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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mystjin

  1. Mystjin

    ok, i need some help.

    Everybody has already suggested what I was going to say. More protien is the main thing. I am in almost the same boat as you are. I haven't changed much lately. I seem to drop 4, gain 2, stay the same, etc. It is very frustrating!! I just wanted you to know I am cheering you on also. Thinking of you. You can do it and so can I!!! :huggie: :phanvan :huggie: :biggrin1: Yea!!!!
  2. Mystjin

    Gone For Good Club- August 2006

    Gone for Good Club August Challenge Score Card Points earned for Rule 1 For each day that you drink a minimum of 64oz of Water, you earn 1 point. You may earn a bonus of 5 points for a perfect month. 8-02__1__8-03__1__8-04___1__8-05__1___8-06__1___8-07__1___8-08___1__8-09___1__Week's Total___7__ 8-10__1___8-11__1___8-12___1__8-13_1____8-14___1__8-15__1___8-16___1__Week's Total___7__ 8-17___1__8-18__1___8-19__1___8-20__1___8-21___1__8-22___1__8-23___1__Week's Total___7__ 8-24_____8-25_____8-26_____8-27_____8-28_____8-29_____8-30_____Week's Total_____ Bonus earned_____Grand Total_______ Points earned for Rule 2 For each increment of 30 minutes that you exercise this week, you earn 1 point. Week 1: 8-02_______8-03___8-04___8-05___8-06___8-07___8-08___8-09___ Week's Total__0_ Week 2: 8-10___8-11___8-12___8-13___8-14___8-15___8-16___ Week's Total:__0_ Week 3: 8-17___8-18___8-19___8-20___8-21___8-22___8-23___ Week's Total:__0_ Week 4: 8-24___8-25___8-26___8-27___8-28___8-29___8-30___ Week's Total:___ Grand Total:___ Points earned for decrease in BMI For each .1 increment your BMI decreases you earn 1 point Starting BMI__43.5__(at the start of the challenge) BMI Week 1__43.2_ BMI Week 2__43.2__ BMI Week 3__42.9__ BMI Week 4____ Total decrease in BMI for August___ Points earned for Weight loss For each pound that you lose during the challenge, you earn 1 point Beginning weight 8-02: 245.6 Weigh-in weight 8-09: 244 Weigh-in weight 8-16: 244 Weigh-in weight 8-23: 242 Weigh-in weight 8-30: Total lost during challenge: Total points earned for Rule 1: Total points earned for Rule 2: Total points earned for weight loss: Total Challenge points earned:_____
  3. Mystjin

    Gone For Good Club- August 2006

    C 265.6 (-39.4 lbs total, +.6 this week) I'm going to buy a bycycle for exercise - if I can find one with brakes on the foot pedals!! I've never done too well with hand brakes.... I want handle bars that I don't have to lean over to hold too.
  4. Hey Veggie, I go to a very large Dr.'s office. I didn't need anything from my Dr. just had to go to the filing office and put in a request and then pick it up a few days later. The Dr. probably just wants to talk to you about the surgery and maybe a physical, depends on how long it has been since you had one. If the Dr. does try to talk you out of it, stick to your decision. They just have one oppinion and if they haven't been through this or aren't sympathetic to the problems of obesity, get another Dr. that does!! Maybe you could call first and try to find out why the Dr. wants to see you since you are so far away. It might save you a trip. Good luck!
  5. Mystjin

    Crystal Light

    I love Krystal Light and all the other brands that have come out like it!! I haven't had that feeling that you are talking about though. Maybe you need to dilute it down a little bit. Some of them are too strong for me if you mix 1 packet to 1 bottle of water. I use a bigger bottle or if using the 2 qt pack I add some more water to it.
  6. Mystjin


    It is true, you never know what is going to happen to you day to day. Thank you Greg for letting us know and let Ryan and Patty know that we are thinking of them. ((((Hugs)))) to all. It makes you really thank your lucky stars for what we have in our lives. You never know how long that will last.
  7. Mystjin

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    Congrats Emilee!! Can't wait until I can join you there in onederland!! Paul, I'll hit on you...you look like a cutie to me. Of course I'm probably old enough to be your mama. But, I never let that stop me before He he!!!!
  8. I don't think the question was ever answered as to how many people are going so far. Any idea? I can't wait either!! I am already dreaming of formal dresses......and how goood I am going to look. All of us are going to look!!! Hope I can save up enough money by then so I don't have to scrimp, I want to be able to do EVERYTHING.
  9. My PCP didn't think I needed the surgery! He said I should watch what I eat and exercise...I asked what he thought I had been doing for the last 40 years. He would not commit to writing a letter for me. I just went through the lap band Doc. I had to get paperwork from the PCP's office, DR notes from the last 5 years, and I took them to the lap band Doc, they sent them into insurance. Everything went through just fine without PCP! Needless to say I set up an appt. with a NEW PCP!!! He seems very nice and was excited about my surgery. I saw him 2 days after my surgery. If they aren't with you, you don't really need them, IMHO. The lap band Dr. told me all this at the first lecture that I went to. Good luck!
  10. Mystjin

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    All of you guys just crack me up!! I love this thread and LBT!! Everybody tries to top each other and everyone is just sooo funny. I LOVE EVERYONE!! Can't wait until I get "hit on" hope I know what it is, if and when it happens. My fill from 2 weeks ago really has changed my eating. I felt it when I got it done but then last week it really hit! It is just so wierd to only eat 1/2 c to 1 c of food and feel satisfied. WOW!! Here are this weeks stats. H 304: S 288: C 264: -40 total: -4 this week YEA!!
  11. Mystjin

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    OK, I must not have checked in last week. I know, I know, I'm late for this week.... that is me all around... late! Last week 270 (-4) that I gained the week before! This week 268 (-2)
  12. I'm only 1 & 1/2 mo. out but it is the greatest thing I have ever done. It is work in that you have to watch what you eat still but the amount you eat is limited. I was lucky enough not to have any problems with the surgery itself. As a matter of fact it was the easiest surgery I have ever had! There really wasn' t any pain (except the gas pain OUCH) it was more like sort of sore or uncomfortable. The fill wasn't any trouble either. They deaden you before they stick you. I was afraid of the gastric bypass surgery... they just do too many things to your body that can't be undone. Good luck with your decision!
  13. Mystjin

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ July Chat

    Thanks, Linda. The mind can be an evil thing. When I put the angel and devil on my sholders in my signature I guess it was really appropriate for me. I just thought it was kind of funny at the time. Hopefully I'm just having a bad couple of days and things will look up soon. My schedule, when school starts, is much better for me even tho I don't feel like I have enough time to get everything done. I also don't have time to get bored and try to eat everything in the house. I am feeling restriction since my fill and I hope that helps. At least I won't be able to eat as much!
  14. Mystjin

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ July Chat

    Well, sounds like most of you are doing great! I gained 4 lbs since the challenge started and then last week lost it again... hopefully for good! I started last week at a gym, and then today I didn't go, I am fighting myself more than anything on this treck. I still want to eat all the time (even tho I have restriction now) and I know it will get better after school starts back when I am back to my routine. I am my own worst ememy. I don't want to be but I am finding this really hard. I was so gung ho on doing this (surgery) and I really thought that if I weren't hungry all the time that I could beat this. Now I've thrown another road block in my own way...I need help!! :help: :help: :help: I've got to figure this thing out and find out why I seem to be afraid to lose weight. Does anyone else out there feel like this? Maybe sometimes?? I think I know why I am afraid to lose weight, but I don't know how to get my mind out of this rut. It's nothing concious that I am thinking like I don' t deserve this, or, men may just not like me anyway. But those things are in the back corners of my mind and I'm not sure how to just sweep them out of there completely! I need to go to a shrink...not sure how I'm going to fit that in my schedule, like exercise when school starts back. I have 2 jobs and my mom is in assisted living and I have to see her when I'm not working my 2nd job. That doesn't leave a lot of time for me and I know I have to take care of me more. Oh well, just venting, maybe writing all this down will help some. Thanks, if you have any suggestions just let me know. Carol
  15. Mystjin

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ July Chat

    About the fill thing. I got my first one last Thurs. 7-6-06 and I have just been pretty much on liquids but I do feel more restriction than I did before. I did have some with just the band but it was getting to where it was less and less.
  16. Mystjin

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ July Chat

    I would like an answer to that question (charting) also! Everybody also seems to have different dates in Sept. Are we going to the first? or when?? I had the 20th in mind for some reason. I thought that was about the time we started in June. Carol
  17. Mystjin

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    I am having just the worst time with LBT tonight. It keeps kicking me out! Congrats to all the loosers on here...wish I was one of them this week. I don' t get a visit from Aunt Flo anymore (yea) but I think I still cycle. I had a terrible week, had a fight with Hershey's and lost!!! I did join a gym this week tho and have gone 2 times already. I cycled there too, but I think maybe that it was more productive. I plan on going back tomorrow and I am getting my first fill tomorrow. I sooo hope that will help with my fights with Hershey... maybe I'll start to win that one too. At least once in a while!! stats H 304; C 274; -30 total +4 this week
  18. Mystjin

    Reflux Poll

    I didn't take the poll since I haven't been banded for 6 mo yet but I had reflux before surgeryand had been on meds for several years. After surgery I ran out and after a couple of days realized I didn' t need it! Hope it stays that way. I get my first fill tomorrow so we'll see after that.
  19. Mystjin

    Think Positive List

    I want to lose enough to have a man actually LOOK at me, not look through me as if I'm not there. It's hard turning 50 and being divorced. That was 5 yrs ago and it's still hard!! Although I would like to get something hard He He He..."evil grin"
  20. Mystjin

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ July Chat

    H. Hope I know exactly how you feel. I lost 14 lbs in 3 weeks after surgery and then nothing the next week and then 1 lb last week. I am hungrier than I was at 1st and haven't always been making the best choice of food. I have tried eating protien at night (when I'm the hungriest) and that has helped...if I do it....!!! I take too big of bites and don't always chew enough. Man, it is soooo hard to change so many habits all at one time. I tried to start making new habits before I had surgery but the old ones keep creeping back up. I get a fill this Thurs. and I am hoping that helps. I do have restriction but I need more. I feel like I am trying to sabatage myself lately. Anyone else have that problem also? :help: Give me some help if you do or if you have figured out how not to do that!!
  21. Mystjin

    Gone for Good Club - July 2006

    Congrats to everyone for the big losses!! Love the tat JQ - now you've got me to thinking about getting one when I have lost a bunch! I have got to get serious about exercise! It has NEVER been a part of my life so it really seems hard to get it started, especially with the 2 jobs! I KNOW that it has to become a part of my new lifestyle, I am just trying to figure out how best to do that. Riding a bike seems like a good thing to do (outside- not a spinning class), but I don't have one. Swimming or water arobics seems like a good thing to do and I have a free membership (for 3 months) to a gym as part of my lap band surgery. I have full intentions to start the water arobics class on Monday. I'm going to do it...I'm going to do it...I'm going to do it.... That is my new mantra! Maybe it I say it enough it will actually happen. :cry :paranoid :) YES, I'M GOING TO DO IT!!!
  22. Mystjin

    Gone for Good Club - June 2006

    P'Nut, thanks for the mention! I am tired...all the time!!! I have been taking a lunch or dinner most of the time, and no, I do not always make smart choices. For about 1 1/2 weeks, I did terribly. Not sure why, just ate everything in sight. I have tried to bump up my protien and maybe that has made the difference. If I buy lunch or dinner out I try to get a salad with chicken and low fat dressing. By night I can eat the whole thing, for lunch I can't. I get my first fill on July 6 and I'm hoping that will make a difference also. I'm having baked fish tonight at home. That doesn't happen often.
  23. Mystjin

    Surgeon Provided Support Group

    My Doc has meetings once a month at the hospital. They bring in people that talk about exercise, food, this month is was the nurse from the Dr.'s office. I try to go to as many as I can. I think it helps, so far.
  24. Mystjin

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ June Chat

    OK, I'm in the September Challenge also. I just weighed yesterday so that is what I'm starting with. C 270 By 9-20-06 -20 :high5: We can do it!!!!
  25. Mystjin

    Tennessee Bandsters ??

    Dr. Mark Colquitt is my dr. don't know if he would do it or not, but it's work a try! Premier Surgical 865-984-3413 Maryville, TN south of Knoxville. Good luck. Keep us posted!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
