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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SummerTimeGirl

  1. Was just curious if anyone has any favorite websites they follow that helps give them ideas for meal prep/plans/etc? I'll go first. One site I really like is Bariatric Queen. She breaks everything down to shopping lists for the week, recipes for said meals for the week, macros, etc. I really like it and think you will too. Anyway, curious to hear about some of your favorites. https://bariatricqueen.com/
  2. So I've had it happen before and it was due to low iron. I have also been anemic all my life so it's not unusual for me. But yeah, the last 3 days I've had that whooshing, air blowing type sound in my ears and it's annoying as hell! I'm assuming, like I said, it's due to low iron despite being on 65mg dose which is usually enough to keep me right. Have any of you experienced this? Which brings me to my next issue, if you wanna call it that. It's bad enough my iron is routinely low even with supplements, but I think it's even worse now since surgery because now I am barely, if at all, getting in vegetables each day. Veggies and my supplements would keep me in the norm range if taken regularly. "Protein first" is encouraged, as we all know, but sadly by the time I get in my protein I no longer have room for veggies. This has been the habit/norm for over a month now and now I think it may be taking it's toll. How did you deal with that? Or did any of you even have that same problem of not getting enough veggies in? Should I not worry about it for now since I'm only about 2.5 months out? Will it eventually work it's way out? I did contact my family doc, whom I see next month, to ask about getting iron specific blood work done but he said we will just wait and see what the normal CBC tests reveals next month first. He said if my levels are lower than what they were in May, my last tests, that he would certainly order more iron specific testing to be done. And my tests in May had me at the very bare minimum levels when it came to iron. I also expressed to him that I will be taking a new one a day vitamin this week and will rely solely on the vitamin (which includes 45mg of iron) for my iron (aside from some foods). I told him I didn't want to get too little but also didn't want to get too much. It's a very fine line with me when it comes to this issue. Been battling it all my life. I believe 18 mg is what the average woman my age supposedly needs. But as you see, I take 65 and I still think I'm falling short. Last Jan/Feb it was so low (I had stopped taking it for 6 months) that I was tired all the time and couldn't even stay awake during the day, was moody, emotional, etc. So I doubled my dose for several weeks and once I felt better I knocked it back down to the normal dose. That set me straight until now. Now I think I'm falling short again based on some tell tale signs but I guess I'll know for sure next month at my next doc visit/blood work So yeah, has anyone experienced this and how did you deal with the lack of veggies if you've also gone through that? I worry about cutting down on my protein in order to get veggies in cause then I won't be getting in the recommended amount of protein for the day. And I REALLY don't want to have to go back to relying on shakes and the like either if I can help it. Thanks!!!
  3. SummerTimeGirl

    Ringing/Whooshing In Ears

    My protein goal is 60-70 grams a day. I usually, now that I've made an effort for the past several weeks to pay attention to it, get it just about that much. Some days more. I usually have one egg scrambled in the morning or sometimes as an omelet (with cheese). I could try adding veggies in that was as a start. Thanks!!
  4. SummerTimeGirl

    Ringing/Whooshing In Ears

  5. SummerTimeGirl

    Ringing/Whooshing In Ears

    No. No ibuprofen or anything and I always monitor my BP (as per doc) since my meds have been halved on me so it wasn't that either. Today was the first day since Monday that I woke up without it. I think doubling up on the iron these past several days have helped.
  6. SummerTimeGirl

    Ringing/Whooshing In Ears

    I know ferrous fumarate has the most elemental iron (33%) but I take ferrous sulfate which is the second highest (20%). I also used to eat a ton of spinach and foods before surgery that were high in iron and so I was never really lacking in the iron department (until I stopped taking iron supplement, then I regret it). Or at least I was JUST inside the acceptable range. Now it seems I barely eat any of the foods that have high iron content (i.e., beans, potatoes, beef, brown rice, dark green leafy veggies, whole grains, etc). Haven't touched any of it. I also don't really eat red meat. Once in a while ground beef otherwise mostly chicken, fish, shrimp, that sort of stuff. I also have spoken to the surgeon and dietician before and after surgery and both said to continue to take what I was taking before as suggested by my primary doc. They said he knows best since this is an ongoing issue that he's been treating me for over the years. I also just spoke to them last week when talking about taking a new multivitamin and they told me NOT to take any extra supplements with it. That what the multivitamin provided was enough. I mean, I could be worrying for nothing and probably should wait until my next blood test before doing anything new. But I just think I'm starting to feel those side affects that I know all too well...........ear ringing/whooshing, tiredness, headaches, dizzy, etc. Just want to prevent it from getting worse. Thanks for responding.
  7. SummerTimeGirl

    Super tired

    Yeah I was kinda tired and sluggish until I got to the puree/soft food stages which provided substantially more food/nourishment. I was on full liquids for the first two weeks after surgery and for 11 days BEFORE so all together that was almost 4 weeks of nothing but liquids so yeah, I was tired too. LOL
  8. SummerTimeGirl

    Dietician visit and pre op diet

    I hear about being anxious with not knowing. Sadly, no matter what we tell you about our own plans and experiences doesn't mean that will be how yours is. Ya know? But at least it can give you some sort of idea. My surgeon's office/plan whatever you wanna call it, was so easy!! Everything was planned and spelled out for me ahead of time. They made all the appointments with the nutritionist and psychologist. Ones who work with their office (although I could go to alternatives if I wanted) so I didn't have to go searching for any on my own. The only things I did have to do on my own was set up and get my pre medical testing done. And even that was easy as I was able to get it all done at one time at an out patient facility. I also had to do my "homework" which included watching MANY video on the surgery, diet, psychology, etc. and then answer questions on said videos.....all of which I had to pass in order to move on through the process. I know they said Covid made things different and hard but IMO it made it easier cause I did most of this stuff, but for the medical tests, from the comfort of my home via calls and/or videos or via website when it came to the videos and tests. No trucking around from appointment to appointment or class to class. It all went smoothly and quickly for me.
  9. I believe what you're interested in or worried about is the mons pubis or pubic mound. Which tends to be fattier on women. I believe they have ways of fixing that in both men and women if that area is too fatty. A search on Google, with those terms, will find some examples of before and after.
  10. SummerTimeGirl

    Dietician visit and pre op diet

    Well everyone's plan and office is different. My insurance/doc did NOT require me be on any sort of diet (or lose or maintain any sort of weight) as I waited for surgery. But I decided to put myself on a low carb/no sugar diet just to get used to things for after surgery. It helped and I lost like 18lbs in the few months before surgery. When it came to the liver shrinking diet, mine was for11 days BEFORE the surgery. It was all liquids, and 5 protein shakes a day (they of course suggested what they carry in the office but I just did Premier) and some of certain veggies. NO MEAT at all. But again, everyone's plan is different. Did they not give you any info yet? I know when I first called and expressed interest, even before I met with the surgeon for the first time, I was immediately sent a binder of info on the different kinds of surgeries, what happens before and after surgery, the diet afterwards, recipes, the diet before, info on vitamins, etc.
  11. SummerTimeGirl

    What are you looking forward to ?

    I was most excited to get off some or all of my medicines (Lisinopril for HP, Metformin for Insulin Resistance and PCOS, Hydrochlorothiazide for BP). I also wanted to prevent becoming a Type 2 Diabetic. Sadly during my pre-testing for surgery I discovered I was just over that threshold (6.7). I had my surgery on May 19th at which time the surgeon took me off the Hydrochlorothiazide. Three weeks later my family doc cut my Lisinopril dosage in half and only once a day vs twice. I'm hoping by next month to be cut down again of the HP meds or maybe even totally off of it and hopefully the Metformin too. And hopefully my A1C has returned to normal too. Fingers crossed.
  12. SummerTimeGirl

    Does no one eat a cookie now and then??

    Having grandkids who live in the house and who eat all kinds of "goodies" throughout the day almost every day I can honestly say that I never have an urge to eat any of it. However, there was a time a few weeks ago when we had a family reunion and had family here for a few days and we would put some foods and treats out for everyone to eat in between meals and I did have some. I had about a 6 Doritos. I had a few and was satisfied and done. I did not feel the need to keep going or to have more. It also didn't trigger any sort of urge to cheat or eat those sorts of foods beyond that one time. I did it. It was good. I felt no need to beat myself up over it. Like the nutritionist says, if you're having something in genuine serving size or less and not sitting and eating handfuls or a bagful, you'll be ok.
  13. SummerTimeGirl

    Really Need Some Help

    First, sorry for the loss of your Father. I know how hard that can be especially being in an area where you have no support from family or friends. I've heard that people who have the surgery often pick up other vices that can be bad for them. But IMO, sounds like you're already taking the steps you need to in order to turn things around. You recognized you have a problem, stopped the drinking, joined a gym, eating better and more importantly are seeking help from a therapist. I think those are all things most people here would suggest. I personally don't think 215 is so far away/too far from your previous weight/goal. I'm confidant you will get down to that again and most likely in not much time at all. I really don't have anything else to offer in way of advice but I do wish you luck in getting yourself back on track.
  14. SummerTimeGirl

    How Many Times?

    Oh sorry. I thought you were asking in general of everyone.
  15. SummerTimeGirl

    How Many Times?

    Was approved the first and ONLY time we submitted to the insurance co.
  16. SummerTimeGirl

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    UPDATE: Just wanted to give a quick update on the inches I lost. So, I took my measurements today and since the beginning of May I have lost a total of 29.8 inches!!! The breakdown looks like this: May to June I lost: 16.8 inches June to July I lost: 5.3 inches July to August I lost: 7.7 inches Some of the biggest inches lost were............. 5 inches off my hips 3 in my breasts 7 in my stomach I also contacted my surgeon's office and asked about the ProCare branch One A Day Multi-vitamin. I read about it here and was curious if my office would say it fit or not into my program/dietary needs. Looking at the nutritional values I was also curious about not having to take the extra B1, B12, Calcium and Iron. All supplements I buy and take as extras right now as the Flintstones chewables don't provide enough. My office said that it looked good and that I also would NOT have to take extra B1, B12, Iron (I got the multivitamin with 45 mg of iron) or Calcium as it provides more than enough! So that's great to hear. My hope was to eventually be taking less meds/supplements/vitamins and now I am. I will have my first post surgery blood work drawn at the end of the month, beginning of next month and see how I fare in that department. Fingers crossed there is a great improvement.
  17. SummerTimeGirl

    Post VSG Regrets?

    No regrets! I'm already off half my medication and losing at a good pace and NOT having any issues. Never have, thankfully. I think my biggest issue is gonna be all the extra skin when it's all said and done (having some already and still have about 80 lbs to lose). And sadly I don't think I'll ever be in the position to afford removing it. THAT is my only worry, I'd say, more than a regret.
  18. SummerTimeGirl

    How Many Times?

    I was approved right away the first time we (myself/surgeon) applied with mine.
  19. SummerTimeGirl

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    I hear you! The 18th is my next appointment with the dietician and my surgeon and they should give the ok by then! If not I think I'm just gonna go ahead anyway especially since I feel totally fine and healed up. My insides gotta be by now too. It's been 3 months (at least by then). I've already been feeling like I should have been working on toning long ago. My husband says he can really see it in my (under) arms and backs of my legs that I really lost a lot of weight. The grandkids tell me too. So yeah, I NEED to get to toning/gaining muscle to hopefully HELP that from getting too out of control with sagging and whatnot.
  20. SummerTimeGirl

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    Yes, I've heard that too but I already take extra iron since I'm anemic. Maybe I just needed a lil extra more? Who knows.
  21. I was only given water during my stay one night stay. LOL Which was fine with me cause I didn't feel like having anything else anyway.
  22. I use Cronometer app for the food and I use the FitIndex for a bathroom scale........... https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078HW8BPY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  23. SummerTimeGirl

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    Well I had the sleeve so bypass recovery may be different than mine. But overall, I don't think my recovery was long at all. Just the not being able to sleep part was a pain in the butt. LOL But I read how others who had the sleeve were sleeping just fine right after surgery so it truly does vary. And the pain wasn't excruciating or anything. More of an annoyance mostly. As for work, I'm a homemaker/housewife so I didn't need to worry about that. I can say my husband had off like the first 4 days to help me out with the grandkids who I take care of during the day (they also live with us with my son and DIL) and I really didn't need the help. Especially since I tried to be up and walking around as much as possible. About the only thing I needed to worry about was the kids jumping on/near me and not lifting things I shouldn't. Otherwise it was pretty easy. As for vitamins, I still take two Flintstones Complete chewables (as recommended by my doc) but I think when they run out I will switch to something recommended on here (ProCare) that is truly just one a day. Just waiting on my doc office to get back to me with whether or not it's a good one to take and if it meets all the requirements I need. If it's ok, it also will meet my iron and B12 needs so that I will no longer need to take those as extras. I'm trying to get rid of taking as many things as I can/least amount of pills. LOL
  24. SummerTimeGirl


    Oh yeah. I forgot about the soap. Then they also made me wipe down again the morning of the surgery even though I used that soap the night before and morning of. LOL
  25. SummerTimeGirl

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    You'd think. My husband seems to think that it's just that I carried my weight so well that perhaps that's why they aren't noticing yet. Gotta love him. I laughed and was like, yeah ok. But then he reminds me of how many doctors and nurses have said the same and/or been surprised to see my actual weight once I get on the scale vs. what I looked like to them beforehand. Who knows. I worry about not fitting into smaller clothes. I personally don't like tight/form fitting clothes. Especially not at this weight. So it worries me to try for something smaller. My biggest problem areas were always my mid section. Although I have lost lots of inches in that area (and others) but probably not enough to fit a smaller jean size which is why I keep wearing my loose cotton capris. LOL Maybe I'll break down and try something smaller on at the store just for reference purposes.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
