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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by omamoon

  1. omamoon

    I am beyond frustrated...

    Let's get down to what could be an issue here. With the high numbers of obese people in this country, the doctors have access to a very large pool of patients. IMHO, I believe there are some docs who just aren't too motivated to take on higher risk patients when they can make the same money and operate all day on patients that are less of a risk to them from a mortality and malpractice standpoint. We'd like to think they're only doing this type of surgery for altruistic reasons, but we have to realize thare are thinking about THEIR bottom line.
  2. omamoon

    Do you believe in Reincarnation?

    Great Test! I'm to be an owl. 9% of the population will be reincarnated higher than me. I have always,always wanted big eyes! Looks like I'll get my wish! I'm not too sure about the feathers and eating mice, though, and staying up all night. Hey, maybe I'll get to do the Tootsie Pop lick test!
  3. omamoon

    Port Area Hurts Big Regrets

    Tidge, I believe Gas-X is a drug called Simethicone. It also comes in liquid Maalox here in the States. I've said this many times on this site. The thing that helped my port pain the most was wrapping my body, not too tightly, with a stretchy bandage. We call it an ACE bandage here. It helped me - and my daughter - so, so much. TRY IT!
  4. omamoon

    Insomnia and Lunesta

    The Lunesta worked for me but I just could not stand the taste in my mouth. It didn't affect food, just liquids. I could barely stand to drink any water so had to stop taking it.
  5. omamoon

    What are your Summer plans?

    EmileeKaye, Look for two big white Ford F350s with flags on the them with a rocket and a yellow moon and the team name "LUNAtics." Both my daughter and myself are banded!
  6. Here's a thought: What if you're not afraid to be thin. You just haven't realized that you deserve to be thin?
  7. omamoon

    Ready to cry my eyes out

    Elektralite, at least your PCP listened a little to what you had to say. My PCP walked in and the first thing out of his mouth was, "You're not fat enough." This was just the start of a meeting that went from bad to worse. He kept saying,"I understand," when I tried to tell him how I felt about my weight issues. I finally had it and told him, "I don't think so. How much weight have you every had to lose?" Mr. Skinny Doc just looked at me like I was nuts. Then told me he couldn't "approve" my band decision. I told him that was just fine because I didn't come there for his approval anyway. Long story short, I walked out and left him sitting on his little stool. I was so glad I took my DH as a witness. He could not believe his ears. I got my insurance approval three weeks after this fiasco, no thanks to his "expertise." Can you say the words "doctor shopping"?
  8. omamoon

    What are your Summer plans?

    Going to Texas in June for my husband's family reunion at Caddo Lake State Park. I'm still trying to find out who decided it was a great idea to spend a family reunion at a swamp! Will celebrate my dad's 72nd and my own 50th birthday while in Texas - NOT in a swamp! Going to be driving a support vehicle for six bike riders, including my husband, son and daughter, the last week of July across the state of Iowa. It's called RAGBRAI. We'll be camping for the entire week. I hope to God I live through this summer!!
  9. omamoon

    Mexico or close to home?

    Debra, I live in Omaha, NE and still chose to go to Mexico for my surgery, even though I had been approved through my insurance for surgery here in Omaha. I wanted to best and was willing to pay. After surgery, which went wonderfully, I flew from San Diego to Denver, three-hour layover in Denver, then Denver to Omaha. I got up a 3 a.m. and made it home 13 hours later. No problems at all with the flying - just tired and ready to see my wonderful husband - and my dog! It cost me $8500, not including air fare, but included one night in the hospital and three nights in a nice hotel with all transportation provided and my first fill under fluoroscopy. I hope to have my first fill around the first of June. And this may sound vain, but Dr. Ortiz uses only glue on the inscisions. No Staples; no external stiching; no bandages or dressings. Good luck!
  10. omamoon

    sleeping on my stomach??

    I was banded on 04/20/2006 and slept on my side the second night out from surgery. The first week to 10 days I wrapped my tummy with an ACE bandage, not too tight, and it gave me the support I needed to sleep any way I wanted. A pillow for propping helped too. Good Luck and Good Sleep.
  11. omamoon


    Paula, I've had rosacea for many years. I've tried the Metrogel and didn't like it much, either. Do you get broken veins on your cheeks and around your nose? This is another symptom. I've had laser treatments to "zap" the veins. This really helps with the redness but is not covered by insurance. I pay $300 a treatment. My dermatologist also gives me a long course of minocycline. This really helps the breakouts. My skin is looking really great now, especially since I've just had my third microdermabrasion ($125 a treatment). If you truly have rosacea, it can be an expensive proposition to keep your skin looking good. All the really good treatments are not covered by insurance. I do agree with the others, though - make sure you get the correct diagnosis. Check out rosacea symptoms online and see if that's what you've been going through. Lots of luck!
  12. omamoon

    April 2006 Bandits

    Hello to all April 2006 Bandsters! I had my surgery on April 20th with Dr. Ortiz. Had a wonderful time; wish you were there! No back or neck gas pains; incisions looking great. Hungry as hell! Can my dog's food be considered a mushie? It looks pretty darn good from where I'm sitting! In all seriousness, we've taken the first step toward an unlimited future. It's in our hands (or mouths!) now. We are all ready to look in the mirror and finally see that the outside can match the inside. With hard work and preserverance, we will reach our goals one by one! Okay, okay. The commencement speech is over. Grab your diplomas, get in your cars, and get the hell out of here!
  13. omamoon

    first-aid freak out

    sleepyjean, You need to find out what type of closure they're going to do on you. I had internal stitches and glue on the outside - no dressings at all. I could shower the next day - just no direct soaking of the incision area. Find out how they plan to close your wounds, then you will have a better understanding of what to buy. If it's glue only or glue and steri strips, you probably won't need anything but a good antibacterial soap. I just use the Dial I have in the shower. Good Luck!
  14. omamoon

    Why not CHEAT??!!?

    Dani, Someone posted a link to a great video of a live LB surgery from Women's and Brigham Hosptial in Boston. In it they state that their patients stay on clear liquids for less than a day, but that the main objective is to prevent vomiting or retching to prevent band slippage. We have been conditioned to treat doctors as Gods and their words as manna from heaven. By all means, follow their advice to the extent you feel it is healthy for you and the band. Having had the surgery on the same day and the same place as you, I know where you are and how you feel. I have a SF Instant Breakfast shake every morning, but have been having soups, clear and cream, since I got home. I even ate a little mac and cheese yesterday. So I guess you could say I'm doing the full liquids/mushie stage. Don't you dare feel guilty about being hungry! So many different docs can't all be right - or all wrong. Hope this helps.
  15. omamoon

    aching port....6 mo post op?

    lianna, It takes at least three months for your port to become encapsulated with scar tissue. Since you are six months out, you might have somehow "jogged" it a little to cause the soreness. I had my surgery on April 20th, and since the date of surgery I have used a lightly wrapped ACE banage around my middle to help with pain and support. I wear it a night and a few hours during the day. It has helped my soreness tremendously -- and my scars are as flat as can be. You might try a light wrapping to help until your soreness goes away and to help hold your port back in place until it "re-heals."
  16. omamoon

    Nioxin and Thinning Hair Treatments

    I was actually in the Upjohn study in Denver back in 1992-1993 that tested the effectiveness of Minoxidil for use on women. It was a nine-month long study. I did get noticably regrowth, but I personally did not find it worth the trouble of putting it on twice a day. Of course, when you stop using the product, what grows in due to the product will fall out. So now I'm 49 and have thin hair. I decided to enjoy it instead of fighting it. I took the clippers out a few months ago and buzzed it to about half an inch and bleached it white. A few weeks ago I put some pink in it. It's dark ash blonde today, but I feel the urge for change coming on strong!!
  17. omamoon

    Abdominal Exercises Post-Op

    I was taking Pilates twice a week before surgery, and my doc said no more ab work for three months. They make an incision through your abdominal wall for the port line to go through, and don't want you to have even a small chance of getting a hernia through that abdominal wall incision.
  18. I received my letter of approval 2 days before I flew to Mexico to have my band placed by Dr. Ortiz! What a hoot! I had decided after applying that I just was not comfortable with my local surgeon's experience level, even though he is a real cutie pie! It may sound crazy to some, but it was the right choice for me.
  19. Dianne My daughter was banded on March 9th, and I was banded on April 20th, both by Dr. Ortiz. My DD is a low BMI patient (30 at the time of her surgery), but she began to see herself repeating my adult weight history. I've lost the same weight a zilion times - you know the drill. She at first said it was the "easy way out," until we began to talk and she started to research. She found out for herself what a gift the band could be to her future. As for your DD, I've heard that the strongest influence on any child is the same-sex parent. She sees herself in you. So to see you lose weight might appear to her to be a criticism of her, especially if you tended to be "eating buddies." I encourage you to talk with her. Ask her how she feels -- and support those feelings, whatever they may be.
  20. I had my surgery on April 20th by Dr. Ortiz. They use no visible stiches or staples, just surgical glue. It's the most amazing stuff! My incisions are very small and healing like nothing I've ever seen before. Now if I can just figure out how to get the glue off the parts of my belly where I don't need it!
  21. omamoon

    Beware of Ambien CR! LOL!! Long but worth it!

    Oh, it's deifnitely the Ambien! I take it myself and love it, but my Dad did some really weird things when he tried it. I would tell you, but I don't want him to lose his dignity in front of a lot of people he doesn't know!
  22. omamoon

    Swollen vein after IV

    Shanna, I think some people are just prone to this type of thing. My arm/wrist always bruises at the very least, and does like yours at times, too. It makes no matter how "good" the phlebotomist is. It's just the way my body reacts to being "stuck." Janet
  23. omamoon


    Try some over-the-counter motion sickness medication (Dramamine). I don't think there is anything that really stops the nausea itself. The trick is to get really sleepy and it gets better. That's even what the scrip meds do. Good Luck!
  24. omamoon

    Obesity and marriage problems

    Jules, you need to know that the first person you need unconditional love from is YOU. You need to know how to love yourself first before you can handle the challenges that life is dealing you. The band will force you to look head-on at your food issues. Take it from one who has been there, one-on-one therapy is the way to go. Talk to someone who will listen and can give you the tools you need to handle your life. Instead of trying to fix the symptoms (weight loss, lethargy, etc.), fix the problem -- your lack of love for yourself. It's so hard, but the work is so worth it. A clearer vision of yourself will give you the answers you need as far as your personal relationships are concerned. Get out your insurance card, and call the number on the back. Tell them you want to speak to their behavioral health people about getting some personal counseling. Get your referral number (they can help with finding a qualified therapist near you) and start the road to wellness. I wish you all the best.
  25. omamoon

    Alright guys, need some help!

    Cheri, Maybe you have a 10 cm band, which has a fill capacity of 4 cc. If this is the case, you're halfway filled already!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
