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Posts posted by mcholls

  1. Hi I was thinking how you were getting on. Glad you wrote back!

    Glad your surgery went well and your looking forward to the new beginning.

    Can you tell me what the name of the hotel is and also the hospital lol my simple brain has forgotten.

    I'm glad your pain is low and your managing with just paracetamol I hope your journey back tomorrow will be smooth for you.

    I will prob have a million questions you will be sorry to have offered haha

  2. I know I tried to tell my mum that but you know what mothers are likely they worry lol.

    Oh wow that's a journey so you have to do the same on return poor you!

    Yea so my understanding is a PCR test before you travel and another on arrival same on the way back I believe.

    I'll be the same come my time to leave making sure I've gotten the right ones lol it's stressful but soon it will all be worth it.

    I know I'm looking forward to see how far I go on the weightloss. This time next year we won't know ourselves lol

  3. Hi there

    No I'm scheduled for 1st July. I'm so excited for it but nervous as you.

    Are you traveling alone? my mum is coming with me you can still have a guest with you as it's classed as career/support. I recently had Fredrik confirm this. I would do it on my own but my family won't let me lol

    I think it's just the thought but I had a relative have the surgery with Chris and she's over the moon says best thing happened to her.

    You don't have long to go now please keep in touch and let me know how you get on. 🤞😁

  4. Hiya!

    Thanks so much for reply I have a consultation booked for this Thursday with Fredrik. I'm so excited for it.

    Your journey is incredible, I'm similar to your start weight if I achieved your loss I'd be over the moon!

    I now feel really confident I have made the right decision I'm just looking forward to my journey starting and getting over to Berlin now for it!

    Thank you so much for sharing as it really helps me hearing all your stories


  5. thank you for replies

    I have gave them a call and waiting on one of there surgery people calling me back!! I read the reviews on trust pilot also on them which puts me at ease at least you can see other peoples experinces. i will have look in to them was it Mr Sommers that carried out your surgery? could i ask when you had yours and how your doing now that you had it, anything you wished you hadve known presurgery?

    I have a consultation booked for the 1st April with the Belguim people. to have a chat and get a feel for them and their aftercare i do know that they run clinics in Belfast where i live so that was a positive.

    i think i am just nervous and have no idea why as previously said i really know its the right path for me, suppose its just the unknown really. i am trying to fight through the information and get the answers that i really need i think im drowning at this point lol

    again thank you so much for replies as it definitly helps

  6. Hi All,

    I am considering having mini gastric bypass surgery with Dr Chris De Bruyne at Belgium surgery services.
    I am quite nervous about having to travel to Belgium for the surgery and wanted to know if I would be in safe hands with the surgery and after care.
    Can anyone please tell your experience with the Surgeon? and also your personal experience with the surgery - if there was anything that you weren't aware of pre-surgery.
    I do have my heart set on having this surgery and I have done quite a lot of research into this,
    I would love to hear peoples own experiences to help nudge me in the right direction.
    I'm based in N.Ireland and I'm aware that there are no surgeons here that carry out this procedure so I will have to travel regardless I'm just wondering if England would be a better option?
    Any Advice on this would be much appreciated as I am sure you all know how I am feeling at this moment information melt down!!!

  7. Hi All, Not sure if i'm in the right place here sorry if not!!,

    I am considering having mini gastric bypass surgery with Dr Chris De Bruyne at Belgium surgery services.

    I am quite nervous about having to travel to Belgium for the surgery and wanted to know if I would be in safe hands with the surgery and after care.
    Can anyone please tell your experience with the Surgeon? and also your personal experience with the surgery

    - if there was anything that you weren't aware of pre-surgery.
    I do have my heart set on having this surgery and I have done quite a lot of research into this,
    I would love to hear peoples own experiences to help nudge me in the right direction.
    I'm based in N.Ireland and I'm aware that there are no surgeons here that carry out this procedure so I will have to travel regardless I'm just wondering if England would be a better option?
    Any Advice on this would be much appreciated as I am sure you all know how I am feeling at this moment information melt down!!!

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