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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Jnfinney

  1. Jnfinney

    Surgery tomorrow!

    No I did not. I was told several times that I’m very healthy 👍🏻
  2. Jnfinney

    Surgery tomorrow!

    Yes, they called it a spinal. They said I will get a local anesthetic, then they will put the block in my spine. They said it will help with pain management which ultimately will help with nausea.
  3. Jnfinney

    Pro OP liquid diet

    I don’t see why it wouldn’t be because all it is is broth with different seasonings.
  4. Jnfinney

    Pro OP liquid diet

    Yes, the good and gather ramen starter has so much flavor! Plain broth desperately needs seasoning, so I've been buying lots of different flavors of ramen noodles. I use the flavor packet and throw the noodles away.
  5. Jnfinney

    I "snuck" having WLS

    Before my boyfriend was supportive of my decision, he told me that I had been watching too much My 600 LB Life.....
  6. I am on day 11 of my pre-op diet and am having surgery Monday. The past 3 days I've been experiencing dizzy/lightheaded spells. They come on suddenly and only last a second or two and typically occur when I am standing or walking. Has anyone else experienced this or know what could be causing it? I have attributed it to the fact that I've been on a liquid diet for over a week, but I'm not totally sure.
  7. Jnfinney

    What is your why?

    My why is pretty complex. I’ve been overweight since I was about 9. At 11 years old I was diagnosed with hashimotos disease and hypothyroidism. I was bullied physically, verbally, and emotionally for years in school due to my weight. As I entered my 20s my cholesterol and blood pressure were creeping up to borderline needing medication. I suffer from horrible depression and anxiety and my poor self image doesn’t help with that at all. Last summer, I reached my highest weight ever of 235 despite regular exercise and attempts to eat healthier. I have just had it with my weight and decided I needed surgical intervention.
  8. Jnfinney


    @Arabesque that sounds like what I am experiencing. Thank you for sharing.
  9. Jnfinney


    @Hop_Scotch I am allowed to have juice, Gatorade, Powerade, etc. I usually do 1 12 ounce bottle of Gatorade Zero a day and a Propel water along with my other liquids. I'm not really sure how much I'd need to drink to replenish electrolytes, though.
  10. Jnfinney

    A little motivation

    Wow your face is so much slimmer! You look very tired though😴
  11. I am having the sleeve. The bypass was a little too invasive for me. Good luck to you!!!
  12. Jnfinney

    Pro OP liquid diet

    I have been doing Fairlife nutrition plan shakes... and I had never thought of doing that! I think I might try it!
  13. Jnfinney

    Mental hunger

    Well, I am on the pre-op diet and the mental hunger is real. I try to stay busy doing things to keep my mind off of food. Things like cleaning, walking my dogs, reading a book, doing work from home, etc. have helped distract me from my head hunger.
  14. Jnfinney

    Pro OP liquid diet

    @victoriaciminelli111 I am actually really scared to be on liquids for another 2 weeks after surgery because I'm already so over it. I honestly just miss having anything solid at a meal time... I am actually counting down the days until I can have pureed food at this point. I would eat the most bland, unappetizing foods just to have something solid if I could.
  15. @HeatherE Wow that is amazing! Great work! My surgery is this Monday, March 15th. I'm really scared about all the changes and adjustments, but I know 1000% that I want to do this. My dietician told me an ideal weight for my height (5'3") is around 140 pounds... I can't even imagine myself that small! I've fluctuated between 190 and 220 for the past 6 years and I'm just over it.
  16. Thank you, that makes me feel better!
  17. Jnfinney

    Pro OP liquid diet

    I am on day 11 of my pre-op diet. It has been tough for sure. My recommendations are to get a variety of protein shake flavors, depending on what you like. Also get some savory options; I am SOOO tired of sweet things so broth has really helped. I'm also allowed to have tomato juice, so I have a serving of that everyday. I would say I mostly live on actual liquids - I eat about 1 serving of jello a day and I don't really eat many popsicles (mostly because I'm tired of everything sweet). I would also recommend getting some unflavored protein powder to add to your broth. I use Genepro. I also haven't minded the Unjury chicken soup flavor.
  18. @Slownstedy I've lost about 7 pounds in the 10 days I've been on it, I do feel a little down about it, but I started at what is considered a lower weight (226 lbs).
  19. I am not allowed to have any solids, so blending fruit with mine was not an option. I got really tired of sweet stuff, so I've started having broth throughout the day and a serving of tomato juice. However, I would check with your doctor/dietician to see what you are allowed per your plan. I'm on day 10 of my pre-op.... it definitely has been a struggle but we can do this!
  20. @DoodlesMom I think I waited 1 and a half to 2 months for my initial consult with the surgeon. However, he is the only surgeon who does bariatric surgeries where I am going, so I assumed he had a lot of other patients and appointments, so I was okay with the wait.
  21. Jnfinney

    7 days post op

    My surgeons office states to absolutely not advance your diet without clearance. Maybe you could get ahold of your dietician for some advice or ideas? I was thinking the same thing @chiquitatummy said above - try adding different flavorings to your drinks. I had to start doing that because I'm beginning to struggle with the pre-op diet. @Glows my surgeon said it was okay to add Metamucil to my liquids, but maybe you'd want to ask yours about that.
  22. Jnfinney

    Scared to have surgery!

    I am about to have surgery (in 5 days) and I have had some of the same thoughts as you. However, I always go back and think to myself, "all my efforts to maintain a healthy weight on my own have failed, and I have been acquiring more and more weight-related health issues." Overall, I decided to view this almost as a 'once in a lifetime opportunity' because of these reasons.
  23. Quick question... I understand all surgeons are different as are their plans. My surgeon is not allowing me to have caffeine on my pre-op diet. I am a teacher trying to make it through parent/teacher conference week on a liquid diet, little sleep, and no coffee. Does anyone know the reason for not having coffee/caffeine on the pre-op diet? I could use a hot cup right about now... 😴
  24. I am on day 8 of my pre-op liquid diet. I have done well...until yesterday. I'm not sure what came over me, but I ate an entire handful of almonds and immediately experienced immense regret. I know I need to follow this diet to shrink my liver, I have no excuses for what I did. I just feel ashamed and needed to get it off my chest!
  25. Jnfinney

    Caffeine on Pre-op Diet

    @OAGBPal I appreciate the humor in your response! I had a good laugh, which cheered me up. My only concerns are that I want to be as successful as possible because I've worked really hard to get here, so I want to follow my surgeon's plan as well as I can. Do I think a single cup of coffee will derail my progress and approval? No, but I am trying to make lifestyle changes and it is so hard. @chiquitatummy Thank you for your response, that does make a lot of sense now that you say it. Overall, I guess I will try a cup of hot herbal tea and see if that tricks my brain 😂

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