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Del Renee

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Del Renee

    • Good morning everyone. I pray all is well. I'm doing well, Just had one setback. I was in the hospital, had to have another surgery on yesterday. I was experiencing excruciating pain for about 4 weeks. I went the ER had a CAT scan they didn't see anything, the said I was having "muscle spasms.) so they gave me some pain medicine & nausea pills & sent me home. I still wasn't getting any relief. I couldn't eat anything; i felt like it was stuck at the top of my sternum. then I'd make myself throw up just to get relief. So i basically went back to the liquid diet to prevent that from happening. I called my surgeon was ordered to have a CAT scan with dye. Still everything looked normal. so he needed to go back into surgery so he could find something, an he did. when I had my bypass he removed a hiatal hernia. This time they removed a hidden which only be seen by going in. he also fixed some openings (spaces) he said because I've so much weight that sometimes happen. But aside from that, I feel amazing. I'm down 60 lbs. My coworkers have noticed a change in me. He put me back on a liquid diet, but little did he know I had already gotten back on that. I walk 6-7 miles a day, I got a gym membership, so yay! I Once I heal, I'll be back at it. I'm so proud of all of you. keep up the good work, We are blessed to be able to have this opportunity. I know a lot of people who wants this surgery, but their insurance won't approve it. Congratulations on all of your accomplishments.

  1. On 1/24/2021 at 9:00 AM, TrueNorth1 said:

    Welcome Renee!

    How are you feeling? Looks like you are doing great!

    I'm doing better, I go on Tuesday to get an endoscopy and they will open up the restriction. I'm so ready for some relief. I'm still losing, but i suspect that will slow down a little once I'm able to get/keep food down. I'm 215. On the day of surgery I had gotten down to 265. Good luck to all.

  2. Hi, I am 10 weeks post-op for gastric bypass; performed on November 9, 2020. I have lost a total of 47 lbs. I have a few concerns. For the past two weeks I haven't been able to eat anything without being in excruciating pain. They also removed a Hiatal hernia during my surgery. I never knew I had a hernia, it didn't bother me, and now I'm really hurting. I usually end up making myself vomit when I eat something just to alleviate the pain. My concerns are, am I losing weight because of the surgery, or because I'm unable to eat, or drink. I threw up just after drinking a Protein Shake and was in pain for hours. I'm ok as long as I don't eat anything, but I don't want to become mal-nutritioned. I take my Vitamins daily, but.... I need to get some nutrition. I saw my Dr on Thursday and he has ordered an endoscopy to see if my tube has become constricted (narrowed). If so, they'll open it back up. Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, please advise.

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