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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by mdargen

  1. Just checking to see how all of my September buddies are doing. I go to the Dr. on Monday - hopefully for my 3rd fill. I only have 2.5cc in my band. I do have lots of issues with keeping food down, but I'm able to eat more then I should. I'm anxious for the scales to drop. I also need to start more exercising. I got Wii Fit for Christmas, but it is still in the box. So - resolutoin - exercise and watch my calories better. By the way, what is "Couch to 5K"? I missed this info.

    Thanks for your support!!



    The Couch to 5K program is a running program that helps people learn how to run. I know that sounds silly but I don't know how to run a 5k. I hate running with a passion but my husband and I thought it would be a fun goal. Not a resolution but a goal. Here is the website - Cool Running :: The Couch-to-5K Running Plan

    I will probably go walking/running today but I am officially starting tomorrow. There is another gal on our board Jenn who is doing this too. Want to join us?

    Maybe we can start a thread so we can support each other as we run!

  2. OH I'm also 3 fills in, and hoping for my 4th next week. I have some restriction, but not much, as I found out today. I ate anything and everything I wanted, and just as fast as I wanted. UGH! I'm sure I gained today.



    Isn't the fill thing so frustrating? I just want them to fill me up with a garden hose or something. I am really hoping this is the last fill I need for awhile. I hate getting them. Fills hurt so badly.

    I hope you get your 4th next week too!!

  3. I am down a little over 40 pounds. I have had 3 fills and going for my 4th next week. They just can't seem to get me tight enough. I am starting to freak out about this. What if I went through this whole process and they can't find my sweet spot. Has that ever happened? I can eat way more than one cup of food and my will power isn't so great. Part of the reason I am in this position. LOL So frustrating!

    Is anyone else sick of Protein Shakes? OMG! I can barely drink them everyday. It isn't the flavor but the fact I have to drink 3 a day.

    I have been swimming everyday, doing Bikram yoga, and on Monday I am starting the Couch to 5K program! My husband and I are going to do the 5K thing together. We thought it would be a fun way to exercise together.

    Hope everyone else is doing well!!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!:confused::thumbup::cursing::thumbup:

  4. It has been awhile since I have been on the board. Life has gotten crazy. I am down a little over 40 pounds since surgery on the 24th.

    I have been getting fills done in Olympia, WA. It is about a 2 hour drive from Portland. The fills are 375 (150 if you have to go back for a tweak). I have had 3 fills and no real restriction. I am going up again on Jan. 7th for my 4th fill. I am going to tell them to fill me up with a garden hose!

    I am really tired of not feeling restriction. I don't eat as much as I did before the surgery but I want what I paid for, ya know. Sometimes my willpower just isn't there and I eat more than 1 cup of food at a sitting.

    How is everyone doing on their Protein shakes? Don't you wish there was a Protein pill?!? LOL

    Hope all my Dr. K samurai's are doing well!!:shades_smile::thumbup::confused::thumbup:

  5. Hi Everyone!

    So, it is that time of year where the Snacks and goodies are everywhere. Is anyone else having a hard time saying "no" to all the Cookies and sweets?

    I am trying to be good but being a baker and cake decorator doesn't help me either. LOL

    I'll admit it - I have a had a few cookies here and there.

    Anyone else?

  6. I would love to ask you all a question. I go see Dr. K on Tuesday and I have surgery Wednesday! Oh, right....the question. I have been on no bread, potatoes, Pasta or rice. Any way I have lost 11 pounds and I haven't been hungry. I am eating 1100-1300 calories and 120-130gm of Protein, but my carbs have been 30-50. I am worried. Do you think I will be ok? I have really been trying to watch it, but even cottage cheese has carbs. Is carbs worse than fat?

    Paula told me to follow the Atkins diet. I had no bread, rice, potatoes, sugar, flour, Pasta, etc. for a month (He told me only 10 days but I wasn't taking any chances). I followed the diet to the letter. I only lost 4-5 pounds. I was so nervous my liver was going to be fatty that I came up with a new phobia term "liverphobia". I was completely freaked out. When I met with Dr. K before my surgery he said I would be fine. Any weight loss is going to help make your liver okay for surgery.

    Just make sure you are following the diet they recommended to you. If you are nervous you can cut out all carbs for the next few days. Follow the Phase 1 of the Atkins diet. All Protein, No Carbs.

    Good luck! I can't wait to hear all about your surgery. You are going to do fantastic!!

  7. You're under 200!!!!!! Awesome!!!

    I'm frustrated, don't know what to eat, don't want to mess anything up, but not feeling really any different. Except my port hurts. I go for a fill 10/28. I haven't lost a thing since I started eating soft stuff. boo.

    Figuring out what to eat after the Soup phase is so hard. I am still pretty much eating mushy food. I am allowed real food now but I am in hurry. I tried to eat a turkey wrap and it got stuck! So, then I tried to wash it down with a gulp of crystal light. Huge mistake. I swear to god I thought I was suffocating. It seriously felt like I was drowning. I need to remember to take smaller bits and chew, chew, chew!

    Don't worry about the losing pounds so much right now. We are still healing from surgery. Once we get our fills we will be on our way to Skinnyville!

    Are you going back to Dr. K for all of your fills? I have found a doctor here in Washington I am going to use. He charges 375 for x-ray fills. I figure by the time I pay for airplane ticket, rental car, and airport parking it all works out to be the same price.

  8. Tally,

    THIS nurse isn't going to lecture you because she is horrible about drinking herself!!!! And if I do, it is iced tea!!!! :thumbup:

    I don't get all my liquids either. When are we suppose to drink them? We can't drink before or after meals and we are suppose to sip on Protein shakes! Gross! LOL I find myself living on a cup of coffee in the morning and crystal light the rest of the day. :) Whoops! I am not sure Dr. K would approve. LOL

  9. Has anyone here used Pacific Surgical for their fills? I had my surgery done in CO and don't want to fly back & forth for fills. Pacific Surgical sent me all their info and their fills are reasonably priced compared to OHSU. Would love to get your thoughts. :)

  10. I am in a panic!

    This morning I was leaning over picking up toys off the floor and I swear I heard a "pop, pop, pop" sound. It didn't really hurt but it freaked me out. I feel the same now. There isn't any new pain but I am completely freaked out that I ripped all my stitches out. Is that possible? I mean I was just picking up toys.


  11. Dee~I am so proud of your new avatar! WTG, I want to join you some day...

    Michelle~My swelling took a while, I still have a bump at my port. Tom says it's scar tissue. Your Frank is in the right place. I love that you named your port, did you name your band too?

    I am sorry I have so many questions. I feel like such a pain in the butt! Will the scar tissue go down? When we lose all the weight will we be able to see the port?

    Frank is named after Frankenstein. I feel like a the monster because I have this contraption in me. :D:lol::thumbup::lol::mellow::lol::cool2: I didn't name the band. For some reason I connected with Frank more! :tt2::lol::lol:

    Did anyone else name theirs?

  12. Thanks for the chewing tips. I have been having some trouble remembering small bites and eating slow. It's so hard!

    Did everyone else get their port more in the middle than on their side? I researched this surgery for years and always thought the port went closer to our sides.

    Also, I had my surgery on the 24th and my port site is still swollen. Anyone else?

    I asked this on the Sept. monthly Dr. K thread too. I am just trying to see if we are all ported the same. I just want to make sure Frank (my port) is in the right place. :D

  13. To answer the original question: I don't remember everything that happened at the airport because I flew home the morning after surgery and I was doped and groggy. My sister came with me and she pushed me throught the airport in a wheelchair. We had EVERYTHING in the carry on bag. Because you never know if you are going to be sitting on the tarmac for 8 hours or stuck in your connecting airport or whatever, so I needed to have my pain meds with me. It seemed like we got a letter from Dr. K to present to TSA. I even had some broth in my carryon and they let that go through too. I remember there being some discussion at security and a supervisor coming over. I was groggy, but I remember lifting my shirt up to show them my belly and they let us bring everything through, even the broth. They didn't ask to see my belly, I was just loopy and lifted my shirt up. If you are really worried, then take a clean bottle and pour off most of your painkiller into the clean bottle and check it in your luggage. Then keep the remaining painkiller in it's original prescription bottle and carry it on. If they confiscate it, you will still have the majority of it in your luggage. But if you have a letter from Dr K, they should let you bring it through. I would argue for it, because you could really start hurting and need it badly. I would also suggest you upgrade to 1st class for your return trip. We called the morning of our departure and upgraded for $150. It was well worth that for the extra room. I would also wait until the 2nd morning after surgery to travel. I should not have tried it the following morning. Good luck and let me know if you have any questions about the travel.

    My husband was so nice. He upgraded my tickets to first-class. It was so nice! I feel totally spoiled. LOL I stayed 2 days after my surgery before I flew home so I felt okay. I just dumped some pain meds in a travel size bottle and then drank it when I got on the plane. I definitely got a strange look from my my seat mate but I didn't really care.

    I think if you are going to have surgery and have to travel afterward first class is the way to go!

  14. Mdargen! NOT TMI! We've all been there and NOT done that! Unfortunately, I purchased every OTC softener available to man and woman! AND not one worked. AT one time, I was putting Miralax in prune juice three times a day. Nothing! It was bad! Then I sent Natalie an email and she said to try a piece of fruit. I did and it worked! An apple, pear, grapes, anything like that works for me! So now, I try to eat a piece of ripe fruit everyday... sometimes, if I'm hungry twice a day. I also upped my fiber! I eat high Fiber crackers and bread (toasted).

    Good luck but know it's normal. You're not eating much!

    I want a piece of fruit! I would kill for a piece of fruit. LOL I am still on the full liquid diet for another week. Do you think applesauce would work well to get things moving? :biggrin:

    What would I do without all of you?!?!

  15. Good luck monday! I'll be thinking about you! So what stuff did you get prior?

    As for diet, I haven't been, I start my preop on monday. They told me no potatoes, bread, rice, Pasta or Beans. I hope its enough to shrink the ole liver, cuz if he gets in there and decides not to do it I'm screwed. Self pay and can't afford to do it again. :thumbup:

    I am selfpay too. If he can't do it I am totally screwed and out all that money. I haven't eaten any of that stuff in weeks so I really hoping I did enough for Wednesday.

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