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Posts posted by healthy_steph

  1. My name is Steph and I’m a 32yo junior doctor working in Australia.
    5 years ago I was a highly successful intern at a major public hospital. I loved my job despite the insane hours, and I had just won the “Intern of the Year” prize as voted by my peers. I had just married my amazing partner of 10 years and we were saving to buy a house. The future looked bright- I was about to start my specialty training in General Practice (family medicine) which was the career I had always been so passionate about. Two years more training and a few scary exams to sit and then I would finally be fully qualified!

    But slowly, insidiously, I began to disintegrate. Bit by bit I slid into a deep and terrible depression. I tried everything- yoga, meditation, psychology, exercise, and many many medications. But in the end I became too unwell and was hospitalised, almost catatonic. Over the next two years I spent a total of 10 months in a psychiatric hospital across three admissions. Nearly 100 rounds of ECT caused me to lose huge chunks of my memory (most of which hasn’t returned unfortunately), and we tried just about every medication under the sun. We eventually found one particular medication that, when combined with an antidepressant and lithium, would keep me stable. It seemed like a miracle at first. But then I noticed the weight gain. At first I just said to myself that I’d rather be fat than dead. But 35kg extra weight later I knew I had a serious problem. We managed to re-jig my meds and I slowly weaned off that medication but the weight remains and because my other meds also promote weight gain on a lesser scale I’m now seriously struggling to lose anything.
    After countless diets and weight loss medications, dietitian appointments and weight loss programs I have decided it is time for something more drastic. So I am booked for a VSG on the 22nd of March and I can’t wait to have my body look more like my normal self!

    These days I am doing very well mentally, I’m back at work and studying for those crazy exams, and in my downtime I’m trying to make new memories with my awesome hubby who has stayed by my side through the absolute wreckage of our lives and is still my number one supporter.
    So stay tuned for updates as I start my pre-op diet on Monday and get started on this next phase of my journey


  2. Meeeeeee!! I’m booked for March 22nd too! Last time I booked I got cold feet and backed out (as it turns out it would have gotten cancelled anyway because we went into a 4 month lockdown that week) but this time I feel more confident and comfortable with my decision so it’s going ahead.
    I’m starting a low carb diet this weekend until the day before surgery when it’s a liquid diet only for 24 hours. I’m starting from a “lower” BMI (26.6) and all my bloods looked great so my surgeon said I didn’t have to do the 2 week Meal Replacement diet thank goodness!

    Where abouts are you having your surgery? I’m in Melbourne, Australia 🇦🇺

  3. Hey!

    Im about to have the sleeve done with a BMI of 35.4 (H: 161cm CW: 93kg)- there’s lots of others on here who have had the sleeve done at a similar BMI and had great success. Certainly my entire medical team (GP, surgeon, psychiatrist) were happy with my decision and they all believe it would be helpful for me in many ways.
    Did you have any specific concerns or questions?

  4. Yay for some surgery twins! I’m also on the 22nd of March

    can’t believe it’s just over 3 weeks away- I can’t wait for it to be done

    I am on the low side for BMI:

    hw: 96kg

    cw: 93kg

    gw: 65kg

    height: 161cm

    current BMI: 35.9

    But I’m incredibly uncomfortable with my weight after gaining over 30kg very rapidly thanks to a medication for depression. I’m hoping to lose enough so that I feel more like “myself” again. The photos below show me before I gained the weight and after. Hopefully I get back to looking and feeling much more like I was in that “before” picture!

    88BBE7E3-7745-4A74-97FB-43979449BC72.thumb.jpeg.a731e068b1a0ba3d5256bccc9e14b199.jpeg 23381D3D-4FEA-4762-B66A-2758A67666C9.thumb.jpeg.8fd5e48d52f509b959a7c5f82a57913f.jpeg

  5. Hi everyone! I’m getting sleeved on the 22nd of March and I’m getting so excited!

    I have a question though: has anyone done heavy weightlifting (Olympic) or powerlifting after they’ve had a VSG?

    I’m keen to know when you were able to train with reasonable weights and if you did any light bodyweight training earlier during recovery?


  6. Getting sleeved on the 22nd of March in Melbourne and would love some Aussie buddies to chat to!

    Any other Australians here, either pre or post op? Please share your story with me

    I’ll go first: my name is Steph and I’m a junior doctor training to be a GP. I’ve always been slightly overweight but then I fell into a severe, deep, treatment resistant bout of depression. I was treated with antipsychotics which, along with the complete lack of physical activity from being hospitalised for a total of 10 months in 2 years caused me to stack on more than 30kg in a short amount of time.
    Fortunately my depression is now in remission, I’m back at work, and I have been dieting and exercising to keep healthy. Unfortunately that hasn’t resulted in much weight loss, probably because I’m still on quite a few meds. So I decided to try a VSG on the advice of my doctor. I researched for ages and spoke to a lot of people about it and eventually came to the decision that this was the right choice for my health. I’m now 4 weeks away from my surgery date and I’m so excited (and a little bit anxious)- can’t wait for it to be done!

    So let’s hear your stories, I’d love to get to know you all a bit...

  7. Newbie here, booked for VSG on March 22nd. Just wondering if anyone has some success stories with the VSG while taking antidepressants/ antipsychotics/ lithium?

    Ive had extremely severe treatment resistant depression and gained over 30kg thanks to one particular medication. Fortunately we found an alternative option for that med but I’m still left on several meds that can affect my weight. I’ve now stabilised but the weight won’t budge no matter what I try at the moment so I’m a little nervous that I’ll go through this major operation with no good outcome.

    I’d love to hear from anyone else who struggles with their mental health- it can be such a lonely journey sometimes

  8. Hi everyone! Newbie here...

    I’m in my early 30’s, married with furbabies, currently trying to juggle study, working part time as a GP, and keeping fit. I love to do powerlifting but a series of illnesses and injuries have gotten in the way recently so I’m looking forward to getting stuck into it again once I’m cleared post-op!

  9. Newbie here, I’m getting sleeved on the 22nd of March at a BMI of 35.1

    Ive had so many people tell me I’m not “that” fat but I’m sorry, 35.1 is severely obese (even though I may not look “that fat”) and as a doctor I know the risks that come with excess weight. I also know the research around weight loss and that this is my best shot of losing the weight and maintaining it long term. I have tried every diet known to man, been to see countless dietitians, have tried all the medications, I exercise like crazy and all I’ve managed is to stall the weight gain. My hubby and I want to start a family next year and I want to give myself the best opportunity for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby- which means I need a healthy weight. I feel my weight is impacting on my chronic Migraines and my asthma, and I’m really hoping that losing the weight and feeling better about myself will be that last thing I need to finally fully recover from years of severe treatment resistant depression.

    So yes, many reasons why I am choosing to have a sleeve at a “low” BMI. Mostly I just want to be healthy!

    Thanks for reading...

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