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(Deleted through replacement

Sleeve Plication Patients
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Posts posted by (Deleted through replacement

  1. I do exercise. I don't eat big Desserts and meals anymore. The point of this procedure was to make things go from "awful" to "bearable."

    Anyway, I'm not sure what else to say. I'm a person on the end of my mental rope near constantly. I barely have all my adult stuff together. This is one more burden. I'm doing what I can. I think most people don't quite understand the razor edge that I'm on. One thing going wrong and my entire existence falls apart. It's what I can to do keep things together.

    That's the last I'll say in the thread. Thanks to the nice folks, I know lots of people here mean well. I should never have looked at that damn scale at work. Good luck with stuff you're doing, and have fun around the internet.

  2. Did everyone just ignore that I said I did make the changes? I don't eat Desserts anymore except on like, Christmas or whatever. Things like that. But surely people understand that sacrifices suck and that I hate this? Is there no sympathy for "this is a miserable experience"? Because it is. I can't magically decide to like something. If I could, I'd have decided that I hated reading books and would rather hike all day every day instead and I'd be super ripped.

    Basically it's awful to watch everyone having awesome things and not being able to have them. Is this not a human emotion? That people can offer comfort/solidarity about? I feel like I had y'all on my side and then everyone just went "oh wait nope."

    I do think science will just fix all of this one day. I'm a pretty strong believer in technology over biology. It's just not here yet.

    Dammit, I can't delete my account. Apparently they don't let you do that. I prefer to wipe all traces of myself when things go wrong online.

  3. So you're boiling all this down to "just try harder"? ...Yeah, ok, maybe I shouldn't have posted here.

    I have tried my ass off since I was a literal child and got made fun of in school for being the chubby kid. I have been on like every diet ever. I have done sports. You seem to think I'm being lazy, and that, frankly, is a pile of "stuff I can't say on this forum apparently because it will get bleeped." I was hoping people who got these procedures would understand that "suck it up and try harder" hasn't worked for most of the population and sure won't work now.

    I have zero shame at doing things for vanity. I'd rather be gorgeous and depressed than, well, me and depressed. It's like they say, money may not buy happiness, but I'd rather be sad on a yacht.

    Can we delete threads? I'd like to delete this whole thing.

  4. 52 minutes ago, Starwarsandcupcakes said:

    This is going to be long so bear with me.

    First, let’s do the numbers.
    Your starting weight post clean out was 251. Your weight now on that same-ish scale is 215, that’s a 36lb loss.

    With ESG the average weight loss is about 10-20% of total body weight at a year meaning at 251lbs your average for 10-20% would be 25.1-50.2. Your actual weight loss is 36 for 14.34%.

    With ESG the total percentage of total body weight loss at 5 years from one study of 203 patients is only about 14.5% if follow up with providers is recurring most saw their biggest amount lost at 2 years post ESG.

    It seems that you’re on track for what that study suggests. I wouldn’t sweat it too much.

    Secondly, however I do want to offer some suggestions for food. Focusing on high volume, low calorie foods can offer bulk because you’ll have more to chew. For example- A 100g of cucumber is only 15 calories while 100g of cooked Pasta is 160. If you miss Pasta try tofu Shirataki noodles- an entire 8oz package is about 20 calories depending on brand. These can sit a bit heavy though depending on the person.

    Salads full of leafy greens, fruits and vegetables with minimal dressing can help you feel full. They also provide crunch which I myself enjoy.

    Season your food!- bland food can be boring and unfulfilling and loads of “diet” food recipes lack flavor. Adding spices can help make things you’re eating more enjoyable and trick your brain into being satisfied quicker.
    Try roasted chickpeas- 1 can chickpeas drained and rinsed then tossed with garlic powder, paprika, onion powder, and chili powder (if you tolerate spicy) with a tsp of olive oil then baked at 350°F for about 25 minutes makes a great topping for salads while providing Protein and Fiber, both of which help keep you full.

    Lastly, make sure you’re following your clinic’s guidelines for liquids before and after meals. Drinking too soon after eating can make you feel hungry sooner and sabotage your hard work. If you can’t bear the thought of giving up liquids with all your meals try soup! broth based Soups are a great way to get in fluids, vegetables, Protein, and flavor.

    Thank you for the data. That's a lot of encouragement, actually. ❤️

    I'm the worst because I absolutely freaking hate salad. And anything that is a leaf. It tastes so bitter. Cabbage is basically the only leaf I consider edible lol.

    I miss two things in my life, and I'm not sure there are substitutes, but maybe you have ideas?

    1. Restaurants. I love being catered to. It's nice to just go sit in a booth and read my phone and stuff. I also hate dishes and cleaning, so takeout was a staple before I got ESG. There's little more sad than sitting around while your friends are eating and realizing you have to go hungry on a tiny appetizer or take a whole ton of food home. It's...it's just...I don't go out to eat too much anymore. More than I should, but way less than I did. You guys will get me to ditch my once a week Indian food brunch over my cold, dead corpse, though. No way no how.

    2. Desserts. Holy cow I have a massive sweet tooth. I try to satisfy it with diet soda and some sucralose in my tea, but I was raised in the South by family who asked kids if they wanted ice cream the moment they got bored. I had to kick that habit a long while ago, but it kills me that I've had to cut back even more. I would shiv somebody's grandma for chocolate cake, and it has to be in quantity to be satisfying. A teeny sliver of cake is a joke -- you gotta have one of those big slices you could use a doorstop. When I was a kid, I could do that. I miss going to a local seafood joint that had a slice the size of my kid hand. Cubed. Like a hand on each side. Slight exaggeration, but it was heaven. I'm sniffling just thinking about it. I have cut out like 98% of desserts in my life and I still cry inside when my friends get a milkshake and I'm not allowed any. It feels punitive. To me, nice food is as good as sex, easily.

    I wish I could make myself hate food, so much. I'm so lucky because my husband is a god in the kitchen, but I'm unlucky because he wants to make all the things and I have to go "...nope, can't have it, but now I can SMELL IT ALL DAY."

  5. 13 minutes ago, ShoppGirl said:

    You say you don’t weigh your food, perhaps the calories you are logging are not quite accurate. Can you commit to doing it for just a couple of weeks? Maybe you are underestimating your portions and eating more calories than you think. You won’t have to weigh and measure forever. Once you have done it a few times with a meal you should be able to pretty much eyeball it but I know I was surprised when I measured and weighed things for the first time.

    I told my husband about the weighing thing and he is SO ON BOARD so if he does it for me I'll have the data lol. I just feel like it would be crossing some threshold I'm not ready for to be one of those people tweaking tiny amounts of food onto a postage scale...

  6. Revision: it takes a month to recover from an actual sleeve, and I have way too fast-paced a job to do that. I'd probably have to take unpaid leave or even quit the job. I can't. ESG was only a thing I could do because it had a week recovery time tops. If the sleeve had a week recovery, I'd have done that instead.

    Regarding vanity: They know. They have all my medical stats. They know my blood pressure is something that people aspire to, that my labs are clean as a whistle, and that I can drag a kayak a mile through choppy waters to shore or walk 10 miles straight for 3 hours. They know I have major psychological issues surrounding my body. I've seen a therapist for over a decade for in part this reason. It hasn't made me like how I look whatsoever, just helped me cope enough to have a reasonable life. I'm on several psych meds.

    As it stands, I have a view on this that is similar to transition. When you have gender dysphoria, people who are any kind of sane by modern science don't tell you to suck it up and go to therapy to embrace being your birth sex. They tell you to seek hormone treatments and transition, because transition works. I don't think that trying to love being fat works either. You change your body if you want to change your body.

    I'm going to cut back to 1000 cal/day goal and hate my life, but I guess it's something. And I mean technically I guess I have lost like 30 lbs worst case. I'm just so pissed and dismayed that I haven't gotten below pre-pandemic weight before my wedding. I want to be Internet Hot (tm) at my wedding.

  7. 2 hours ago, BypassingMyPhatAss♡ said:

    The reason I brought up the Sleeve Plication being different than the standard sleeve surgery is because I wanted to stress that not all weight loss surgeries are equal. After reading more about Sleeve Plication, it sounds a lot like the Lap Band, as in it doesn't do anything except give restriction... and neither surgery offers any changes to hormones. As a former Lap Band patient I personally know how much of a failure Lap Band is for a lot of people. You put in the work, but a majority of people with them never achieve their goal weight. Some surgeries are more powerful than others. So I feel like you're putting in the required work to lose weight, but it might be the surgery itself just isn't powerful enough. I felt like that about the Lap Band when I had it. I watched others lose much faster and more weight than me. It was very frustrating. I'd give the Wegovy a try when it becomes available.

    And there's an option to block people here. I find it helpful to not even read the Negative Nancy's. 😉

    true facts?! how do you block people

  8. 1 minute ago, lizonaplane said:

    You should reach out to your doctor about your progress and your concerns, and ask them what their suggestions are. Should you maybe try a medication? Eat more? Exercise more? Do weight lifting? Drink more fluids? Etc.

    I have an appointment Tuesday. I'm terrified. I'm probably just going to get told I'm not doing enough.

    I want Wegovy, because apparently it hella works, but there's a shortage. No way am I getting to 200 lbs by October for my wedding. I'm starting to get desperate and look around to see if I can get something faster online...

  9. 15 minutes ago, lizonaplane said:

    I just re-read your first post:

    I'm eating less in general. I really do think I'm making my calorie counts.

    So, you said that you are eating 1200 calories, but here you say you "think" you're making your calorie counts, which to me seems to indicate you're not actually TRACKING your calories. Try for just a week to enter every single thing you eat and drink into a calorie counting program like myfitnesspal or baritastic. Then, see what you're actually eating each day. That will also help you when you meet with a nutritionist, which I strongly recommend

    I say "think" because I'm not like, weighing my food. That makes me neurotic and ain't nobody got time for that level of panic. I do record what I eat and drink. I have to balance absolutely hating myself whenever I think about weight (and yes I'm in therapy, this hasn't gone away despite like a decade of work on it) with actually managing to count calories.

    Your earlier post: Is it really "fatphobic" to not like the way fat looks? I really don't think so. People have preferences. You can't be attracted to everyone. I have zero health issues related to my weight (several doctors can attest), and so if it weren't about vanity, I wouldn't be doing any of this, I'd be eating a damn cupcake the way I want to.

    As for timeline: My doctor says if I haven't lost at least 15% in a year, it's not enough.

    I see a dietician monthly. The thing is, since my scale kept showing slightly lower numbers, and they were good lower numbers, we all thought what was happening was fine. I actually settled into a life that I liked, even eating less food. But I can't really go any less, or cut out any more things I like, without running into "now this is a drain on my daily mental resources," which I can't afford to have. I already have depression and anxiety going on. I have a difficult career. I can't do much more.

  10. 5 minutes ago, lizonaplane said:

    If you weight 215 lbs, 1200 calories IS a deficit. You're doing what you can.

    You can be pretty at any weight, and October is a LONG way off. Try to focus on how your clothes are fitting and not a number on the scale. Try not to panic, and if people here are being unhelpful, take a break.

    Try to reach out to a bariatric therapist if your surgery center has one - I am seeing mine tomorrow virtually and it really helps. The actual weight isn't so important.

    I'll be straight up with you, I have never found a fat person pretty. I'm sorry. I've tried so hard. (Really -- I did my best to date fat folks a couple times because otherwise they were super cool, but my sex drive just cannot work with that. Fat is the opposite of hot to me. I feel bad for those folks having to deal with me. It was over a decade ago haha.)

  11. 54 minutes ago, Splenda said:

    This may sound like a weird question, but which scale did you use to determine your starting weight?

    Here is what I mean: if the 251 mark is based on your home scale and your home scale is off by 15 pounds, doesn't that mean you started at 266 on the work scale?

    251 is the post cleanse weight, meaning I had everything purged from my system to prep for surgery. My home scale agreed with that. Idk what my "has food/waste in system" weight was. My scale said 210 when I had food poisoning a week ago, so I guess the work scale would have said 220-225. So that's like, 32 lbs to be charitable, under the same conditions.

  12. For all the "1200 calories isn't a deficit" -- holy cow, I can't go any lower. I already am too hungry if I don't make 1200. I enjoy food. I am distracted to the point of total non-productivity if I'm too hungry. It's miserable.

    I don't eat processed stuff usually. I focus on Protein because carbs leave me too hungry.

    My team has been virtual due to Covid so they just know my personal weigh ins.

    I regret all of this. I shouldn't have looked at the scale at work. I was so happy. I thought I was pretty at last. I have a wedding in October and am going to look awful...

  13. 2 hours ago, Tony B - NJ said:

    So, I hate to be a wet blanket here and I know everyone is trying to be supportive, but to get major weight loss surgery and after a year being only 22 pounds lighter seems to me to be a bit of a failure....I am just being brutally honest. Part of supporting people is to sometimes tell them the truth and try to get them to take action. If I were in the same situation, I would go back to a low calorie, high Protein, low fat, low/no carb diet and get exercising ASAP. The fact is, there has to be a calorie deficit and it we are gaining weight back, there is an issue with that deficit. Maybe we are not counting all our calories....maybe we are not counting at all......maybe we are doing ZERO exercise......maybe a lot of things but what we do know is that it is not working and we are gaining weight. It is time to reevaluate EVERYTHING and get back to what made weight come of in the first place.

    And now I just want to give up entirely. This is the opposite of helpful. I guess I'm really just bad at everything.

  14. Back last March, I got ESG (endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty). I had 6 weeks of a liquids only diet. I painstakingly tracked calories after that according to what doctors said to do -- a 1200 calorie/day diet. Yeah, I'm a short woman, but it sucks. But I soldiered on! I put myself on my home scale week after week, watching the number bounce around but generally trend down. I was so happy. I started at 251 post-colonoscopy-cleanse (since they have to remove all of everything in your gut before doing the procedure), and finally, after a year, I got to 215. I was so glad! And then I stepped on an actually accurate scale at work today, apparently. 238.

    Are you f**king joking?

    I said it had to be my clothes and stuff, so I went into the bathroom (single occupancy, thankfully), and stripped. Hopped on. 235. Dammit.

    Well, maybe it's not accurate. We have some weights around the office, I said. Let's put one on, I said. It claims to be 45 lbs. Scale says...45.2 lbs. Augh.

    So my bathroom scale is either 15 pounds off, the very concept of which is destroying me, or I've gained a whole ton of Water weight for no reason. But I've taken tape measurements -- my waist is down 4 inches and my hips are down 5. I'm eating less in general. I really do think I'm making my calorie counts. My arms and stomach look more defined. That's got to be significant, right? ...Right?

    If all this adds up, I have not lost 14% of my body weight. I have lost 6%. And that means I am a severe outlier and a failure at the procedure. This was the last ditch effort for me after more than a decade of trying everything I could figure. Most weight loss meds haven't worked for me. Saxenda worked for a while and then stopped.

    Was the doctor's office scale wrong? It agreed with my bathroom scale at the time. Has my bathroom scale broken and I'm just fucked? Did I just gain a whole shitload of water weight? I don't have my period due to an IUD, so I can't imagine it's that.

    Please give me something that isn't "you failed." Please. Please.

  15. It has been 7 months since I had my ESG procedure in March. What a weird ride. I guess I'm just posting this to muse on the situation as a whole. Wall of text time!

    Six Weeks of Suck

    A six week liquid diet was awful. It went in 2 week chunks and degraded over time. The first two weeks, it was amusing. I got to tell people what was going on! The first entire week I was basically sleeping anyway and took sick days, so it was just me, in bed, playing Pokemon Sword. A weird sort of vacation, really, even if half of it was crippling nausea and whining to my husband. The next two weeks was boring and a bit annoying, but I at least got to sip chicken broth and relish the fact that my food tasted like actual food. (I bought a jar of low fat chicken gravy at the store at one point and sipped it in the car while feeling like some kind of jewel thief having pulled off a heist. It was the best food I have ever eaten.) The last two weeks, I just wanted to strangle the doctors for not letting me eat solid food. Six weeks! People who have literal stomach removal have less time than that! But no, the surgeon said that six weeks was because the sutures are internal, and thus are constantly disturbed, so in a weird twist they take longer to heal than gastric sleeve surgeries.

    Did I mention basic recovery sucked for the first few days? When I came out of anesthesia, the doctors said I had been under for a long time, because I was just too sleepy to actually wake after I was technically conscious. They kept me until I could walk, which was way longer than they thought. Even walking down the driveway made me so tired I had to lean on someone. Going to the bathroom and back to bed was enough to take a nap afterwards. I had to rotate constantly to stop feeling nauseous or crampy. I emergency-called the doctors for some more anti-nausea meds because the first ones just didn't work well enough. Then, like magic, around day 7, it all stopped and I could get up and do stuff normally.

    Not being able to lift more than 15 pounds or whatever the limit was, was almost a deal-breaker. I work with heavy machinery a lot, but I saw that problem coming. My long-suffering (but kind) coworkers carried things for me. But at home, do you know how many things weigh 20 lbs? Stuff full of liquid is right out. A gallon of Water by itself weighs 9 lbs, heaven help you if you have to carry anything else with it. My husband had to haul our pet food and litter bags, which we buy in 50 pound sacks because we hate having to shop a lot. Even normal grocery shopping bags can approach 15 pounds if you fill them full. When I was still exhausted, I had to get a very confused Target employee to help me carry a single bag out to the car. I'm sure this guy had no idea what was going on, with a 30-something woman shuffling up to him like an old lady and holding out a fairly light bag and asking if he would be wonderful and carry this to her car because she had picked up too much stuff and now her body was saying it was time to sleep right here on the floor if she didn't hand it off.

    Did I Cheat on the Diet?

    Yes. 100%. I absolutely cheated. I cheated like a soap opera spouse. Honestly, the lesson I learned was that this really caused no harm whatsoever. Probably a bad lesson, but in the end, it made those last two weeks bearable. The doctor said Clear Liquids only, but I added in pureed chunky Soups, Greek yogurt, and scrambled eggs. I chewed for a long time and made sure everything in my mouth was blenderized into pure liquid, and I still ate incredibly small meals. But really, anything to get me off those fake-ass Protein Shakes. I didn't tell my team the extent of the cheating, but I never felt any pain, and I still made my calorie and macro counts. The first day I let myself eat tuna from a can was the day angels sang in my ear. I furtively snatched it up at CVS, a tiny can the size of one of those Fancy Feast cat food tins. I snuck it in the car and dumped the can in a recycle bin before my husband could see it and wag his finger. Oh, it was good.

    What I'm getting at is that I was losing my bananas during the last 2 weeks of that dang liquid diet, and I needed something to eat that felt like real food, or I was going to crack. I think this worked out.

    Have I Lost Weight?

    45 pounds so far. From what I can tell, there is really no way to beat the "1-2 pounds per week" rule. No amount of surgery was going to take my resting metabolic rate of 1800 and somehow get 5 pounds a week out of lowering it to 1000 cal/week. I think all the "omg I lost 10 pounds my first week" is water and glycogen, no matter who you are, unless you're very obese.

    Water weight will get you early on. If you gain weight or have not lost weight even 3-4 weeks after the procedure, it's probably still water weight. There's no way your body can retain fat on 1000 calories a day unless you have a disease/disorder.

    You will gain weight abruptly when you start putting food back in your body. I'm shocked at how much food in various parts of digestion weigh. That said, according to the mayo Clinic, food takes about 36-48 hours from entering, to exit your body. Think about how much you eat in 48 hours. Let's say, for round numbers, you eat a meal weighing 3/4 lb, 3x/day. So that's 2.25 lbs a day. 48 hours is 4 days. Before the meal on day 1 exits on day 4, you've put a total of 9 pounds of stuff into your body. 9 pounds! That's like 4 weeks of weight loss, supposedly gone immediately! But it's not. If, like me, your last weight reference was right before the surgery, you fully blasted those 6 or so pounds of food out of your system with the absolutely awful colonoscopy cleanse they made you drink. You know how much you ate at each meal before surgery, at least ballpark. Add those "phantom" pounds to your hospital weight, and you have your "actual" weight. So my actual weight was really around 260, not 251, because it was 251 with my entire intestinal tract scrubbed to a bile-yellow liquid shine. (Ew.)

    Basically, expect water weight to cover up early weight loss and food weight to cover up weight loss about 1-2 months in, depending on when you're allowed to eat solids.

    Frustrating Points

    I am still not particularly lower in my dress size. I have absolutely lost some inches, but it seems to be coming off relatively evenly, so I'm still a 16-18 in a dress. I'm frustrated, because part of the point of this was to fit into my old college clothes, but I expected to lose a couple of dress sizes in 45 lbs of weight loss. I still have a bunch of clothes sitting around waiting for me to be able to fit them. That said, women's clothing sizes are stupid, and I really don't know what my dress size was when starting. I thought it was 18, but I gained weight over the pandemic, so I have no clue anymore.

    Awesome Points

    I can eat what I want. Seriously. The physical size of my stomach limits me from eating a lot, but I can eat single meals, and usually they last me the entire day. I routinely take home leftovers now. But in the end, the food I want isn't fast food and pizza -- though to be fair, I still do eat pizza. I just eat way less of it. I don't have to optimize now, and my body seems to actually obey calorie counts now without getting hungry. I still eat pizza every so often. I still have dessert. I had candy on Halloween. I still don't eat salad. In the end, I feel like this was what I wanted: the ability to eat the food I actually like, socially, while having my body go in a direction I don't hate. I have actual hunger cues now, and I'm not constantly thinking about food.

    Would I Recommend ESG?

    I will tout ESG from the tops of mountains now. Some suck early on for a feeling of actual control over my body and a sense that I finally obey physics as I know it? Yes. Yes, please. I should have gotten this years ago. When my parents offered to cover weight loss surgery when I was like 23, I should have said "YES NOW" instead of "ugh why would you offer that?".

  16. 4 hours ago, Soon2bFit21 said:

    It sounds like time for a new scale. You shouldn’t have variations like that and there are many reasonably priced ones on Amazon that work wonderfully abs also track other measurements. I think I spent $20 on mine that has all the bells and whistles and a great app.

    Are you weighing and measuring foods accurately and tracking the cals and macros? You’d be surprised how off eyeballing can be at times or not picking the right foods.

    Also, have you had a FULL thyroid panel done as well as hormones? There may be something off that is not being picked up on.

    Last, I start stalling when I eat TOO FEW calories. Your metabolism can shut down and less is not always more.

    I sort of weigh my food. Mostly I get food in a known weight quantity and eat a known fraction of it. So, if I get a pound of pork tenderloin, and cut it evenly into quarters, each is roughly a quarter pound. I'm at least eating an accurate weight over a few meals. I probably need to get a food scale, but I've always balked at that because it feels a bit obsessive and sucks the fun out of meals a bit. I might still try.

    I do keep track of calories and macros on MyFitnessPal. I tend to do pretty well, though anytime I ever dare to have a sandwich I kick myself because bread is so dang caloriffic. I try to eat mostly meat dishes, skipping the bread and Pasta and such. I'm not Keto, though. (If I were keto, I'd totally weigh like 10 pounds less, though honestly it doesn't make a single difference in my inches it seems.)

    Yeah, I definitely need a new scale. This one is screwy. I've been procrastinating lol.

    Yup, I've had my thyroid tested like five times over the past five years. Keeps coming back "fine, not quite low." I did go on Synthroid once and it made no difference, so it was discontinued.

    I'm eating 1000-1200 calories a day, with occasional mistakes. I know I'm not perfect, but I'm doing my best. My guess is I need to have more NEAT (non-workout exercise, basically), but I have a sit-down computer job, and when I get interrupted, it's hard to focus. That puts a bit of a damper on walking around a lot. >< I'm trying, at least, and my clothes fit some better.

    Notably, I don't get food cravings nearly so much. I used to be the sort of person who could never eat just a couple pieces of chocolate -- I'd eat the whole bag, so I had to never keep sweets in my house whatsoever. Now, I can actually do stuff in moderation. I also don't eat when I'm bored almost at all anymore, and I don't get random sugar cravings every day. I don't get nearly as hangry, though now I get physical stomach pains from being hungry if I don't keep up with meals. I'm guessing this is a hormonal change from part of my stomach having atrophied due to being folded up and unusable.

  17. I've stopped losing inches now. Everything has just come to a total halt for the past 3 weeks or so. I did go on vacation week-before-last, so that particular week is a wash. I didn't eat everything in sight, but I did decide I could have dessert and drink wine with the husband. That said, me eating a lot now would probably hit 2000 calories -- it's so hard to overeat. I get full for an entire day on what would have been one standard meal out of 2 or 3 before. I have to break this stall naturally eventually, right? Physics says so?

    My bathroom scale is irritatingly unreliable. I can stand shifted to my right foot and gain 5-10 pounds, to the left and lose 5-10. It's obnoxious. I think I'm around 230-235 right now. It makes sense with how I'm fitting into my clothes and how the scale has wobbled around. Dishearteningly, that's where I was before I gained the pandemic weight. So really, I look no thinner than I did before Covid. Ugh. That said, I did lose 20-30 pounds in 2 months, which is astounding compared to past progress. That's about 3 lbs a week, which IIRC is considered really dang good. Maybe time is just going slower since the ESG than I think.

    I know I'm slipping on drinking Water. I don't like having to pee frequently. That said, I'm sweating more, which is a good thing considering I'm just about anhydrotic most of the time. Maybe I've just been dehydrated my entire life.

    I picked up weightlifting again. I started out pretty weak, and I've had to skip some days because of the extreme heat (no AC in the gym aaaah) and work stress. That said, I'm up to 185 lb squats and 95 lbs bench-press now. That's something.

  18. After thinking a long time, I believe the issue is this:

    I came off a liquid diet, and then two weeks later I had fully reintroduced solids (which was around the time this happened). I also therefore was able to put some carbs in, so I came off ketosis. (The Protein Drinks I was on had ~no carbs.) Also, I've been eating probably a bit more salt than I should.

    From previous experience, Keto makes me lose about 10 lbs of glycogen weight in the starting "whoosh." 10 lbs + solid food in various parts of digestion + some Water retention from salt = 15-20 lbs depending on the water retention.

    So it's probable that I just haven't lost nearly as much actual fat as I think I have, which is extremely depressing, but at least there's an explanation. That said, I'm about 4 inches off both my waist and my hips, so clearly something happened. Though given my consistent weight for the past 2 weeks or so, I'm probably stalled right now. I did just start up a 3x/week strenuous weightlifting program, so hopefully that puts a dent in it.

    My doctor is horrible at getting back to me on any kind of schedule, so I had to attack this myself.

    The awful part is that 240 lbs is my normal weight pre-pandemic. All that work to return to the status quo.

  19. Crap, so I *have* failed in some catastrophic way, and all this is a wash.

    But there's no way to gain weight on 1000 cal/day. I very much do track *everything.* And yes, I've continued to lose inches despite the scale going up. There is literally no way I can physically consume enough food (since I'm not eating sweets/lots of carbs) to gain weight with how much I can eat. I've logged it all.

    My instructions are to eat 1000-1200 calories a day. That's from my doctor.

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