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Posts posted by Kam-R

  1. Just to put minds at ease my surgeon said you can't stretch your pouch with Water. I was able to drink a lot quite quickly. He told me not to, should practice on being more mindful but its not going to hurt your weight loss/do any damage.

    As far as I can tell the sooner I drink water post eating the quicker I get hungrier, might be water pushing food out of system quicker?

  2. Thanks so much for your reply. The suggestions when written down like that seem so achievable, I just need to start. I've started logging again today in My Fitness Pal & it's amazing how suddenly a cookie doesn't seem worth it when you see the nutrional information :)

    I'm going to try a walk from home video tomorrow, checked one out briefly & looks like a good way to get back into moving.

    I'm come so far & worked really hard to get this far. Time for the final push! Then the hard of work of maintaining can begin.

  3. Hi all.

    I need some help.

    Had my surgery Oct 2020. Went private in the UK which means no psychological help/therapy beforehand & £10,000 out of pocket 😕

    I lost very quickly & easily, minimal complications. I'm about 12kg from my goal bmi of 23 and feel & look a million times better. But... I've stopped trying.

    I injured myself about a month ago & couldn't exercise, I stopped tracking food & started eating rubbish. Not binge eating but actively making terrible choices, partly because real food was a struggle for a while & junk gave me energy at least.

    I'm not losing but not putting on. I'm fit again but can't bring myself to exercise. Friends & family haven't noticed an issue as I'm a normal weight now but I know I have more to lose & would like to. Not sure what's happened, I just can't seem to remotivate & I'm terrified about wasting this "golden" time & know that if I carry on I will eventually start to gain.

    Any advice or suggestions would be most welcome. Every day that passes I feel a little more lost & useless.

  4. Just to add, as a fellow "lightweight" I was expecting slowish weightloss but was one of those who dropped big numbers very quickly. This gave me my own anxiety but this board & the advice of veterans put my mind at rest. Your body will do what it wants to :)

    Good luck. I'm just over 3 months out now & it's the best thing I've done for myself in forever.

  5. I know we're all different but this thread did make me smile. I don't know why but pizza (sourdough base) has gone down really well for me from about 6 weeks onwards. I was so nervous trying it but it was fine & for about 2 weeks recently when my sleeve hated everything (even after going back to liquids/soft food) was all I could eat.

    I can only manage a couple of slices & having been to the US, the slices here in the UK are a lot smaller! No impact on weight loss either but it was a rare meal for me pre surgery so don't plan on adding it as a regular thing as can see it derailing as the restriction lessens.

  6. Hi all,

    I just had my first blood test results back after my gastric sleeve which was done on the 19th October 2020. The bloods were taken on 24th Dec 2020. Everything looking great, except the Iron levels which are very high. I'm not taking any iron specific supplements but it is part of my Multivitamin.

    Does anyone have any experience of this, should I be worried? I don't feel unwell, have tolerated red meat really well...maybe too well? There is lots of info out there on iron deficiency but not alot the other way round. I'll be seeing my DR on Monday.

    Thanks in advance.

  7. Spinach, cucumber & apple is my favourite smoothie! I started on them around 5 weeks out in my pureed food stage. I'm now almost 3 months out & still can't eat veg without a lot of restriction so its the only way I can get it in.

    Agree with a previous poster, prioritise Protein first over the smoothie though. Now my stomach is stronger i add chia seeds to mine which provides fibre & a little protein, always weigh the seeds though as they are more calories than you think. Lastly, remember the sugar in fruit changes more to "bad" sugar when juiced so I'd make sure you limit the quantity.

    I'm going to try ginger now you've suggested it in my morning smoothie tomorrow :)

  8. Not totally the same as you but I've had no trouble with Water from about 4 days out. Can finish 500ml (sorry UK) in about 10 mins but my surgeon did ask me not to & to try & do it over 30 mins. Apart from veg I've not had issues tolerating anything either, meeting Protein goals & sometimes feel real hunger.

    Please try not to worry, I know that's hard, I'm a worrier. This forum has helped loads though & I'm learning every person has a unique response to these surgeries. I've lost over 55% of my excess weight since late October by the way, so even people like us are capable of losing. You're not damaging your sleeve :)

  9. Thanks for all the replies. It's genuinely put my mind at rest. I try hard not to compare to others as everyone is so different but the surgeon stall talk felt almost like a threat hanging over me & I'm easily derailed!

    I'll stick to my plan, keep prioritising the Protein & Water & try to enjoy the journey again.

    I really rate the support & experience on this forum a lot. It's been a wild few months since I had my surgery, reading & chatting with others who are in the same boat is essential. Thanks again.

  10. Hi all. Hope you all had a great Christmas. I'm aware that this thread might come across in the wrong way given some people's experiences/troubles. I truly don't mean it to, I suffer from anxiety bouts & think the holiday season has triggered one. I was worried initially I was 'losing too fast but this forum reassured me that all was normal & to chill. (Not much support in UK for private aka self funding patients)

    I had surgery on the 19th October & have lost 0.8 lbs a day since (averaged out). I haven't had a stall like most people describe, 2-3 days max but pre menstruation. I know everyone & every body is different, my surgeon was surprised when I told him & said to expect a very very long stall, he guessed imminently. That was just over 2 weeks ago. I've been on edge waiting for it since!

    Is there anything I can do to prepare. I'm expecting the worst now & the numbers going down on the scale are starting to make me anxious not happy. I had 2 days off plan for Christmas, food choices not awful, but not good! scales today show another 4 pounds off. Am I just going to stop losing 1 day soon & have to wait months for it to restart? I had 118 pounds to shift & have lost 60. Sorry for the essay!

  11. Thanks for posting this question OP. Reading the responses is super useful & insightful. My dietitian reccomended way more calories than my surgeon. I was happily reaching 700 sometimes 800 at a month out but then switched to real food & there is NO way I could do that now. I'm about the same out as you, 2 months & depending on exercise at about 500-750 a day. Still high compared to some but I just do what feels good.

    Sounds like you're doing great & if making Protein, Water, Vitamin goals it all sounds good

  12. Hi

    Just wondering if anyone did their measurements early on in the weight loss process? I'm officially 2 months 3 days post surgery & have lost 56lb, which for me is about 47% of my excess weight. I'm over the moon. So glad I read this forum & decided to make the best decision of my life!

    Apart from my chest though my measurements don't seem to be be reducing much. I don't see how that's possible, I'm at least 3 sizes smaller in clothes.

    Should I ignore it? Am I just doing them badly? Pretty sure I'm measuring the same spot (only measuring once a month). Its a small complaint, I'm not feeling negative just a bit confused.

  13. I'm about 7.5 weeks out from surgery. So similar to you. I think as long as you're drinking enough Water, prioritising Protein & not completely sedentary the weight loss will continue. I use my fitness pal app to track everything that goes in my mouth. Annoying but keeps me on track while relearn portion/eating habits. I haven't really stalled yet but my surgeon said it just means I'll have a super long one down the road. We're all going to behave differently.

    I'd give it some time, if you really aren't moving on scales or putting on maybe speak with your surgeon & dietitian. Also, great advice i got on here was to do measurements (neck, chest, waist, hips etc) its amazing how they change even when scales remain the same.

    Good Luck!

  14. 1 hour ago, Jennifer D said:

    I was told just walking for the first 2 weeks but then after that I could do the treadmill, elliptical, and the bike. I started at 2 weeks 2 days and I go to the gym 5 days a week. My weight loss is very slow though. I am not sure what I can do to increase the weight loss. I have read others losing 20 to 40 pounds in the first month. I am going to try and increase my exercise and see if doing more than an hour a day makes a difference.

    I lost about 30lb first month post surgery but if that's "good" or not will totally depend on your starting weight! A 400lb person will likely lose much more than a 250lb person.

    What you view as slow may be just the right speed for your body.

  15. Hi - I'm 7.5 weeks post surgery (sleeve) and feeling pretty good so far. My big worry is I do not seem to be able to tolerate any vegetables or fruit well, unless blended.

    Both my nutritionist & surgeon have told me not to worry about this as long as I'm getting my Protein in (I always hit goal) & take my Vitamins. This just doesn't sound sustainable, they've not given me any timescale for such a diet.

    Any suggestions welcome. It feels wrong not to be getting my greens :)

  16. 56 minutes ago, Charming23 said:

    How long after surgery did you have to wait before you can start working out? I am not due to have surgery until May but I am a planner and like to get things in order beforehand.

    My surgeon said after about a week! But obesity aside lol, I was quite fit prior to surgery & relatively young. No heavy weights for at least 6 weeks but honestly I'm 7 weeks out and only just have enough energy to do strength training anyway. Listen to your body.

    I was walking around 10000-12000 steps 5 days out. Getting heart rate into cardio zone but it was tough. Started cross training in week 2 but gently. I've pushed too hard on occasion & felt light headed & weak. Like Grady said, everyone varies. You'll find your zone :)

  17. I'd respectfully disagree with Grady here. Advice varies in the medical world & each body/stomach is unique. You may require the odd nutritious snack, especially if its high Protein. I'm exercising at a level that requires more protein than many at my stage (I'm pretty new to this too!) My nutritionist wants me to have protein yogurts or bars post work out to prevent muscle loss.

    I know someone who has a long thin stomach & can't fit enough in at normal meal times so must supplement by snacking.

  18. 8 hours ago, JaneW24 said:

    Hey all, I am a newbie both to WLS and to the forum. I am struggling with nausea and pain at the moment and it’s really bringing me down. I am pleased I went ahead with the surgery but I hadn’t appreciated fully how slow the recovery is 😞

    How far out are you Jane? Everyone heals at different rates remember. I had to stay in the hospital for longer as I couldn't even sip Water & kept being sick. The 1st few days back home I felt beyond exhausted, sore & irritable. The minute I managed to start moving more & drinking Protein rich fluids in larger quantities the better I started to feel. Hang in there!

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