!!!! I just take a deep breath and explain (again) that this isn't like gastric bypass and that my weight loss is supposed to be slow. They have both asked me if I regret this. It hasn't been long enough for me to regret it. You have to love the parents.:(

    Moms - dont you love them............... :thumbup:

    Hey, 30 pounds is a lot. You should be very proud of your progress. And yes, this is not gastric bypass and slow is better. You know, I bet your cholestrol and blood panels are better than they were before. Now that is something to "crow" about :wink2: Debbie

  22. Okay, I am weird, I hate to shop for clothes. It has always been painful, nothing fit, and I always felt humilitated.

    Once I begun to loose a lot I went out and bought a couple things. I refused to go into the little hot sweaty try on room, so I guessed. My pants were too big, but much small than what I was wearing. Shirts, I tried them on over my clothes. I guessed with undies. How are you suppose to know!?!?!?!?

    Well - I am buying the wrong sizes. My daughter bought me some undies, okay I am dumb, I have no idea what size I wear. THEY FIT. Two sizes smaller than I just purchased. I cannot believe it. She also bought me two tops which I was sure would not fit, would be WAY TOO TIGHT. They fit, smaller size than I bought when I went out. In fact, on shirt is a little big, but it will work for a month or so. The shirts I bought, good grief!

    I am having trouble with my body image. How do you do this? I am so afraid I will go in the the size will be the same as it use to be. Undies, what do you do about that.

    Before I kept gaining weight. It was easy, just buy two sizes higher, you know, you stretch out your jeans until the seams bust and then you just get two sizes or so bigger. Usually they fit. Same for undies. Didn't have to worry.

    Now, are these sizes for real???!!!??? I am serious. Help me, I can't wear an 18-20, that is too small. This is so stupid, but serious too. I have lost 50 pounds, but my clothes were from the beginning of the year and I have lost almost 70 from that, I lost almost 20 pounds before I saw the Surgeon from nerves.

    Just any help would be nice. I know I should accept that the size fits, but I just don't believe it and I just can't face the stores. Debbie :thumbup:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
