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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by frazzledmomof2

  1. Hello All. I'm getting banded in a month and was told to start a one month liquid diet since I have gained weight since my first visit last November. I was doing good until this afternoon and just crashed since I had a pounding headache and growling stomach. My question is how many others have had to endure something as cruel and torturous as a 30 day fast. My second question is have many others been declined surgery due to the fact that weight wasn't lost prior to surgery?
  2. Just curious about the endoscopy I am scheduled for beginning of August. You are completly anesthetized for this right? Just wondering what others have experienced during there endoscopy?
  3. frazzledmomof2

    Endoscopy concerns

    This "twilight sedation" is freaking me out. I don't like the idea of something going down my throat in the first place. But from what I have read you can respond or hear voices I believe. But after you can either have total amnesia or they say bad memories of episode. I'm trying not to think too much about it cause I have no choice in the matter (I need to do endoscopy) but I hope I get the knock you out completely drug.
  4. Just asked my surgeon if I could get my tubes tied during lapband procedure? I have been wanting to get my tubes tied but didn't want to go through the whole ordeal of procedure. Now that I'm getting the lapband, I thought this is the perfect opportunity. Has anyone else out there had other procedures done during there lapband? I'm currently awaiting an answer from doctor.
  5. frazzledmomof2

    Endoscopy concerns

    So from what everyone seems to be saying is that your still pretty zonked when you are done. I guess I should have my in-laws stay for a few hours after I get back to still keep an eye on the kids.
  6. frazzledmomof2

    Getting lapband and tubes tied?

    Just got call from surgeon's office and they said it's fine as long as the GYN I choose will do it laporascopically and works in the same hospital. So now I need to try and find a GYN in that location. She also said it shouldn't add too much time to my surgery since tube tying is quick. So I will keep you guys posted. Thanks for all your feed back.
  7. frazzledmomof2

    Getting lapband and tubes tied?

    I hope I am able to go through with it. I don't want to be on the pill for the rest of my life and this seems like a good time as any.
  8. frazzledmomof2

    Tricare South - Status 'Pended': What does that mean??

    Good luck with everything. Half the battle is almost complete!:smile2:
  9. frazzledmomof2

    Getting lapband and tubes tied?

    Will do April. I have not yet heard back from them since they told me they were waiting to ask the main doctor. But I will call today to see if they have an answer for me.
  10. frazzledmomof2

    Endoscopy concerns

    ****Phew**** I thought they sedated you but was not sure. How long after scope did you have to stay?
  11. LMAO....that's why I have been waiting until my kids start camp so I can finally go and get my toes done cause I hate doing them. My poor neglected tootsies.
  12. frazzledmomof2

    Facing my worst fear......

    Ha ha ha ha...that sounds like me when I quite smoking 2yrs ago. I had a great clean house and it was around the holidays so I decorated the house inside and out by myself. Good luck tomorrow. I think I'm just going to do the best I can and maybe try doing diet for 3 wks or so. I'm just worried about hunger pains....hope they won't be so bad.
  13. :frown:I have already been pre-aproved for surgery 8/20 and received my packet from doctors specifying pre-admission testing, doctor clearances & instructions for liquid diet. I knew that I would need to be on a liquid diet for at least 2 weeks before surgery but when I kept reading on I realized that they wanted you to be 15-20lbs lighter than first consult weight. The problems for me is that my consult was back in Nov. 07 and I didn't seriously start thinking about lap band until March 08. Now I have gained 15lbs more than my consult weight from November and that means I now have to lose at least 35lbs. How do I do that....complete liquid diet for as long as one month. How the !@#$%% do I do that! I guess I had it coming! So I need to drink at least 5-6 of these Medi-Fast protein drinks which runs about $15 a day x four weeks which is about $450. I'm going to need the whole Vatican to get through this.
  14. frazzledmomof2

    Facing my worst fear......

    Thanks! They actually told me to start my liquid diet after we get back from vacation which will be July 21st until Aug 19. But husband agrees with you and said that what if I went for my consult in March, then they would have to go by that weight. I'm just worried that they may cancel my surgery if I don't lose the weight. I know liquid diet will be hard since I still have a hubby and two little ones to feed. And guess who needs to do the cooking.
  15. Gosh there are so many that it's hard to think of just a few. I can agree with the airplane seats. I am always so nervous that my growing waistline may mean I need a belt extender. I can't wait to go on amusement park rides again like a roller coaster etc. Give myself pedicures without having to do it standing up. Finally going into Victoria Secrets and buy an article of clothing....anything.
  16. frazzledmomof2

    Tricare South - Status 'Pended': What does that mean??

    Pended or pending to me would mean that maybe they are awaiting more information before approval. The best thing is to contact you provider directly and they should be able to tell you where your at. This is probably the most agonizing part of whole process is the waiting. Good Luck.
  17. frazzledmomof2

    Holy COW...I just hugged my knees...

    HAAAAAA that's funny! I have been procrastinating on my pedicure for that reason only. I hate doing them on my own and with kids home from school havn't been able to go in. You Go!
  18. frazzledmomof2

    My PB from H E double Hockey Stick

    This just came to mind.....I really enjoy big salads from time to time and usally just chop up the salad leaves pretty big. Is salad a hard item to eat?
  19. frazzledmomof2

    Holy COW...I just hugged my knees...

    :crying:I remember pre-kids when I had lost a bunch of weight from Jenny Craig. I could finally cross my legs and found myself doing it always. AHHHHHHHHHH to be at that point again.
  20. frazzledmomof2

    new here from jersey

    Yeah..I finished my classes a while ago and my psych evaluation. The doctors office wouldn't send anything to insurance without that done as well as a 5 yr weight history. I really thought I wouldn't get approved because I thought that it's the Insurance Companies job to find a way not to approve many people. But to my excitement I was approved earlier this week and am schedule for Aug. 20th. I could have had the surgery 3rd week in July but were going away and that would have been hard to do the liquid diet. So I guess this trip will be my last supper b4 liquid diet and baby food. Yummy! :thumbs_up:
  21. frazzledmomof2

    My PB from H E double Hockey Stick

    Havn't had procedure yet. I'm absorbing as much information from others who have been living it personally. My fear is adjusting to a life with a band. Your accustomed your whole life eating a certain way and even when you diet you don't worry about chewing or bite sizes. So this will be a whole new way of life. I'm not that great with change so that's why I'm gathering as much real life experiences as possible. But I appreciate everyones support so far.:thumbs_up:
  22. frazzledmomof2

    Holy COW...I just hugged my knees...

    That's great. I also can't wait until I can cross my legs. Crouching down for long periods hurts as well. You go girl!!!!!!! It's amazing the things we can do once we have lost those extra pounds.:blushing:
  23. Good luck with surgery. I just found out i'm getting banded in Aug. two days ago and I have been full of emotions. Who knows how I will be days before surgery. I'm just trying to take it one day at a time and not even thinking of this liquid diet. By the way what are you drinking? Everyone seems to be doing different things.
  24. How long has you doctor ask you to be on a liquid diet. I've been asked to do three weeks but I've seen on this forum that it is different for everyone. Some people are just dieting b4 surgery or doing South Beach etc. I will deffinately see what I could get around.
  25. :thumbup:Congrats. Yettia.. I just got my date two days ago and I've been going through a whole bunch of different emotions. But reading other posts and there experiences is helping. Everyone on this site has been very helpful so far. Best of Luck to everyone waiting or already banded.:Angel_anim:

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