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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by frazzledmomof2

  1. frazzledmomof2

    Day 10 Liquid Diet

    I'm almost half way there and I thought this was going to be the hardest part of my journey. I was so excited today when I discovered the Vitamin Shoppe and all the new flavors of protein drinks they had. At least now I have variety. Just a few more days of being able to enjoy my dinner salads then only protein drinks for me until my surgery day. I'm proud of myself and even happier to see the scale drop a little. Can't wait to see what my end weight pre-surgery will be.
  2. frazzledmomof2

    Surgery Friday...Please Wish Me Luck

    Good luck. Please let us all know how your experience was. I don't know how I'll react knowing my date is only days away. My date is Aug. 20th.
  3. frazzledmomof2

    Okay. So. Got a phone call today...

    Good for you...you'll be going through I whirlwind of emotions now. Congrats.
  4. frazzledmomof2

    No smoking preop?

    I just wanted to chime in and say that if your girlfriend wants to make this an opportunity to quite smoking than do it. I have been a smoker for 10+ years and have quite now for 21/2 years. I was put on the Chantix and it worked wonders for me. I tried patch and gum and did not help. She's lucky though, my surgeon requires a patient not to smoke 2 months prior to surgery not 2 weeks. I wish her best of luck.
  5. That is the most amazing answer I hear from anyone who has been banded with good results or bad. That they have absolutely no regrets of getting the band and would do it all over again. That is what helps me with my high and lows of my fears. Bravo.....
  6. I can't talk for anyone else but myself. But I'm due to get the band in a few weeks since I have failed in past diet attempts my whole adult life. I have gone through the joys of losing a large amount of weight but surely enough have gained it all back plus some. Now i'm in my mid 30's with two children and the side effects of my stature are now coming into focus like high blook pressure, PCOS, cholesterol etc. So after much consideration I have opted for the band knowing what risk are involved. My view is that if I do nothing the risk can be much greater. As long as you do your part to research and find a well qualified doctor than the rest is left to planning a happy future for yourself. Not sure if this helps you, but I thought I would throw my 2 cents.
  7. frazzledmomof2

    Day 6 Liquid Diet

    Goodluck to the both of you. I know that once I get closer to my date I will be a nervous wreck. Please let me know how everything went and how your progress is doing so I know what to expect.
  8. frazzledmomof2

    Day 6 Liquid Diet

    Well who would have thought that I would make it to day 6. I'm trying to master that head hunger thing you hear people talk about. It's hard to eat till you feel comfortable, I'm used to eating until i'm stuffed but this pre-op diet is helping with that. I never thought I would get so excited about drinking broth or having a salad for dinner. Here's to almost a week and counting.:frown:
  9. frazzledmomof2

    Day 6 Liquid Diet

    My surgery is not until Aug. 20th but since I have gained weight since my first meeting with the doctor it was suggested I increased the pre-op diet by 2 weeks making it a month. At first I was really bummed but I look at this as any weight loss before surgery is a big help. How about you? Have you been banded yet?
  10. frazzledmomof2

    Day 6 Liquid Diet

    Well who would have thought that I would make it to day 6. I'm trying to master that head hunger thing you hear people talk about. It's hard to eat till you feel comfortable, I'm used to eating until i'm stuffed but this pre-op diet is helping with that. I never thought I would get so excited about drinking broth or having a salad for dinner. Here's to almost a week and counting.
  11. frazzledmomof2

    Countdown to new me

    Day 4 of semi-liquid diet and I survived an eating out yesterday. Family went out to Cracker Barrel and I ordered my salad but cheated and added some chicken to it. But much better than it could of been. Still hanging on but finding it hard to add exercise to regime, I hate excercising and really need to find something that I enjoy a little at least. Tomorrow is Saturday and very nervous to see if I will survive my first week-end. Fingers crossed.
  12. frazzledmomof2

    Countdown to new me

    Day 4 of semi-liquid diet and I survived an eating out yesterday. Family went out to Cracker Barrel and I ordered my salad but cheated and added some chicken to it. But much better than it could of been. Still hanging on but finding it hard to add exercise to regime, I hate excercising and really need to find something that I enjoy a little at least. Tomorrow is Saturday and very nervous to see if I will survive my first week-end. Fingers crossed.
  13. frazzledmomof2

    Really freakin out right now!

    I will definately be here for anyone, just like all of you have been so wonderful to me in helping me through my fears. And for the excercising part, I don't think that should be a big issue for slippage at all. I would guess that throwing up constantly would do that since your squeazing your stomach in the process which could result in slipping. But I love this site and am here to stay for the long haul. Thnx again to all that have responded thus far.
  14. I made the absolute mistake to go onto youtube and see lapband success stories which I did find a few (very uplifting). But one thread I did fall upon was a video of some women who is getting her band removed and having a mini gastric bypass. There were many comments about how the bands are failing now and people who arn't able to eat properly and are constantly throwing up. They even have statistics that lapbands have a high success rate of removal by the five year mark. My heart is really palpatating now and have extreme doubts. Please I need to know that people have been able to live comfortably with this band for many, many years with no complications. :smile2:
  15. frazzledmomof2

    Really freakin out right now!

    Everyones posts have been very helpful and I feel so much better. Still a little nervous but other than making all the right decisions a life with the band is alot better than staying in the rut i'm already in. I guess the lesson to learn is that once banded you have to be able to read your body and it's messages, know your limitations and make the right decisions. As everyone here has said and i agree "The band is a tool to help you out"
  16. frazzledmomof2

    Really freakin out right now!

    I enjoy red meat but don't need to eat it every night. What examples of red meat are not well digestable (all cuts of steaks). I'm completely willing to do the work involved and am becoming more aware that there is no magic pill to weight loss. I guess that video just scared me about the not getting anything down part and about the failure rate (if that's true). And I completely agree with you that she could have made better food options.
  17. frazzledmomof2

    Really freakin out right now!

    Forgot to add clip that starting this whole thing if anyone is interested? [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo82IT1FlFc]YouTube - Failed LapBand Patient Converted to MGB[/ame]
  18. frazzledmomof2

    This is sooooo hard!! But SOOOOOOOO worth it!!!

    Good for you. I'm on day 3 of a 30 days mostly liquid diet. For the first two weeks I'm allowed a salad at dinner only but the last two weeks I'm not allowed to have a salad only liquid. It's amazing how much I look forward to my salad at dinner. And I'm not sure if this is allowed on a liquid diet but I have a jello from time to time. Good luck and what I keep telling myself is that the end result is so worth it.
  19. frazzledmomof2

    My count-down to the new me!

    Hi my name is Nancy and I thought as I begin my transition to the new me I will start my own personal journel of my ups and downs. Mostly for my own personal help to get me through the rough times and remind myself why I started this jorney in the first place. I am starting day 3 of my liquid pre-op fast and I have 27 more days to go. So far it is not that bad and manageable but I'm not looking forward to the weekend. That is when our family does our errands and such and usually ends in dining out. So my first weekend will be a very big challenge. But I keep telling myself that if I screw this up than there is the very good possibility they could postpone my surgery or not be able to do it laparscopically and have to a big incision. Anways that is my goal to keep on the right track and keep saying to myself that the end result is so worth it, and I am so worth it.
  20. frazzledmomof2

    My count-down to the new me!

    Hi my name is Nancy and I thought as I begin my transition to the new me I will start my own personal journel of my ups and downs. Mostly for my own personal help to get me through the rough times and remind myself why I started this jorney in the first place. I am starting day 3 of my liquid pre-op fast and I have 27 more days to go. So far it is not that bad and manageable but I'm not looking forward to the weekend. That is when our family does our errands and such and usually ends in dining out. So my first weekend will be a very big challenge. But I keep telling myself that if I screw this up than there is the very good possibility they could postpone my surgery or not be able to do it laparscopically and have to a big incision. Anways that is my goal to keep on the right track and keep saying to myself that the end result is so worth it, and I am so worth it.
  21. frazzledmomof2

    My Wife Wants Lap-Band...

    I commend you for being so supportive during this stressful time for your wife. I myself am getting banded next month and have a wonderful husband who is there for me when I need him but will not entertain the idea of getting banded. But honestly I think he doesn't need it and could lose it the conventional way once he puts his mind to it. Maybe following me in my journey my husband will be pushed along the way to a healthier life style as well. Just keep doing what your doing and good luck!:thumbup:
  22. frazzledmomof2

    Pre-op Diet.

    I have been told to do a 30 day liquid diet before surgery. I have gained wieght since my initial consult in November but that is because I waited before going any further and seriously started doing the classes this past April. I was told to do the liquid diet and try to lose as much weight as possible. Has anyone else had this same dilema? I can't imagine lasting a month doing this...maybe 2 weeks is possible but not a month.
  23. frazzledmomof2

    Pre-op Diet.

    Thanks Susanna...I know I'm being a big suck, and many others have gone through this exact same thing. It's just so hard escpecially when you have two young kids and a husband to feed daily. But I will survive!!!!!!!
  24. frazzledmomof2

    Hi! New Here

    Hello Michaele. I'm using Dr. Dobruskin from Freehold which is very convenient. Right now I'm not so nervous since they have me on this liquid pre-op diet for the next month so I'm focusing on that right now. But I know once the day gets closer I will probably be a basket case. I had two c-sections but don't remember being this nervous. As long as you have a support system you will be just fine.
  25. frazzledmomof2

    Hi! New Here

    Hello NJ. I'm from Old Bridge and getting banded Aug 20th. What surgeon are you using?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
