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Posts posted by droppindown

  1. EXCUSE ME!!!! I didn't call him names! I couldn't remember his name, Hence the term BROWN dad! Please don't tell me you have never called anyone names. Wether they be fat, thin, handycapped! Whatever!! I don't think there is 1 single person (other than Jesus) that has never called someone names. I don't necessarily like name calling, but I'm not calling the kettle black!

    Are you really PG with a name change?

    If you had actually read my post, I was only objecting to the terms "ripple-dad", "shar-pei" and other demeaning names based on his APPEARANCE. "Brown dad" is not a name, it is a description and not in the least rude or offensive. I just found it extremely hypocritical that people on a this site, a site for OBESE PEOPLE WERE MAKING FUN OF AN OBESE MAN ON HIS APPEARANCE WITH CHILDISH NAME CALLING. Knock him for his actions (uncommitted) or his attitude, but not for his fat body, I mean honestly, those who live in glass houses..... How many posts are on this site with people who are in pain for past taunts and recriminations made against them by others based on their weight? Everyone supports theses posters and recognizes the cruelty in name calling but I guess the Brown dad is different, I'm sure it will help his son a lot to hear his father, the man he loves, called the hurtful names that are being bantered about here. I just found it very ironic that a bunch of people who would not pass a "naked test" are mocking someone else who is in the same the boat as themselves. Flame away, as no one EVER admits a wrongdoing on an anonomous chat board.

  2. I am not suggesting that you "coddle the imcompetent" but his name is Ron, or brown dad, but name calling is childish and unnecessary and takes away from the legitamacy of your observations of Rons' weaknesses. I agree that he is a weak link. I also think that he falls into making excuses for himself and plays the "poor me card". I cannot believe the blue team did not vote him off, as he is the main reason they lose every single challenge. But I will still not lower myself, or contribute to the genereal degredation of a group of people who have weight issues, of which, you and I belong, with mean-spirited name calling on a public forum. Call him whatever you want in your own home, or in a private conversation, but in public, it is not a positve thing. Believe me, I get that life is not all Unicorns and Rainbows and am the first person to expect personal responsibility in people. I also recognize however, when unnecessary meaness is not productive and only serves to make someone feel better about themselves by tearing someone else down and that, in the long run, is harmful to everyone.

  3. I am appalled at all of the hypocrites on this site who are calling Ron "ripple dad" and "shar-pei" etc... He is not my favorite contestant either, but I suspect that those of you who are calling him those names would not pass a shirt-off test very favorably either! He is clearly a person who has struggled his entire life with his weight. There is an obvious genetic component and and a lot of pain for him both physically, and emotionally. Attack him for his actions, not his appearance. I thought everyone here on this site was supportive of weight loss attempts, not be the ones pointing fingers and tearing down.

  4. Just remember that you can always have it LATER. I am 6 months out and can eat stuff like that. I remember eating so much yummy but evil stuff in vast quantities before I would stop. I was always looking for more, even when I was not hungry. now I eat a normal amount, then lose interest, it is great! Hang in there, good job!

  5. I had surgery with Dr. Tillquist last june and had a great experience with the surgery. I did experience frustration initially when I was trying to get insurance approval. It seemed to take a long time to get it submitted 7 weeks or so. I was denied and then decided to self pay. I submitted an appeal and my insurance is going to reimburse me so it all worked out.

  6. So I'm not alone!!! Yeah! Its great to hear from someone who has gone through a similar experience. I am so excited to have this done and still plan on going after the insurance companies for some reimbursement. Please let me know how you make out!

    I just got a call from my insurance comapany yesterday, they are going to reimburse me!!!! I resubmitted everything that they surgeon had submitted along with a letter explaining how I self-paid, which was cheaper than the insurance rate to a tune of $7k and that so far, I have been very sucessfull (down 57 lbs. so far). Additionally I explained how I fit the criteria. I cannot believe it, but it worked!!!!:cursing::wub::cool2::thumbup:

    How is your situation going?

  7. The world we live in is a complex one. A simple allegory like the one your husband created has some value as an idea, but does not emcompass the real world situations and practicality.

    The problem is that if we do not give some help to those less fortunate than ourselves, regardless if it is self imposed or not, the situation only gets worse. The cycle of poverty only increases in size and we end up worse in the long run. For the children born in this situation, there is often, very little hope of breaking out unless SOME assistance is available ie; affordable health care resources.

    The impovrished will ALWAYS exist. Let's all work together to keep the numbers as low as possible and help the people who want out of the cycle to get out. Those who do not want out will always unfortunately exist and be a drain, but what is the alternative? No assistance and a swelling impovrished population, and a bigger crisis for everyone.

  8. No one is taking YOUR money, just trying to get the tax burden fair for everyone. I am a small business owner and mother and I work my ass off as well. I do not wish to give away my money any more than you do, however I also recognize the need to pay taxes in order to support my country and fellow Americans. Investing in our country is a short term sacrifice for a long term goal. At the moment, our beautiful country is in the crapper and needs our support. I am a republican, but do not like the name-calling lying path that our current party has been on for too long. It is time to shape up our party and stop behaving like bullies on the playground who cannot accept any responsibilities for our bad behaviors aka BUSH CHENEY RUMSFELD

  9. Utter Sophmoric BS! Redistribution of TAXES to allow everyone the same advantages currently used by the upper 18% of the tax bracket is not the same as taking everyones money and putting it in a pool.

    If you really feel as you imply in your childish little allegory, You may want to look closer at Palin and what she has done in Alaska, and I quote;

    "We're set up, unlike other states in the union, where it's collectively Alaskans own the resources. So we share in the wealth when the development of these resources occurs."

    -Gov. Sarah Palin:thumbdown:

  10. As far as fruits and such, I can eat anything. Apples with skins etc. The only things that I do not tolerate well are eggs. I tried to eat a poached egg on whole grain bread the other day and it did not stay down. I can eat bread still, but eggs that are boiled or fried are not friendly. Elliptical machines are fabulous! I am only getting on mine about two times a week (pathetic!) but I hope to improve my efforts on this part.

  11. Oh I am so sorry you can't do aspartame! The Crystal Light has been very helpful to me. Try the black iced tea at Starbucks, it is great even without sweetener. I also like the skinny latte (90 cal). I would suggest that you try for not so easy to digest foods like salads and chunky chicken and beef. That works well for me. If I eat softer foods, I am hungry sooner than if I eat substantial foods. Chicken and broccoli is a staple that I eat all the time. I often have to stop before I finish my fairly small size meal. If I eat anything softer, I can eat as much as I want. When do you get another fill? I get my next one on August 11th. The first one did not do much for me.

  12. apple juice has a lot of empty calories. I suggest Crystal Light or Water instead. I was banded the same day as you! I have had one fill and at this point can eat as much soft type food as I want, but if I eat hard Proteins (chicken, beef cubes etc) I have some restriction so I try to stick with that. I have 2cc in a 9 cc band. Try a food journal some foods will really sneak up on you calorie wise.

  13. I am in the same boat as you. I was denied for lack of diet history although I had years of medical records. I did not want to wait, I self-paid and am now going to appeal and try for some type of reimbursement. By going self-pay, I will have saved them $8k over the insurance price. I am glad I went this route, I have lost 27lbs since May 29th and am feeling great. Maybe if I get a lawyer involved I can at least get partial reimbursement.

  14. I had surgery on Friday, went back to work on Monday. I have a fairly physical job. It was fine, I was just tired by 2 or so for the first week. Then it was full steam ahead. I have also had a few knee surgeries, I used to be a runner (very ironic) and had torn my acl 2 times. The lap band was WAY easier than knee surgeries. The gas was the only hard part. It is not bad at all and it certainly makes you not want to eat which is the whole point of surgery. Good luck!

  15. I am so sorry for your pain, this is totally UNFAIR! I suggest you go do something you have always wanted to do. Take your boys to Disney land, dye your hair, get a tattoo, something you always wanted to do, but never did for yourself. Leave your "husband" out of it. Go spend a large amount of money on YOU! Good Luck and be strong, use your anger to fuel a better you.

  16. the port is flatter with a bigger "injection" port so it is easier to find with a needle. I got the realize band due to being "self-pay" and it is cheaper than the lap band. So far, my weight is plummeting. I have not yet had a fill, I am 20 days past surgery, 17.5 lbs gone. I was back at work in three days, I have a fairly physical job, So, so far, love the realize band!

  17. Good luck with healthnet. They denied my claim for not enough evidence of recent "diet" attempts. Total BS. I had over 10 years of yo-yo weight loss documentation. Some of it medically supervised, some of it simply records of rollercoaster weight loss from my reg. drs. They did not like it was not within the past 6 months. Like I am going to discover something new that I haven't tried before! I went ahead and did self-pay, but am trying to appeal and get them to reimburse me (yeah right).

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