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Posts posted by Hopefulin2021

  1. White wine seems to be better for me which is weird because I was a strong red wine girl before. Wine has little to no effect on me so I’m not sure what all the hoopla was about. I have a half glass once a week sometimes I’ll finish a full glass ( about 6 oz) I do get a little tipsy but it doesn’t last long at all. I haven’t had any after affects and I definitely don’t eat more afterwards, if anything I’ve been eating less these past few weeks. I’m sure transfer addiction is real but it hasn’t affected me like that at all. I kinda despise eating and it’s more like a chore now.

  2. 9 hours ago, Chantrella said:

    I’m doing great I’m at a stall I lost 54 pounds after surgery and been at a stall for 2 weeks grrrr. I hit my Protein almost daily with chicken, Beans, nuts, and of course Protein Shakes. Water is becoming so easy to drink now think God but I’m not at 64oz yet more like 30-50 a day. Calories are 600-700 a day sometimes it’s less if I’m craving veggies. I’m thinking about going vegetarian when I’m in maintenance I’m starting to hate meat. I can no longer eat artificial sweeteners so I invested in Monk Fruit extract and drink Water which is a bit boring. I’m trying to find a good gym. I am very thankful for God getting me through because there were times I was in so much pain and dehydrated. I regretted the surgery at one point because I couldn’t drink water but now it’s improving! How much have you lost since surgery? It’s good you haven’t hit a stall 😞

    No girl I have hit stalls!!! I’ve had like two so far and they last for about 2 weeks it is super discouraging. Now i don’t step on the scale as much because I’m like what’s the point I know the weight will come off. I’m glad to hear you’re doing so well!!! And 54 lbs since surgery? Wow that’s a lot in less than 2 months. I’ve lost about 30 lbs since surgery, it’s slow but I’ve lost inches for sure I can see my body transforming back to normal lol

  3. I had a glass of wine lol and it did absolutely nothing. I felt fine, wasn’t drunk or even a little buzzed at all but it was nice to be able to sip and feel normal. I’ll only have one glass if I’m out or there’s a special occasion. I Had Merlot and I sipped on that one glass for about an hour lol it was hubby and I date night so that was the reason. It was fine!!!’

  4. Hey chanterelle! Everything is good I can’t believe we’re both almost two months post op! I’m feeling good, dropping the pounds I can see a lot of change so I’m happy about that. As far as food I am doing ok, still not meeting Protein or Water goals but I’m trying lol I feel great though no complaints. I’m eating about 500-700 calories a day , well 700 is a stretch but some days I get there lol how are you feeling????

  5. I’m almost 4 weeks post op and I have been introducing foods back into my system slowly and gradually. So far I have not had any issues besides getting full really quick but that is what’s expected. I still don’t have any hunger so eating is kind of like a chore lol. I wanted to know if Protein Bars are ok because I am still struggling to get in all my Protein and I can’t eat that much and the shakes just don’t do it for me , I hate them. I know I should ask my nutritionist but first I wanted to hear from you. Thanks.

  6. I take the caramel Bariatric citrate chews and the mixed berry Vitamin chews I believe the brand is Bariatric Fusion. At first I really enjoyed them now I cannot stand the taste. I was taking barimelts for calcium citrate and Vitamins but I started hating those as well. I just to find something that I can tolerate. I asked about the patch but the doc said no ☹️. I guess I’ll keep taking the chewables for now aargh.

  7. Thank you. It is definitely no infection and I can push the area around my stomach with no pain. I think the scab came off too fast and it wasn’t fully healed. That’s my fault because I was putting vaseline on it to heal quicker. I put a large bandage on it to protect it until it fully heals and that did help a lot with the pain. I’m sure in a couple of weeks it’ll be fine.

  8. 12 hours ago, XtinaDoesIt said:

    Yeah I def understand. I'm 7 weeks in and stalled for 4 of them. Lost weight the first 2 weeks... stalled for 3 weeks... lost again the week after... been stalling for 10 days now... I was down .5lbs this morning. Crossing my fingers that I've broken this stall and will drop another 7-10 lbs like a did last time.

    We all know stalling is normal but it still SUX! It's hard not to start comparing when you read post about people who meet their goals in 6 months. I feel like if the first 3 months are when I'm supposed to lose the most weight... its going to take some time before I reach my goal.

    My only positive thought is that losing weight slower might lead to less loose skin... hopefully... and since I didn't tell anyone about the surgery, I guess it looks more natural this way... sigh...

    Sending good vibes your way! Hopefully your stall won't be as long as mine!

    Yes maybe I won’t have that much excess skin but I don’t really think I will anyway. I haven’t been overweight my whole life just for the past 10 years and it’s been up and down. Maybe slow weight loss is good. Slow and steady wins the race.

  9. 19 hours ago, Chantrella said:


    My surgeon obstructed my biles on 3/3 which caused me to throw up my biles for a week. I had emergency surgery to correct the issue on 3/12. ( oh my goodness never knew how major of a surgery that was). I’m home now feeling a lot better just grouchy because my new belly doesn’t like artificial sweetener like my old belly did lol. Thank you so much for checking on me.

    So glad you are feeling better!!!

  10. So unfortunately I did check my weight and I only lost 1lb since my post op appointment last week and I am extremely annoyed. Like in another week I’ll be 4 weeks out and I only lost 14 lbs after surgery so far. I am trying my best with Protein and Water goals and I am following the plan, not to mention I move a lot and my bms are normal so I’m not understanding what the issue is. Trying to not get discouraged I know this is normal but still it’s a little disheartening but I know it will get better.

  11. Hey I’m 3 weeks out and all my incisions are healed even the biggest one where they pulled the tumor out of but it is still sensitive in that area. Mostly when I drive or do too much around the house it becomes very sensitive to even touch. It is annoying because all of the other incisions are fine and I don’t even really see any scars. I know this big one was going to take longer but Dag! It is not unbearable pain because I can do a lot of things it’s just it hits me once in a while when I’m not expecting it. And it’s not even really on the incision it’s more the surrounding area that’s sensitive. Wondering if I should use ice or something.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
