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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by leknigh

  1. I agree with the other posters, ultimately this decisions is yours alone to make, and you are doing it for your health. It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders about the decision, and I can relate to being frustrated when others just don't "get it".

    I'm sure what you're experiencing is not only jealousy, but pure concern on the behalf of some. Many people don't know a lot about this surgery, and may assume it's just as risky as gastric bypass, or something else that's more invasive.

    I say tell your friends when you feel it's the right time for you (when, or if, that time comes). When you do talk to them, just explain you are doing this for yourself, your health, and your children. Afterwards, I say just leave it at that. If they have real questions about procedure fine, but if they want to "bash" or minimize your choice or efforts then change the subject or ignore the response as best as you can. Your real friends will sort themselves out I'm sure...

    Best of luck to you! :(

  2. Hello! I think we've chatted on here before...

    I had surgery with Dr. Curry on August 5th. I honestly haven't spoken to him in person too often (I'm sure because he's busy where he's needed - doing surgery), but his staff is wonderful and accessible during office hours. Any time I've had an after hours concern or question, I've emailed him directly and received responses so he appears to be very accessible as well.

    As for complications: So far as I know (only a couple weeks out) everything is fine. I will find out early September if my port is still in position when they try to do my first fill. The good thing is, they use fluroscopy (sp?), so they can make sure everything is in place, and have an easier time getting the needle in for your first fill (or any subsequent fills where there are issues).

    I see that you have surgery coming up soon, and that you chose Dr. Curry. I think you will be very happy with your choice! :(

  3. Hello! The card is real, I was given one to put in my wallet after surgery. I believe they are a fairly new thing, as my surgeon's office just started handing them out.

    As for the discount...your post, and one I read yesterday, is the first time I'd heard of it. I can't imagine that's too common (at least not where i live).

  4. Does anyone know how to do a search on here by thread title only? Is there even a way to do this? From what I can tell, it looks like the search function is picking up what people have posted and replied, within the thread. That's wonderful it can pick things up that way, but usually I don't find what I'm looking for (because the thread title has nothing to do with what I'm searching for, and there may be 13+ pages of responses so it's hard to say if what I'm searching for is even in there).

    **Note**Not knocking this site - I love it! :biggrin: Just wondering if there is a better way to do a subject search...

    Thanks all!

  5. I am having a hard time with the search function on this site - so apologies if this is a common question! :biggrin:

    Lately, I have been noticing when I wake up in the morning, and after some meals, that my throat gets very dry, but I have this "drainage" in the back of my throat. It's not a lot or anything, but I can't tell if it's just allergies - or if that is what "sliming" is?

    Thanks for your advice!

  6. I have lost 21 pounds since the 10 pre surgery diet from 238 to 217.

    I have the required 60 grams of Protein ,so are you all saying I need to ingest more than that?

    **Not at all. You didn't mention your meal plan or Protein intake previously (at least that I had noticed). You just said you didn't have a good dietician, and that she said to not listen to her??? So I was just offering up what information has stuck in my mind the most. I'm only a couple weeks in and still trying to figure out my meal plans, so I guess I don't really have any "good" information for you, or any meal plans - sorry. Maybe you can look for some other threads that focus on meal plans? I'm sure they have some on this site somewhere! :smile2:

  7. Hollie - You are an amazing young woman! Of course I've never met you, but from reading some of the posts you've left for others, and this very personal thread of your own - I still can never believe it when I read your age is only 18. You are so wise and mature beyond your years, and have so many positive and intelligent things that you share with the rest of us.

    So THANK YOU for continuing to share, and major congrats for understanding and fighting those "demons" inside..... I think the majority of us on this site can relate in one way or another, and also learn from you. **BIG HUGS**

  8. Hello all - there's probably no one way to answer this question but I need to get it out....

    Yesterday was my 2 week post-op follow-up. The nurse said everything looked good/was healing well, and that all restrictions were now lifted. I had already been doing some gardening around the house the past couple days (with the help of my husband and his mom who was visiting us), but today (since restrictions were lifted) I decided to go ahead and try to finish planting the few flowers on my own. I watered all the plants in the front and back yard, then began digging holes in the ground for the remaining three. I finished the first hole, which was a little strenous because our "soil" is very rocky and dry. I got it done, and when I bent over/squatted down to take the plant out of it's holder I felt a small "pop". It didn't hurt, but it was noticeable. It reminded me of a button snapping open. It felt like it came from the same area as my port incision, so I'm not really sure if it's the port, or possibly the internal stitches on the incision itself. Either way, I'll probably be stressed until my first fill in a couple weeks :confused2:

    Has anyone else experienced that feeling? And if so, in your case did the port flip? If it makes a difference, my port is located in the center of my abdomen, about 5-6 inches below my breasts.

  9. I am from the batavia area. I was banded sept 11, 07. Coming up on my year soon, unbeliveable. I am 72 pounds down. From a size 20 to a 14. I think i could fit a 12, just haven't tried yet.

    That's wonderful - congrats to you! I was just banded August 5th. I lost about 10 lbs. during the pre-op, and then another 6 lbs. shortly after surgery, however - it seems as if I'm already gaining and losing the same 3 lbs. since then. I'm not too worried about it yet though, I know I'll probably lose more slowly than others since I have PCOS. Plus, I haven't had a fill or anything yet, and my appetite has definitely increased since the 1st week post-op.

  10. Hi Lisa - so sorry to hear you aren't getting too many supporting/complimenting comments on your weight loss. That must be really frustrating for you. But don't let it get you too down - one day you'll be on the other side of it and actually tired of people talking about all the weight you have lost hahhahaha (Sounds crazy - but I lost about 60lbs. once before, and that's all anyone would ever talk about. It was awesome at first, but got old.....)

    Take care and great job/congrats to you, on your losing so far!! :blush:

  11. I'm having my surgery with Dr. Curry on Sept. 2nd. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the worse, how bad was the shoulder pain? I want to know what to expect. I understand this is normal with this procedure, but it was explained to me that it was because of gas in the stomach which I would think would be temporary.

    Hi Health4Life,

    Good luck with your surgery. Dr. Curry and his staff are wonderful! I couldn't be happier so far.

    My shoulder pain actually did not come on until about 2-3 days post op. When it was just in my shoulder, I'd probably rate more of a 6-7 on the scale, and it was more irritating/annoying than anything. But on those occasions when it moved up into my neck (and sometimes felt like my head and jaw too) that was probably a 9. It was excrutiating. But once I took the pain meds. and used the ice pack, and/or walked around the house or yard - it would get better after some time. The best thing you can do after surgery is walk around as often as possible. I think this helps dissipate the gas/bloating, and I think it helps your incisions from getting as sore too.

    Just remember, everyone is different though, and you may not experience this at all. (Hopefully not!)

  12. Thanks for the reply. I just wonder why my pain is still here after 2 months! I try some pain relievers, and I normally just try to suck it up. I don't like taking too much medication! Thanks again!


    I'm sorry you've been having that issue for so long - the nurse said it can just come and go. And honestly, I thought it was some issue I would need to see the chiropractor for originally - until I talked to the doctor's office. I know it hurts realy bad - and the only thing I could do for it was pain meds., walking, and a cold compress over the area. The cold compress REALLY seemed to help - so if you haven't tried that one yet, give it a shot.

    Since you've had it for so long, trying calling your DR's office again and asking them if you should be seeing a chiropractor or something? Or if it really is still gas pains?

    I hope you're able to get it out of your system soon - I feel for ya!

  13. Hi Wishful,

    Sorry you are having such a difficult time with your band. Maybe I'm reading into this wrong - since I'm not there and not you, but it almost sounds like your issue may be coming more from the "hunger in your head", than the hunger in your stomach. As everyone always says, the band is only a tool to help you eat better - but you still have to do all the work, and you still have to conquer those demons in your head that tell you to "eat, eat, eat".

    By the vomiting coment, it almost sounds like your band could even be too tight? Otherwise, you should be able to keep down 4-5 bites if you're chewing sufficiently.

    I haven't had a fill yet, but I can tell you from my experience so far that I get the bloating feeling after eating (it's also in my lower stomach, like yours). Sometimes I use that to signal to my head that I am full. I also notice now that some of the swelling from surgery has gone down, that I do get hungry more frequently. I know I can eat more than I do right now - but I'm trying so hard to win the game over my mind, and not do something just because I can. I think if you really try to focus on paying attention to your mind and body, and trying to understand those signals that tell you, you are actually full - you may do better. It's hard though I know, as someone who probably overate most of my life - it's a challenge to understand when I'm full, versus when I want to stop eating. Probably something that will take quite a while to master (if I ever do master it), and I imagine most of us on here will face the same challenges.

    I wish you the best of luck, and if you don't find information on here that helps you, by all means speak to the doctor and/or dietician in your surgeon's office. They should be able to try to work with you to figure out what's going on.

  14. Is anyone else having difficulties removing all of the tape residue from the bandages on surgery day? I was banded August 5th, removed my bandages the next day and I was COVERED in leftover tape residue. I used the lotion they gave me to remove everything, and while it removed the iodine stains, it did nothing for the tape residue. I have been trying every day since to remove it. It's coming off little by little, but I still have a significant amount left and it's (or my removal attempts) are starting to irritate my skin.

    :confused2: Here's what I've tried so far:

    1) Warm and/or Cold Water used with a wash cloth, or paper towels.

    2) Lotion

    3) Soap and water

    4) Nail Polish Remover (I kid you not, a nurse at the dr's office suggested this - but of course I was very sparing in using this so as to avoid the incisions)

    5) My finger nails (this has worked the best, but it's very tedious and irritates my skin)

    Anyone have any other ideas for me?!?!?!

    THANKS ALL!!!! :rolleyes:

  15. Hello all! So the first of my five steri-tape strips came off today, and I have to tell you, I was a little freaked out by what I saw underneath. It was an open incision! YIKES! :rolleyes: There was definitely red slightly puffy skin stretching upwards from the incision - but the opening itself does not appear to be infected. I think it just looks kind of icky because it's healing. Did anyone else have this issue? And if so - did the incision close itself up without the need for additional re-stitching/glueing?

    To be on the safe side, I already spoke with the surgeon, he had me email a picture of it, and seemed to think it looked ok (though the quality of the picture I don't think quite showed it).

    At any rate, to further calm my newbie worries, thought I'd check with you all.

    Take care!

  16. Hi Carmille,

    Definitely sounds like you've had a bit of a rough time with things. Also not cool that it's so difficult for you to get in for a fill. Hopefully things will look up for you.

    As for the lack of energy, a lack of Protein will DEFINITELY do that for you. Also, you could be lacking in Iron. If you're not getting enough protein, then chances are you aren't getting enough iron either. Both of those will go a long way in affecting your energy. Try to up your protein, and look for a good Multivitamin with plenty or iron in it. If your doctor's office has a dietician, speak with him/her about ways to add protein/iron to your diet.

    Maybe you can also start adding a little bit of walking when you can, and work your way up. I'm only one week out from banding, but it's definitely been hard for me to get my usual 30-40 minutes of walking in. I'm lucky if I can make it 20 minutes without wearing out. But I keep trying every day, and I'm noticing that it keeps getting a little easier with time and practice.

    I think little changes in those 3 things will help you see a change in your energy levels.

    Best of luck and take care!

  17. Hi Leknigh,

    Thanks for the reply. I went to the seminar today, had my consult, nutrition seminar and psyc. eval. next Tue and Wed, surgery scheduled for September 2nd. I really enjoyed everyone I spoke with today. How did you do on the 2 week pre op medifast diet? How much did you lose, if any, pre op?

    So you decided on Dr. Curry then? I think you will be very pleased! :)

    I did do the 2 week medifast diet. It was difficult when I wasn't home alone to not crave everything, but I stuck to it as best as I could (I won't lie - I was not 100% on it). I personally liked the eggs, chicken & wild rice Soup, smores bars, and the vanilla or chocolate shakes best. I did not care for the Tomato Soup or pudding. I actually lost 10 lbs. by my surgery day which absolutely thrilled me, as I have PCOS and losing weight is very difficult for me.

  18. I do agree that spinal manipulations can be VERY beneficial. I was in an auto accident last year, and I developed great pain in my back and neck (pain that still occurs from time to time now). Once the chiropractor "cracked" my neck and back I felt better before I even left his office. I had some regular office visits, but within a couple months the problem didn't really occur again. The chiro said I would probably need occasional adjustments in the future - and sure enough, I started having the neck and back pains again about a month ago, but just didn't make the time before surgery to have more adjustments done.

    However, I do think what Cyndi is speaking to, is a lot of the information out there (be it true, false, or blown out of proportion) about the possible dangers of having your neck manipulated. It is certainly a very real danger in the hands of the wrong person. Though, I stand here as a person that had it done properly by a professional and felt better after. I do admit that many friends and family warned me against doing it, and I've read some of the articles against it as well. The office I went to, even has a standard form patients have to sign acknowledging the risk and relieving them of liability if damage occurs. Once or twice afterwards I even noticed I was dizzy. All of that made me nervous, and does make me re-consider having a neck adjustment (I dont' have the medical background to understand how it all works) - but I'll be first to sign up for a back/spine adjustment, the difference in how I felt was night and day.

  19. Get to a good local chiropractor for a check up.

    Heat probably will worsen the complaints.

    Thanks Jack! Funny you should mention heat might make it worse, because right after I hit send on the post I happened to realize I hadnt' tried a cold pack yet. I have a cold pack sitting on it right now, and it actually has helped some!

    I do agree that a follow-up with the chiropractor is called for, I just want to wait another week or two until I'm heeled from surgery some and give him the chance to do some proper adjustments.

  20. Hi health4life - I was banded by Dr. Curry on August 5th. I can't say enough nice things about the team (from information seminar, to pre-op requirements, to surgery day, to aftercare and support programs). EVERYONE has been very sweet, and I never worry that I can't get ahold of someone if I have a question. A lot of the staff is banded too, and I think a lot of them were banded by Dr. Curry.

    I went to seminars for both surgeons, as you are going to do, and I think that is a great start. You can get a good feel for what they offer, and their personality. I just chose who I felt most comfortable with. One difference: if you're self-pay, Dr. Curry is about $3000 less than the other center. Please know however, that this was NOT a deciding factor for me. I just felt the staff and programs offered at Dr. Curry's office was a better fit for me - it just felt right.

    Feel free to send me any questions you may have!

  21. Hey all - I was banded on August 5th. The first couple of days I was overwhelmed by how well I was actually doing. Sure, I had the port pain and all, but I was able to keep most of the gas pain under control by getting up and walking around the house quite often.

    Over the past two days however, the gas pain/bloating has actually increased. The gas bloating really acts up when I try to eat (can't eat much because of it), and the gas pain which is stubbornly stuck in my left shoulder won't go away. Sometimes it even radiates up my neck, the back of my head, and oddly enough my left jaw/ear. It becomes even worse when I lay down on my back (can't lay on my stomach or sides yet). I almost have the sensation that a nerve is being pinched, because my entire left arm will start to go numb and it's obvious I'm not getting good circulation in my left hand because my fingers get cold (my right hand is fine). Can stuck gas cause this (a pinched nerve)? And what (if anything) can I do about it? I've tried walking, a heating pad, gas-x strips and chewables, as well as drinking the warm Jello that someone else suggested. Each of these has worked some, but the relief is only temporary.

    Any suggestions? :confused2: Thanks all! :lol:

  22. Yes - the glorious burps and poots of post up:tt1:

    I took a 2 mile walk this morning and pooted the whole way thru the neighborhood. :)

    I LOVE THIS THREAD! Not only is it cracking me up - but I'm absolutely thrilled to know I'm not the only one having a celebration when the gas gets passed hahahahahaha :ohmy:

    By the way, on a slightly more serious note - I've noticed my "stuck" gas pains actually seems to be increasing some, not decreasing (I'm now working on my 3rd day post op). Is that normal?

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