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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mdargen

  1. mdargen

    Low Carb Foods

    Thanks everyone! It never occurred to me that the sugar in fruit would be considered real sugar. Does that even make sense? LOL I will be sticking with my lean Proteins and leafy greens.
  2. mdargen

    Today my life changes

    Good job! You are doing great! It will all be so worth it!
  3. The big news is I broke my arm on Saturday! Ugh This really stinks. I was vacuuming our stairs when the vacuum slipped, I went to grab it, and ended up falling backwards down the stairs with the vacuum. I have a splint and sling for 2 weeks! I am suppose to start my pre-op diet on Sept. 10th but it is starting tonight. I had my last "bad" lunch. :blushing: I am going to try and do liquids as much as possible. My pre-op diet from the doctor is low carb high Protein but I want to get used to a liquid only diet since I have to do one for 3 weeks my procedure. I bought a big thing of Protein powder today at Walmart. I also discovered that they have a store brand called Great Value that tastes just like Crystal Light. And, it is only 1.50 a package!! Woot!
  4. mdargen

    Sept. Samurai Surgery Check-in

    I am so glad everything went so well!!
  5. mdargen

    Eating Raw

    I love raw food!! My Bikram Yoga studio has an onsite raw food cafe. YUM!!I totally intend on incorporating raw into my diet even more after I get banded!
  6. I love the Westin - Tabor. I stayed there a few times when I lived in Denver. The first time when I was pregnant my husband got me a room for a weekend so I could have one of their beds! It was so awesome. LOL The other times were so we could go out on the town and not have to drive anywhere. They have a heated rooftop swimming pool. It is really cool. Part of the pool is inside and part outside. When you swim you can look up at all the big buildings around you. I highly recommend it.
  7. mdargen

    The one thing

    What is the one thing that you absolutely want to do after you lose all the weight. I don't mean things like keep up with kids, shop at any store, but things that you never, ever, ever thought you would be able to do. My one thing is SCUBA dive. As soon as I lose my 127 pounds I am going to get SCUBA certified. I have always wanted to do this but knew there was no way I could ever get in a wetsuit. Plus, being this chubby I don't think I could sink enough to go all the way under the Water. LOL
  8. LOL Your mom is so cute! You are lucky to have someone so supportive to go with you. I feel very blessed that my family is behind this decision 100%. We are both lucky we have found doctors that we like, trust, and respect. It is such a hard decision to make when it is self-pay. It sucks because it is self-pay but I think it is better than insurance because then we can pick who we want to do the procedure. You are getting banded in Sept. right? You should come over to the September Month Support Group. Great bunch of future bandsters over there. Loads and loads of support!!
  9. There is a local hospital here in Vancouver where I could go but I will go back to Denver. Dr. K only charges 15.00 for fills! Woo-hoo!! I am really lucky that my family lives in Denver. The fills give me a good excuse to see them for a few days. Where are you flying from?
  10. Hey everyone, Another question for you. How many times did it take for Dr. K to get your perfect restriction? Is he pretty good at getting the "sweet spot" on the first fill? Thanks!
  11. I am being banded by Dr. Kirshenbaum (lapbandrockies.com) on Sept. 24th. The total is 9950 plus airfare and hotel. It seems like that is a lot less than what you are being quoted in N.C. Shoot them and email they ROCK!!
  12. mdargen

    I have a date

    Woo-hoo!!! It will be here so fast!!
  13. Sheila, thanks for the tip! I will check Walmart out this week. I think the Special K Protein Water tastes like Crystal Light. It's pretty tasty.
  14. I bought some of the Special K Protein Water. It was sale so I thought I would give it a try. I didn't know it came powdered. I will have to get a few to throw in my purse. I have been looking over all the Protein Powder options. I had no idea this stuff was so expensive. I guess it isn't that much when you figure in I won't be eating food for a couple of weeks after surgery. Dr. K told me 3 weeks for liquids. Is that what he told you? I am also going to buy one of those individual blenders Walmart.com: Hamilton Beach Single Serve Blender With Travel Lid: Appliances). That way I can mix up all my shakes and drinks without pulling out the big blender.
  15. mdargen

    What do you mean start pre-op diet NOW??

    Hey Girl, Do you want to be diet buddies? I don't have to start my pre-op diet until 9/10 but I am starting it tomorrow. I am also doing the low carb thing. I know it is going to be hard but we can do this!! I am in Vancouver, WA. Where in WA do you live?
  16. I don't want to be the person that everyone hopes they don't have to sit next to on the airplane. I hate planning a plane trip. I am so freaked out about this there is part of me that wants to cancel my surgery. The idea of having to fly some place by myself (I usually go with my husband and daughter) and sit beside someone I don't know is making me very anxious. Since I am self-pay I don't have a lot of extra cash to pay for 1st class tickets. I am thinking I may get a 1st class ticket for the trip home so I don't have to sit in a crowded cabin. Anyone else hate flying? Any other Dr. Kirschenbaum bandsters freaking out about this too?
  17. mdargen

    The one thing

    Mamacj, My 3 year old daughter and I were watching the Olympic equestrian events yesterday and she asked me to do that. I used to jump horses in my younger days but I won't even get on one now because I feel so bad for the horse! I told her once I lose all my weight she and I can take lessons together. :thumbup:
  18. mdargen

    The one thing

    You are a girl after my own heart!! I have a pair of heels that I love but I never wear them because they hurt too much. I am too fat to wear heels for any length of time. It sucks! Here's to look HOT & Stylish!!
  19. mdargen

    Surgery on Sept. 24th

    So then do you just drink loads of water the rest of the day? My pre-op diet is suppose to start on Sept. 10th. Absolutely no carbs of any kind. I am going to start this Monday. i kind of want to get into the swing of things so it isn't so hard come Sept.
  20. mdargen

    Surgery on Sept. 24th

    I know! It feels like it is never going to get here. I am so ready to start my new life!! When do you have to start your pre-op diet? Do you have to do liquids only?
  21. mdargen

    I don't want to be that person

    I won't fly Southwest because they make you get on the plane to see if you fit. I think that is so humiliating. :redface:They are also known for making people buy a second seat. I fit okay on my seat but I am sure a person sitting next to me would want a little more room. I come right to the edge of my seat. If the person next to me is kind of big I probably will be touching them. Oh god the seatbelt struggle. I hate that!! It is so strange on some flights I can buckle the belt with no problem. On other flights I have to suck it in and move some fat around to get it buckled. Then I just sit and don't move. Just thinking about this makes me so upset to my stomach. I am going to start my pre-op diet next week. I don't have to start it until Sept. 10th but I am hoping by doing this maybe I can drop enough weight I won't be so anxious on a plane.
  22. Hey! We share our surgery date! Woo-hoo!!
  23. mdargen

    What is "PB"ing?

    Okay, what is "slimming"? Is it gross?
  24. I am over the moon with excitement. :thumbup: I had my consult with Dr. Kirshenbaum today. I loved him. He is caring, compassionate, he listened, he answered every question, and he has a clause on one of his forms that includes the phrase "french fry lady". LMAO So, I am all set to go. I just have to put the final touches on the financing and buy plane tickets. I can't believe this is going to happen!! OMG!!! Okay, I will settle down.
  25. mdargen

    Dr. Kirshenbaum's Happy Bandsters~

    I definitely have someone taking me to and from the surgery. Then I am staying with my mom for a couple of days. I am really lucky that my mom lives in Denver so she is helping me out that way. The only problem is I don't have a ride to and from the airport (she won't drive there because she is a horrid driver. LOL) so I wanted to rent a car. So I was hoping by Fri/Sat I would feel well enough to drive. Thanks!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
