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Posts posted by soontobefitmom628

  1. 6 hours ago, Orig Ironman said:

    Like others on the liquid diet I would get cravings and hunger and did not want to stray from directions but I had a few pureed meals early hoping to satisfy hunger and it worked a bit. My doctor told me an extra shake on the liquid diet would not hurt. I saw somewhere that the average post op stomach pouch can hold 5 tablespoons. My NUT told me we are allowed 8 Tablespoons on the pureed diet. So my advice is check with your NUT and doctor and have them verify the amount of food that should make you feel full. A tablespoon of eggs sounds like a drop in the bucket. I think we are all justifiably so afraid of overeating that we are constantly underestimating the amounts we can have on the diet, especially when we are having few or no other side effects.

    I have been wondering about this! I am day 11 post op sleeve and am dying to eat something of substance...puree would he heaven. I almost did it today and made eggs but I didn't. I am so afraid of doing something wrong and ending up back in the hospital.

  2. 1 minute ago, Kris77 said:

    Hang in there. It WILL get better. I wasn’t hungry at all after surgery. I doubt you have actual hunger. It’s prob head hunger from old habits. Just remember why you did this. You will be a new you very soon and you have already taken the first step so that’s a step in the right direction! Keep focused. Stay hydrated. Small sips. You got this!!

    Thank you sooo much for this. It is amazing how strangers can be so much more supportive than my own family. Seriously much appreciated ❤

  3. 18 hours ago, Kris77 said:

    Hey how did your surgery go?

    It was rough. Very rough. I am in the regret stage right now for sure. After surgery my blood pressure was very high and I was on telemetry for my heart (I've never had issues prior). I was so so so sick and really struggled. I was discharged home and still sick. Today is day 6 and I am struggling mentally with the food breakup. I want food so badly. I know I will get over it and time will pass and I will be able to eat again, but it is mentally tough. I am feeling a little better, but would really love a burger right now lol time will pass and ill get better. And hopefully in a few months I won't regret this as much as I do now.

  4. 4 hours ago, Dogmom68 said:

    You are welcome! Good to hear you are doing better. I’m counting down my days until my surgery on the 9th! I’m nervous but I know I’ll be okay. I have a very supportive husband who keeps reminding me everything will be fine. 🤞🏻 Wish me luck! 😊

    Yes everything will go smoothly! The staff at the hospital have everything down to a perfect science and will take great care of you and also it so great to have your husband be so supportive! Best of luck and keep us updated!! Thank you for all of your support ❤

  5. 2 hours ago, Dogmom68 said:

    You can do this! I’m so sorry you’re having such a rough go of things. You really can do this and things WILL get better! Keep doing what you know you’re supposed to do. Remember all the reasons why you decided to take this step and keep your eyes on your goal. It WILL be worth it!!! Sending strength and big hugs to you! 💕

    Thank you so much ❤ I made it home from the hospital finally and am doing much better with keeping fluids down and not as much nausea. Thank you for thinking of me!!

  6. 1 minute ago, Dogmom68 said:

    Hope you are doing well! Post when you feel up to it and let us know how you’re doing.😊

    Hey! So this was a lot rougher than I had anticipated. I'm on day 3 and still very naseaus and vomiting. Gas pains are terrible and I am doing my best to keep walking. My BP was very elevated in the hospital and I ended up staying instead of it being a day surgery due to the nausea and vomiting. I am only able to get 1oz down of Protein Shake and that takes me over an hour. I am able to keep Water down but that also takes me so long. Hoping as the days go on things will improve! They have to! I am definitely in the "I wish I never did this" stage.

  7. On 1/24/2021 at 3:57 PM, Dogmom68 said:

    I’ve been dealing with major back problems, too. I’m scheduled for another procedure on Feb 2 in Jacksonville, FL and then I have my VSG on Feb 9 here in Tallahassee. It’s taken a lot of coordinating to get everything scheduled. I sure hope your back is doing well (back problems are no joke!) and I hope you can get your VSG scheduled soon. Best wishes and definitely keep me posted! 😁

    Well the day is here and all has gone as planned so far! I am waiting for my turn now.

  8. 4 minutes ago, GreenThumb said:

    Mine is Feb 3 after being postponed in November due to COVID. Starting the liquid diet Wednesday. I was in a really great headspace in November, but not doing as great after losing momentum. I hope your surgery goes great and that you have support at home!

    Yay!! Surgery buddies! I meet with the nutritionist (for the hundredth time lol) on Wednesday morning and I am assuming will start liquid diet after that? They haven't instructed me yet to start but maybe then. I also am not doing well at all with dieting/lifestyle changes. I have been at this waiting for so long it starts to feel like it will never happen and I keep letting myself down in old habits and cycles. Hopefully as more real this gets for us and when it actually is happening that will get our momentum back! We got this!! Good luck to you!!

  9. I’m scheduled for VSG on February 9 here in Tallahassee, FL. COVID numbers are very high down here but, as far as I’ve heard, my surgery will go ahead as planned. Our hospital is on “lock-down” so only one person can come in the hospital with me (my husband) and even then he’ll have to pass the screening. I’m nervous but more excited since I’ve been working toward this for what seems like forever.
    I hear you on that! They made me go through quite the program to get to this point and between it all I have been in and out of the hospital with back issues that pushed this off, so all together I've been waiting 2 years since I decided this was for me. I cried when I finally got to meet with the surgeon! Good luck to you and I'll make sure to post when I have mine done!

    Sent from my SM-N975U using BariatricPal mobile app

  10. Hi everyone! I am new here and wanted to see if anyone is having surgery on or near Feb 2?! I am having the gastric sleeve done. Since Covid is still causing hospitals to be overflowing they are doing my surgery as a day surgery. Has anyone had this done as a day surgery? I'm nervous and excited and still in shock that it's happening! I am a little concerned with it being a day surgery but I'm sure they know what they're doing.

    Any tips or tricks would be appreciated!


    Sent from my SM-N975U using BariatricPal mobile app

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