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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by leknigh

  1. leknigh

    Aug. 5th - The BIG Day!

    So in less than 24 hours from now, I will have been banded. So hard to believe! My surgery is at 7:30am (first one of the day). I considered lap band about a year ago, did very little researching, and never really thought about it again until a couple months ago. Then a little over a month ago I really started doing my research and attending information seminars for different surgeons. Never in a million years did I actually think I'd go through with it, or that I would go through with it so quickly (I decided to take the self-pay route so I didn't lose my nerve again, or take on another 6 months of "dieting" that would only further frustrate me). So here I sit, trying to imagine what tomorrow will be like for me. The nerves are definitely there, and I'm sure they'll be working overtime tomorrow morning - but for now, I'm also feeling some of the excitement and hope for the possibilities this "tool" will offer me. So send some good thoughts my way, and for those of you already banded - feel free to send me some pointers for those first few days after surgery too. Take care everyone! :frown:
  2. leknigh

    A Happy 5th to these 19!!!!!!

    Thanks!! I'm very nervous - but also excited! Thanks again for the positive wishes :thumbup: If I'm up to it tomorrow (awake long enough lol), I will be sure to post and let you all know how it went.
  3. I saw your weight loss progression slide, CONGRATS to you on your hard work and success. :)

  4. Hey Dolphin, I have PCOS and Insulin Resistance as well. Given my experience with any other type of diet or "lifestyle change" I'm going into this knowing that I just will NOT lose weight like everyone else seems to (when they've put even a minimal effort into it), but damnit I'm going to fight for every pound. :thumbdown: I did ask my surgeon if the PCOS/IR would play a roll in my weight loss efforts, and he was straight up in telling me that yes, his PCOS/IR patients did tend to lose the weight more slowly. That being said, I completely understand why you are so frustrated (seeing others just drop the weight so quickly), but I also think you should be really proud of yourself! Losing 24 pounds in a few months is actually really great. Just think, could you have done that without the band? I probably could not have, not without doing something that was very extreme and not sustainable (thus assuring a quick regain and then some). Also, be sure to talk to the dietician, and make sure he/she helps you create a plan that will work with your PCOS/IR. Good luck and be sure to add me to your friends list, I'll probably need this same reminder/pep talk in a few months after I've been banded. Take care! Lori
  5. Hi all! So my surgery date is set, but unfortunately my husband will be out of town for work that week. His trip was set prior to my surgery date, but once I got the date I didn't want to give it up because I'm hoping to be well on the way to recovery before classes start again at the end of August. Anyway, my mom will be there to take me home - and I doubt she'll just drop me off and leave, but I assume I'll be home by myself that evening, and the rest of the week. I know everyone's recovery is different, but after some of the things I've been reading I'm concerned it may not be a good idea to be alone the first few nights. Does anyone think this will be a problem? I just hate to overdo it, or have difficult getting out of a chair and/or bed and cause issues with the healing process, or flip my port or something. Sorry for the rambling... Appreciate any feedback! :thumbdown:
  6. Ok ladies - I haven't seen this posted on here anywhere yet, but I am curious.... Was it difficult to shave your legs after surgery?!? haha I know it's strange to ask - but it's summer, I have PCOS, and therefore have to shave OFTEN! :tt2: Did anyone have difficulty shaving, if so how did you get around it? I REALLY REALLY don't want to ask my husband do it for me, or want to deal with letting my legs go for too long without shaving. THANKS in advance for your answers! :biggrin2:
  7. Hello Jepsyba! Thanks for the encouragement. You are right, going through the pre-op diet is an eye-opening experience as to the dependence and obsession with food. Can't wait to one day overcome that monster living in my head!!! :)

    Best of luck to you, please let me know how it goes. My surgery is soon as well (Aug. 5th).

  8. My surgery date is getting so much closer, and I have a nutrition class tomorrow (followed by the start of my liquid diet). I am starting to freak out. I find myself perpetuating old habits, in fact trying to eat more than ever. I keep telling myself I should eat this - because after I start the liquid diet, "that's it, no more". I can't even begin to say how many times I've done this before starting a new diet (or "lifestyle change") that was supposed to be the start of a new life. I want to be positive, but I feel like I'm headed in the wrong direction already. I know it's not too late and I can change all that - but to be honest, I'm not sure how. How do you stop a lifetime of bad health choices? How do you shut up that voice in your head that says this time won't work either?!??!?!
  9. Thanks again for your advice on the "last meal syndrome"! So how long have you been banded, and how are you doing with it? I get banded Aug. 5th - any advice for me that you wish you would have had going in?

  10. Thanks Jenniferann - that's what I needed to hear! Wonderful advice :thumbup:
  11. leknigh

    My Before Pics....

    December '07 - July '08
  12. leknigh

    Bust a Move!

    From the album: My Before Pics....

  13. leknigh

    Happy New Year

    From the album: My Before Pics....

  14. My surgery is August 5th (coming soon), and getting VERY nervous :)

  15. I saw your album on the main page, and WOW - those are the type of results I'm looking forward to after my surgery. :) Hopefully you don't mind me adding you to my friends list so I can check back for inspiration when it's needed....

  16. leknigh

    Weird Question for the Ladies...

    Right there with you Sun! I suspected that a wax would maybe last me a week (if that!), so thank you for confirming before I waste close to $100. I get my eye brows waxed all the time and am already plucking strays within a couple days - so I can't even begin to imagine how quickly leg hair would come back. Guess I'll need to find some type of plan B. Thanks to all for your responses! :thumbup:
  17. leknigh

    Lap-Band vs. Realize band?

    Hey flowers - yes they are. The bands are actually gastric bands, and "lap band" and "realize" are the commerical names for them.
  18. leknigh

    Weird Question for the Ladies...

    THANK YOU SUSAN! I'm glad someone else with PCOS replied - I'm not sure others understand just how bad it does get (in fact my excess hair growth issues actually bother me more than my weight appearance wise - the weight loss is about health though, so obviously more important) ... I mean seriously, I can go a few days and the hair growth probably matches what others might have in a week or two. Uggghhh :tt2: Guess it sounds like I'll either have to break down and ask the hubby to help out, or spend some $$ on a wax job or something....
  19. leknigh

    Lap-Band vs. Realize band?

    Hi George, You seem to think very highly of Dr. Curry. He will actually be my surgeon, and I'm happy to say I've only heard good things about him so far! :tt2: How did you hear about him being all the way in Vegas?
  20. leknigh

    Lap-Band vs. Realize band?

    Hi Ellen! From what I've researched (spent many hours reading and searching!) and what I've discussed with a couple surgeons, there appears to be little difference in the functionality of the band. They should essentially have the same results. I think the biggest thing people like about the Realize band is the web support that accompanies it. This is a big sell I think both to surgeon and patients because it's an additional tool to help the patients stay on track. I was interested in the web support and think it's great (being lap band specific), but I was more interested in the construction of the two bands. I personally chose the Lap Band AP because of the construction of the band. 1) It has multiple pillars that fill, as opposed to one - so the band to me looks like it will adjust somewhat better to fit my body, instead of my body having to fit around it. 2) Additionaly, the "shoulders" or what is used to lock the band in place around the stomach is on the outside (not the inner area facing your stomach). I felt better about this construction because it seemed like it may have less potential to rub against your stomach, and might be easier for the surgeon to reach if an adjustment of the band is necessary. Anyhow, those were the reasons I personally chose the Lap Band - but from what I read on this site and elsewhere, it appears people have equal success with either. GOOD LUCK! :tt2:
  21. Hi Kammi - can you tell me a little bit more about the oral health and bone issues that can result from Hypothyroidism. I was just diagnosed with it about a month ago. I'm also interested in knowing more about the natural thyroid you mentioned as well. Is that a prescription pill? Thanks - Lori

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